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Exxon Exploration Co., Houston, Texas

Abstract: The Kazhdumi Hydrocarbon System of the Northern Arabian Gulf

Within this prolific system reserves are primarily in the OligoMiocene Asmari of the Khuzestan Province in Iran, and the Albian Burgan and Safaniya/Khafji sandstones of eastern Kuwait and northeast Saudi Arabia. The primary source rocks for the system are over pressured Albian Kazhdumi bituminous shales in Iran.

Geohistory profiles coupled with subsurface temperatures and organic Previous HitmaturationNext Hit data from wells in the Zagros foredeep in Iran indicate rapid Miocene-Recent burial and hydrocarbon generation in the Kazhdumi. Evolution of this foredeep controlled the key system elements of Previous HitmaturationTop, migration, and trap development. Rapid sediment loading on the outboard margin of the Arabian Plate thermally matured the Kazhdumi and created a regional flexure that allowed generated hydrocarbons to migrate into large coeval clastic shelfal reservoir systems in Kuwait (Burgan) and Saudi Arabia (Safaniya / Khafji). Zagros structuring created a wide range of hydrocarbon traps. In Iran these are predominately large amplitude compressional anticlines. In eastern Kuwait and Saudi Arabia the dominant structural styles were growth in drape closures over re-activated basement blocks and in Infracambrian salt cored structures. Extensive fracturing in Iran enhanced reservoir characteristics of carbonates and created vertical migration fairways that allowed Kazhdumi generated hydrocarbons to charge Asmari reservoirs sealed by Lower Fars evaporites.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90928©1999 AAPG Annual Convention, San Antonio, Texas