--> Abstract: Integrated Exploration Techniques Applied In A Frontier Deep-water Setting: The Vøring Basin, Mid-Norway, by S. D. James, C. Holmsen, F. Sanchez-Ferrer, and A. M. Evans; #90923 (1999)
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JAMES, S.D., C. HOLMSEN, F., SANCHEZ-FERRER, and A. M., EVANS, A/S Norske Shell, Tananger, Norway

Abstract: Integrated Exploration Techniques Applied In A Frontier Deep-water Setting: The Vøring Basin, Mid-Norway

Since early 1996 Norske Shell as operator of the Helland Hansen licence has undertaken exploration of a new deep-water Cretaceous play in the previously undrilled Vøring Basin. A large 3D seismic survey has been acquired and one well drilled. Results to date have been ambiguous, with poor reservoir development a problem and an understanding of the seismic response of thin, sheet-like reservoirs a major challenge. Pre-drilling, an uncalibrated AVO study was used for lithology prediction, with partial success only. Post-drilling the focus has been on enhancing the seismic expression of thin reservoir units and distinguishing them from siltstones which have a high impedance contrast with interbedded claystones. The influence on the seismic character of diagenetic effects and the volcanic content of the reservoir also needed to be quantified.

This paper describes a route map of the multitude of Previous HitgeophysicalNext Hit techniques used both pre- and post-drilling. Highlighted will be those techniques which have proved to be particularly successful together with those which have been less useful. The value of information obtained versus cost of the techniques will be evaluated in order to help plan future cost effective exploration strategies in other areas. The results show that an integration of regional geology and advanced Previous HitgeophysicalTop techniques is necessary to develop a coherent reservoir model.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90923@1999 International Conference and Exhibition, Birmingham, England