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McDONALD, JAMES; and MARK E. WOLFE , Ohio Division of Geological Survey, Columbus, OH

Abstract: Availability of The Upper Freeport (No. 7) Coal in Eastern Ohio

The Ohio Division of Geological Survey, in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey, has completed a GIS-based investigation on the availability of the Upper Freeport (No. 7) coal in Ohio. Previous coal availability investigators in Ohio conducted detailed computer-based studies of all mineable coals at the 7.5-minute-quadrangle scale. This investigation is the first attempt to determine the amount of coal from a single bed available for mining statewide.

Two types of data were compiled and computerized: (1) line and area data from maps, such as coal croplines and mined-out areas, and (2) point data, such as drill-hole descriptions and measured sections. Digital maps of coal structure, thickness, abandoned surface and underground coal mines, cropline, and overburden were generated. Digital maps of Previous HitlandNext Hit-use activities which may restrict mining (urban areas, highways, state parks, etc.) were modified from Ohio Department of Transportation digital files. A personal-computer-based geographic information system was used to perform the resource calculations.

The accuracy of GIS-derived values for original coal-resources was verified by comparing the results to earlier coal-resource investigations in Ohio and to an ongoing coal-assessment study by the U. S. Geological Survey. The methodology will be applied to other significant coal beds in Ohio so that an accurate estimate of the total available coal statewide can be made. It is hoped this information will enhance future Previous HitlandTop-use decisions. 

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90926©1999 AAPG Eastern Section Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana