The Stratigraphic Framework of Sapelo Island, Georgia: A Shallow
Refection Study,
A. O. Adesida
Quantitative Basin
and Kinetics of the Lower Cretaceous Ostracode Zone, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin,
N. T. Akpulat
Sedimentology, Stratigraphy and Basin Evolution of Aptian-Albian Platform Carbonates of Oman,
Z. S. Al-Rawahi
A Flexural Model for the Paradox Basin,
D. L. Barbeau
Petrological and Geochemical Analysis of Mine Spoil to Determine the Source of Magnesium-Rich Groundwater, Star Fire Mine, Eastern Kentucky,
J. L. Barone
Foraminiferal Communities Analysis from Neogene Basins in Slovakia: Multivariate and GIS Approach,
A. Bartakovics
Architecture and Facies Changes Within the Wave-Dominated Deltaic Twentymile Sandstone, Upper Cretaceous Mesaverde Group, NW Colorado,
T. Benda and R. Steel
High-resolution Stratigraphic Correlation of the Late Cretaceous Pierre Shale Using Bentonite Beds,
J. L. Bertog
Late Cretaceous to Eocene Integrated Structural and Geodynamic Analysis of Five Colorado Plateau Uplifts,
A. P. Bump
Facies Control of Karst Development, Carlsbad Cavern and Lechuguilla Cave, Capitan Reef Complex, New Mexico,
P. A. Burger
The Cura-Mallin Basin: Tectonic and Stratigraphic Analysis of an Intra-arc Basin in the Southern Andes of Argentina and Chile,
W. M. Burns
Chronostratigraphy and Paleoenvironmental Significance of Organic-Rich Facies In Paraglacial Barrier Sequences, Peninsular Coast of Maine,
I. V. Buynevich
Reservoir Quality Prediction in Alberta's Deep Basin Conglomerates; Assessing Diagenesis from Burial and Thermal History,
D. W. Clemenson
Sequence Stratigraphy of a Paleogene, Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Shelf, North Carolina, USA,
B. P. Coffey
A New Tectonic Model for the Evolution of the Northern Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia,
F. M. Daim
Submarine Canyons and Sonic Velocity Problems; Ideas from the Tertiary Cool-Water Carbonate Seaspray Group, Gippsland Basin, Southeast Australia,
J. Daniels
Enhancement or Development of Ribbon Bedding at the Opal-A to Opal-CT Transition in the Miocene Monterey Formation, Mussel Rock, California,
C. T. Deason
Origin and Distribution of Organic Matter in Mudstones of the Lower Cretaceous Cloverly Formation of Wyoming,
W. S. Elliott, Jr.
Microbiological Impacts on the Development of Subsurface Porosity in Sulfidic Karst Systems,
A. S. Engel
Stratigraphy and Ichnology of the Lower Cretaceous Chinkeh Formation, Liard Basin, Northeastern British Columbia,
J. H. Frank
The Paleohydrological Modelling of Petroleum Fields. Application on the Lebada Field, Romanian Sector of the Black Sea Shelf,
G. Gavrilescu
Quantification of Quartz Cement and Pressure Solution Volumes, East Brae Field, Offshore UK,
A. Grau
The Depositional History of the Mangas Conglomerate, Grant County, Southwestern New Mexico,
J. D. Griffin
Stratigraphic History and Structural Evolution of the Corocoro-Corque Syncline, Western Bolivia,
B. A. Hampton
Jurassic to Quaternary Upper Ocean Circulation and Petroleum Source Rock Formation in the Atlantic,
I. C. Handoh
Stratigraphy and Correlation of Triassic and Jurassic Rocks in West-Central Arizona and Southeastern California,
E. V. Hargrave
Relationship between Paleoclimate and Source Rocks from Molecular Markers in the North Sea,
S. He
Working Towards a Subsidence History for a Late Orogenic Polyhistory Basin: The Sorbas-Tabernas Basin, SE Spain,
D. M. Hodgson
The Marine Cretaceous Hydrocarbon Potential and Depositional Environment in Southern Tibet,
X. Hu
Investigation of the Groundwater Flow System within an Oil Sand Tailings Dyke, Suncor Energy, Alberta, Canada,
G. P. Hunter
Lower Paleozoic Regional Hydrogeochemistry In the Williston Basin, Canada/USA,
H. T. Iampen
Controls on Facies Distribution in a Temperate-Water Carbonate Ramp, SE Spain,
C. L. Johnson
Conodont Biostratigraphy of the Cape Phillips Formation (Lower Silurian), Cornwallis Island, Canadian Arctic,
D. M. S. Jowett and C. R. Barnes
Determination of Methane Hydrate and Free Gas Amounts in Marine Sediments, Blake Ridge, Offshore South Carolina,
M. Kloska and W. S. Holbrook
The Generative Petroleum Potential of the Tertiary Sediments in the Banat Depression (Pannonian Basin, Yugoslavia),
A. Kostic
Late Pleistocene and Holocene Tectonics and Sedimentation in the Lake Edward basin, East Africa,
T. Laerdal
High Resolution Chronologies of Deformation and Synorogenic Sedimentation in Northern Rocky Mountains, Idaho, USA,
D. K. Latta
Rules-Based Quantitative Description of Bed-Normal Joint Patterns in Sedimentary Rocks,
W. F. Lawdermilk
The Nature and Origin of Injected Sands Associated with Deep-Water Sandstones,
N. A. Lee
Oil Shale in the Tertiary Hoh Xil Basin, Northern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,
Z. Liu and C. Wang
Relationship of Subsurface Distribution and Thickness Patterns of Carboniferous Rock Units to the Structure of the La Salle Anticlinorium, Lawrence County, IL,
D. K. Lumm
Diagenesis and Dolomitization of the Pliocene Pedro Castle Formation, Cayman Brac, British West Indies,
A. J. MacNeil
Integrated Sequence Stratigraphic Study of the Upper Cretaceous Deposits, Rio Grande Embayment, Northwestern Gulf of Mexico Basin, Using
, Well and Outcrop Data,
Salah El-Din Ragab Mahmoud
Origin and Tectonic Significance of Clastic Dikes in the Deer Haven Area of Badlands National Park, South Dakota,
J. A. Malburg
Strike-Slip to Dip-Slip Strain Transfer in an Actively Subsiding Pullapart Basin along the Dead Sea Transform, Aqaba, Jordan,
N. Mansoor
Tertiary Sedimentation in the Sacramento Pass Basin, East-Central Nevada: Implications for the Evolution of Extensional Detachment Faults in the Basin and Range,
C. M. Martinez
Clay and Evaporite-Mineral Geochemistry in the Lago de Urao Basin: Clues to Climatic Fluctuations in the Late Quaternary of Venezuela,
M. M. Mazzarino
Growth Strata Analysis of the Cretaceous to Paleogene Potrerillos Formation Adjacent to El Gordo Salt Diapir, Nuevo Leon, Mexico,
D. W. Mercer
Application of Sequence Stratigraphy to Reservoir Delineation and Description in the Central OML 33, Niger Delta,
O. R. Ojo
Thermal History and Hydrocarbon Generation in the Surat/Bowen Basin, Northern New South Wales, Australia,
R. Othman
The Age, Geometry, Kinematic, and Regional Tectonic Setting of the Glacier Lakes and Gemini Fault Zones, Central Sierra Nevada, California,
M. A. Pachell
The Altun Fault Zone - a Cenozoic Crustal Scale Strike-Slip Fault Zone in Mid-Asia,
H. Pan
Basement Control on Gondwana Continental Break-Up in the South Atlantic,
D. A. Paton
Geology of Lower Tertiary Coal Deposits of Tosh Area, Western Nepal,
K. R. Paudyal
Syndepositional Faulting and Facies Assemblages: Revised Depositional Models, Eugene Island 300 Area, Offshore Louisiana, Gulf of Mexico,
C. P. Plank
Interpretation and Usage of the Spectral-Time Analysis for Goals of Development Petroleum Geology,
A. A. Popov
Use of a Petrophysical-Based Reservoir Zonation and Multicomponent (3-D, 3C)
Attributes for Improved Geologic
M. J. Pranter
Origin of Allocycles, Depositional Sequences, and System Tracts and Their Relationship, Lower-middle Jurassic, East of Jungar Basin, Northwest China,
R. Pu
Sequence Stratigraphic-Based Correlation Strategy of the Lewis Shale and Fox Hills Sandstone, Great Divide and Washakie Basins, Wyoming,
D. R. Pyles
Biostratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous (Barremian-Albian succession of the Kopet Dagh Basin, NE-Iran,
S. N. Raisossadat
The Potential For A Trans-Iapetus K-bentonite Stratigraphy Of The Latest Liandovery and Wenlock Series (Silurian),
D. C. Ray and C. E. Brett
Radiogenic Isotope Chemostratigraphy and Stratal Geometries of the Lacustrine Laney Member, Green River Formation, Southwestern Wyoming,
M. K. Rhodes
Non-Eustatic Mechanisms for the Origin of Unconformities,
M. J. Saurborn
Evidence for Hyperpycnal Flows in the Clinothems of the Eocene Battfjellet Formation, Spitsbergen, Norway,
M. E. Schellpeper
Quantification of Vuggy Porosity Using Electrical Borehole Images, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Images, and Core in the Upper Pennsylvanian of the Indian Basin Field, New Mexico,
J. L. Schindler
Determination of Acid Rock Drainage and Fluid Flux Using Geochemical Tracers: Sulphur Bank Mercury Mine Superfund Site, Clear Lake, California,
W. G. Shipp
Paleoclimatic Interpretation using Calcareous Nannoplankton, Solo River Ngawii Area, Indonesia,
U. C. Siti
Stratigraphy and Stromatolites in a Late Devonian Reef Tract, Canning Basin, Western Australia,
N. P. Stephens
Cambrian Strata in the Caborca (Sonora, Mexico) and Southern Basin and Range (Arizona) Regions: An Integrated Approach to Assess Regional Relations,
J. M. Strickland
The Analogue
of Yinggehai Basin,
Z. Sun
Late Paleozoic Foreland Deformation and Stratigraphic Development in the Southwestern Midland Basin, Permian Basin, West Texas,
P-C. Tai
Comparison of
Methods for Delineating Coal Seams,
C. H. Walton
Kinematic Analysis and Structural geology of the Mosca Creek Area, West Side of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, Alamosa County, Colorado,
R. J. Webster
Influence of Salt Diapirism Versus Sierra Madrean Shortening on Deposition of the Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) Muerto Formation, La Popa Basin, Northeastern Mexico,
A. L. Weislogel
Sandbody Variability and Classification in the Ferris and Hanna Formations (Maastrichtian-Danian): Implications for Timing of Retreat of the Western Interior Sea,
A. F. J. Wroblewski and R. Steel
A Low Ash Intermontane Coal Analogue from the Tropical Rheotrophic Tasek Bera Peat Swamp Basin, Malaysia,
R. A. J. Wüst and R. M. Bustin
Development of a 3-D Sequence Stratigraphy for Mississippian Limestone Reservoirs of Subsurface Appalachian Basin, West Virginia and Kentucky,
T. C. Wynn and J. F. Read
Mahu Sag Petroleum System in NW Junger Basin,
F. Xie
High Resolution Chemostratigraphy of Amalgamated Paleosols,
L. D. Young
Tear Faults in Anticlinal Folds, Thermopolis Anticline, Wyoming, USA,
C. K. Zahm
Laboratory Simulation of Hydrocarbons Formation from Fatty Acid Salts,
S. Zhou
The Experimental Study on the Influence of Fault on Hydrocarbon Migration and Entrapment,
S. Zuo