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Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, Denmark.

Abstract: Clastic Previous HitReservoirNext Hit Characterisation using Seismic Impedances and Geostatistics: Middle Jurassic unit of the Harald Previous HitFieldNext Hit, Danish North Sea

Seismic impedances were applied to characterise a Previous HitreservoirNext Hit composed of clastic sediments, the Middle Jurassic Previous HitreservoirNext Hit unit of the Harald Previous HitfieldNext Hit in the Central Graben, Danish North Sea. Expected reserves (1996) are 7xl06 m3 oil and condensate and 25xl06 Nm3 gas consisting of two accumulations: an Upper Cretaceous and Danian Chalk unit located above a salt piercement, and a Middle Jurassic sandstone unit located in adjacent tilted fault blocks of considerable relief.

Because Previous HitreservoirNext Hit properties are linked to sedimentary facies, the facies distributions were analysed before we analysed porosity, key Previous HitreservoirNext Hit parameter. The Previous HitreservoirNext Hit characterisation uses an indicator conditional simulation technique, which produces stochastic Previous HitsimulationsNext Hit of Previous HitreservoirNext Hit properties beyond the control of hard data points. Well observations and seismic impedances condition geostatistical simulation of facies as well as, porosity. In addition transgressive trends and facies associations were honoured. Only three wells were available to condition Previous HitsimulationsNext Hit due to the Previous HitfieldTop being at an early stage of development. Given a cell size in the characterisation of 20x20x6 m, the characterised number of cells is about four orders of magnitude greater than the number of cells checked by wells.

Characterisation results can be used to map hydrocarbons in place because modest effects of capillary forces produces simple relationships between porosity and water saturation linked to rock type.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90928©1999 AAPG Annual Convention, San Antonio, Texas