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Texaco Exploration and Production Inc., New Orleans, LA

Abstract: Depositional Facies Interpretation and Reservoir Delineation Using Stratal-slicing Technique on 3D Seismic Data with Example from Lake Barre Field, South Central Louisiana

Depositional facies interpretation based on 3D seismic data has become increasingly popular over the past few years. What made this possible is that horizontal Previous HitresolutionNext Hit of 3D seismic, which is controlled by acquisition bin width, is often finer than Previous HitlateralNext Hit facies change. Therefore, a number of depositional facies can be resolved on 3D seismic data. Proportional slicing or stratal slicing is a technique that has been developed in recent years by geologists to aid in depositional facies interpretations. It uses a program to slice through a 3D data volume proportionally between two horizons, flatten the horizons as well as the slices and convert the data into a relative chronostratigraphic time volume. The resultant data can be easily visualized in a number of 3-D visualization softwares. This enables geologists to study minor Previous HitlateralTop facies variations and vertical changes through time. Therefore, spatial and temporal distribution of reservoirs can be delineated. Application of this technique in Texaco has achieved the best results in fluival and deep-water turbidite systems. The stratal-sliced 3D seismic volume from Lake Barre field revealed depositional facies from large meandering channels, small distributary channels, tidal channels, point bars, and shelf sheet sands. These depositional facies can be correlated with well log data. Abrupt vertical changes between different depositional systems are observed. We are currently using these results along with production data to characterize the reservoirs in this field.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90928©1999 AAPG Annual Convention, San Antonio, Texas