Tara L. Benda1,
Ron J. Steel1
(1) University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY
Abstract: Architecture, facies, and sequence stratigraphy of a
-order clastic wedge; Twentymile Sandstone, Mesaverde Group, NW Colorado
The Upper Campanian Williams Fork Formation contains two
-order clastic wedges, the uppermost being composed of the regressive
Twentymile Sandstone (TMS) and overlying transgressive Holderness Member (HM)
(Almond Formation equivalent). This upper
-order clastic wedge contains
five high-frequency transgressive-regressive
separated by
transgressive surfaces of erosion (TSE's) or amalgamated TSE's/sequence
boundaries. These TSE's are recognized in outcrop by a landward shift in
facies, intense marine bioturbation, and a lag deposit (often marine bi-valve
The lower TMS (wave-dominated deltaic and interdeltaic
shoreface deposits) consists of at least two stacked sequences
; the overall low
angle or downward trajectory of the shoreline suggests forced regression in
places. The flooding surfaces separating
show an increase in
bioturbation abundance and diversity, tidal influence (bi-directional currents
and carbonaceous drapes), and a slight change in grain size. The transgressive
HM, composed of three
, contains more facies assemblages than the
lower TMS. Estuarine facies, including flood tidal deltas, tidal inlets,
bayhead deltas, crevasse splay complexes, and fine-grained deposits (central
basin?) occur, along with thin, discontinuous shorefaces (often stacked),
distributary channels, marine shales, and fine-grained coastal plain deposits.
This entire fourth
-order clastic wedge shows evidence of
high-frequency rises/falls in sea level. Flooding surfaces separating the
regressive limb's stacked
illustrate the pulses of transgression
that occurred during the Western Interior Seaway's overall regression. The
high-frequency regressive phases within the transgressive limb represent small
pauses or slow downs during the sea's overall rise; these regressive phases
resulted in deposition of the HM's complex facies architecture.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90914©2000 AAPG Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana