--> Abstract: Creation of the North Texas Geoscience Technology Training Center at Brookhaven College, Dallas, Texas, by M. D. Dollins and J. Blake; #90936 (1998).
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Abstract: Creation of the North Texas Geoscience Technology Training Center at Brookhaven College, Dallas, Texas

DOLLINS, MICHAEL D., KCS Medallion Resources, Dallas, Tx; andJUDI BLAKE, Brookhaven College, Dallas, TX

Computer applications for collecting, processing and interpreting geological and Previous HitgeophysicalNext Hit data are rapidly advancing. The ability to use these computer methods is becoming a requirement for new employment and maintaining current employment. Only the largest companies provide new technology training which is typically conducted by outside vendor representatives teaching the vendors proprietary programs. While these vendors also offer training to the broader industry, their courses can be expensive and conducted at inconvenient times or locations for most independents. Few geoscientists and small companies are willing to commit to the significant initial investment for this new technology without some basic instruction and review of the various options available.

In response to the need for affordable and accessible training, the geoscience community of Dallas has created the North Texas Geoscience Technology Training Center at Brookhaven College. The Center is a unique collaborative effort including geological and Previous HitgeophysicalTop societies, Brookhaven College, industry sponsors, and vendors. The purpose of the Center is to be a permanent regional training facility serving geoscientists throughout North Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas. Courses will be offered for both credit and continuing education in a flexible community education setting with most classes during evenings and weekends. The Center will be operational in January, 1998 with initial instruction in Unix and PC based 3-D seismic interpretation. In addition to workstation instruction, the Center will provide a permanent location for all geoscience continuing education and short courses in the region and a certification program for geotechnicians.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90936©1998 AAPG Southwest Section Meeting, Wichita Falls, Texas