Pande Gas Field - Integrated Upstream/Downstream Remote Exploitation Gas Project,
I. Abdula, D. A. Nelson, and C. L. Reese
Geometry of Turbidite Deposits in a Precambrian Foreland Brazilian Basin,
C. J. Abreu and B. N. Carrasco
3-D Seismic Stratigraphic Inversion: a Lithology-Based Approach for Seismic Reservoir Characterization in Deep Water Campos Basin,
C. E. B. S. Abreu, P. R. S. Johann, L. C. S. Freitas, C. H. L. Bruhn, R. Beer, D. J. Sarzenski, and Z. Camoleze
Expulsion and Trapping Potential of Oil and Gas in the Paleozoic Hydrocarbon System, Central Saudi Arabia,
M. A. Abu-Ali, J. L. Ruddkiewicz, J. G. McGillivray, and J. M. Gaulier
Post-Rift Hydrocarbon Systems, Greater Amazon Mouth, Brazil: Transition from Shelf to Basin and Source Distribution Controls,
D. M. Advocate, S. W. Young, A. H. Ross, T. P. Buerkert, J. E. Nealand, and K. L. Mahon
The Influence of Diapiric Topography on the Deposition of Turbidite Sandstones,
O. Al-Ja'aidi, B. Knellier, and B. McCaffrey
Seismic Illumination Models Applied to Subsalt Exploration,
M. Albertin and D. Sedgeley
Angola - The Lower Congo Basin Tertiary Petroleum Systems Hydrocarbon Distribution in Relation with the Structural and Sedimentary Evolution,
J. Amaral, J. J. Biteau, P. Zaroslinska, and L. DeCosta
The Pre-salt Geology of Block 4, Angola and Implications for the Post-salt Play,
J. Anderson, D. Craik, S. Drysdall, and N. Vivian
Chlorite Prediction in Deep Reservoirs of Santos Basin, Brazil,
S. M. C. Anjos, C. M. A. Silva, and M. S. Almeida
The Petroleum System in Barinas-Southern Andes, Venezuela: a Stratigraphic and Geochemical Model,
Z. Anka, A. Callejón, V. Hernández, J. Lacey, O. Gallango, and A. González
Factors Influencing Distribution and Quality of Rift Lacustrine Source Rocks in South Atlantic Rift Margin Basins of Brazil and West Africa,
K. D. Apperson, R. B. Allen, and K. Shaw
Albacora Oil Field: an Example of the Lagoa Feia-Carapebus (!) Petroleum System, Campos Basin, Brazil,
C. J. Appi, L. A. F. Trindade, F. T. T. Gonçalves, and R. P. Bedregal
Distribution and Controls of Lacustrine Source Rocks in the Recôncavo Basin, Brazil,
M. A. N. F. Aragão, L. A. F. Trindade, C. V. Aratújo, O. B. Silva, A. A. Scartezini, F. H. Oswaldo, J. A. Canário, and A. P. Garcia
Palynoforaminifera (Foraminiferal Organic Linings and Allied Material): a New Tool for Petroleum Exploration,
M. Arai and E. A. M. Koutsoukos
in a Sequence Stratigraphy Context: An Example of an Upper Aptian Section from Almada Basin, Brazil,
C. Araujo, V. Condé, J. B. Neto, E. Pedrão, and J. C. Conceição
Contrasting Middle Eocene and Upper Oligocene / Lower Miocene Deep-Water Facies and Processes from Campos Basin, Brazil,
L. M. Arienti, L. F. G. Caddah, E. B. Rodrigues, M. R. Becker, C. J. Abreu, and C. H. L. Bruhn
Geometry and High-Resolution Stratigraphy of Aptian Lacustrine Turbidites - Alagoas Rift Basin, Brazil,
L. M. Arienti
Stratigraphic Hierarchy of Organic Carbon-Rich Siltstones in Deep-Water Facies, Brushy Canyon Formation (Guadalupian), Delaware Basin, Texas,
J. M. Armentrout and K. E. Peters
Understanding Sedimentary Response to Relative Sea-Level Change: The Ocean Drilling Program (ODP)'s Mid-Atlantic Transect,
J. A. Austin, Jr. and N. Christie-Blick
Seismic Lithofacies Prediction Using AVO-
: Application to a North Sea Deep-Water Clastic System,
P. Avseth, G. Mavko, and T. Mukerji
Constraining Maturation and Yield Timing with Quartz Cement Abundance: Applications in South American Fold and Thrust Belts,
D. N. Awwiller and L. L. Summa
An Integrated Approach Using Cyclostratigraphy, Stable Isotopes and Paleoecology as a High Resolution Technique for Deep-water Reservoirs,
N. C. de Azambuja Filho, R. M. L. Azevedo, R. Rodrigues, and E. A. M. Koutsoukos
Petroleum Potential and Future Outlook in Angola,
A. Azevedo and J. Mangueira
Seismic Constraints for a Stochastic Reservoir Model, Block I Eocene C6, Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela,
I. Azpiritxaga, A. Correa, E. Hernandez, C. Coll, A. Galli, C. Ravenne, C. Castillo, E. Gonzalez, G. Gedler, and C. Vasquez
Structural Style and Timing of Hydrocarbon Entrapments in the Ecuadorian Oriente Basin,
P. Baby, M. Rivadeneira, C. Bernal, F. Christophoul, C. Dávila, M. Galárraga, R. Marocco, A. Valdez, J. Vega, and R. Barragán
Organic Geochemistry, a Powerful Technology, Applied to Characterization and Identification of Oil Spills,
S. M. Barbanti, M. R. Mello, P. W. Brooks, M. M. Reis, and J. R. Cerqueira
Deepwater Tertiary Turbidite Channel Exploration Plays, Block 14, Offshore Cabinda, Angola,
M. Barrett, A. Ruiter, T. Schirmer*, and P. Kapela
Integrated Multi-scale and Multidisciplinary Techniques Applied to the Characterization of an Upper Albian Reservoir, Campos Basin, Brazil,
A. S. Barroso, C. L. Sombra, R. K. Romeu, C. H. L. Bruhn, R. Beer, P. R. S. Johann, Y. Backheuser, L. Bonet, and M. M. M. Cortez
Modeling of Deep Water Structures in the Sergipe/Alagoas and Jacuípe Basins, in the Northeastern Brazilian Margin: an Integration of Potential Field and Seismic Data,
M. Bassetto, W. U. Mohriak, and I. S. Vieira
Sequence Stratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous Lake-Sediments of the West African Rift - a Tool for Hydrocarbon Exploration,
R. H. Bate
High Resolution Seismic/Sequence Stratigraphy of Intra-Slope Basins, Western Gulf of Mexico,
R. T. Beaubouef, S. J. Friedmann, and B. W. Alwin
Seismic Stratigraphy of Depositional Sequences: High Resolution Images from a Passive Margin Slope Setting, Offshore West Africa,
R. T. Beaubouef, T. R. Garfield, and F. J. Goulding
High-Resolution Stratigraphy of a Miocene/Oligocene Turbidite Reservoir from Deep-Water South-Central Campos Basin, Brazil,
M. R. Becker, O. C. Assis, R. R. P. Alves, R. A. Santos, A. P. Barros, M. R. Rodrigues, O. G. Souza, Jr., and C. R. O. Rodrigues
Sedimentologic Architecture and Permeability Structure of Braided Fluvial Deposits in the Cretaceous Açu Formation, Potiguar Basin, Northeast Brazil,
M. R. Becker, N. Tyler, and L. W. Lake
Integrated 2-D Mechanical and Fluid-Flow Modeling as a Tool to Understand the Role of Faults on Petroleum Migration,
R. P. Bedregal, A. Moraes, F. T. T. Gonçalves, A. A. Bender, and L. A. M. Aguiar
Faulting, Fracturing and In-Situ Stress Prediction In Hydrocarbon Reservoirs: a Finite Element Approach,
F. Beekman and J. D. van Wees
Role of Diagenesis
in Triassic and Paleozoic Reservoirs for Hydrocarbon Habitat Prediction in Eastern Algerian Sahara,
D. Bekkouche
On the Relevance of Upscaling to Petroleum Migration in Basin Modeling,
A. A. Bender, L. A. M. Aguiar, and D. E. Andrade
Diagenesis of Passive Margin Reservoirs - Upper Jurassic Smackover Formation of the Eastern Gulf Coastal Plain, USA,
D. J. Benson and E. A. Mancini
Data Integration Using GIS in the Tucano Basin, Brazil, as an Aid to Hydrocarbon Exploration,
C. M. Bentz and F. P. Miranda
Geochemical Study of the Upper Jurassic Source Rocks and Oils In Tampico-Misantla Basin (Mexico),
L. Bernal-Vargas, E. Mena-Sánchez, J. R. Román-Ramos, and J. A. Cuevas-Leree
Integrated Remote Sensing and Structural Geology to Define Complex Fold-and-Thrust Belt Structures,
F. D. Bilotti, J. H. Shaw, P. A. Brennan, C. D. Connors, and A. E. Prelat
Integration of Seismic and Surface Geochemistry Data for Evaluation of Hydrocarbon Systems in the Gulf of Mexico,
S. Boettcher, A. James, L. Wenger, O. Gross, S. Harrison, and K. Hood
Balanced Filled Lakes Worldwide: Insights for Optimum Source Character and Distribution in Brazilian Continental Margin Basins,
K. M. Bohacs and J. E. Neal
Reservoir Quality Prediction Through Simulation of Sandstone Diagenesis: Cusiana Field, Eastern Colombia,
L. M. Bonnell, E. A. Warren, and R. H. Lander
Fault Seal as the Main Hydrocarbon Trap Mechanism in the Apodi Graben - Onshore Potiguar Basin - Brazil,
W. R. E. Borges
Reservoir Characterization of the Arcabuz-Culebra Field, Mexico,
R. S. Boulter, H. Bernal, A. Mendoza, and M. Frorup
BP and the Environment in Latin America,
G. Bourne
Regional Evaluation of the Post-Salt System of Cabinda, Angola,
H. Bretthauer, L. Casimiro, P. Orsolini, and A. De Carvalho
Diagenesis and its Influence on the Creation or Destruction of the Porosity in Carbonate Sequences from Placetas TSU,
D. Brey del Rey and J. Hernandez-León
Thermal Regime of the Congo Coastal Basin,
F. Brigaud
Petroleum System Modeling in Congo: the Moho-Nkossa Case,
F. Brigaud and D. Levache
Sequence Stratigraphic Prediction of Reservoir and Source Deep-Water Angola Block 24,
D. Brock, L. Smith, and R. Sarg
The Use of Age Related Biomarkers in Oils from Southern Brazilian and West African Marginal Basins,
P. W. Brooks, M. R. Mello, S. M. Barbanti, and J. M. Moldowan
Controlling Parameters of Mineral Diagenesis in Reservoirs: the Contribution of Numerical Modeling,
E. Brosse, Y. Le Gallo, B. Bazin, and S. Jeffrey
Major Types of Deep-Water Reservoirs from the Eastern Brazilian Rift and Passive Margin Basins,
C. H. L. Bruhn
High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy and Reservoir Characterization of Oligocene/Miocene Sand-Rich Turbidites from Deep-Water Campos Basin, Brazil,
C. H. L. Bruhn, L. M. Arienti, D. D. Castro, T. Adams, A. P. Barros, D. J. Sarzenski, and Z. Camoleze
Angolan Atlantic-Margin Petroleum Systems: Pre- and Post-Salt Source-Rock Control,
R. Burwood
Implications of 3D Structural Restoration in Complex Deformation Zone: Example of an Albian Rafted Structure in the Congo Basin,
S. Calassou, X. Legrand, D. Rouby, D. Janodet, J. M. Flament, and H. Lecanu
Sedimentological Interpretation Using Advanced Automated
of Borehole Imaging Log: Example of Deep Water Deposits,
B. Caline, J. B. Ros*, P. Rabiller, and N. Keskes
Integrated Surface/Subsurface Geochemical Exploration Surveys Identify Active Petroleum System in Deepwater Angola,
N. R. Cameron, C. F. Schiefelbein, M. G. P. Brandão, and J. M. Brooks
Prediction of Hydrocarbon Quality Through Chromatographic Methods, Golfo San Jorge Basin, Patagonia Argentina,
G. Cardinali, L. Labayen, and C. Colo
Advances in Offshore Technology: New Frontiers in E and P,
L. E. G. Carneiro
Tectonic and Climatic Controls on Lacustrine Sedimentary Basins: University of Wisconsin Industrial Affiliates,
A. R. Carroll
The Distribution of Hydrocarbons and other Components in Waters and Sediments from the Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro,
G. K. Carvalhaes and P. W. Brooks
The Coquinas Sequence: Lacustrine Carbonate Reservoirs in Campos Basin,
M. D. Carvalho, R. J. Jahnert, and U. M. Praça
Exploration for Submarine Fans and Channels: Regional View and Analogs From the North Sea Fields,
G. Castano and D. O'Driscoll
Feeder Canyon Evolution Model Deduced from the Stacking Pattern of a Tertiary Turbidite System in Campos Basin, Brazil,
R. D. Castro, P. M. Magalhães, A. M. C. Moliterno, V. S. S. Santos, M. Blauth, and L. F. G. Caddah
Produced Water Treatment in Campos Basin,
J. F. T. Castro, E. Costa Bastos, and N. H. Shioya
Geometric Delineation of the Colombia Amazon Basins,
J. Ceron
Origin of Petroleum of Duran Oil Field -- Noroeste Basin, Argentina,
J. R. Cerqueira and A. E. Schulz
Past and Present Oil Migration Pathways in the Yacoraite Formation, Argentina,
N. N. Cesaretti, J. Parnell, and E. Dominguez
Variation in Oilfield Salinity as an Indicator for Fluid Flow Migration in Campos Basin,
H. K. Chang, O. V. Trevisan, and M. R. Rodriguez
Geostatistics Applied to a Reservoir Study in North Western Peru? Talara Basin,
M. Chavez-Cerna and C. Bianchi-Ramirez
Calibration of Marine and Non-Marine Cretaceous Biostratigraphic Frameworks on the African Margins of the South Atlantic Ocean and Their Correlation to the South American Margins,
Y. Y. Chen, T. C. Huang, and P. P. McLaughlin
Integrated Reservoir Management,Ubit Field, Offshore Nigeria,
C. A. Clayton, M. Anis, T. W Cooley, W. H. Troyer, J. P. Wallace, M. F. Cohen, M. M. Honarpour, K. A. Miner, M. R. Chambers, J. Gormly, A. O. Fadase, F. N. Pebdani, E. G. Odior, E. O. Ekworomadu, E. U. Nwaeri, and A. H. Membere
of Paleozoic Sandstones in Ramos field, Northwest Argentina,
J. Clivio, J. Luquez, and M. Sanguinetti
Temperature and Maturation 2-D Modeling in Southern Campos Basin,
D. F. S. Coelho and H. Johansen
Predicting Oil Charge Types and Quality in the Deepwater Offshore Lower Congo Basin, Angola,
G. A. Cole, Z. (Alan) Yu, D. Ormerod, and J. Smith
An Evaluation of Outcrop Analog Development Techniques for Deep Water Sandstone Reservoirs,
J. L. Coleman, Jr., G. H. Browne, G. R. Clemenceau, R. M. Slatt, R. J. Spang, E. T. Williams, and P. R. King
Kinematics and Deformation Modes in the Subandean Ranges of Southern Bolivia,
B. Colletta, J. Letouzey, J. Soares, and M. Specht
Compressive Anticlines of the Mid-outer Slope, Central Niger Delta,
C. D. Connors, D. B. Denson, G. Kristiansen, and D. M. Angstadt
Petroleum Geology and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Upper Jurassic - Mid Cretaceous Goru - Sembar play in Pakistan and Rajasthan (India),
P. Copestake, M. Slatford, and I. Blakeley
Geochemical Evaluation of the Petroleum Source Rock Potential of the Villeta Formation, Neiva Sub-basin, Upper Magdalena Province, Colombia,
F. Córdoba and A. F. Luiz
A Comparison of Offshore Namibia Gravity Data With Onshore Magnetic and Gravity Data,
B. Corner and R. Swart
The Impact of New Geoscience Technology on Growing Heavy Oil Production at Cold Lake, Alberta, Canada,
R. Costello
Sinuous Morphologies in Submarine Channels - Scale and Geometries in Seismic and Outcrop Indicating Possible Mechanisms for Deposition,
K. Coterill, A. Champagne, J. Coleman, D. Marotta, M. Pasley, G. Tari, L. Binga, and H. Van Dierendonck
Important Elements Of The Chubutiano Petroleum System, Offshore San Jorge Basin, Argentina,
S. Courtade, J. Curiale, S. Sperry, A. Trevena, P. Chebli, and G. Petrelli
Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of the Upper Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary at the Northern Flank of San Jorge Basin, Argentina,
S. Courtade, J. C. Rodriguez, E. Merlo, M. Russo, and J. C. Bett
Tectonic-Stratigraphic Evolution of Offshore Potiguar Basin, Brazil,
O. A. Cremonini, J. P. M. Goulart, and U. M. Soares
Generic Components of Deep-Water Clastics: Building Blocks for the Subsurface from Modern and Ancient Analogue Data,
B. Cronin and A. Hurst
Agrio (Neocomian) Petroleum Systems: Main Target in the Neuquén Basin Thrust Belt, Argentina,
C. E. Cruz, E. Kozlowski, and H. J. Villar
New Developments in Well Planning for Deep and Ultra Deep Water Fields,
J. C. Cunha, F. S. N. Rosa, I. Alves, and J. B. Saliés
Stratigraphy, Paleogeography, and Source Potential of Lower Cretaceous Strata in Central African Rift Basins: Comparison to the South Atlantic,
R. Cunningham, M. G. Watson, and J. E. Neal
Molecular and Isotopic Oil-Source Correlation in the Primary Bahia Sul (Offshore Brazil) Petroleum System,
J. Curiale, S. Sperry, and C. Schiefelbein
Quantitative Evaluation of 3D Seismic Data in an AVO Type II Environment,
M. T. Currie, S. Lancaster, T. Redshaw, and E. Areklett
Diamondoid Hydrocarbons as Indicators of Thermal Maturity and Oil Cracking,
J. Dahl, J. M. Moldowan, K. E. Peters, and M. R. Mello
AVO Studies Over Bright Spot on an Offshore Oil and Gas Field of Eastern India,
S. N. Dalei, D. Chatterjee, and A. Dehadrai
Hydrocarbon Systems of the Frontal Fold Structure, East Venezuela,
M. C. Daly, D. V. Dailey, N. E. Jones, M. Coward, and M. V. Shann
New Evidence for Extensive Sand Distribution in "Mud-Rich" Submarine Fans: Insights and Fan Models Based on ODP Drilling of Amazon Fan,
J. E. Damuth and R. O. Kowsmann
Evolving Upstream Opportunities in Angola,
J. David
Urucutuca-Urucutuca (?): A new Petroleum System in Espirito Santo Basin, Brazil,
R. S. F. Davila, A. S. Biassusi, A. C. Guirro, J. R. Brandão, and E. S. T. Frota
Map of Tectonics, Sedimentation and Hydrocarbon Distribution of the South Atlantic Margins,
I. Davison and R. Holloway
Emerging Opportunities in Offshore Brazil: The Changing Business Challenges,
A. C. S. De Agostini
Upper Jurassic Reservoirs in Different Formations of Cuba,
R. V. De Villavicencio, M. B. Villavicencio, D. Brey, and S. Blanco
Compositional Genetic Potential, Diagenetic Evolution and Reservoir Quality of Eastern Brazilian Margin Turbidites,
L. F. De Ros
Meteoric-water Influx and Porosity Evolution in Turbidite Sandstones: Evidence from Late Cretaceous/Early Tertiary Reservoirs of Espírito Santo Basin, Eastern Brazilian Margin,
L. F. De Ros, E. E. Zambonato, and S. Morad
The Pilar Basin - A New Prospect in Paraguay,
P. J. V. Delaney
The Impact of Lithology in the use of the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance to Evaluate the Tuffaceous Formations of the Golfo San Jorge Basin, Argentina,
D. Demuro, C. Colo, C. Ollier, G. Cardinali, and M. De Onofrio
Resistivity Modeling Applied to Geosteering and Formation Evaluation in Vermelho Field, Campos Basin, Brazil,
P. S. Denicol, A. A. G. Meira, G. F. Soares, and M. R. Coutinho
Vermelha Formation (Cenomanian), Area A, Cabinda, Angola: Palynomorph Biozonation and Facies Controls on Populations,
C. N. Denison
of Integrated Satellite, Land, Marine and Airborne Gravity Surveys using Euler Deconvolution and Horizontal Derivative Processes,
W. G. Dickson and J. D. Fairhead
Constraints for Plate Reconstruction using Gravity Data: Implications for Source and Reservoir Distribution,
W. G. Dickson, R. E. Fryklund, and C. G. Green
The Ñirihuau Basin(Patagonia, Argentina): Its Mesozoic Rifting And Neogene Architecture Due To Dextral Andean Transpression,
M. Diraison, P. R. Cobbold, E. A. Rosello, A. J. Amos, and O. R. López
Salt Tectonics and Sedimentation: an Integrated Interpretation Ultra Deep Water Area, Lower Congo Basin, Offshore Angola,
J. R. Dominey and S. Wiffe
Future Potential of Nigeria,
W. F. Dublin-Green
Modeling Petroleum System Dynamics in the Deep Water Gulf of Mexico,
S. J. Düppenbecker, A. S. Pepper, J. Wendebourg, J. M. Gaulier, and F. Schneider
Optimizing the Interplay Between Industry and Academic Partners: "Hub" Function of a Research Institute and Application to Petroleum Geosciences and Education,
B. C. Duval, C. Rivière, B. Durand, F. Roure, F. Schneider, and R. Eschard
Geology and Petroleum System of the Solimões Basin, Brazil,
J. F. Eiras
Megaflute Surfaces in Channelized Turbidite Systems: Their Nature, Genesis and Significance,
T. Elliott
Environmental Best Practices: Lessons Learned for the Future,
R. H. Elliott, M. H. Kolmehl, and K. Armstrong
Santos Basin - Merluza Field Turbidite Model Revisited,
G. Enciso and A. L. Tisi
Complex Andean Foreland Structures: Product of Two-Phase Tertiary Deformation,
J. R. Everett and R. J. Staskowski
Continental Integration of Gravity and Magnetic Data for South America Help to Define Basin Structures,
J. D. Fairhead and D. Blitzkow
Orderliness in the Midst of Chaos: Prediction of Deep-water Reservoir Facies in a Slump and Debris Flow-dominated System, Equatorial Guinea, West Africa,
S. B. Famakinwa and G. Shanmugam
The Silurian-Devonian Chaco Basin: a Review for Reservoir Correlation in Argentina and Bolivia,
F. Fernandez-Seveso, M. C. Vlstalli, and R. F. Viñes
The Stomiosphaeridae and Cadosinidae Families: New Use of Applied Micropaleontology to Oil Exploration,
J. Fernández-Carmona and M. P. Amador
Avoiding Failures in Reservoir Prediction from Seismic,
O. Ferraris, L. Pianelli, O. Acevedo, and D. Lorenzo
Imaging the Subthrust Structure,
O. Ferraris, M. Koremblit*, and D. Lorenzo
Velocity Problems not Related with Thrusting or Salt Tectonics,
O. Ferraris, A. Salinas, M. Koremblit, and D. Soubies
Ribeirão Preto Dumpsite: Environmental Problems and Solutions,
J. C. Ferreira and J. A. da Costa
of Cretaceous Sag Phase Sequences of Southern San Jorge Basin, Argentina,
E. Figari, P. Lafourcade, G. Conforto, M. Cevallos, A. Silveyra, and C. Martinez
Extensional Tectonics and Related Structures in the South Flank of San Jorge Basin, Argentina,
E. Figari, G. Conforto, M. Cid de la Paz, and M. Cevallos
Integrated Carbonate Reservoir Characterization and Modeling Using Outcrop, Subsurface and Seismic Data and Technologies: An Example from the Permian Basin, U.S.A.,
W. M. Fitchen, C. W. Drexler, T. J. Frantes, S. J. Helwick, M. G. Kozar, J. C. Mitchell, E. C. Rankey, and F. W. Schroeder
Role of Subaerial Volcanic Rocks and Major Unconformities in the Creation of South Atlantic Margins,
J. M. Fonck, C. Cramez, and M. P. A. Jackson
Phanerozoic Paleoenvironment and Lithofacies Maps of the Circum-Atlantic Margins,
D. Ford, J. Golonka, and R. Pauken
Integration of Surface Geology and Geochemistry with Geophysical Surveys for Hydrocarbon Exploration in Southern Bolivia,
J. B. L. Françolin and J. R. S. Soares Filho
Petroleum Systems of the Mundau Sub-Basin, Ceará Basin, Northeastern Brazil,
L. C. da S. Freitas
Inversion Structures of the Central Zone of the Eastern Cordillera, Colombia,
M. G. Freitas and B. L. Françolin
Plate Reconstructions and Paleogeography: Guide For Petroleum Systems of the South Atlantic,
B. Fryklund, O. L. Gamundi, S. Koslowski, and C. Urien
3-D Modeling for Migration and Accumulation of Hydrocarbons in the Danish Central Graben, North Sea,
A. W. Fugl and I. D. Meshri
Interpreting Paleoenvironments in the Albian Pinda Formation, Cabinda, Angola, Using Palynologic and Petrographic Data,
S. L. Gaponoff, A. J. Lomando, and K. Maguire
Gas Exploration in Southern Spain: a Successful AVO/DHI Application,
C. Garcia, A. Echanove, and A. Arrieta
An Integrated Approach to Deep-Water Reservoir Prediction,
T. R. Garfield, D. C. Jennette, F. J. Goulding, and D. K. Sickafoose
Modeling of Regional 3D Cube, Offshore Cabinda, Angola,
J. M. Gaulier
Impact of 3D and Avo Technology to Exploration Efforts in Deepwater Nigeria,
D. Ghosh, M. Blum, S. Adesanya, and H. Tijhof
Physical Models of Fault-Bend Folding,
C. J. S. Gomes
Ramos Field, a Giant Gas Field in a Subandean Belt (NW Argentina),
R. Gómez Omil and J. Lúquez
Early Cretaceous Rift Source Rocks from Eastern Brazilian Margin: Isotopic and Molecular Correlation,
F. T. T. Gonçalves and E. S. T. Frota
Petroleum System of the Camamu Almada Basin: A Basin Modeling Approach,
F. T. T. Gonçalves, R. P. Bedregal, L. F. C. Coutinho, and M. R. Mello
Devonian-Carboniferous Petroleum Systems From Brazilian lntracratonic Basins,
F. G. Gonzaga and F. T. T. Gonçalves
Structural Framework of Northern South America and Hydrocarbon Systems
of Eastern Venezuela Basin: An Integrated Approach,
E. D. Goodman, L. L. Summa, M. Richardson, P. S. Koch, A. R. Green, and I. O. Norton
Venezuelan Petroleum Potential Outlook,
C. Graf
Defining Producing Zones with Open Hole Logging,
J. Graterol and O. Suarez
An Outlook on the Petroleum Potential of the Brazilian Sedimentary Basins,
L. R. Guardado
Satellite and Seismic Seafloor Bathymetry Observations Pertaining to Petroleum Exploration Congo River Basin, Angola,
C. G. Guderjahn
Structural Decoupling by the Zechstein Salt During Multiphase Tectonics in the Southern Norwegian North Sea,
G. Guerin and B. Vendeville
Eustatic and Tectonic Cycles During the Tertiary of Eastern Venezuela and Their Relationship to the Distribution of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs,
C. D. Guerra, S. D. Cabrera, N. Di Gianni, and H. Sanchez
Physical Modeling of-Salt-Related-Structures-of the Brazilian Continental Margin,
M. Guerra, M. Pequen, P. Szatmari, and E. Porsche
3-D Visualization of Extensional Diapirs Modified by Later Compression,
G. Guglielmo, Jr., B. C. Vendeville, and M. P. A. Jackson
Effects of Tectonic Activity on Sedimentation and Reservoir Compartmentalization, Alto de Ceuta Field, Blocks II, III, IV and VIII, Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela,
E. R. Gustason, E. Gomez, R. A. Ripple, R. Y. Elphick, M. A. Vivas, M. F. Doe, M. Rampazzo, J. de Mena, and J. L. Mora
Comparison of Micro-Techniques Used for Analyzing Oils in Sidewall Cores to Model Viscosity, API Gravity, and Sulfur Content,
J. M. Guthrie, C. C. Walters, and K. E. Peters
Niger Delta - The Eastern Deep Offshore Integrated Methodologies Towards Petroleum System Definition,
E. Guyotte, F. Clement, D. Dubucq, and E. Caillet
Generative Systems and The Geodynamic Evolution of the Gulf of Mexico,
M. A. Guzman-Vega, R. Bertrand-Camargo, and L. Castro-Ortiz
Depositional Significance of Lacustrine Black Shales: Falsifying a Paradigm,
J. V. P. Guzzo and L. M. Arienti
Niger Delta Petroleum Systems,
R. C. Haack, P. Sundararaman, J. O. Diedjomahor, N. J. Gant, and J. Dahl
Basin Evolution and Trap Development Associated with Salt Movement in the Gulf of Mexico: Lessons for Exploration in Other Mobile Salt Systems,
J. W. Handschy, F. A. Diegel, J. F. Karlo, H. Ge, and M. O. Maler
The Origin of Lacustrine Petroleum Source Rocks, Congo Basin, West Africa: Preliminary Results of a Multidisciplinary Study,
N. B. Harris, K. H. Freeman, T. S. White, G. D. Mitchell, R. D. Pancost, and T. Sandomenico
Reservoir Potential of the Carbonate Forereef-Slope Setting,
P. M. (Mitch) Harris and R. P. Wright
Sedimentology, Mineralogy and Organic Geochemistry of Pre-Salt Formations, Congo Basin, West Africa: Implications for the Deposition of Lacustrine Source Rocks,
N. B. Harris
Structural Development of the Continental Margin of Congo and Northern Angola,
D. A. Hartman, W. A. Swanson, P. R. Smith, F. J. Goulding, and C. A. Kelly
Chronostratigraphic Applications of Pliocene and Lower Pleistocene Dinoflagellates and Acritarchs in the North Atlantic Region,
M. J. Head and G. Norris
Reservoir Characterization and Sequence Stratigraphic
of Turbidite Sandstones in Catshill Field, Trinidad,
S. Heeralal and V. Rambaran
Improving Field Economics Using Seismically Integrated Geologic Modeling,
S. J. Helwick, C. S. Calvert, R. S. Hubbard, and K. Bhuyan
Maturation and Distribution of South Atlantic Source Rocks: Examples from Deepwater Angola,
S. Henry, C. Schiefelbein, H. Illich, and V. Abreu
Depositional Systems of Lower B Sands in VLC1184 Well, VLC100/949, Block III, Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela,
S. Herrera, H. G. de Villarroel, and M. Taha
The Development of the HPHT Elgin and Franklin Fields,
R. Hinton, K. Jones, and T. Nguyen
Evaluation of Fault-Related Hydrocarbon Migration Pathways,
J. Huang and J. Holl
Seismic Stratigraphic
in the Niger Delta: a Case Study of The Benin River 3-D Seismic Cube,
E. Ibie
Radarsat: The Critical Tool for All Stages of Petroleum Exploration,
R. E. Irving, V. A. Toth, and K. Suddaby
STAR-3i Interferometric Airborne Radar System: State-of-the-Art Exploration Tool,
R. E. Irving, V. A. Toth, and H. Mackay
New Concepts in Exploring Subsalt Hydrocarbon Systems in Mature and Near Producing Areas of Morocco,
H. Jabour and A. Demnati
Salt-Tectonics Provinces across the Continental-Oceanic Boundary in the Lower Congo and Campos Basins on the South Atlantic Margins,
M. P. A. Jackson, C. Cramez, and W. U. Mohriak
Physical Modeling of an Irregular Strike-Slip Fault System and Similarities to the South American-Caribbean Plate Boundary,
K. Jagiello and J. Hornbeck
The Petroleum System of Campos Basin,
R. Jahnert, A. França, L. Trindade, C. Quintaes, P. Santos, J. Pessoa, and R. Bedregal
Facies, Architecture and Sequence Stratigraphy of Sand-Rich Basin Floor Fans: Examples from the Paleogene, UK Central North Sea,
D. C. Jennette, T. R. Garfield, G. W. Farquharson, and G. T. Cayley
Rifting and Its Bearing on the Hydrocarbon System of the Margin of Angola, West Africa,
P. Jerónimo, F. de S. Gonçalves, and M. Inkollu
3-D Seismic Stratigraphic Inversion: A Tool for High-Resolution Stratigraphic
and Reservoir Characterization,
P. Johann and F. Fournier
New Geoscience Technologies: The Key to Profitably Finding and Developing Hydrocarbon Resources,
M. G. Johnson
Integrating Genetic Stratigraphic Principles in the Interpretation of Deep Water Sediments,
S. D. Johnson
Characterization of the 3-D Architecture of Deep-Water Reservoirs From Outcrop Analogues in the French Alps and Application to the Namorado Field (Offshore Brazil),
P. Joseph, O. G. de Souza, Jr., R. Eschard, D. Granjeon, O. Lerat, and C. Ravenne
Geological Aspects of Petroleum Systems and Related Exploration Plays in South Africa's Orange Basin,
E. Jungslager
Tectonic Setting of Late Rift Stage Source Rocks of the West African Continental Margin,
G. D. Karner, N. W. Driscoll, and D. H. N. Barker
Academic Geoscience Research - Survey Results,
B. J. Katz
New Technologies in Imaging and Reservoir-Characterization of Deep-Water Channel and Related Depositional Systems Exploration,
N. Keskes, M. Morice, F. Jean Jean, and V. Kolla
Structural Restoration of Paleobathymetry During the Post Rift Interval in the Northern North Sea,
T. Kjennerud and H. Løseth
Interaction Between Salt Diapir Growth and Sedimentation: an Example from Côte Blanche Island Field, Louisiana,
R. A. Kolarsky
Stratigraphic Correlations and Analogues Between the East Georges Bank Basin, Offshore Nova Scotia, and the Triassic and Jurassic Outcrops in the High Atlas Mountains, Morocco,
T. Koning
Petroleum Geology of the Lombo East and Essungo Oil Fields, Block 2, Offshore Congo Basin, Angola,
T. Koning, O. G. De Deus, and E. S. T. Pierobon
Deep-Water Sands, Pliocene, Niger Delta: Depositional Processes, Sand Body Geometry, and Sand Body Stacking Patterns,
R. D. Kreisa, R. B. Bloch, S. D. Joiner, J. B. Paul, and D. M. Jurick
Organic Facies and Geochemistry of Petroleum Source Rocks in a Middle Cretaceous Transition-Drift Sequence in Northern Gabon,
L-C. Kuo
Characterization and Reservoir Quality Assessment of a Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Reservoir: Cretaceous Escandalosa Formation, "O" Member, Barinas-Apure Basin, Venezuela,
J. A. Kupecz, L. Figueroa, R. Aquino, E. Hernández, M. Pérez, M. Prietó, R. Salazar, and Dan J. Hartmann
Direct Hydrocarbon Indicators: Exxon's Worldwide Experience,
R. Kurt, W. Fahmy, and J. Stober
The Petroleum Systems of the Boomerang Area, Bolivia,
G. Laffitte, S. Del Vo, E. Aguilera, V. Goitia, G. Rebay, and D. Lanussol
Geological Interpretation and Reservoir Geometry of Submarine Fan and Channel Deposits,
R. Lambertini, P. I. De Assis, S. M. Hansen, and R. Nurmi
Object-Based Stochastic Modeling of Turbidite Reservoirs Geometry and Heterogeneities,
W. Lanzarini, A. Barreto Jr., M. dos Santos, G. Tavares, H. Lopes, and S. Pesco
3-D Delineation of the Structural and Stratigraphic Controls on Hydrocarbon Accumulation in the Señal Picada Block, Neuquén Basin, Argentina,
M. E. Lara and R. Veiga
Stress Determination along the Andes Cordillera for Successful Horizontal Well Planning in the Llanos Basin, Colombia,
N. C. Last and M. E. Markley
Deep Offshore West Niger Delta Slope, Nigeria: Structural Styles and Hydrocarbon Reservoirs,
H. Läuferts
Tectono-Stratigraphic Influences on Pre-salt Petroleum Systems of Rio Muni, Equatorial Guinea,
S. Lawrence
Origin and Maturity of Oils from the Congo Coastal Basin,
D. Levache and D. Dessort
Using Leakoff Tests and Acoustic Logging to Estimate in situ Stresses at Deep Waters ? Campos Basin,
F. F. Lima Neto and C. Beneduzi
Fazenda Cedro Field: a Complex Paleogeomorphic Stratigraphic Trap,
V. Q. Lima, C. J. Appi, and A. Câindido
Topographic and Structural Expressions of the South American Plate Ongoing Compression,
C. Lima and F. Lima Neto
Interesting Cuban Geological Locations for Petroleum Exploration, Maps and Catalogue,
E. Linares, M. Yero, and I. Hernández
Geologic Controls on the Gas Hydrate Distribution, Offshore Congo,
R. M. Lindholm and R. Cunningham
Tectonostratigraphy of the Rio Muni Basin, Equatorial Guinea: Implications for Future Exploration Potential,
P. R. Loader, K. Goh, M. K. Taylor, and P. Dailly
Wave-Dominated Carbonate Ramps from the Kuwait-Saudi Arabian Coast of the Northern Arabian Gulf and the Northern Yucatan, Mexico,
A. J. Lomando
Lacustrine Carbonate Reservoirs of Cabinda, Angola,
A. J. Lomando
The Main Petroleum System of the Northern Cuba Basin and its Comparison with the Petroleum System of the Southeast Mexico Basin,
J. G. López-Rivera, R. Tenreyro-Perez, J. O. López-Quintero, and L. E. Navarrete-Reyes
Integration of Statistical
of Apatite Fission Track (AFTA) Data and Biostratigraphic Information as a New Tool for Stratigraphic Age Assessment, East Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela,
M. A. Lorente, F. Cassani, and R. Donelick
Offshore Exploration of Mesozoic and Paleogene Deposits on the "Adriatic Carbonate Platform" (Adriatic Sea, Croatia),
D. Lucic
Mesozoic Breakup of SW Gondwana: Implications for Regional Hydrocarbon Potential,
D. MacDonald, I. Gomez-Perez*, J. Franzese, L. Spalletti, M. Hole, N. Trewin, I. Dalziel, L. Gahagan, and L. Lawver
Stratigraphic Comparisons Between the Post-Rift Section of the Campos and Santos Basins, Southeastern Brazilian Margin,
J. M. Macedo, J. A. Ricci, L. F. G. Caddah, and W. Winter
Factors Affecting the Geometry of Fold-Thrust Belt Salients and Their Associated Petroleum Systems,
J. M. Macedo and S. Marshak
Modern Turbidite System in the Campos Basin: Key to Reservoir Heterogeneities,
L. C. R. Machado, R. O. Kowsmann, W. de Almeida Jr., C. Y. Murakami, S. Schreiner, D. J. Miller, and P. O. V. Piauilino
Influence of Sedimentary Discontinuities on Carbonate Reservoirs (Mabruk Field, Libya),
L. Machhour, P. Raingeard, C. Lemoy, and N. Audebert
in a Frontier Area: an Example from the Trujillo Basin,
J. Machin, C. Garcia, W. Martinez Del Olmo, and M. Blanco
Impact of Fault Permeability on Oil Production from an Upper Albian Turbidite Reservoir, Campos Basin, Brazil,
W. B. Maciel and G. Pickup
Salt Tectonics Control on the Distribution of Drift Sedimentary Facies in the Jequitinhonha Basin, Bahia, Brazil,
L. P. Magnavita, A. J. Santana, G. M. N. Menezes, and C. P. Pereira
Reservoir Compartmentalization in the Livramento Oil Field, Potiguar Basin, Brazil,
C. Magnier, L. A. F. Trindade, J. Cerqueira, and J. Souto Filho
Reservoir Geochemistry Applied to Taratunich Oil Field Offshore Campeche, Mexico,
R. V. Maldonado and L. A. F. Trindade
Potential Reservoir Identification in the Rio Blanco Formation (Argentina), Using New Techniques of Log
O. Mancilla, D. Crivaro, and C. Haring
Sequence Stratigraphic Controls on Upper Jurassic Smackover Shoal and Reef Reservoir Heterogeneity, NE Gulf of Mexico,
E. A. Mancini and D. J. Benson
Research Collaboration Projects: Petroleum Industry - IMP-Academic Institutions,
A. Manjarrez, S. M. Zazueta, and A. Hernandez
The Influence of Sedimentation and Early Diagenesis on the Petrophysical Attributes of the Carbonate Reservoirs of Macaé Formation, Campos Basin, Brazil,
A. R. Marçal, A. R. Spadini, and M. R. Rodriguez
New 3D Visualization and
Tools Improve Prospect Evaluation in a Deep Offshore Environment,
I. Marini, M. Cardamone, and L. Bertelli
High Resolution Imagery and 3D Terrain Modeling for Seismic Surveying Planning,
D. W. Marino
The Use of 3D Visualization for Understanding Tertiary Deep-Water Clastic Systems: a West Africa Example,
D. Marotta, C. S. Alexander, K. Coterill, K. Hartman, M. Pasley, T. C. Stitelar, G. Tari, L. Binga, and B. Lehner
Sequence Stratigraphy and Turbidite Reservoir Characterization of Biogenic Gas Fields in the Guadalquivir-Gulf of Cadiz Miocene Basins, SW Spain,
W. Martínez del Olmo, S. Torrescusa, C. Riaza, and C. García
Assessment, Design and Remediation of Petroleum Contaminated Pits in a South American Rain Forest Ecosystem,
W. Martir and M. T. Stephenson
Evolution of Salt-Related Structures and Their Impact on the Post-Salt Petroleum Systems of the Lower Congo Basin, Offshore Angola,
G. Marton, G. Tari, and C. Lehmann
The Côte-d'Ivoire-Ghana Transform Continental Margin (Equatorial Atlantic): a Review,
J. Mascle, C. Basile, and J. Benkhelil
The Deep Water ERD Challenge,
C. J. Mason and W. Black
The Transversal Zone: a Key Feature Between NE Brazil and W Africa,
R. M. D. Matos
A Unique Transform Margin: The Equatorial Atlantic,
R. M. D. Matos and R. N. Waick
Tertiary Petroleum System, a New Play in the Deep Offshore of the Congolese Basin,
P. Mauriaud, D. Drapeau, D. Levache, A.Kothe, and F. Reynaud
PETROBRAS' Campos Basin Environmental Monitoring Program,
C. A. Mauro, I. T. Gabardo, L. F. Veiga, M. de F. B. Carvalho, M. E. R. Carneiro, M. R. de O. Farache, S. I. de Araujo, and W. Tavares, Jr.
The Architecture Of Turbidite Slope Channels,
M. Mayall, I. Stewart, and P. Ventris
Provenance Controls on Deepwater Depositional Systems,
O. McLaughlin and K. Hood
Carboniferous Systems in Brazilian Basins: Lithostratigraphy and Biostratigraphy,
R. A. Medeiros and W. B. Lemos
Diagenesis in the Upper Lotena Formation, Late Jurassic, Neuquen Basin, Argentina,
V. Meissinger
Historical Evolution of a Cenozoic Basin, in Northern Cuba,
C. S. Meizoso
New Developments in the 3D Simulation of Evolving Petroleum Systems With Complex Geological Structures,
U. T. Mello, P. R. Cavalcanti, A. Moraes, and A. Bender
A Strategic Alliance in Industrial Research to Solve Grand Challenge Problems in Exploration and Production,
U. T. Mello, A. A. Bender, N. C. Azambuja Filho, M. R. Mello, and M. Latge
Gas Behavior in the Campos Basin: a New Approach in Exploration,
M. R. Mello, T. Takaki, and A. Prinzhofer
Methodology Applied in a Successful Water-injection Pilot Program in The Cretáceo-01 Reservoir, El Furrial Field, Venezuela,
R. Mengual, J. Sanchez, N. Pinto, and M. Giusto
High-Resolution Biostratigraphy and Paleoecology of Early Miocene Foraminiferal Assemblages from Turbidite Reservoirs in the Campos Basin,
A. Mesquita
Geology and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Lower Ordovician Play in the Hassi Messaoud Dome Flanks,Algeria,
M. Messaoudi and A. Khellif
Rift Dynamics in Northeastern Brazil,
E. J. Milani and P. Szatmari
Petroleum Geology of the Paraná Basin, Brazil,
E. J. Milani and A. J. Catto
N'Sano Pinda - Characterization of a Finely Inter-Bedded Carbonate Siliciclastic Reservoir, Offshore Cabinda, Angola,
R. Minck, G. King, R. DaCosta, F. Domingos, B. Carleton, C. Laidlaw, and E. Leggett
Application of the Unsupervised Semi-variogram Textural Classifier (USTC) for the Detection of Natural Oil Seeps Using RADARSAT-1 Data Obtained Offshore the Amazon River Mouth, Brazil,
F. P. Miranda, C. M. Bentz, C. H. Beisl, J. A. Lorenzetti, C. Es. Araújo, and C. L. Silva, Jr.
Seasonal Delineation of Flooded Areas for Management of Hydroelectric Power Plants and Pipelines in the Brazilian Amazonia Using Spaceborne Radar Data,
F. P. Miranda and C. H. Beisl
Oil in the South Atlantic: A Strategic Outlook to 2005,
M. Mittner
Tectonic Evolution of South Atlantic Salt Basins,
W. U. Mohriak, P. R. Palagi, and M. R. Mello
A New Dimension in Chemostratigraphic Resolution Using Diterpane Biomarkers,
M. J. Moldowan, J. Dahl, D. Zinniker, S. M. Barbanti, and M. R. Mello
Characterization of South American Oils to Determine Source-rock Age and Provenance Using New High-Resolution Biomarker Methods,
J. M. Moldowan, J. Dahl, P. W. Brooks, and M. R. Mello
Stratigraphy and Reservoir Characteristics of the Albian Limestones in Santos Basin, Brazil,
M. F. B. Moraes, M. R. Rodriguez, J. J. G. Rodrigues, and E. Duraes
Research Activities of the Center for Petroleum Studies,
C. K. Morooka and I. F. Simoes
Deepwater Drilling Systems and TLP/Spar Drilling/Production Systems Posters,
K. Muriby and B. Schauerte
Oil Potential in the Malvinas Foreland Basin,
A. Nevistic, J. Cerdan, G. Laffitte, D. Crivaro, C. Haring, and S. del Vo
Ultra-High Pressure Implications for Prospectivity and Drilling,
P. H. Nicholson and G. T. Cayley
Facies Architecture and Production Optimization in the Upper Cretaceous-Upper Eocene, Operational Unit K1, Apiay Field, Llanos Basin, Colombia,
J. E. Nieto and N. Tyler
Visualization of the Relationship Between Changing Paleogeography of the South Atlantic and Hydrocarbon Play Element Evolution,
I. O. Norton, P. R. Smith, W. A. Swanson, and S. Creaney
The Post-rift Paleogeographic Evolution of the South Atlantic Basins of Brazil and West Africa and the Influence of Hinterland Uplift on Drainage and Sedimentary Depocenters,
M. S. Norvick and H. Schaller
A Three-phase Early Cretaceous Rift History of the South Atlantic Salt Basins and its Influence on Lacustrine Source Facies Distribution,
M. S. Norvick and H. Schaller
Global Basins Research Network: Advancing the Science of Fluid Flow Prediction in Sedimentary Basins,
J. A. Nunn and L. M. Cathles
A Different Seismic Interpretation Approach to Define Stratigraphic Sequences and Predict Facies Distributions in Continental Strata: an Example from the Middle Magdalena Basin, Colombia,
I. D. Olaya
Tectonic-Stratigraphy of the Aptian Salt Basin as Developed in the North Gabon, Lower Congo and Kwanza Basins,
D. Ormerod, J. Smith, and J. Griffith
Regional Evaluation of the Pre-Salt System of Cabinda, Angola,
P. Orsolini, J. R. Scheevel, P. Jeronimo, and V. Barletta
The Impact of ?Traditional Geoscience Technologies? on Reservoir Optimization and the Challenges Ahead,
J. R. Ortiz
Petroleum Systems of the Southwest Tertiary Basin and Marbella Area, Southwest Mexico,
L. F. F. Pacheco
Roncador Field, Appraisal and Development Planning,
K. Pádua, M. Mihaguti, C. Stank, and C. Soares
Flow and Deposits of Turbidity Currents and Submarine Debris Flows,
G. Parker
Lower Cretaceous Stratigraphy and Source Rock Distribution in Pre-salt Basins of the South Atlantic: Comparison of Angola and Southern Brazil,
M. A. Pasley, E. N. Wilson, V. S. Abreu, M. G. P. Brandão, and A. S. Telles
The Impact of Information Technologies on E and P Profitability,
D. L. Paul
Construction of a Full Field Reservoir Model for the Intra Qua lboe Formation, Asasa Field, Offshore Nigeria: Characterization of Stacked Deepwater Sediment Gravity Flow Reservoirs,
J. Paul, D. Jurick, and W. Stewart
Regional Distribution of Reservoir Quality (RQ), Venezuela,
S. T. Paxton and G. C. Stone
Influence of Major Steps in the Base of Salt on the Structural Style of Overlying Thin-skinned Structures in Deep Water Angola,
F. Peel, M. Jackson, and D. Ormerod
Role of Faults as Migration Pathways: Insights from 2D Basin Modeling in Recôncavo Basin, Brazil,
H. L. de B. Penteado, J-L. Rudkiewicz, and F. Behar
Coupling of Secondary Cracking and Retention Phenomena During Petroleum Generation and Expulsion: Application to the Gomo Mb. Source Rocks, Recôncavo Basin, Brazil,
H. L. B. Penteado, F. Behar, and J-L. Rudkiewicz
Thermo-Mechanical Modeling in Lower Congo Basin: Implications on the Understanding of Labe-Pinda (!) Petroleum System,
C. J. Pereira, A. Silva, F. T. T. Gonçalves, R. P. Bedregal, F. G. Gonzaga, and A. Moraes
Diagenetic Controls on Porosity Development in Bassein Pay, Mumbai Offshore Basin, India,
J. Peters and K. C. Das
The Gulf of Mexico as a CASEP (Complex Adaptive System with Emergent Properties): a New Analog for Mobile Substrate Basin Exploration Worldwide,
R. L. Phair
High-Resolution Stratigraphy of Neocomian, Deep Lacustrine and Deltaic Sediments from the Recõncavo Rift Basin, Brazil,
A. T. Picarelli, C. H. L. Bruhn, and A. M. F. Figueiredo
U. S. Views on Business Openings in South America,
A. D. Pickard
Quantifying Deep-Water, High-Continuity Sandy Turbidite Systems,
K. T. Pickering
3-D Structural and Stratigraphic Interpretation of VLA 68/96 Area Block I Field, Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela,
J. Pinto
A High-Resolution, Multi-Sensor Gamma-Ray Tool,
C. Pirmez, D. Goldberg, and A. Meltser
Contrasting Submarine Fans off the Amazon and Magdalena Rivers,
C. Pirmez, R. D. Flood, and G. Ercilla
Object Based Modeling and Stochastic Simulation of Fluvial Reservoirs Geometry,
C. A. Poletto, W. L. Lanzarini, and G. Tavares
ETAP - an Integrated Development of Seven Central North Sea Fields,
J. Pooler and M. Amory
Modifications of the Sequence Stratigraphic Model with Emphasis on Passive Margins,
H. Posamentier
Characterization of a Fractured Carbonate Reservoir Using Multi-Component Seismic Data,
J. H. H. M. Potters
A Gulf of Mexico Based Depositional Process Model for Above-grade Slopes,
B. E. Prather
Gas Geochemistry as a New Tool for Hydrocarbon Exploration: the Recõncavo Basin, Brazil,
A. Prinzhofer, T. Takaki, and M. R. Mello
Deep Water Sequence Architecture and the DUO Attribute Display; Characterizing Fans from Seismic Data in Central Offshore Nigeria and Gulf of Mexico,
B. J. Radovich, R. B. Oliveros, D. L. Connolly, D. B. Denson, and S. D. Zellers
A Study of Gravity Anomalies of Bombay Offshore Structural High and Adjoining Area, India,
D. Rai and V. Ramaswamy
Lower Congo Tertiary Basin - Offshore West Africa Structural Zonation and Evolution,
S. Raillard, J. J. Biteau, P. Allix, and C. Chevalier
Deep Reservoirs in Santos Basin, Brazil,
R. Ramos, E. Duraes, L. Fochesatto, and L. Gamboa
Foz do Amazonas Basin: A Classical Example of Successful Application of AVO Technology,
A. C. B. Ramos, S. R. P. Silva, and S. O. Guimarães
Campos and Espírito Santo Basins - Albian to Maastrichtian Evolution and Reservoir Distribution in Proximal Areas,
H. D. Rangel, C. V. Tagliari, S. G. Oreiro*, M. F. B. Moraes, and J. R. Brandão
Modern and Tertiary Temperate Carbonates From Australia and New Zealand; Their Significance in the Exploration for Oil and Gas,
C. P. Rao
Tertiary Reservoirs in Congo-Kwanza-Namibe Basins,
A. Raposo and M. Inkollu
Exploration for Deep-Water Reservoirs, Offshore Angola,
A. J. M. Raposo and M. A. Sykes
Tertiary Reservoirs in Congo-Kwanza-Namibe Basins,
A. Raposo and M. Inkollu
Fold and Thrust Belt Along the Western Flank of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia: Style, Kinematics and Timing Constraints Derived From Seismic Data and Detailed Surface Mapping,
P. A. Restrepo-Pace, F. Colmenares, C. Higuera, M. Mayorga, and J. Leal
Post-Salt Petroleum Systems in the Lower Congo Basin (Congo-Angola),
F. Reynaud, J. Amaral, D. Drapeau, and D. Grauls
Geochemical Variability in Reservoirs: Examples from Exxon Experience,
M. Richardson, G. B. Hieshima, R. J. Hill, L. M. Wenger, and G. H. Isaksen
Structural History of Pueblo Viejo Fault, Alto de Ceuta Field, Blocks II, III, IV and VIII, Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela,
R. A. Ripple, E. R. Gustason, E. Gomez, R. Y. Elphick, M. A. Vivas, M. F. Doe, M. Rampazzo, J. de Mena, and J. L. Mora
Integrated Study Of Pato Area, Oficina Norte Trend, Eastern Basin, Venezuela,
E. Roa, L. Hernandez, A. Ramos, J. Delgado, and T. Berge
Future Subsurface Technologies and Their Role in Deepwater Exploration, Appraisal and Development,
D. G. Roberts, M. B. J. Bowman, K. R. Nunn, and I. G. Jack
Gas Exploration and Production in Solimões Basin,
L. O. P. Rocha, J. M. Kinzel, and C. A. P. Magalhaes
Application of Probe Permeametry, CT-scanning and Petrographic Image
to the Understanding of Petrophysical and Pore Geometry Properties: Carmopolis Conglomerate Reservoirs, Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, Northeastern Brazil,
C. R. O. Rodrigues, P. L. B. Paraizo, G. C. Pinho, and M. S. Almeida
Imaging of the Valhall Field, Norway, Using 4-C Seismic Data,
C. Rodriguez-Suarez, R. R. Stewart, X. Li, and J. C. Bancroft
NMR Logging For Reservoir Characterization and Evaluation in a Conglomerate Complex Lithology,
M. R. Rodriguez, S. T. C. S. Padilha, and P. M. Gasperi
Characterization of the Generative Subsystems of Productive Northern Mexico Basins,
J. R. Román-Ramos, V. L. Bernal, G. H. Ramos, and J. A. Cuevas-Leree
São Francisco Basin - Exploration Frontier for Gas in Central Brazil,
P. C. Romeiro Silva, O. P. G. Braun, P. V. Zalán, L. de Paula, and M. Mattlns
Oxfordian-Oxfordian Petroleum System (!) from Offshore Campeche, México,
M. A. I. Romero, J. M. Ruiz, L. M. M. Medrano, and J. G. Durán
Geochemical Characterization of the Hydrocarbons in the Petroleum System of the Southeastern Niger Delta,
M. A. Rooney, T. Matava, B. Nwankwo, H. M. Chung, and D. O. Lambert Aikhionbare
Slope to Basin floor Variations in Channel Geometry and Reservoir Architecture, Brushy Canyon Formation, Permian, West Texas,
C. Rossen, R. T. Beaubouef, and F. B. Zelt
Image Processing of Seismic Lines: a Tool for Stratigraphic Interpretation,
E. L. Rossetti
Kinematics of a Raft / Listric Fault System From 3D Restoration,
D. Rouby, F. Guillocheau, S. Raillard, and R. Bouroullec
Salt-Related Fault Families and Fault Welds in the Northern Gulf of Mexico,
M. G. Rowan, M. P. A. Jackson, and B. D. Trudgil
Ecostratigraphy a New Tool for High Resolution Dating of Terrestrial Sections: Two Case Histories from the Maracaibo and Falcon Basins, Venezuela,
V. Rull and M. A. Lorente
Marine Gas Hydrates Along the Brazilian Margin,
A. R. E. Sad, D. P. Silveira, S. B. P. Silva, R. R. Maciel, and M. A. P. Machado
Surface Gas, Microbiological and Remote Sense Exploration for Oil and Gas: Experiences in the Kufra Basin, Libyan Desert,
F. Said, A. I. Asbali, B. Thusu, R. P. Bedregal, M. R. Mello, and J. B. L. Françolin
Sequence Stratigraphy and Reservoir Characterization of the Lower Cretaceous Upper Thamama in the United Arab Emirates,
M. G. Salah and M. Mersal
Gravity Field Recovery from Satellite Altimetry: Can we do Better on the Continental Margins?,
D. Sandwell and M. Yale
Organic Geochomistry of the Tithonian Source Rocks and Relate Oils from the “Sonda de Campeche,” Mexico,
D. Santamaria-Orozco, B. Horsfield, and R. Di Primio
Turbidite Reservoir Distribution in Roncador Field, Campos Basin, Brazil,
P. R. S. Santos, H. D. Rangel, C. M. S. P. Quintaes, and J. M. Caixeta
Stochastic Simulation of Deep Water Oligocene Turbidites (Campos Basin) Guided by a Stratigraphic Model Based Seismic Inversion,
R. A. Santos, O. G. Souza, Jr., M. R. Becker, and R. R. P. Alves
Pulsed Tectonic Activity and its Control on the Sequence Stratigraphy of Zulia Oriental, Western Venezuela,
S. Sarzalejo, P. Hague, and I. Truskowski
Newly Discovered Field: The Next Steps to Exploitation,
A. Satter and R. Jespersen
Sequence Stratigraphy on a Braided Fluvial System: a Predictive Model on Reservoir Quality, Recõncavo Basin, Brazil,
R. R. Savini, F. M. Oliveira, and A. J. C. Magalhães
EGI Associate Program: an Engine for Successful Academic and Industry Collaboration,
S. Schamel
Assessment of Hydrocarbon Systems in Selected Basins on the Atlantic Margin of Brazil,
C. J. Schenk
Sensitivity Maps 1:25,000 Scale of Punta Pescador Exploratory Block as a Tool for Oil Spill Contingency Response,
J. la Schiazza, A. Rojas, and J. Rodriguez-Grau
Integration of Permeability Estimates from Logs, Welltests and Cores, Neuquen Basin, Argentina,
M. Schiuma, M. Claverie, and M. Sanguinetti
HC Migration in Thrusted Area Using Basin Modeling Application to the Bolivian Sub Andean Zone,
F. Schneider and I. Moretti
Exploration of the Bonga and Ngolo Features in Deepwater Nigeria,
D. K. Skaloud and P. Cassidy
Integrating and Optimizing A Reservoir Development Plan: Usari Field Development Project,
L. Smith III, J. Mohammed, and W. B. Odufisan
Reducing Reservoir and Source Rock Risk in Deepwater Plays: Examples from Southeast Asia,
J. W. Snedden and J. F. (Rick)Sarg
Stochastic Modeling of Calcite Concretions in Cretaceous Turbiditic Sandstones of the Albacora Oil-field, Campos Basin, Brazil,
C. L. Sombra, A. B. Barreto, Jr., R. K. Romeu, W. L. Lanzarini, H. Lopes, S. Pesco, and G. Tavares
Reservoir Connectivity in the Carina Field, Tierra Del Fuego, Argentina Appraised Using lsotope Geochemical Analyses of Formation Waters and Calcite Cements,
F. Sommer and J. J. McBride
Numerical Modeling of Secondary Oil Migration: Definition of Oil Pathways in Laboratory Scale,
J. de D. Souto Filho
High Resolution Stratigraphy and Stochastic Simulation of Albian/Cenomanian Deep-Water Reservoirs From Campos Basin,
O. G. Souza, Jr., R. Eschard, P. R. S. Johann, and F. Foumier
South Atlantic Paleoceanographic Events Recorded in the Neogene Deep Water Section of the Campos Basin, Brazil,
C. E. Souza Cruz
Comparison between Offshore Angola and the Gulf of Mexico in Terms of Salt Tectonics,
J. Spencer, G. Tari, P. Jeronimo, and B. Hart
Variations and Controls on the Distribution of Reservoir Facies within Confined Channels, Leveed Channels, and Distributive Systems in the Middle Miocene to Pliocene of the Eastern Niger Delta Slope, Offshore Nigeria,
A. R. Sprague, C. R. Bissell, and D. N. Reiber
Offshore Oil Seep Detection Using RADARSAT SAR,
G. C. Staples, J. R. Everett, and D. Nazarenko
The Chaco-Tarija Basin: Are the Petroleum Systems of NW Argentina Different From the Bolivian Ones?,
D. Starck and E. Kozlowski
Preserving Geologic Heterogeneity in Reservoir Simulation Models,
D. Stern and A. G. Dawson
Cretaceous and Tertiary Petroleum Systems of the Northwest Region of the Eastern Venezuela Basin,
S. Stoufer, N. Chigne, J. H. Santchez, and M. R. Mello
Exploration for Deep Gas and Oil in the Central Golfo San Jorge Basin, Argentina,
E. E. Strelkov and P. A. Lafourcade
Application of Deepwater Outcrop Analog Data to 3-D Reservoir Modeling: An Example from the Diana Field, Western Gulf of Mexico,
M. Sullivan, L. Foreman, M. DeVries, and A. Khan
Application of Geochemistry to Reservoir and Well Problems: a Case Study From Nigeria,
P. Sundararaman and O. T. Udo
Geochemical Approach to Identifying the Origin of Oil Spills: a Case Study From Nigeria,
P. Sundararaman and O. T. Udo
Evolution of Late Cretaceous and Tertiary Depositional Fill and Structural Trends along the West African Continental Margin,
W. A. Swanson, D. A. Hartman, P. R. Smith, M. P. Campbell, K. C. Hood, and West Africa Regional Team
Lateral and Vertical Variations of Distal Turbidites in the Neoproterozoic Zerrissene Turbidite Complex, Namibia,
R. Swart
Lithofacies Associations Within Complex Slope Channel Reservoirs: Debrites and Turbidites,
M. A. Sykes, D. Mohrig, C. Rossen, and T. R. Garfield
Quantitative Migration
and Prediction,
W. A. Symington, J. W. Higgins, and P. R. Smith
Tectonic Habitat of Petroleum Along the South Atlantic Margins,
P. Szatmari
Geochemistry of Cenomanian-Turonian Anoxic Depositional Environments: a Comparison Between Brazil and West Africa,
N. Telnaes, M. R. Mello, and A. G. Requejo
Stratigraphic Organization of Late Pleistocene Deposits of the Western Part of the Golfe du Lion Shelf, Western Mediterranean Sea, Using High Resolution Seismic and Core Data,
M. Tesson, H. W. Posamentier, and B. Gensous
Health, Safety and Environmental Approach to the Petrozuata Joint Venture in Venezuela,
T. L. Thoem and C. L. Corrie
Petroleum System Comparison of the Phitsanulok Basin, Thailand with the Tucano Basin, Brazil,
S. E. Thornton, I. P. Costa, and L. P. Magnavita
Tertiary and Cretaceous Submarine Canyon and Slope Plays, Atlantic Margin and Northern North Sea - Models for Exploration,
G. Timbrell and G. Kovacs
The Effectiveness of Heavy Mineral Composition as Useful Indicators of Individual Turbidite Bodies and its Application to the
of their Sedimentary Process: A Case Study on Neogene Turbidite Bodies in the Niigata Backarc Oil Basin, Central Japan,
S. Tokuhashi and C. M. Agyingi
Reservoir Facies in the Proterozoic São Francisco Basin - Mid-Continent of Brazil,
M. A. S. Toledo, P. V. Zalán, and M. D. de Carvalho
Regional Rules of Overpressure Rift Compartments in Campos Basin,
M. A. S. Toledo, V. J. Stumpf, and F. F. Lima Neto
Geochemical Characterization of Biodegradation, Evaporative Fractionation and Multiple Charge Events: Campos Basin, Brazil,
L. A. F. Trindade, J. R. Cerqueira, M. R. Mello, R. J. Jahnert, and F. R. B Oliveira
Risk Assessment in Seismic Direct Hydrocarbon Detection,
S. G. Truxillo
Future Potential and Outlook for Argentina,
M. Turic
Neocomian - Upper Aptian Pre-Salt Sequence of Southern Kwanza Basin: A Regional View,
G. Uncini, B. Mario, and G. Antonio
High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy and Reservoir Characterization of L-III, Bombay High, India,
S. Uppal and J. Peters
The Southern South American Margin Basins and Petroleum Systems,
C. Urien, O. L. Gamundi, B. Fryklund, and E. Kozlowski
Carbonate Reservoir Rocks from The Bahamas Continental Margin,
S. Valladares Amaro, D. B. Del Rey, and J. A. Castro
Gas / Condensate Field Well Testing,
N. Van der Post and W. Boom
Structural Styles in the Espírito Santo - Mucuri Basin, Southeastern Brazil,
P. H. Van der Ven, C. H. R. Cunha, and A. S. Biassusi
Numerical Basin Modelling for Fluid Flow, Phase and Pressure Prediction,
A. Vear, S. Düppenbecker, and M. Osborne
Controls of Hydrocarbon Distribution on the External Margin of a Back-arc Basin: Example in Neuquen Basin, Argentina,
R. Veiga, M. E. Lara, and P. Bruveris
A Buried Rift Beneath the Western Paraná Basin, Brazil?,
R. M. Vidotti, C. J. Ebinger, and J. D. Fairhead
Campanian-Oligocene Depocenter Evolution and Tectonostratigraphic Development of Northwestern South America,
T. Villamil, P. Restrepo, and K. Svela
The Source Rocks of the Mesozoic Petroleum Systems of Argentina: A Comparative Overview on their Geochemistry, Paleoenvironments and Hydrocarbon Generation Patterns,
H. J. Villar, G. A. Laffitte, and L. Legarreta
A New Approach to Evaluate and Characterize Secondary Porosity in Carbonate Reservoirs of South Mexico,
A. Villavicencio, M. Frass, R. Casco, J. Martinez, S. José, and J. Molina
Cretaceous/Tertiary Petroleum System in the Tala-Urica Area, EVB,
M. A. M. Vivas, H. Sanchez, S. Neto, and E. Vaz
Flexural Modeling of Normal Faulting: Effects of a Stratified Rheology,
M. Voorde, R. T. van Balen, G. Bertotti, and S. Cloetingh
Sedimentology, Sequence Stratigraphy, and Fluid Migration History of Non-Marine and Shallow Marine Reservoirs, North Apoi-Funiwa Field, Offshore Niger Delta,
G. Wach, M. Hoffman, E. Colling, O. Ogunyomi, F. P. Russo, and S. Olear
Late Quaternary Biostratigraphy and Isotopic
of Nannofossils and Forminiferid from a Borehole of South Atlantic (Pelotas Basin), Brazil,
M. D. Wanderley
The Problem of Paleo-Oil-Water Contacts in Seismically Identifying Hydrocarbon Accumulations,
P. C. B. Ware
Porosity Prediction for Deeply-buried Quartz Arenites in the Llanos Foothills, Eastern Cordillera, Colombia,
E. A. Warren, J. O'Leary, R. Herbert, A. J. Pulham, R. Graham, and L. Bonnell
Vision and Reality - Realizing the Commercial Prospects for Deep Water Production,
P. Watts
Controls of Upper Crustal Rheology and Faults on Sub-basin Stress and Strain: Results from Rheological and Finite Element Modeling,
J-D. van Wees, F. Beekman, M. Gölke, and S. Cloetingh
Regional Setting of Petroleum Producing Turbidite Systems, Northern Deep Gulf of Mexico,
P. Weimer
Modeling Gas-Oil Ratio and Petroleum Fluid Composition in Sedimentary Basins,
J. Wendebourg, J-L. Rudkiewicz, A. Vear, H. Penteado, and M. Vandenbroucke
Organic Petrography and Palynology of the Lower Cretaceous Pre-Salt Formations, Congo Basin, West Africa,
T. S. White, G. D. Mitchell, and N. B. Harris
Source Rocks of Petroleum Systems in the South Atlantic Margins,
R. L. F. Wiles, A. S. Pepper, and S. J. Cawley
Paleoclimatologic, Paleoecologic and Biostratigraphic Significance of the Middle Cretaceous Elaterate Microfloral Province, Gondwana,
G. D. Wood, M. A. Miller, D. T. Pocknall, A. M. Aleman, J. A. Stein, and R. Dino
The Opening of the South Atlantic Ocean: Palynological and Geochemical Evidence from the North Gabon Sub-basin,
G. D. Wood, M. A. Miller, W. N. Krebs, and Z. Sofer
Sequence Stratigraphic
of the Douala Basin,
W. W. Wornardt, Jr., J. Pach, and M. Batupe
Tectonics and Stratigraphy of the Greater Bohai Bay Basin, China,
C. Wu and G. Murray
Environmental Impact in Jungle Areas,
R. Wye, C. H. Malaver, and J. F. Rodriguez
3-D Petroleum Systems Modeling - Expectations and Reality,
B. Wygrala, T. Hantschel, and G. Muscio
Nature and Significance of Irregular Geometries at the Salt-Sediment Interface: Examples from the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico,
C. A. Yeilding, C. J. Travis, and J. R. Hossack
Genesis: Innovation for Deepwater Development,
W. S. Young