--> Abstract: Use Of Petrophysical-Based Reservoir Zonation And Time-Lapse, Multicomponent (4D, 3C) Seismic Attributes For Improved Geologic Modeling, by M. J. Pranter and N. F. Hurley; #90928 (1999).
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Colorado School of Mines, Department of Geology and Geological Engineering, Golden, CO

Abstract: Use of Petrophysical-Based Reservoir Zonation and Time-Lapse, Multicomponent (4D, 3C) Seismic Attributes for Improved Geologic Modeling

A petrophysical-based method to define hydraulic flow units is utilized to develop the reservoir zonation within a Previous HitsequenceNext Hit stratigraphic framework for the San Andres Dolomite at Vacuum Field. Flow units are characterized using relationships among flow capacity (kh), storage capacity (fh). and pore geometry as determined from Previous HitlogNext Hit data and core. These relationships are validated using capillary pressure Previous HitanalysisNext Hit and scanning electron microscope (SEM) images. The stratigraphic framework and reservoir zonation are used to build a three-dimensional reservoir model with limited or no upscaling prior to flow simulation. Pore geometry characteristics are related to Previous HitwellNext Hit Previous HitlogTop data to estimate reservoir quality in non-cored wells.

Reservoir parameters including porosity, permeability, and fluid saturations are distributed among wells by integrating seismic data. Seismic attributes, including amplitude and complex trace statistics, Vp/Vs, and shear-wave anisotropy, are used to develop a calibration function to populate the model in the interwell space. Seismic-guided porosity and permeability provide the static reservoir properties, while variations in dynamic properties, including fluid saturations, are incorporated using data from repeated three-dimensional seismic surveys (pre- and post-CO2 injection).

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90928©1999 AAPG Annual Convention, San Antonio, Texas