--> Abstract: Using Stochastic Approach to Predict Groundwater Recharge and Flood Incidences from Rainfall Data in Alabama, by E. Udoh and N. Egiebor; #90932 (1998).
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Abstract: Using Stochastic Approach to Predict Groundwater Recharge and Flood Incidences from Rainfall Data in Alabama

Environmental Engineering, Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, AL

In this study a stochastic approach is used to analyze the monthly rainfall data in Alabama. Monthly mean rainfall data from 12 stations in discrete equidistant form were analyzed. The computed rainfall trends for the decade 1986-1995 showed 10

stations with positive trend ranging from +0.62 mm to +4.06 mm per year, while the other two stations showed negative trends. For the three decades studied only two stations Mobile in the south and Huntsville in the north show consistently positive trend, predicting more rainwater to recharge the local aquifers and more incidences of floods in these areas. For the Previous HitperiodicityNext Hit, the power spectrum showed that the periodic components tend to be insignificant in Alabama, with yearly oscillations contributing less than 30% to the Previous HitperiodicityTop. The auto-correlogram showed that the rainfall of each month does not depend on that of the previous month, indicating a variable monthly rainfall behavior in Alabama.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90932©1998 GCAGS/GCS-SEPM Meeting, Corpus Christi, Texas