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Abstract: Bobcat Run South Field, Orange County, Texas -- Oligocene Frio Formation Hackberry Sand Discovery Utilizing 3-D Seismic Data

Independent, Corpus Christi, TX

Bobcat Run South field is an Oligocene Frio Formation Hackberry sand discovery in Orange County Texas. The discovery is the direct result of 3-D seismic application to hydrocarbon exploration. Highly anomalous amplitude anomalies, or "bright spots," occur within the 3-D seismic data as direct hydrocarbon indicators.

The EDC (Energy Development Corporation) #1 Bean Donner well was drilled on a 40 acre amplitude anomaly. The resulting discovery had a pay thickness of 42 ft with 31% porosity. The recoverable reserve estimate for the well has been calculated to be 3.8 BCF (billion cubic ft of gas) and 106 MBC (thousand barrels of condensate).

Significant Hackberry sand reserve additions have been made over the last three years utilizing 3-D seismic data. The success rate for drilling of Hackberry amplitude anomalies has been approximately 80% to date.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90932©1998 GCAGS/GCS-SEPM Meeting, Corpus Christi, Texas