--> Abstract: 3D Reservoir Visualization - Case Study from a Reservoir Development Program: South Belridge California, by M. D. Wracher, G. A. Myers, M. M. Carlsen, S. D. Badger, A. R. Pieroni, K. S. Pereira, L. L. Denning, D. G. McKay, and R. P. Fairman; #90935 (1998).
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Abstract: 3D Reservoir Visualization - Case Study from a Reservoir Development Program: South Belridge California

WRACHER, Previous HitMNext Hit. Previous HitDNext Hit., G. A. MYERS, Previous HitMNext Hit. Previous HitMNext Hit. CARLSEN, S. Previous HitDNext Hit. BADGER, A. R. PIERONI, K. S. PEREIRA, L. L. DENNING, and Previous HitDTop. G. McKAY, Aera Energy, LLC, Bakersfield, CA; andR. P. FAIRMAN, Epoch Well Logging, Bakersfield, CA

A high-resolution 3D seismic survey was acquired at South Belridge in the spring of 1997, imaging the Tulare Formation. This data set became the foundation of an aggressive development program in Aera Energy's Marina Lease. Integration of the seismic data, well control, and interpretation into an 3D visualization model has allowed successful horizontal well planning and drilling in a structurally complex portion of the Belridge anticline. The location of faults, identified during interpretation and modeling, have been verified by the drill bit during our development program.

The flexibility of the modeling program has allowed the creation of many alternate interpretations before deciding on a final version. Products from the model include preliminary and final horizontal well paths, saturation models, along with, well path cross-sections, and reservoir zone maps.

The model was built "just in time" to drill horizontal wells in the development area. A 3D model in this complex area gave the multi-disciplinary team a common technical framework that facilitated communication and fast decision making. Integration of new technology, teamwork and process improvement allowed the drilling of 15 horizontal wells by December 1997 from a 3D data set received in July of 1997.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90935©1998 AAPG Pacific Section Meeting, Ventura, California