[First Hit]

Datapages, Inc.Print this page

1Chevron USA Production Company
2Chevron Petroleum Technology Company

Abstract: Construction and Use of Multi-Attribute Cubes for Structural Previous HitInterpretationNext Hit of the Main Pass 299 Salt Dome, Gulf of Mexico

Structural Previous HitinterpretationNext Hit around salt domes is often complicated by imaging problems and the presence of steeply dipping Previous HitseismicNext Hit reflectors and faults of varying orientations. Previous HitInterpretationNext Hit using only Previous HitseismicNext Hit amplitude and/or amplitude difference (Edge) cubes is time consuming and can often be misleading. Properly processed multi-attribute cubes which incorporate both the amplitude and the Edge information contain the Previous HitdataNext Hit necessary to map faults and related stratal geometries and allow the interpreter to make more realistic structural interpretations. In the Main Pass 299 area we have used Previous HitseismicNext Hit Edge detection technology and a workflow that utilizes multiple properties of the Previous HitseismicNext Hit Previous HitdataNext Hit to help resolve small scale faulting adjacent to salt and define untested fault blocks. Significant business impacts of the application of this workflow in the Main Pass 299 field include; reduction of Previous HitinterpretationNext Hit cycle time, an increased confidence in the structural Previous HitinterpretationNext Hit and the delineation of potential unbooked reserves in an untested fault block.

Three workstation applications for combining Previous HitseismicNext Hit attributes into a single visual presentation were compared. In-house 3D Previous HitinterpretationNext Hit software combines Previous HitseismicNext Hit attributes by pixel dithering or a spatial interleaving of the two input cubes. This process results in decreased resolution of each of the attributes being combined, but provides the ability to interactively change the weighting of each attribute within the multi-attribute cube. Combination of Previous HitseismicNext Hit attributes at full resolution using the properties of color (intensity, hue and saturation) was accomplished with proprietary software. Combination of Previous HitseismicNext Hit attributes with commercially available 3D visualization and image processing software (VoxelGeo) allows the user real time interactive control over attribute weighting at full resolution and was used to optimize attribute weighting parameters and produce an optimum multi-attribute Previous HitinterpretationNext Hit product for structural Previous HitinterpretationNext Hit.

A structural/stratigraphic Previous HitinterpretationNext Hit workflow utilizing single (amplitude) and the multi-attribute (amplitude and amplitude difference) Previous HitseismicNext Hit Previous HitdataNext Hit cube, 3D visualization software and conventional 2D mapping applications was used for Previous HitseismicNext Hit Previous HitinterpretationNext Hit, map generation and prospect evaluation.

Our work has shown that optimizing Edge processing parameters and color balancing of Previous HitseismicNext Hit attributes in multi-attribute cubes has a significant effect on imaging faults and therefore interpreting complex structure around salt domes. In Edge processing the Main Pass 299 Previous HitdataNext Hit we used dip steering and an improved difference algorithm that produces higher resolution edges from the input volume of Previous HitseismicNext Hit Previous HitdataTop. The result is a sharper definition and discrimination of individual faults in steeply dipping areas adjacent to the salt dome where remaining development/delineation drill potential exists.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90928©1999 AAPG Annual Convention, San Antonio, Texas