Denudation, Transport, and Deposition in the Andes: Geomorphic Controls of Meso-Scale Sediment Flux,
R. Aalto and T. Dunne
Lowstand Deflation Origin of Mississippian Carbonate Eolianites of Southwestern Kansas,
F. E. Abegg and C. Robertson Handford
Geochemical Evaluation of Hydrocarbons and Their Potential Sources in the CIS,
M. A. Abrams, K. O. Stanley, and D. Gilbert
The Relative Value of Geophysical Tools in the Gulf of Mexico Subsalt Play,
W. L. Abriel
Variation in Selenium Reduction by Naturally-Occurring Microorganisms,
D. J. Adams, T. Pickett, and J. Murchison
Gas Tracers for Geothermal Systems,
M. C. Adams and P. McPherson
Reinterpretation of Maastrichtian and Early Paleocene Strata in Baluchistan Province, Pakistan: Synsedimentary Tectonic Influence on Sequence Stratigraphy along the Indo-Afghan Collisional Belt,
R. D. Adams and J. M. L. Cater
Constraints on Dolomitization of the Guadalupian San Andres Formation, Vacuum Field, New Mexico,
S. D. Adams and J. D. Humphrey
Seismic Facies Map Using Neural Networks: An Example from Sligo Limestone In Lavaca County, Texas,
S. K. Addy
Prehistoric Petroleum Production in Eastern North America,
J. M. Adovasio and R. E. Taylor
Eocene Plays and Cretaceous Hydrocarbons in Western Falc¢n, Zulia & Falc¢n States, Venezuela,
R. C. Ahlborn
Impact of Mouthbar Correlation Techniques on Recovery Factors, Sirikit Field, Thailand. An integrated 3-D Reservoir Modeling approach,
R. B. Ainsworth, M. Sanlung, S. T. C. Duivenvoorden, P. J. Colleran, and G. H. Makel
Complex Allocthonous Salt Structures and Their Impact on Subsalt Illumination,
M. L. Albertin, D. Sedgeley, D. Kikkert, J. O. Mooney, A. Calvert, E. McCarron, M. O'Brien, and R. Priem
Generation Of An Exploration Play And Prospect Using Remote Sensing,
W. Alderman and J. Stout
Geostatistical Integration of 3-D Seismic with Gravity and Wellbore Data to Identify and Estimate Additional Reserves in the Ghawar Field, Saudi Arabia,
D. W. Alexander and R. W. Jeffery
Jurassic Petroleum System in Southern lraq,
M. Al-Gailani
Majnoon Oilfield, A Super Giant for the new Millennium,
M. Al-Gailani
Mechanism of Mid-Clysmic Event and Its Effect on the Pre and Post Miocene Structure of Ras Budran Field Gulf of Suez, Egypt,
R. Ali Hussein and A. Khairy
Kawerau Field, New Zealand: 40 Years of Development and Still Under-Developed,
R. Allis
High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphic Setting of Mississippian Eolianites, Appalachian and Illinois Basins, U.S.A.,
A. Al-Tawil, L. B. Smith, and J. F. Read
Identifying Areas of Enhanced Natural Fracturing in the Ferron Coal Trend of Central Utah Using Satellite Imagery, Regional Geophysical Grids, and Subsurface Data,
J. F. Amos and D. J. Campagna
Prolific Oil Production from a Source Rock- The Athel Silicilyte Source-Rock Play in South Oman,
J. E. Amthor, W. Smits, and P. Nederlof
Use of Neodymium Isotope Stratigraphy in Reservoir Management and Exploration,
H. E. F. Amundsen, S. Dahlgren, A. Dalland, T. Dreyer, and E. W. Mearns
Fluvial Architecture, Cycles, and High-Resolution Stratigraphy in Apparently Homogeneous Braidplain Deposits,
D. S. Anderson and T. A. Cross
The Wagon Rock Project: An Interdisciplinary Characterization of Sand-Rich, High-Density Turbidity Current Deposits of the “Merle Formation,” Northern Santa Lucia Range, California,
K. S. Anderson, T. A. Hickson, J. G. Crider, B. D. Ritts, S. Young, L. Lamb, P. A. Avseth, A. D. Hanson, C. Johnson, R. Lynds, E. L. Mason, P. Stites, Z. Sylvester, B. Argow, T. Greene, C. Fonseca, K. Friehauf, A. Hessler, J. Holl, K. Hyun, J. Li, M. Lucks, and L. Webb
Visualization of Drainage Imaged with 4-D Seismic Reservoir Monitoring,
R. N. Anderson, G. Guerin, W. He, A. Boulanger, U. Mello, and T. J. Watson
Future Technologies - A Far-Field Industry Review,
R. N. Anderson
Three Dimensional Groundwater Flow Modeling of the Ferron Sandstone, Central Utah,
L. O. Anna, C. C. Faunt, F. A. D'Agnese, and M. E. Henry
Songliao Basin: Tectonic and Depositional Controls on Giant Hydrocarbon Accumulations,
K. D. Apperson, B. Guoping, and D. K. Hobday
Storm Carbonate Deposits in Miocene Lacustrine Systems of the Central Ebro Basin (Norheastern Spain),
C. Arenas and G. Pardo
The Impact of Parasequence Stacking Patterns on Vertical Connectivity Between Wave-Dominated, Shallow Marine Shoreface Parasequences, Book Cliffs, Eastern Utah,
M. J. Arnot and T. R. Good
Assembled Petroleum Systems in Entre Lomas Field, Neuquen Basin, Argentina,
C. Arregui, S. Benotti, and O. Carbine
Is the Architecture of Upper Paleocene-Lower Eocene Stratigraphic Sequences on the North Atlantic Margins a Record of Tectonic History?,
M-P. Aubry
A Composite Standard and Graphic Correlation Analysis of the Mirador Formation, Northern Llanos, Colombia,
R. W. Aurisano
Facies Architecture of The Tensleep Sandstone Bighorn Basin, North-Central Wyoming,
A. A. Aviantara
Seismic Lithofacies in North Sea Deep Water Clastic Systems,
P. Avseth
Faults: Seals or Migration Pathways? Yes, No, Some Are but Some Aren't, and Some Faults Are but only Sometimes!,
A. Aydin, R. Myers, and A. Younes
Sedimentological and Geochemical Evidence of High Frequency Climatic Cycles Controlling the Deposition of Source and Reservoir Rocks in a Lower Cretaceous Rift Lake, Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, Brazil,
F. Azambuja, N. C. De, L. M. Arienti, and M. R. Mello
Regional-Scale Characterization of Coal-Bed Methane Reservoirs in the Alberta Basin in Comparison with Other Rocky Mountain Basins,
S. Bachu, F. M. Dawson, and R. J. H. Richardson
Comparison of Highstand, Lowstand, and Transgressive Fluvial Deltaic Deposits Offshore South Texas,
L. A. Banfield and J. B. Anderson
Non-Hydrocarbon Gases in the Deep Smackover Formation, Mississippi Salt Basin, at the Location of the Mary Higgins #2 Well, Mobile County, Alabama,
C. Barker and G. E. Sullivan
Characterization of Regional Landforms and Landscape Analysis in Support of An Oil Field Development in the Remote Arctic Timan Pechora Region of Russia,
J. Barringer, M. Schlegel, S. Terry, and L. Zilm
Biogeochemical and Tectonic Events Across the Mesoproterozoic-Neoproterozoic Transition in Siberia,
J. K. Bartley, A. J. Kaufman, A. H. Knoll, M. A. Semikhatov, and S. B. Jacobsen
Reservoir-Scale Fracture Permeability in the Dixie Valley, Nevada, Geothermal Field,
C. A. Barton, S. Hickman, R. Morin, M. D. Zoback, and D. Benoit
Maastrichtian-Paleocene Basin Evolution of Northwestern South America: The Transition from a Mature Extensional Basin to Foreland Basin,
G. Bayona and C. Jaramillo
Radiaxial Calcite in Space and Time: Clues to its Origin and to Global Change,
J. L. Beall and B. L. Kirkland
Tectonic Map of the Atlas Mountains, North Africa,
W. Beauchamp and M. Barazangi
Sedimentologic Characterization of the Noyon Uul Syncline, Mongolia,
M. A. Beck
Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Facies of the Eocene Gobernador Formation, Barinas Basin, Western Venezuela,
C. A. Bejarano, G. P. Allen, and L. Torres
Can Geostatistical Methods be Used to Infer Long-Range Oil Migration Through Carrier Beds? A Case Study from the Alberta Basin, Canada,
E. B. Bekele
Paleoenvironmental Changes at the End of the Paleoproterozoic Carbon Isotope Excursion,
A. Bekker and J. A. Karhu
Influence of Diagenetic Illite on the Permeability of a North Sea Sandstone Reservoir: An Image Analysis-Based Approach,
S. Belin, Y. Anguy, J. B. Ferm, and B. Fritz
Models of Deep Reservoir Evolution - an Examples from Oil Fields of Urengoy Zone, W. Siberia, and Kolva Zone, Timan-Pechora, Russia,
M. D. Belonin, V. V. Shimansky, and V. K. Shimansky
Quantifying Polynuclear Aromatic Compounds Helps Locate Major Structural Fractures for Prospect Evaluation,
J. Q. Belt, Jr. and G. K. Rice
Preservation of Aeolian Linear-Dune Relief During Catastrophic Flooding: Middle Jurassic Entrada and Todilto Formations, Ghost Ranch, New Mexico, USA,
A. A. Benan and G. Kocurek
Anatomy of an Ancient, Extremely Acid Saline Lake System: The Mid Permian Opeche Shale of North Dakota,
K. C. Benison, R. H. Goldstein, and J. D. Pasteris
Carbonate Reservoir Characterization and Management: Key to Improved Oil Recovery at Appleton Oil Field, Escambia County, Alabama,
D. J. Benson, E. A. Mancini, R. H. Groshong, J-H. Fang, and E. S. Carlson
Paleotopographic Controls on Jurassic Smackover Carbonate Reservoir Distribution and Quality in the Updip Basement Play of Southwest Alabama,
D. J. Benson and E. A. Mancini
The Importance of Surface Geology to Subsurface Production - A Partial Answer to Willy-Nilly Drilling in Mature Basins (Examples from the Uinta Basin, Utah, USA),
S. R. Bereskin, R. L. Bruhn, B. A. Marin, M. C. Walters, and K. K. Reinschmidt
Applied Sequence Stratigraphy of the Oficina Formation, Eastern Basin, Venezuela,
T. B. Berge, J. Delgado, L. Hernabdez, A. Ramos, and E. Roa
Deep-Sea Stratigraphic Sections: Narrow Windows on Geologic Time,
W. A. Berggren and M-P. Aubry
Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis of the lower Cretaceous Spinney Hill Member (Basal Joli Fou Formation): Genetic Implications of the Associated Glauconite,
K. Bergman and S. Stonecipher
Modeling Complex Reservoirs with Multiple Conditional Simulation Techniques; A Practical Approach to Reservoir Characterization,
H. Beucher, B. Doligez, and J. M. Yarus
Wave-Influenced Deltas,
J. P. Bhattacharya
Allostratigraphy of Cretaceous Wave- and Tide-Influenced Lowstand Deltas, Frontier Formation, Wyoming, USA,
J. P. Bhattacharya and B. J. Willis
Recommendations for Starting a New Business as a Petroleum Geologist,
L. T. Billingsley
Oil and Gas Potential of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) Revisited,
K. J. Bird
Effect of Provenance on Diagenesis of Deeply Buried Reservoirs - Examples from Haltenbanken, Offshore Norway,
K. Bjorlykke and F. Chuhan
GC-IRMS Used in Exploration,
M. Bjoroy and P. B. Hall
Correlation Between Oil Families and Source Rocks in Northern Part of Timano Pechora,
M. Bjoroy, K. A. Bakken, P. B. Hall, V. Rassomakhin, and O. Timochenko
Evaluation of Source Rocks, Oils and Reservoir Alteration in Yamal and Gydan Area, Western Siberia,
M. Bjoroy, K. A. Bakken, P. B. Hall, A. S. Rovenskaya, N. Nemchenko, and F. Z. Khafizov
Stratigraphic Controls on Petroleum Systems in the Bengal Basin,
G. H. Blake and A. H. M Shamsuddin
Hurricane Control on Modern Reef Development,
P. Blanchon
Exploration Plays in the Tuy-Cariaco Offshore Region, Venezuela,
B. Blanco
Reservoir Architecture and Vertical Facies Successions in Lower Pliocene Delta-Fed Deep-Water Deposits, Offshore Nigeria,
R. B. Bloch, J. B. Paul, R. D. Kreisa, S. C. Leininger, S. D. Joiner, U. J. Ewherido, and J. Adame
Quaternary Alluvial Plains and Incised Valleys, Texas Gulf Coastal Plain: Chronology, Stratigraphic Architecture, and Facies Organization,
M. D. Blum and A. Aslan
Ichnofabric Analysis Using Borehole and Core Images - Examples of the Norwegian Sector of the North Sea,
F. Bockelie, A. Eldoy, K. Gran, and F. Porturas
Well-Log Expression of Lake Strata: Controls of Lake-Basin Type and Provenance, Contrasts with Marine Strata,
K. M. Bohacs and K. Mikell-Gerhardt
Basin Modelling of Fluid Flow, Migration, Trap Integrity and Overpressuring: Are We All Very Wrong?,
H. N. Bolas, E. Vik, B. Paasch, and C. Hermanrud
Mass Transfer and Water-Oil-Mineral Interaction: Implications from Calcite Cements of the San Joaquin Basin, California,
J. R. Boles
Grain Coatings and Reservoir Quality Preservation: Role of Coating Completeness, Grain Size and Thermal History,
L. M. Bonnell and R. H. Lander
High-Resolution Stratigraphy of the Lower Green River Formation at Raven Ridge and Red Wash Field, NE Uinta Basin: Stratigraphic Control on Petroleum Subsystems,
J. M. Borer
Blackburn Oil Field, Pine Valley, Nevada - a Case History Update,
L. C. Bortz
Stratigraphic Response to Growth Faulting in the Niger Delta,
R. Bouroullec, H. D. Johnson, and J. A. Cartwright
Correlation of Porosity Types Derived From NMR Data and Petrographic Image Analysis,
M. C. Bowers, M. B. Carr, and C. J. Murray
Australian and Eastern Indonesian Petroleum Systems,
M. Bradshaw, D. Edwards, J. Bradshaw, C. Foster, A. Moore, A. Murray, and R. Summons
Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation of a Mature Basin: Eastern Niger Delta Case Study,
S. Braide, J. Durand, and C. Orji
Tectonic and Geological Evolution of NE Syria: Implications for Regional Tectonics and Hydrocarbons,
G. Brew, R. Litak, M. Barazangi, T. Sawaf, and T. Zaza
Acoustic Anisotropy Measurements in the Siliceous Shale of the 653Z-26B Well in the Buena Vista Hills Field, California,
A. W. Britton and M. F. Morea
Facies Architecture of the West Central Florida Inner Continental Shelf: A Mixed Carbonate/Siliciclastic System,
G. R. Brooks, L. J. Doyle, and B. C. Suthard
Numerical Simulation of Mineral Diagenesis as a Tool for Reservoir Appraisal,
E. Brosse, O. Bildstein, B. Bazin, and Y. Le Gallo
Controls on the Depositional Architecture of the Pennsylvanian Hermosa Group, Paradox Basin,
A. L. Brown
The Special Value of Seismic Attributes,
A. R. Brown
Sedimentary and Hillslope Response to Active Fold Growth,
N. Brozovic, D. W. Burbank, A. J. Meigs, and J. J. Roering
Contrasting Styles of Oligocene/Miocene Turbidite Reservoirs from Deep Water Campos Basin, Brazil,
C. H. L. Bruhn, M. R. Becker, L. M. Arienti, E. B. Rodrigues, C. E. B. S. Abreu, R. R. P. Alves, D. D. Castro, R. A. Santos, L. C. S. Freitas, A. P. Barros, and D. J. Sarzenski
High-Resolution Stratigraphy and Reservoir Heterogeneities of Upper Albian Turbidite Reservoirs of Albacora Field, Campos Basin, Offshore Brazil,
C. H. L. Bruhn, A. S. Barroso, M. R. F. Lopes, D. J. Sarzenski, C. J. Abreu, and C. M. A. Silva
Progressive Loss of Permeability with Depth in Cenozoic Limestones of West-Central Florida,
D. A. Budd and K. A. Dumont
Modern Delta Progradation Rates: Implications for Relative Sea-Level Control on Timing of Turbidite Deposition with Examples from the Jurassic of the Neuquen Basin, Argentina,
P. Burgess, S. Flint, and N. Hovius
Petroleum System Assessment for the East Sirte Basin (Cyrenaica) Oil Province,
R. Burwood
Tectonic Controls on the Sequence Stratigraphic Framework of a Forearc Strike-Slip Basin, Baja California (Mexico),
C. Busby, W. R. Morris, and L. Blikra
Mixed Carbonate/Siliciclastic Sedimentation: Northern Insular Shelf of Puerto Rico,
D. M. Bush and O. H. Pilkey
Mineral-Catalyzed Formation Of Natural Gas During Coal Maturation,
S. J. Butala, J. C. Medina, M. L. Lee, S. A. Felt, T. Q. Taylor, D. B. Andrus, C. H. Bartholomew, P. Yin, and R. C. Surdam
Global Hydrocarbon Potential of Impact Structures,
D. B. Buthman
Evolution of a Paleogene Lake: A 300,000 Year Outcrop Record of the Brown Shale of Central Sumatra,
P. Butterworth and A. Carnell
Integration of Geologic and Reservoir Characteristics of the Low Permeability Medina Group, Appalachian Basin,
A. P. Byrnes and J. W. Castle
Lacustrine-Swamp Systems In Strike-Slip Shear Zones: Potential Source Rock Accumulation And Structural Traps Generation,
L. Cabrera, B. Ferrus, and A. Saez
A Methodology for “Full-Field” Fracture Network Modelling,
M-C. Cacas, J. Letouzey, and J-M. Daniel
Zone Architecture and Fluid Flow Anisotropy in Heterolithic Reservoirs,
J. S. Caine and C. B. Forster
Influence of Structure, Reservoir Compartments, and Natural Fractures on Oil and Gas Production in the Southern San Joaquin Basin, California,
D. J. Campagna, J. F. Amos, and N. Mamula
Quaternary Carbonate Eolianites: Useful Analogues for the Interpretation of Ancient Rocks?,
J. L. Carew and J. E. Mylroie
Positioning for the 21{st} Century Venezuela's Apertura,
J. O. Carnevali
Architecture of a Cambrian Lowstand Barrier-Strandplain System: The Ironton/Galesville Sandstone Reservoir, Pontiac Gas-Storage Field, Illinois,
D. L. Carr
Portrait of a Basin-Floor Fan for Sandy Deep-Water Systems, Permian Lower Brushy Canyon Fm., Delaware Mountains, West Texas,
M. Carr, M. H. Gardner, M. Batzle, J. Melick, and C. Woodland
Spatial Analysis of Fabric Elements in the Berea Sandstone through Petrographic Image Analysis,
M. B. Carr and C. A. Paschke
Sequence Stratigraphic Model for the Upper St. Loius Limestone Reservoirs of Southwest Kansas,
T. R. Carr
Characterization of Natural Fractures in Spraberry Trend Area Reservoirs, Permian Basin, West Texas,
M. Cather and J. Lorenz
Geodynamic Evolution and Stratigraphic Consequences for the Karoo Basin of South Africa,
O. Catuneanu, J. P. Hancox, and B. S. Rubidge
Rapid Precision Mapping,
A. K. Chamberlian
Cyclic Eolian Foresets: Periodicities and Implications for Paleoclimate,
M. A. Chan and A. W. Archer
Automatic Reconstruction of 3D Multi-Valued Surface Models from Interpreted Seisimic Data,
T. Chang, L. Canales, and C-C. Shih
Hydrocarbon Potential in the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Southern Utah,
T. C. Chidsey, Jr., D. A. Sprinkel, and M. L. Allison
Structural Styles and Petroleum Systems Along the Foothills of the Cordillera Oriental of Colombia and the Andes De Merida of Venezuela,
N. Chigne, E. Garcia, E. Rojas, and D. Loureiro
Characteristics of Eastern Continental Margin of Korea and their Implication for the Hydrocarbon Accumulation,
B. Choi
Sequence Stratigraphy and Structure of Selected Deep Water Fields in Northeastern Gulf of Mexico,
A. N. Chowdhury and A. E. Hannan
Factors Controlling Hydrocarbon Habitat In Zhu I Sag, Pearl River Mouth Basin,
W. Chunxiu and Z. Qunying
Geometric Variability within Deep-Water Clastic Sheet-Systems: An Example from the Annot Sandstone, SE France,
J. D. Clark and T. R. Good
Tectonic and Paleotopographic Controls on Compartmentalization of Turbidite Reservoirs, Miocene Stevens Sandstone, San Joaquin Basin, CA,
M. S. Clark, R. K. Prather, and J. D. Melvin
Kerogen Conversion in Fractured Shale Petroleum Systems,
G. E. Claypool
Sequence Stratigraphy of Paleogene Temperate, Mixed Shelf Carbonate-Siliciclastic Units, North Carolina Coastal Plain, U.S.A.,
B. P. Coffey and J. F. Read
Hydrocarbon Potential of the Great South Basin, New Zealand,
R. Cook, H. Zhu, R. Sutherland, S. Killops, and R. Funnell
The Early Recognition of Compartmentalisation in the Dunbar Oil Field, UK,
T. Coombes, J. J. McBride, and E. W. Mearns
Fracture Characteristics and Variability within a Basement-Cored Laramide Age Anticline, Teapot Dome, Wyoming,
S. P. Cooper, L. B. Goodwin, J. C. Lorenz, and L. W. Teufel
The Control of the Smectite-Illite Transition on Passive-Roof Duplex Formation: Canadian Rockies Foothills, Alberta,
B. A. Couzens-Schultz and D. V. Wiltschko
Discrimination Between Incised Valley and Distributary-Channel Complexes in a Wave-Dominated Deltaic Setting: Upper Cretaceous Iles Formation (Mesaverde Group), Sand Wash Basin, Northwestern Colorado,
J. P. Crabaugh and R. J. Steel
Simultaneous, Multi-Parameter Stratigraphic Inversion of the Mesaverde Clastic Wedge, San Juan Basin,
T. A. Cross and M. A. Lessenger
The Shoreface/Tidal Couplet—A Mechanism for Tapping into Coarse Sediment,
T. A. Cross
Correlation Strategies for Clastic Wedges,
T. A. Cross and M. A. Lessenger
Exploration Opportunities in Mexico, A Regional Perspective,
P. Cruz-Helu and J. J. Meneses-Rocha
Evolution of Tertiary Basin Margin Depositional Systems, Black Sea, Offshore Turkey,
M. A. Cucci, W. H. Abbott, D. Yarwood, F. S. Barker, and D. S. Campbell
Hydrocarbons in the Ames Feature: The Oil Creek—Arbuckle (!) Petroleum System, Major County, Oklahoma,
D. K. Curtiss and D. A. Wavrek
Ichnology of Holocene Carbonate Eolianites of the Bahamas,
H. A. Curran and B. White
Hydrocarbon Exploration and Perspectives of the Prerif, Northern Morocco,
M. Dakki, M. El Alji, M. Hssain, A. Demnati, A. Yahyaoui, and M. Zaidi
Quantitative Sandbody Architecture of the Straight Cliffs Formation, Kaiparowits Plateau of Southern Utah, Applied to the Modelling of Fluvial Reservoirs,
M. Dalrymple, A. Grubb, and T. R. Good
Reconciling Fracture and Test Permeability in 3d Heterogeneity Models,
C. Daly, A. Jones, K. Heffer, A-L. Hektoen, L. Holden, and P. King
High-Resolution Seismic and Core
of Quaternary Depositional Processes in Texas-Louisiana Intraslope Basins: The Use of Modern Analogs to Understand Depositional Processes and Facies of Intraslope Basin Reservoirs,
J. E. Damuth and H. C. Olson
New Evidence from Sediment Cores for Extensive Sand Distribution in “Mud-Rich” Deep-Sea Fans: Insights Gained from Drilling Amazon Fan during ODP Leg 155,
J. E. Damuth
Evolution of an Upper Carboniferous Non-Marine Succession in a High Accommodation Setting, Maritimes Basin, Canada,
S. J. Davies and M. Gibling
An Alternative Work Flow Process for 3D Reservoir Characterization,
J. W. Davidson, K. Swirydczuk, C. Wilson, and A. Bouchard
Barrier/Inlet System on the Florida Gulf Coast: A Holocene Mixture of Carbonate and Siliciclastic Sediments that is a Model for Good Reservoirs,
R. A. Davis, Jr.
4-D, 3-C Seismology and Dynamic Reservoir Characterization - A Geophysical Renaissance,
T. L. Davis, R. D. Benson, S. L. Roche, and D. Talley
Structural Evolution of Central Graben Salt Diapir Fields, N. Sea,
I. Davison, N. Evans, and M. Safaricz
The Role of
Linkage in Controlling the Architecture of Syn-rift Sequences, Late Jurassic, Northern North Sea,
N. H. Dawers, J. R. Underhill, A. M. Berge, and K-O. Heger
Cave Gulch Field Discoveries with Depth in the Wind River Basin, Natrona County, Wyoming,
P. A. Dea, F. J. Barrett, and S. Natali
Reservoir Quality of Fractured Cretaceous Carbonates in the Western Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela,
J. M. Degraff, T. G. Apotria, K. E. Dahlberg, M. G. Kozar, W. B. Maze, P. J. Vrolijk, D. M. Allard, H. N. Patel, and I. C. Serrano
Facies Analysis and Environmental Interpretation of the Middle Chuar Group (Proterozoic): Implications for the Timing of Rodinian Breakup,
C. M. Dehler
Autochthonous Salt Structure in the Deep Gulf of Mexico Alaminos Canyon,
H. E. Denman and C. P. Corona
Using Strontium Isotopes to Better Understand Gypsum/Anhydrite Beds,
R. E. Denison and D. W. Kirkland
Linking Dual Porosity Continuum and Discrete Feature Network Models for Fractured Reservoirs,
W. Dershowitz, T. Eiben, and T. Cladouhos
Late Mesozoic to Cenozoic Basin Development along the North-West Margin of the East Vietnam Sea,
P. T. Dien, L. H. Nielsin, C. Andersen, and D. V. Nhuan
Late Mesozoic to Tertiary Basin Evolution along the South-East Continental Shelf of Vietnam,
P. T. Dien, P. S. Tai, N. V. Dzung, and D. V. Nhuan
Reservoir Modeling and Simulation of the Main Pass 299 Salt Dome, Gulf of Mexico,
M. W. Dixon, S. C. Meyer, and P. S. Hansel II
A Case Study Demonstrating How NMR Logging Reduces Completion Uncertainties in Low Porosity, Tight Gas Sand Reservoirs,
W. S. Dodge, A. G. Guzman-Garcia, D. A. Noble, J. Lavigne, and R. Akkurt
Estuarine/Inner Shelf Seabed Transition in a Mixed Carbonate/Siliciclastic Depositional Regime,
B. Donahue, A. C. Hine, S. D. Locker, and S. Tebbens
Sediments of the Inner Central West FL Continental Shelf,
L. J. Doyle and G. R. Brooks
Potential Natural Gas Plays Associated with Proterozoic-Cambrian Rift Basins in the Southeastern Midcontinent, U.S.A.,
J. A. Drahovzal
New Measurement Techniques for 3D Analogue Outcrop Characterization: The Neales Delta, Lake Eyre, South Australia,
N. Drinkwater, R. Bachrach, B. Ward, S. Lang, T. Hicks, A. Reischer, W. Murphy, D. McCormick, and I. Bryant
High Resolution Seismic Image of Southern Bank Offshore Corpus Christi (TX). One Among Several Coralgal Reefs Established Along the Southern Texas Shelf as Potential Roots for Barrier Reef Development,
A. W. Droxler, A. Belopolsky, D. A. Mucciarone, and B. F. Marsset
Chemostratigraphic Transect (Lagoon to Slope) Across a mid-Cretaceous Carbonate Platform, South-central Pyrenees, Spain: The Stratigraphic, Sedimentologic, and Paleoenvironmental Interpretation of a Platform Drowning Event,
P. A. Drzewiecki and J. A. Simo
Adaptive Stratigraphic Forward Modeling: Making Forward Modeling Adapt to Conditional Data,
T. Duan, C. Griffiths, T. Cross, and M. Lessenger
Facies Architecture and Parasequence Stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous Star Point Sandstone and Blackhawk Formation, Southern Wasatch Plateau, Central Utah,
R. F. Dubiel and M. A. Kirschbaum
Giant Oil Prospects in the Chindwin Basin, Northwest Myanmar (Burma),
E. F. Durkee
Ramsey Sandstone Channel-Levee and Lobe Deposits: Deep-Marine Clastic Reservoirs in the Bell Canyon Formation, Delaware Basin, Texas,
S. P. Dutton, M. D. Barton, and A. G. Cole
Forward and Inverse Stratigraphic Modeling of Fluvial Systems: A Bridge to the Future of Reservoir Management,
D. Edington, T. Cross, and M. Lessenger
Stratigraphic Framework of a Mixed Carbonate/Siliciclastic Inner Shelf Sand Ridge System,
J. H. Edwards, A. C. Hine, S. D. Locker, and G. R. Brooks
Focused Fluid Migration along Faults in the Miocene Monterey Formation, California,
P. Eichhubl and J. R. Boles
Seals and Their Effects on Hydrocarbon Distribution and Reservoir Performance,
R. A. Eisenberg, R. Brenneman, A. Adeogba, and U. K. Acharaya
Construction and Use of Multi-Attribute Cubes for Structural Interpretation of the Main Pass 299 Salt Dome, Gulf of Mexico,
R. A. Eisenberg and W. S. Kowalik
Get the “Rhythm of the Rocks” and Find the Dip,
M. B. Enderlin and T. Kratochvil
Paleosols Provide Detailed Local Correlations within the Upper Supai Group, Grand Canyon,
P. Enos, A. R. Alissa, G. Buijs, W. Joyce, A. J. Fogarty, and D. H. Chaikin
4D Heat, Pressure and Fluid Flow Simulation of Sedimentary Basins,
A. Erendi and L. M. Cathles III
Controls on Velocity and Formation Factor in High-Porosity Siliciclastic Sediments,
S. N. Erickson and R. D. Jarrard
Reassessment of Structural Interpretation Using 3-D Visualization of Conventional Logs and Dipmeter Analysis, East Zeit Field, Gulf of Suez, Egypt,
D. L. Eubanks, P. Higman, M. Stellas, and J. G. Hood
A New Sequence-Stratigraphic Model for Mixed Carbonate and Siliciclastic Strata Deposited on Subsidence-Dominated Miogeoclines: Upper Cambrian, Great Basin, USA,
K. R. Evans and R. H. Goldstein
Reservoir Architecture and Depositional Environments of Triassic Fluvial Sandstones: Examples from Block 208, Ghadames Basin, Algeria,
M. J. Evans, J. M. Green, and H. H. Jameson
Permeability Across Compartments from Production Data,
P. J. Evans and W. C. Belfield
Four-Dimensional Analysis of Prograding Geologic Systems: Example of the Gulf of Mexico Province,
R. Evans
Petroleum Potential of Bangladesh: A Regional Perspective,
J. R. Everett, R. J. Staskowski, and W. R. Dripps
A New Interpretation of the Subsidence History of the Michigan Basin Based on Thermal Modeling,
W. D. Everham and J. E. Huntoon
Generating and Selling/Promoting Deals,
T. Fails
Imaging Logs Aid Formation Evaluation in Thinly Laminated Reservoirs,
M. Y. Fam, M. Haugland, and W. F. Stewart
Orderliness in the Midst of Chaos: Prediction of Deep-Water Reservoir Facies in a Slump and Debris Flow-dominated System, Equatorial Guinea, West Africa,
S. B. Famakinwa and G. Shanmugam
The Role of Contractors - Partners of Choice in E & P,
L. Farmer
Preservation Potential of Shoreface Sands Along the Texas Coast,
M. L. Fassell, J. B. Anderson, and A. B. Rodriguez
Redevelopment of Ekofisk Field, North Sea, Based on Rerservoir Characterization and Innovative Well Design,
C. T. Feazel, H. H. Nielsen, B. Agarwal, and S. C. Key
Petro - Facies Analysis of the Bakken Formation in SE Saskatchewan,
H. S. Ferdous and R. W. Renant
Post-Miocene Stratigraphy and Depositional Environments of Valley-Fill Sequences at the Mouth of Tampa Bay, Florida,
T. W. Ferguson and R. A. Davis, Jr.
Sandstone Channel Geometry and Stacking Pattern in the Late Cretaceous Mesaverde Formation, Wind River Basin, WY,
H. Fernandez, J. M. Robinson, R. A. J. R., A. R. Prave, and C. R. Bates
Specialized Depositional Environments of the Continental Shelf- Slope Transition Zone in Miocene to Recent Sediments of the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Exploration Applications in Sequence Stratigraphic and Reservoir Facies Interpretation,
R. H. Fillon, H. H. Roberts, and B. Kohl
Unrecognized Compartmentalization Resulting from Clinoform Geometries in High-Frequency Genetic Sequences: Falling-Stage Miocene Deltaic Sandstones, Matzen Field, Vienna Basin, Austria,
R. J. Finley, P. R. Knox, E. R. von Lunen, and M. L. Mercer
Structural and Stratigraphic Controls on Fracture System Architecture: An Example from the Carmel Formation of the San Rafael Swell, Utah,
M. P. Fischer
Comparative Stratigraphic Architecture in Coevel Cretaceous Successions from Utah and Wyoming: Implications for Controls upon Stratal Geometries,
R. S. Fitzsimmons, J. Howell, and S. Flint
Simulation of Secondary Migration in Faults: Dynamic Controls on Hydrocarbon Column Height,
P. B. Flemings, M. H. Bennett, P. J. Hicks, Jr., C. A. Shaw, and W. A. Symington
Identification of Stratigraphic Patterns in Uncored Wells, Based on Quantification of Sedimentological Features from Formation Micro Image Logs (FMI),
A. Folkestad
Fingerprinting UV-Fluorescence Spectra of Refined Products and Mixtures for Rapid Site Assesment and Economical Screening of Petroleum Based Contaminants in Soils or Ground Water, Applications at Refineries and Other Sites,
J. V. Fontana, G. L. Jackson, and C. J. Canfield
Characteristics of Coalbed Methane Seeps from Fruitland Formation Outcrops in the San Jaun Basin, Colorado; The Need for Hazard Awareness and Implications for Near Surface Gas Surveys,
J. V. Fontana
Genesis and Regional Significance of the Middle Ordovician (Mohawkian) Black River-Trenton Hardground Omission Surface, Upper Mississippi Valley USA,
B. W. Fouke and D. R. Kolata
Sensitivity of Microsampled versus Bulk Rock 87Sr/86Sr Chemostratigraphy in Recording Basin-to-Platform Fluid Migration, Early Cretaceous Vercors Carbonate Platform, France,
B. W. Fouke, W. Schlager, and M. G. M. Vandamme
Significance of Depositional and Early Diagenetic Controls on Architecture of a Karstic-Overprinted Mississippian (Osagian) Reservoir, Schaben Field, Ness County, Kansas,
E. K. Franseen, T. R. Carr, W. J. Guy, and D. S. Beaty
“Molar-Tooth” Structures: A Geochemical Perspective on a Proterozoic Enigma,
T. D. Frank and T. W. Lyons
The Geochemistry and Environmental Control of Mercury and Arsenic in Gas, Condensate, and Water Produced in the Gulf of Thailand,
T. C. Frankiewicz, S. Tussaneyakul, and J. A. Curiale
Isotopic Evidence From Terrestrial and Marine Biomarkers For Climatic Conditions in the Middle and Late Miocene: Implications for the Expansion of C-4 Plants,
K. H. Freeman, L. A. Colarusso, and M. Pagani
Combining NMR and Density Logs for Petrophysical Analysis in Gas Bearing Formations,
R. Freedman, C. C. Minh, G. Gubelin, T. McGinness, B. Terry, J. Freeman, and D. Rawlence
History of Geology Relating to Petroleum Exploration,
G. M. Friedman
Truncated Piurigaussian Method: A Case Study,
A. Galli, G. Le Loc'h, R. Eschard, and F. Geffroy
Does Climate Affect Amount of Bioturbation? Comparison of Ichnofabric in Low vs. High Latitude Triassic Fluvial Sandstones,
G. M. Galloway and M. F. Miller
Surface Expression of Cyclicity and Biofacies Transitions in the Middle Tertiary Lares and Montebello Limestones, Northern Puerto Rico,
J. J. Galluzzo and W. R. Ramirez
Depositional Architecture and Hydrocarbon Productivity of Autochthonous Slope Systems,
W. E. Galloway
Exploring in a Complex Thrust Belt System - the S.Apennines Case History,
R. Gambini
Using Fuzzy Logic to Model Ambiguity in Geologic Processes,
A. C. Gary and M. Filewicz
Reservoir Characterization Using Borehole Images,
C. Garcia-Carballido
3D Reservoir Description at Multiple Scales,
E. Gardner, P. Duncan, and D. Nester
Cut, Fill and Spill: A New Look at the Overbank Paradigm for Sandy Deep Water Systems,
M. H. Gardner, J. M. Borer, M. Dechesne, and R. Wagerle
Linking Pattern to Process: Along-Strike Variations in Mid-Cretaceous Clastic Wedge Architecture,
M. H. Gardner
The Spatial Distribution of
-Related Diagenesis Around the Moab
, Utah,
R. Garden, A. Foxford, S. Guscott, S. Burley, J. Walsh, and J. Watterson
Variation in Sediment Supply and accommodation in Sedimentary Basins: Implications for Sequence Development,
R. Gawthorpe
Integrated Reservoir Study Case History: Application of Levy-stable Random Fractal Simulation Techniques for Understanding Reservoir Mechanisms in the Kuparuk River Field, North Slope, Alaska,
G. C. Gaynor, E. Y. Chang, G. R. Selisker, and S. Moothart
Preliminary Appraisal of Subsalt Structures and Deep Detachments in Offshore Louisiana, Gulf of Mexico,
A. Gelmetti, T. Bianco, R. Coen, and B. M. P. A. Jackson
Formation Evaluation with Nuclear Magnetic Resonance - Worldwide Applications,
D. T. Georgi
Application of Cost-Effective PC-Based Reservoir Simulation and Management - Schaben Field (Mississippian), Ness County, Kansas,
P. M. Gerlach, S. Bhattacharya, and T. R. Carr
Baseline Environmental Surveys of the Piltun-Astokhskoye Field, Offshore Sakhalin Island, Russia,
D. A. Gettleson, A. D. Hart, K. D. Spring, and B. D. Graham
Drilling Fluids, Drill Cuttings and Biodegradation Tests,
J. M. Getliff
Fracture Prediction From 3D Strain Variations Using New Kinematic Flow Algorithms for Hanging-wall Deformation,
A. Gibbs, P Griffiths, T Murray, R Osborn, and N. Salter
The Texas High School Coastal Monitoring Program,
J. Gibeaut, R. Gutierrez, and B. L. Kirkland
Environmental Ichnostratigraphy of Shallow Marine Carbonates in the Jurassic Carmel Formation, San Rafael Swell, Central Utah,
J. M. De Gibert and A. A. Ekdale
Stratigraphic Significance of the Entobia Ichnofacies in Rocky Shore Paleoenvironments, Pliocene, NW Mediterranean,
J. M. De Gibert, J. Martinell, and R. Domenech
Maps of Geology-Ecologic Estimate of Oil and Gas Resources as a Way of an Estimate of Field Development Ecologic Danger,
I. M. Gildeeva
Subsidence Enhanced Stratigraphic Stacking of Forced-Regression Systems Tracts Along the Cordilleran Hingeline, Utah,
K. A. Giles, M. L. Bocko, and T. F. Lawton
Lateral Variability of Ichnofacies in Point-bar Deposits at Willapa Bay, Washington,
M. K. Gingras, E. Clifton, T. Saunders, and S. G. Pemberton
Ancient and Modern Eolian Analogues: The Permian Rotliegend of the North Sea & the Quaternary Desert of Arabia,
K. W. Glennie and B. P. J. Williams
Second-Order Accommodation Cycles and Points of “Stratigraphic Turnaround”: Implications for High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy and Facies Architecture of the Cotton Valley Lime/Haynesville of the East Texas Salt Basin,
R. K. Goldhammer, M. Edwards, R. Pharis, N. Pollard, W. Tittle, and E. Westergaard
Chaos in El Paso?,
R. K. Goldhammer and DJ Lehrmann
Relative Timing of Cenozoic Deformation of the Middle Magdalena Valley Basin and Bounding Mountain Ranges, Colombia,
E. Gomez and T. Jordan
Deep Water Reservoir Management: The Brazilian Experience,
J. E. Gontijo
New Oil And Gas Exploration Discoveries In China Offshore Area In Recent Years,
Z. Gong
Using Temporal Changes In Produced Water Geochemistry As A Guide To Assess Reservoir Compartmentation In Coal Bed Methane Reservoirs,
A. W. Gorody and T. Casey
Fabric Development in Phylloid Algal Bioherms,
J. Gournay and B. Kirkland
The Proximity of Secondary Porosity Distribution and
Zones, Nugget Sandstone, Colorado and Wyoming,
A. Grau
Unconformity Detection and Characterization Using 3-D, 3-C Seismic Data, Joffre Field, Alberta Canada,
A. Grau and L. Duranti
Paleogeography of the Late Devonian Jefferson Formation and antecedent “Channel Sandstones” in the Lemhi Range, East-Central Idaho,
G. W. Grader and P. E. Isaacson
Salt Geometry in the South Vermilion Area of the Gulf of Mexico,
R. Gras, A. Buck, and K. Tushingham
Pipelines - the Link to Exploration Opportunities,
P. Green
Financing an Acquisition—A Geologist Works Through the Maze of Possibilities,
R. Gries
Fractured Tight Gas Reservoir Seismic Exploration Optimization,
R. Grimm, H. Lynn, and W. Beckham
Variations in Fracture Spacing and Strain Associated with a Fold-Related Normal
M. R. Gross, Y. Eyal, A. Becker, and W. L. Bartlett
Prospect Failures in a World Class Hydrocarbon System: Definition, Distribution and Possible Causes of Low Gas Saturated Sands in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico,
O. P. Gross and K. C. Hood
Evolution of Lower Miocene Sedimentary Facies, Pato-Onado Area, Eastern Venezuelan Basin,
I. Gruber, J. Moreno, J. H. Sanchez, and S. Sarzalejo
A 3D Seismic Volume of A Major Buried Thrust Front, Foredeep to Emergent Thrust Sheets, Quiriquire Block: Platform for Improved Exploration & Production, Eastern Venezuela Basin,
P. De Gruyter, V. Rigatti, W. Gajkowski, R. Hull, R. Roden, and D. Sievers
Multivariable Controls on the Timing, Distribution and Heterogeneity of Late Cenozoic Mixed Carbonate/Siliciclastic Sediments, Florida Keys,
L. A. Gurtin, D. F. McNeill, and K. J. Cunningham
of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in the Texas and Louisiana Gulf Coast Area,
R. Guest, M. Di Giovanni, S. Smith, J. Musselman, and T. Pickens
To Be or Not to Be (An Operator),
V. C. Gunn
Variation in Fan Delta Stacking Patterns Related to Synsedimentary Growth of Extensional
-related Folds, Miocene Suez Rift, Egypt,
S. Gupta, J. R. Underhill, I. R. Sharp, and R. L. Gawthorpe
Orogenic Drainage Reorganisation - the Explanation for Along-Strike Variation in the Timing of Regressive-Transgressive Successions, Cretaceous Western Interior Basin, USA,
S. Gupta and R. Robinson
Compound Specific Isotopic Analysis of Individual n-Alkanes: A Case Study Showing Their Utility in Oil-to-Oil and Oil-to-Source Rock Correlations in the Noroeste Basin, Argentina,
J. M. Guthrie, J. R. Cerqueira, and A. E. Schulz
Influence of Lithology and Pore Geometry on NMR Prediction of Permeability and Effective Porosity in Mississippian Carbonates, Kansas,
W. J. Guy, A. P. Byrnes, J. H. Doveton, and E. K. Franseen
Petroleum Geology: Its Beginning,
M. T. Halbouty
Fluvial Reservoir Architecture in the Early Permian Patchawarra Formation, Cooper Basin, Australia: Implications for Reservoir Performance, Field Extension, and Exploration Opportunities,
D. S. Hamilton
Bedset-Scale Facies Architecture and Reservoir Compartmentalisation in the Rannoch and Etive Formations, Lower Brent Group, UK North Sea,
G. Hampson and H. Johnson
Opposed Passive- and Active-Margin Slope and Basin-Floor Depositional Systems, Ozona Sandstone, Val Verde Basin, Southwest Texas,
H. S. Hamlin
Implications for Petroleum Source-Rock Distributions in the Tarim Basin, NW China, Derived from Organic Geochemical Analyses,
A. D. Hanson
Molecular Organic Geochemical Identification of Eight Different Genetic Groups of Oils/Condensates from the Tarim Basin, NW China,
A. D. Hanson
Salt Dome Geometries, Gulf of Mexico Shelf,
J. Handschy, J. Van Den Beykel, H. Ge, and F. Diegel
Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation of the Leonardian (Permian) Bone Spring Formation, Delaware Basin: Insights on Reciprocal Sedimentation from Three-Dimensional Seismic Data,
B. S. Hart
Identifying Hydrocarbon Performance From Micro Port-size Carbonate Reservoirs,
D. J. Hartmann and J. B. Thomas
Potential for Infill Drilling in a Naturally Fractured Tight Gas Sandstone Reservoir,
H. Harstad, L. W. Teufel, J. C. Lorenz, and W. H. Babcock
Groundwater Flow and Tritium Migration in Coastal Plain Sediments, Savannah River Site, South Carolina,
M. K. Harris, G. P. Flach, and P. A. Thayer
Sedimentology and Depositional Environments of Late Eocene Mixed Carbonate and Siliciclastic Sediment, Savannah River Area, South Carolina and Georgia{1},
M. K. Harris and P. A. Thayer
Deposition of Lacustrine Source Rocks, Congo Basin, West Africa: Controls by Lake Hydrology,
N. B. Harris and K. H. Freeman
Methods for Determining Interwell Facies Boundaries (and Constraining Geostatistical Correlation),
P. M. (Mitch) Harris
Geologic Framework for the Tengiz-8 Well, Tengiz Field, Kazakstan — Unconformities and Porosity Development,
P. M. (Mitch) Harris, R. A. Garber, A. Tyshkanbaeva, S. Birmanova, and M. E. Clark
Enhanced Porosity from Diagenesis of Deepwater Sandstones: Brae Oilfields, North Sea,
R. S. Haszeldine, C. Macaulay, A. E. Fallick, A. Marchand, and R. Swennen
Boundary Conditions of Foreland Fold-Thrust Belt Deformation from 3-D Reconstruction of a Curved Segment of the Southern Appalachian Basement Surface and Base of the Blue Ridge-Piedmont Thrust Sheet: Progress Report and Initial Results,
R. D. Hatcher, Jr., P. J. Lemiszki, and C. Montes
A Test of Geometric and Kinematic Models for
-Bend Folds Using a Fully-Exposed Structure in the Dolomitic Alps, Italy,
C. D. Hawkins
Integrating Scientific Research with K-12 Education,
G. F. Healy, M. Grammer, and V. Newell
Preservation Potential and Biogeochemical Cycling of Wood in Marine Carbonate Environments: An Experimental Study,
E. A. Heise, A. Raymond, S. E. Walker, C. E. Brett, D. D. Carlson, K. Parsons, and G. Staff
Stratigraphic and Diatom Evidence for Storms and Tsunamis on the Coasts of Oregon and Washington, USA,
E. H. Haley and R. C. Witter
Early Mesozoic Development of a Regional Lake System in Southern Mongolia,
M. S. Hendrix, M. A. Beck, R. Lenegan, S. A. Graham, C. J. Johnson, L. Webb, and D. J. Sjostrom
Application of a Novel High Resolution Object Recognition Algorithm for Petrographic Image Analysis of Reservoir Facies from the Rabbit Hills Oil Field, Montana,
M. S. Hendrix and R. Ford
Marine Transgressions in the Pre-Salt of the South Atlantic: New Models for Rifting and Continental Breakup,
S. G. Henry and V. Abreu
Play Framework and Production Characteristics in Offshore Plio-Pleistocene Fields, Northern Gulf of Mexico,
T. F. Hentz, B. J. Bascle, L. D. Nixon, R. H. Peterson, and C. J. John
Abnormal Pressure Evaluation of the Recent Pliocene and Miocene Gas Discoveries from the Eastern Nile Delta, Egypt, Using 2D and 3D Seismic Data,
P. D. Heppard and M. L. Albertin
Sealing Analysis - A Three-Dimensional Problem,
C. Hermanrud, G. M. G. Teige, L. Wensaas, H. Loseth, and M. Gading
Critical Heterogeneities in Aeolian Systems and Their Effect on Flow Performance in Reservoirs,
C. Hern and T. R. Good
Detailed Carbonate Stratigraphy from Log Interpretation of Horizontal Wells Assists in Reservoir Management (Liuhua Field, Offshore China),
C. Heubeck, P. Peng, and Z. J. Yuan
Hoover: A Significant Oil Discovery in the Western Gulf of Mexico Deepwater,
J. W. Higgins
Hydrocarbon Potential of the Steen River Impact Structure, Alberta, Canada,
A. R. Hildebrand, M. Pilkington, R. A. F. Grieve, R. R. Stewart, M. Mazur, D. Hladiuk, and D. Sinnott
Cenozoic Carbonate Platform Controls on a Modern Siliciclastic Coastal System,
A. C. Hine, S. D. Locker, G. Brooks, and R. A. Davis
The RCRA Exemption for Oil & Natural Gas Exploration and Production Wastes - What You May Not Know!,
D. L. Hippensteel
Discrimination Between Karst and Tectonic Fractures in the Ellenburger Formation, West Texas: Implications for Exploration Models,
T. E. Hoak, K. R. Sundberg, P. Ortoleva, and M. Shebl
Calculation and Interpretation of Crustal Shortening Along the Central Basin Platform, West Texas: A New Method to Identify Subsurface
T. E. Hoak, K. R. Sundberg, and P. Ortoleva
An Integration of Surface, Seismic, Airborne Radar and High Resolution Aeromagnetic Data in Northwestern Canada,
D. N. Hodder
Three-Dimensional Structural Modeling of Multi-Valued Salt Masses,
K. S. Hoffman, R. Lattuada, and J. W. Neave
Three Dimensional Visualization of a Structurally and Stratigraphically Complex Reservoir can Improve Development Strategy,
K. S. Hoffman and R. M. Slatt
Did the Albian/Cenomanian Mowry Transgressive/Regressive Cycle Connect the Tethyan and Boreal Seas?,
J. M. Holbrook, B. Odien, and B. Scott
Multiple Directions of Folding and Faulting During Oblique Convergence of a Basement-Cored Arch in the Southern Rocky Mountains,
S. M. Holdaway and E. A. Erslev
Depositional Sequences and the Stratigraphic Distribution of Fossils: Isolating the Effects of Condensation,
S. M. Holland and M. E. Patzkowsky
Testing Experimentally-Derived Concepts for the Development of Salt-Related Structures,
R. J. Hooper, B. C. Vendeville, R. Pascoe, E. Bergfjord, N. Evans, J. Colleran, and C. Gunn
Syn- to Post-Rifting Transitional Sequences in a Transform Margin Basin: The Cuyama Basin, California,
B. Hoppie
Combining Subsurface Natural Fracture Predictions with Oil Generation Estimates: An Example from Uinta Basin, Utah,
M. K. Horn
Tectonic Influence on Tertiary Sequence Stratigraphy, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) Coastal Plain and Adjacent Beaufort,
D. W. Houseknecht and C. J. Schenk
Reconstruction of Dissolved Evaporite Facies,
S. D. Hovorka
of High Quality Outcrop Datasets: Examples from the Book Cliffs of Eastern Utah,
J. Howell, P. Burgess, G. Hampson, D. Kamola, S. Flint, and P. Styles
Oil and Gas Distribution in SE Asia-Australasia,
J. V. C. Howes
Coupling of Along-
Migration and Hydrocarbon Entrapment in Stacked Reservoirs,
J. Huang, P. J. Hicks Jr., J. P. Ashbaush, and P. B. Flemings
Non-Marine Sequence Stratigraphy of the Enping Sub-Basin, the South China Sea,
L. Huang and L. Wei
The Courthouse Syncline: A Gulf of Mexico-style Minibasin Exposed in the Paradox Basin, Utah,
M. R. Hudec and S. R. May
Paleokarst in the Upper Devonian Grosmont Formation, NE Alberta, Canada: Recognition, Distribution, Origin,
H. Huebscher, E. A. Dembicki, and H. G. Machel
Hydrocarbons in Miocene Lamproite Dikes of the San Rafael Desert, Utah — Implications for
-Controlled Oil Migration and Accumulation in the Western Colorado Plateau,
J. B. Hulen, J. A. Collister, N. F. Dahdan, P. E. Wannamaker, and J. C. Quick
A Model For The Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation of Carbonate Wireline Log Motifs: An Example from the North West Shelfof Australia,
J. N. F. Hull, S. A. Smith, and H. C. Young
Effects of Climate and Sea-Level Change on Permian Deposition in the Paradox Basin Area, Southeastern Utah,
J. E. Huntoon, R. F. Dubiel, J. D. Stanesco, and S. M. Condon
Reconnaissance Geothermal Exploration in the Lesser Antilles,
G. W. Huttrer
Chronology, Polarity and Re-Adjustments of Structural Closures in Arabian Anticlines: Implications to Hydrocarbon Entrapments and Fields Development,
M. W. Ibrahim
A Review of Um Chaimin Crater, Circular Features and Ring Structures of Iraq Yield Hydrocarbon Exploration Targets,
M. W. Ibrahim
Albian Sea-Level Signals Constrained by Stable Isotopes - Nahr Umr Formation, Oman,
A. Immenhauser, W. Schlager, and S. J. Burns
Devonian and Late Paleozoic Carbonate Buildups of Idaho,
P. E. Isaacson
Characterization of the Norphlet Gas Trend in the Gulf of Mexico OCS,
G. W. Jacobs
Carbonate Reservoir Modelling: The Early Eocene El Garia Formation, Offshore Tunisia,
H. Jacson, K. Braithwaite, and G. Cowan
4D Seismic Technologies: Present and Future Trends,
I. Jack and S. Raikes
Predictive Models for Tsunami and Hurricane Deposits Based on Simple Hydrodynamic and Sediment Transport Considerations,
B. Jaffe, B. Richmond, and G. Gelfenbaum
The Relationship Between Pre-Salt and Post Salt Structures Offshore Cabinda, West Africa,
F. Jaffri, J. Brown, A. Gibbs, P. Griffiths, and C. Whitefield
An Integrated Approach to Seismic Interpretation and Structural Validation in 3D,
F. Jaffri, J. Brown, A. Gibbs, and C. Whitefield
Structural Overview of the Deepwater to Ultra Deepwater Northern Gulf of Mexico Area based on a Recent Regional Seismic Program,
G. Jamieson, A. Hannan, N. Biles, and A. Chowdhury
Shale Mobility in Western Venezuela, Implications for Maturity
and Prospectivity,
J-Y. Chatellier, M. J. Mendez, P. Hague, and A. Navarro
Strategic Alliances in E&P Operations,
D. A. L. Jenkins
Application of Carbon Isotopes of Monomeric Hydrocarbons in Petroleum Exploration in the Ordos Basin,
D. Jinxing, W. Zhang, X. Xia, L. Zhao, and C. Zan
Well-Based 3-D Visualization of Mature Oil Reservoirs Associated with the Gilbertown Graben, Southwest Alabama,
G. Jin, J. C. Pashin, and R. H. Groshong, Jr.
Sequence Stratigraphy of the Middle Devonian Winnipegosis Vadolite and Ratner Laminite of the Elk Point Basin, Southern Saskatchewan: A Falling Stage System Tract,
J. Jin and K. Bergman
Preliminary Basin Modeling Results from the Fergana Basin, Kyrgyzstan,
H. Johansen and L. M. Bonnell
A Potential Multiuse Environmentally Safe Energy Resource for the 21(st) Century - The Geopressured-Geothermal Reservoirs of the Gulf of Mexico Basin,
C. J. John and G. Maciasz
Time-Lapse Seismic Analysis of the North Sea Fulmar Field,
D. H. Johnston, R. S. McKenny, and T. D. Burkhart
Timing is Right for Thrust-Belt Plays in Western Montana and Northwestern Wyoming,
E. H. Johnston, K. M. Reddy, and T. D. Anderson
Environmental Data and Permitting Requirements for Oil & Gas Activities in the Commonwealth of Independent States; The Varying Roles of Field Assessments, EIA's and Monitoring Programs,
J. A. Johnson and D. D. Hardin
Structural Controls on Trap Generation and Integrity,
G. Jones, R. J. Knipe, and D. Henson
Triangle Zones: Processes, Problems, and Petroleum Prospects,
P. B. Jones
Structurally Dependent Reduction of Reservoir Quality by Authigenic Kaolin Mineral Growth, Late Miocene, Pannonian Basin,
A. Juhasz and A. Matter
Reservoir Quality Reduction by Quartz Cementation - Is Fluid Composition or Tectonism More Important?,
K. Juhasz-Bodnar, K. Ramseyer, C. Boker, A. Matter, and P. Hoppe
13C Isotope Stratigraphy of the Proterozoic Bylot Supergroup, Northern Baffin Island: Implications for Regional Lithostratigraphic Correlations,
L. C. Kah, A. B. Sherman, G. M. Narbonne, A. H. Knoll, and A. J. Kaufman
Seal Capacity in Dynamic Petroleum Systems: Example from Pagerungan Gas Field, East Java Sea, Indonesia,
J. G. Kaldi, D. Macgregor, and G. P. O'Donnell
Pennsylvanian Lacustrine Limestones in Continental Cyclothems of the Northern Appalachian Basin,
K. D. Kallini and E. H. Gierlowski-Kordesch
Universities and the Petroleum Industry: A Partnership with Dynamic Changes Required for the Challenges of the 21st Century,
W. H. Kanes
Anatomy of a Lacustrine Source - The Brown Shale of Central Sumatra, Indonesia,
B. J. Katz, W. C. Dawson, C. Atallah, G. B. Sulistyo, L. M. Darnell, E. Szimczyk, and L. W. Elrod
Estimation of Sand/Shale Ratio in Interbedded Formations Using Neural Network Processing of Multiple Seismic Attributes,
S. A. Katz, G. V. Chilingar, V. Benenson, L. G. Kiryukhin, and T. Smolenchuk
Varanger Ice Ages in India Potentially Revealed by Integrated Sequence and Carbon Isotope Stratigraphy,
A. J. Kaufman, G. Jiang, and N. Christie-Blick
Soft-Sediment Deformation Structures as Potential Indicators of Synsedimentary Tectonic Control in Alluvial-Lacustrine Sequences, Green River Formation, Nine Mile Canyon, Uinta Basin, East-Central Utah,
D. Keighley, D. Andersson, S. Flint, and J. Howell
Facies Partitioning at the High-Frequency Sequence Scale in Carbonate Ramp Systems,
C. Kerans and L. C. Zahm
A Conceptual Model For-Influenced Dolomites And Hydrocarbon Significance: Genetic And Spatiotemporal Frameworks,
A. D. Keswani and S. G. Pemberton
Ichnocoenoses and Paleoenvironments of the Middle Jurassic Carmel-Twin Creek Seaway (Carmel Formation, Southwestern Utah),
K. H. Kilbourne, H. A. Curran, and M. A. Wilson
The Wetumpka Asteroid Impact Structure in Alabama, U.S.A.,
D. T. King Jr. and T. L. Neathery
An overview of Taranaki Basin petroleum systems, New Zealand,
P. R. King
Characterization of Channel Depositional Settings in a Fine-Grained Submarine Fan, Tanqua Karoo, South Africa,
J. T. Kirkova
Special Forum: Using Environmental Technologies as a Strategic Exploration Tool,
S. Kiser and B. R. Shaw
Does Biodegradation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons Affect the Occurrence or Mobility of Dissolved Arsenic in Ground Water?,
L. A. Klinchuch, T. A. Delfino, J. L. Jefferson, and J. M. Waldron
The Use of Isogons in the Analysis and Prediction of Structural Geometry of Inversion Structures,
C. F. Kluth and J. C. Phelps
Computer Modeling of Vertical Migration of Light Hydrocarbons,
R. W. Klusman
Reservoir Characterization of a Braid-Plain/Braid-Delta Using a Non-Stationary Geostatistical Approach, Terra Nova Oil Field, Newfoundland, Canada,
J. Knight, B. Slevinsky, H. Wishart, M. Skaug, L. Wilcox, and B. Haverslew
A Braid-Plain/Braid-Delta Model for the Terra Nova Oil Field (Newfoundland, Canada),
J. Knight, H. Wishart, M. Skaug, R. Eschard, B. Haverslew, and G. Sullivan
The Value and Implications of Quantifying Core Descriptions: An Example from the Terra Nova Oil Field (Newfoundland, Canada),
J. Knight, B. Slevinsky, H. Wishart
Reservoir Characterization and Non-Stationary Modelling of an Incised Valley-Fill, Crystal Viking Field (Lower Cretaceous), Alberta, Canada,
J. Knight, B. Slevinsky, R. Benjamin, and J. Costello
Systems and Migration Processes,
R. J. Knipe, S. D. Harris, L. Elliot, and M Okomoto
Identifying Facies-Controlled Preferential Pathways of Water Encroachment: Integrated Characterization of Miocene Deltaic Reservoirs, Matzen Field, Vienna Basin, Austria,
P. R. Knox, M. H. Holtz, M. L. Mercer, and R. J. Finley
Main Marine Oil Source Formations of the West Siberian Petroleum Megabasin and their Genetic Relations to Oils,
A. E. Kontorovich, V. P. Danilova, E. A. Kostyreva, V. N. Melenevsky, V. I. Moskvin, I. D. Timoshina, A. N. Fomin, and J. Zumberger
Hydrocarbon Sources in the Precambrian of the Siberian Platform, their Genetic Relations to Oils,
A. E. Kontorovich, A. N. Izosimov, A. I. Larichev, P. P. Ovcharov, I. D. Timoshina, and J. Zumberge
Seismic Stratigraphic Sequences and Deformation Events in the Southern East China Sea Basin,
F. Kong, L. A. Lawyer, and T-Y. Lee
Geology and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Nation River Basin and Yukon Thrust, East-Central Alaska and Canada,
G. K. van Kooten, A. Watts, J. Coogan, R. Swenson, P. Daggett, J. Clough, C. Roberts, S. Bergman, and K. Queen
Seismic Expression of Structural Traps in Frontal Imbricate Zones and Foreland Structures in the Western Part of the Southeast Anatolia Fold and Thrust Belt, Turkey,
M. Korucu and I. Cemen
Isotopic and Pyrolysis
of Organic Matter and Natural Gases from the Flysch Carpathian Strata of the Ku´zmina-1 Deep Well (Poland),
M. Kotarba
Fluid Flow Events to Constrain Hydrocarbon Charge Evolution in the Papuan Basin,
F. W. Krieger and P. J. Eadington
Predicting Subtle Traps with Sequence Stratigraphy and Synsedimentary Tectonic Analysis, Almond Formation, Southwest Wyoming: Old Concepts, New Plays!,
L. F. Krystinik and R. H. Mead
Evaluation of Geological Input Parameters in an Exploration Project; How to Organize the Data and Use them in a Model,
S-A. Kristoffersen
Using Geohistory Reconstruction to Improve Quality of Evaluation of Trap Style and Integrity,
S-A. Kristoffersen and H. Johansen
Geological Observations on Upper Pliocene — mPleistocene Lake Sequence of Inner Albanids(Eastern Albania),
L. Kumati, M. Zaka, and L. Mahmutaj
Structural Geometry and Trapping Styles in a Back-Thrusted Detachment Fold, Moran Discovery, Papua New Guinea,
K. J. Kveton
Depositional Framework of Erosional Surfaces in the Late Cretaceous Frontier Formation, Wind River Basin, WY,
S. Lainchbury, R. A. J. R. Robinson, A. R. Prave, and C. R. Bates
Effect of Sandstone Diagenesis on Fluid Overpressure Development,
R. H. Lander
Improved Estimation of Reservoir Compartmentalization, Tributary Drainage Volume and Connectivity Through Discrete Fracture Network Modeling,
P. R. La Pointe, T. Foxford, and V. Ivanova
Woodgrounds, Log Grounds and the Teredolites Ichnofacies,
J. M. Lavigne, M. K. Gingras, G. S. Pemberton, and D. A. Eberth
Sequence Stratigraphic and Reservoir Architecture of Middle to Late Miocene Tidal and Fluvially Influenced Lower Delta Plain to Marginal Marine Clastics in Block A-18, Malaysia-Thailand Joint Development Area (MTJDA),
D. A. Lawrence, G. R. Gilchrist, and E. I. H. Siggerud
Applications of Gravity and Magnetic Data to Oil Exploration in Salt Provinces,
J. L. Lawton, I. W. Somerton, and C. T. Austin
Seismic Inversion-Based Reservoir Characterization of the Fleming Field (Armada Development), UK Sector, North Sea,
M. C. Leach and M. W. Bowman
Strathspey Vertical-Cable Seismic Survey: A North Sea First,
P. Leach
A Sequence Stratigraphic Model for the Distribution and Preservation of Marine Source Rocks on the Continental Slope of Nigeria,
R. Leadholm, E. Michael, and R. Kopper
Controls on the Evolution and Distribution of Fluvial Deposits in a Foreland Basin: Late Jurassic to Tertiary of the Western Canadian Foreland Basin,
D. A. Leckie and G. C. Nadon
Stratigraphic Complexity in the Cretaceous Mannville Group of Southern Alberta and Saskatchewan - Exploration Analogs for the Kootenai Group in Montana,
D. A. Leckie, N. A. Vanbeselaere, D. P. James, and K. Wallace-Dudley
Sequence Stratigraphy and a Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic System in Illinois,
H. E. Leetaru
Improved Time Constraints Through Isotope Stratigraphy, Lower Cretaceous Carbonates, Northeastern Mexico
C. Lehmann, I. P. Montanez, D. A. Osleger, J. L. Banner, and W. V. Sliter
Platform Size as a Fundamental Control on Architecture and Sequence Style: Comparison of Triassic Carbonate Platforms of Northern Italy and South China,
D. J. Lehrmann and R. K. Goldhammer
The Paraspirifer Acuminatus Biofacies: Paleoecological Analysis of a Fossil Assemblage Relative to Flooding Surfaces within a Middle Devonian Sequence,
K. W. Leonard
Outcrop Study and Quantification of the Heterogeneities of a Reservoir Analog: The Castlegate Sandstone (Book Cliffs, Utah),
O. Lerat, B. Doligez, R. Eschard, J. Knight, B. Slevinsky, and G. Sullivan
Concept Selection for the Hoover and Diana Discoveries in the Western Gulf of Mexico Deepwater,
E. E. Lesikar and S. G. Byatt
Magnetic Horizontal Gradient Intensity (HGI) and Radiometric Surveys for Hydrocarbon Exploration in Western Canada: Seven Case Histories,
L. A. Leschack
Influence of Anomalous Zones of Low Gas Content on Regional Coalbed Methane Production Trends, Black Warrior Basin, Alabama,
J. R. Levine and P. G. Malone
Identification and 3-D Visualization of Reservoirs Using Interactive Isosurfacing,
R. A. Levey, C. R. Johnson, Y. Livant, H. R. Nelson Jr., S. Parker, and B. A. Birdwell
Material-Balance Approach to Petroleum Systems: New Albany Shale/Chesterian of the Illinois Basin,
M. D. Lewan, M. E. Henry, D. K. Higley, and J. K. Pitman
Skeletal Grains in the Florida Keys—Proxy Indicators for Reef Vitality and New Evidence of Reef Decline,
B. H. Lidz and P. Hallock
Revised Paleogeography of the Mesoproterozoic Belt Supergroup,
P. K. Link, D. Winston, and N. Hathaway
Dual Petroleum Systems of the Pattani Basin, Gulf of Thailand,
R. Lin, E. Jardine, and B. Mudford
Seismic Bright Spots Sugguest Large Hydrocarbon Accumulation Trends in the Deep Gulf of Mexico,
Q. Liu and R. T. Buffler
3D Seismic Expression of Fluvial to Deltaic Deposits-An Example from the Gulf of Mexico,
X. Liu, H. Posamentier, and J. Bhattachary
Inner Shelf Sediment Distribution and Thickness Patterns in a Mixed Carbonate/Siliciclastic Depositional Setting,
S. D. Locker, A. C. Hine, and G. R. Brooks
Practical Application of Virtual Environments in Exploration and Production,
R. B. Loftin, J. M. Amason, D. T. Chen, C-R. Lin (Jim), E. Geisler, and H. R. Nelson, Jr.
Holocene Wave Dominated Carbonate Ramps; New Exploration Models from the Kuwait-Saudi Arabian Coast of the Northern Arabian Gulf and the Northern Yucatan, Mexico and a Comparison to Siliciclastic Systems,
A. J. Lomando
The Application of Modern Carbonate Depositional Systems in Reservoir Geostatistics,
A. J. Lomando, H. Legarre, and E. Gischler
Recognizing Ancient Carbonate Eolianites,
D. Loope, F. E. Abegg, and P. M. Harris
The Last Oil-Fields Discoveries in the Reforma - Campeche Alignment,
F. Lopez Arriaga
Petroleum Sources Evaluation for West Siberia,
N. V. Lopatin, T. P. Emets and E. N. Cheremisina
Reservoir Characterization of a Heterolithic Carbonate Mound, Runway Field, Paradox Basin, Utah,
D. M. Lorenz, W. E. Culham, and T. C. Chidsey, Jr.
Fluid Migration in a Faulted Reservoir System, South Eugene Island Block 330, Offshore Louisiana,
S. Losh, P. Meulbroek, L. Walter, and L. Eglinton
Eolian Stratification and Beach-to-Dune Transition in a Holocene Carbonate Eolianite, Isla Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico: Implications for Exploration in Carbonate Strata,
R. G. Loucks and W. C. Ward
Depositional and Diagenetic Framework for Exploration in Larger Foraminiferal Nummulite Deposits, Lower Eocene Metlaoui Group, Offshore Tunisia,
R. G. Loucks, R. T. J. Moody, A. A. Brown, and J. K. Bellis
Controls on Early Cretaceous Deep-Marine Sandstones, Outer Moray Firth, UK North Sea,
A. Lowe, R. Gawthorpe, D. Hunt, and S. Anderson
The Cooper-Eromanga Petroleum System, Australia: Investigation of Essential Elements and Processes,
B. Lowe-Young, S. Mackie, and R. Heath
Efforts, Results and Future Perspectives of the Petroleum Exploration in Brazil,
C. F. Lucchesi
4D Seismic Reservoir Monitoring: What is the Role of Geology?,
D. E. Lumley, R. A. Behrens, and M. Levy
Identification of Subtle Compartmentalizing Faults in a Strike-Slip Regime: 3-D Seismic and Production Analysis of Miocene Reservoirs, Matzen Field, Vienna Basin, Austria,
E. Von Lunen, P. R. Knox, P. Baltas, M. H. Holtz, and R. J. Finley
Paleomagnetic Logging - A New Tool for Reservoir Characterization,
S. Luthi, A. Etchecopar, and L. S. D. Onuigbo
On the Relationship of Natural Fracture Orientation, Stress Orientation, S-wave Anisotropy, and Azimuthal Variations in the P-wave Seismic Signatures in an Onshore Wide-azimuth 3D Seismic Survey,
H. Lynn, W. Beckham, and R. Grimm
Lower Paleozoic Petroleum Potential in the Chotts Basin, Tunisia,
A. M'Rabet, S. Silenzi, T. Pontin, R. M'rad, M. H. Acheche, A. Ben Gacha, and F. Belkadhi
Chemostratigraphy: A New Tool for the Characterisation and Correlation of Chalk Hydrocarbon Reservoir Rocks,
A. Mabrouk, I. Jarvis, R. T. J. Moody, and G. Cowan
Modelling Percolation Through Complex Clustered
Networks: Implications for Reservoir Models,
E. McAllister, S. D. Harris, and R. J. Knipe
Strontium Isotope Stratigraphy: LOWESS Version 2. A Revised Best-Fit Line to the Marine Sr-isotope Curve for 0 to 206 Ma, with a Revised Look-Up Table for Derivation of Numeric Age,
J. M. McArthur and R. J. Howarth
Neoproterozoic-Cambrian Trace Fossil Biozones: Testing the Paradigm,
R. B. Macnaughton and G. M. Narbonne
Hydrocarbon Potential of the Upper Mississippian Carbonate Platform, Bechar Basin, Algerian Sahara,
D. A. Madi, E. Unger, and F. Benderra
Linkage from Seismic Data and Numerical Analysis: Application to the Oseberg Syd Reservoir Compartmentalization,
L. Maerten
Upper Cretaceous Mixed Siliciclastic-Carbonate Depositional Systems in the Eastern Gulf Coastal Plain,
E. A. Mancini, T. M. Peckett, and B. H. Tew
Utility of Using Ground-Penetrating Radar for near Surface High-Resolution Imaging of Lansing-Kansas City (Pennsylvanian) Limestone Reservoir Analogs,
A. Martinez, J. M. Kruger, and E. K. Franseen
New Insights on Messinian Evaporite Deposition from Cores Recovered at ODP Site 975, Western Mediterranean Sea,
K. M. Marsaglia and J. Tribble
Slumping, Sliding and Basin Floor Physiography: Controls on Turbidite Deposition and Fan Geometries in the Paleocene Grane Field area, Block 25/11, Norwegian North Sea,
O. J. Martinsen, G. Indrevir, T. Dreyer, G. Mangerud, A. Ryseth, and L. Soyseth
Integration of New Fracture Observation, Characterization, and Fluid-flow Modeling Technology,
R. Marrett, S. Laubach, W. Rossen, J. Olson, and L. Lake
Preservation and Temporal Resolution of Foraminiferal Assemblages: Shallow Shelves to Continental Slopes,
R. E. Martin
Depositional Remnants: Products of the Interplay Between Synsedimentary Tectonics and Changes in Relative Sea Level,
R. S. Martinsen and L. F. Krystinik
The Rocks Sandstone Member, Reliz Canyon Formation, Northern Santa Lucia Range, California: Internal Facies Architecture of a Sand-Rich, Deep-Sea Depositional System,
E. L. Mason
Petroleum Potential and Results of Exploration in the Offshore Petrel Sub-Basin, Bonaparte Basin, Northwestern Australia,
T. U. Maung
Increasing Coal Natural Fracture Permeability in the San Juan Basin Fruitland Formation,
M. J. Mavor and J. E. Vaughn
Stratigraphy of a Syn-Rift, Tide-Dominated Delta: The Beryl Formation, Quad 9, U.K. North Sea,
G. Maxwell, A. Hartley, and J. Crane
Slope Readjustment: An Alternative to Sea-Level Lowstands as a Control on Submarine Canyon and Fan Development,
J. A. May and W. C. Ross
Integration of Subsurface and Outcrop Analog Data for Building Testable, Deterministic Geological Models in a Common Interpretation Environment: An Example from the Atokan Boonsville Gas Field, Fort Worth Basin, Texas,
D. McCormick, A. Reischer, J. Thurmond, N. Drinkwater, W. Murphy, I. Bryant, J. Orrange, P. Cirilli, T. Valley, A. Fazio, and D. Carr
Red River “B” Zone - SW Williston Basin: Horizontal Drilling Awakens a Sleeping Giant,
T. S. McClellan and R. E. Gaber
Modeling Grainsize Sorting and Porosity Variation Within Turbidites: Topographic Influence on the Deposits of Experimental Turbidity Currents, and Applicability to Subsurface Systems,
W. D. McCaffrey and B. C. Kneller
Exploration Techniques Applied to Deep Water Development in the Gulf of Mexico,
J. W. McDonald
Exploration in South America, A Multi-National's Perspective,
D. I. McEvoy
Geometry and Evolution of Post-Permian Normal
Zones in the Southern North Sea, U.K.,
A. C. McGurk
Field Development Stimulates New Exploration, Jeanne d'Arc Basin, Offshore Newfoundland,
R. A. McIntosh
Controls on the Degradation of Normal
Scarps: Examples from the northern North Sea and NE Greenland,
A. E. McLeod
A Prograding Tidal Flat within the Castlegate Formation (Campanian), Book Cliffs, East-Central Utah,
B. T. McLaurin and R. J. Steel
Cave Gulch, Wind River Basin, Wyoming, The Story of a Giant Gas Discovery,
L. A. McPeek, G. E. Newman, and M. R. Thomasson
Recognizing Marine-Burial Diagenesis: Criteria and Examples from Quaternary to Neogene Platform to Slope Carbonates, Bahamas and Florida,
L. A. Melim and P. K. Swart
Biological Marker and Paleozoological Characterization of the Early Marine Incursion in the Lacustrine Sequences of the Campos Basin, Brazil,
M. R. Mello and M. H. Hessel
Pressure - Temperature Modeling of Hydrocarbon Phase Fractionation in Sedimentary Basins,
P. Meulbroek, L. Cathles, S. Losh, and J. Whelan
Seismic Techniques in the Cotton Valley Reef Play in East Texas,
J. H. Meyer and W. Tittle
From Plutons to Pellets: Provenance of the Upper Cretaceous (Santonian) Virgelle Member, Milk River Formation, Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park, Alberta, Canada,
R. Meyer and F. F. Krause
Measurement While Drilling With Multi-Array Propagation Resistivity Tools,
W. H. Meyer
Regional 2D Hydrocarbon Generation and Fluid Flow Modeling, Northern Timan Pechora Basin, Russia,
G. E. Michael and B. J. Fossum
Biostratigraphic Correlation Between the North Slope, Alaska and Sverdrup Basin, Canada and Timing of the Canada Basin Opening,
M. B. Mickey, A. P. Byrnes, and H. Haga
Facies Mosaic Snap-shot of a Fluvio-paralic Depositional System: The Late Permian Moranbah Coal Measures, Bowen Basin, Australia,
P. Michaelsen, R. A. Henderson, and P. J. Crosdale
Linked Sequence Development and Global Climate Change: The Upper Mississippian Record in the Appalachian Basin,
D. J. Miller and K. A. Eriksson
Depletion of Appalachian Basin Coal Reserves: How Soon?,
R. C. Milici
Depositional Features of the Black Mountains Accommodation Zone (BMAZ), Arizona,
Y. Mo and F. Zhu
Sequence Stratigraphy and Structural Interpretation of the Offshore Indus Basin of Pakistan,
S. Mohammad and D. G. Quirk
Multidisciplinary Interpretation of Deep-water Salt Tectonics in the South Atlantic Sedimentary Basins,
W. U. Mohriak, M. Bassetto, and I. S. Vieira
Influence of
Architecture on Fluid Flow: A Comparison Between Faults in Dolomite and Aeolian Sandstone,
P. N. Mollema and M. Antonellini
Structure of the Cordillera Oriental of Colombia: A Doubly-vergent Thrust Belt, or the Surface Expression of the Transpressive Southern Caribbean Plate Boundary?,
C. Montes and R. D. Hatcher, Jr.
Temporal Extension of the Newly Resolved Middle to Late Cambrian Seawater Sr Isotope Curve, Southern Canadian Rockies and the Great Basin, USA,
I. P. Montanez, D. A. Osleger, J. L. Banner, L. Mack, and M. Musgrove
Exploration Plays In The Lusitanian Basin, Portugal,
P. H. Monteleone, M. J. Stearns, G. D. Allen, and T. L. Uphoff
Second Field Demonstration of Completion Techniques in a (DOE Class 1) Fluvial-Dominated Deltaic Lacustrine Reservoir, Uinta Basin, Utah,
C. D. Morgan
Advanced Reservoir Characterization of the Siliceous Shale, Buena Vista Hills, California. Part I: Integration of Geological, Geochemical, and Petrophysical Data,
M. F. Morea, T. A. Zalan, D. R. Julander, and A. W. Britton
Correlation Between Permeability Trends and Diagenetic Phases in the Middle Miocene Oficina Formation, Uracoa Field, Venezuela,
M. J. Morse and J. R. Boles
Weyburn CO2 Flood - A Project for the Future,
P. Moroney
X-Ray Computed Tomography Reveals Correlation Between Bioturbated Continental Slope Sediments And Global Climatic Fluctuation,
R. Merritt and R. J. Behl
Accommodation Space Control on Synrift Eolian/Fluvial Architecture: Etjo Sandstone Formation, Cretaceous, Northwestern Namibia,
N. Mountney, J. Howell, and S. Flint
Fungal Composting Processes for Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons,
D. M. Munnecke and K. Huysmans
Structural and Stratigraphic Settings of Oil and Gas Fields in the Greater Bohai Bay Basin,
G. Murray, Z. Baoming, and C. Wu
Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis of the Lower Cupido Formation (Lower Cretaceous), NE Mexico: Preliminary Interpretations,
G. Murillo-Muneton and S. L. Dorobek
Sponge-Algal Mud Mounds of the Lower Cretaceous Cupido Formation and their Sedimentologic Significance, Northeastern Mexico,
G. Murillo-Muneton and S. L. Dorobek
Early to Middle Miocene Carbonate Chemostratigraphy and Compositional Changes of Shelf-Derived Turbidites from ODP Leg 165, Site 1000, Northern Nicaraguan Rise and Site 999, Colmbian Basin,
M. Mutti
Image Analysis-Aided Techniques for the Characterization of Petrophysical Parameters in Faulted Clastic Rocks,
R. Myers, M. Antonellini, and A. Aydin
Late Cretaceous Paleogeography and Patchwork Coalbeds: Fruitland Formation, Northern San Juan Basin, Western Interior Seaway, USA,
H. S. Nance
Regional Reconstruction of Eolian Sedimentary Cycles in the Jurassic Wingate Sandstone, Central Colorado Plateau,
M. J. Nation
New Opportunities in a Mature Basin? A Multidisciplinary Answer for Exploration in Zulia Oriental, Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela,
A. F. Navarro, I. Rodriguez, and S. Ghosh
Developing an Integrated Exploration Strategy for Complex Carbonate Reservoirs in a Tertiary Wrench Segmented Basin: Bohai Bay, China,
D. G. Neese and G. A. Jewell
Qarun and Beni Suef Oil Discoveries - Western Desert, Egypt,
M. Nemec and G. Colley
Carbon Isotopic Signatures in n-Alkanes of the Potiguar Oils, Northeastern Brazil,
E. V. S. Neto, J. M. Hayes, and L. A. F. Trindade
Enhanced 3-D Imaging in Difficult Areas from Texas to Yemen, Case History,
T. R. Nickoloff and J. C. Manatt, Jr.
Fifteen Years of Petroleum Exploration in Offshore China - A Review and Outlook,
S. Nie and W. Zhu
Depositional Architecture and Outcrop-scale Acoustic Facies Analysis for Hueneme and Dume Fans, Santa Monica Basin, California,
W. R. Normark, D. J. W. Piper, and R. N. Hiscott
Ductile Shear Deformation in
J. A. Nunn
Thermohaline Convection Around Salt Sheets,
J. A. Nunn, A. Sarkar, and J. S. Hanor
NMR Logging Applications in Carbonate Exploration Plays and Pilot Development and Horizontal Wells,
R. Nurmi, S. Denoo, and R. Dennis
A Multi-Disciplinary Evaluation of the Key Controls on Trap Integrity in Australia's Timor Sea Using Integrated Remote Sensing Technologies,
G. W. O'Brien, P. Quaife, and B. Messent
Offshore Ledges As A Possible Source For Siliciclastic Sediments To The Starved Inner West-Central Florida Carbonate Shelf,
S. Obrochta, D. S. Duncan, G. Berman, and G. R. Brooks
Glacial/Interglacial Sedimentological Changes During the Mid-Pleistocene at Bjorn Drift, ODP Site 984, Leg 162,
S. O'Connell, C. Venherm, J. Minicucci, E. Arnold, and C.Knowlton
Permeability of Shoreface Sandstone Bodies in a Sequence Context: The Glauconitic Sandstone Member of South Central Alberta,
P. I. Okaro and J. C. Hopkins
Pine River Gas Seep Delineation Using Downhole Video Logs,
P. Oldaker
Paleogene Sedimentary Basins and Paleogeography of Western Kamchatka: Stratigraphic Aid for Hydrocarbon Exploration,
A. E. Oleinik
Tectonically Influenced Architecture Of Mud Dominated Clastic Successions in the Cody Shale, Powder River Basin, Wyoming,
M. Olson, L. Chism, and R. Martinsen
Reservoir Characterization Integrating Sequence Stratigraphy, Neural Networks, and Production Data in Red Oak Gas Field, Arkoma Basin, Oklahoma,
T. M. Olson, D. S. Anderson, and S. W. Kleinsteiber
Quantitative Macrofracture Prediction Using Microfracture Observations: A Successful Case Study in the Ozona Sandstone, West Texas,
O. Ortega, R. Marrett, H. S. Hamlin, S. Cliff, and R. Reed
3-D Seismic Examples of Structures From the Permian Basin,
V. D. Ott and G. P. Eaves
Impact of Spring Sapping and Surface Runoff on Microtidal Beaches: Erosional and Depositional Processes. Landforms Related to Groundwater, Surface Sheetwash, Drainage Channel Formation, Associated with Significant Rain Events,
E. G. Otvos
Early Structuring, Paleo-Emersion and Porosity Development: A Key for Exploration of the Aptian Serdj Carbonate Reservoir in Tunisia,
A. Ouahchi, A. M'Rabet, J. Lazreg, F. Messaoudi, and S. Ouazaa
New Exploration Concept in the Salina Basin, Southeast Mexico,
A. Oviedo-Perez
G. Ozkan, K. Tuncay, and P. Ortoleva
Enhanced Heterogeneity and Layered Mineralization Along Lithology Boundaries: Reaction-Transport Simulation,
A. Park and P. Ortoleva
Identifying Coupled and Nonlinear, Episodic Processes: Comparison of Piceance and Midland Basins Using CIRF.B Simulator,
A. Park, D. Payne, S. Romer, and P. Ortoleva
High-Resolution Analysis of the Subsurface Stratigraphy and Organic-Matter Content of the Niobrara Formation and Sharon Springs Member of the Pierre Shale, Cretaceous, Western Interior Seaway,
J. T. Parrish and G. S. Tanck
Rates of Burial and Disturbance for Experimentally Deployed Shell Accumulations from Shallow Carbonate Shelf to Deep Clastic Slope Environments,
K. M. Parsons-Hubbard, E. N. Powell, W. R. Callender, C. E. Brett, S. E. Walker, A. L. Raymond, and G. M. Staff
Steering Horizontal Wells in Mature, Heterogeneous Deltaic Reservoirs in the Serang Field,
Y. J. Partono, R. T. Clark, J. D. Payne, S. Sutiyono, and T. Borgerding
Revitalizing Fractured Chalk and Glauconitic Sandstone Reservoirs in Gilbertown Field, Gulf Coast Basin, Alabama, USA,
J. C. Pashin, D. E. Raymond, and G. G. Alabi
Predicting Methane Migration and Trapping in the Piceance Basin,
D. F. Payne, A. J. Park, J. M. Maxwell, K. Tuncay, and P. J. Ortoleva
The Role and Value of “High Impact Biostratigraphy” in Reservoir Appraisal and Development,
S. Payne and D. Ewen
Role of Mineralogy During Steam-Induced Diagenesis in Sandstone Reservoirs,
D. A. Pennell and R. A. Horton, Jr.
2-D Compositional Modelling in a Typical Rift Setting: The Reconcavo Basin in Northeastern Brazil,
H. L. De B. Penteado, J-L. Rudkiewicz, and F. Behar
Using 3D Geostatistics and Seismic Inversion To Estimate Porosity,
J. V. Pendrel and P. Van Riel
Earthquake Seismology Brought to Rural Schools in Michigan's Upper Peninsula,
W. D. Pennington
Horizontal Drilling in Old Fields of Michigan's Dundee Formation,
W. D. Pennington, J. R. Wood, and W. B. Harrison III
Tectonic Controls on the Hydrothermal Evolution of the Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico,
M. Person, B. Mailloux, N. Dunbar, L. Strayer, S. Cather, S. Kelly, and P. Hudleston
Biofacies and Sequence Stratigraphy in an Intracratonic Seaway, Middle to Upper Jurassic, East Greenland,
S. Piasecki and M. Larsen
Exploration for Hydrocarbons Under Thrust Belts - A Challenging Frontier,
F. J. Picha
Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of the Sacate-Sespe Formations, Central Santa Ynez Mountains, Santa Barbara County, CA,
J. T. Pietras, K. M. Campion, and J. A.(Toni)Simo
Intraplatformal Troughs of the North of the West Siberian Platform, Their Structure and the Prospects for Gas,
A. A. Plotnikov, N. F. Medvedev, and A. I. Krikunov
Trace Fossil Shallowing-Upwards Stacking Pattern of High-Order Progradational Sequences: An Example from the Cretaceous-Tertiary of Western Patagonia, Argentina,
D. G. Poire and L. A. Spalletti
Borehole Imaging: Turning Signals into New Adventures - North Sea Case
F. Porturas and D. Haller
Stratigraphy and Facies Architecture of the Quiamare Field Parasequences, Middle Miocene Oficina Formation, Eastern Venezuela Basin,
R. Porta and C. Coria
Facies Distribution and Stratigraphic Architecture of the Pinda Formation, Nemba Field, Cabinda, Angola: A Framework for Deterministic Modeling of a Mixed Carbonate-Clastic Reservoir,
B. A. Power, B. R. Bracken, J. B. Murphy, W. C. Foley, D. M. McKay, M. T. Skalinski, and T. D. Willibey
Short Term Climatic Fluctuations in Africa and Asia During Holocene — Review and Possible Causes,
S. Prasad and S. K. Gupta
Relative Permeability and its Relation to Sandstone Microfabric,
C. M. Prince and R. Ehrlich
Characteristics and Geologic Controls of Petroleum Systems in Rift Basins of Eastern China,
J. Qiang, R. T. Ryder, and P. J. McCabe
Performance vs. Rock Quality. A Key Relationship for Production Prediction in Mature Fields. Carisito Field. North of Anzoategui. Eastern Venezuela. Case Study,
A. M. Quaglia
Environmental Regulations and the Oil Industry in Russia — A Western Perspective,
J. C. Quigel
3-D Workstation Visualization of a Buried Slump and Deep-Water Channel, Northern Gulf of Mexico,
B. Rader and E. Ritchie
Assessing the Petrographical and Geochemical Record of Change in Porewater Chemistry in Radiaxial Fibrous Calcite in the Capitan Formation, West Texas and New Mexico,
M. A. Rahnis and B. L. Kirkland
Potassium Mass Balance in Sandstone-Shale Sequences in the Lower Jurassic Statfjord Formation, North Sea: Implications for Permeability Prediction,
M. Ramm
The Age of the Pennsylvanian-Permian Boundary from U-Pb Dating of Paleosol Calcite and Implications for Cycle Duration,
T. E. Rasbury, G. N. Hanson, W. E. Holt, R. H. Goldstein, and Arthur H. Saller
Data Display: Ferron Interval Revealed,
R. G. Raynolds, M. H. Gardner, E. Williams, and B. B. Sageman
Density and Distribution of Microfractures in Sandstones: Importance to Diagenesis,
R. M. Reed and S. E. Laubach
Pennsylvanian Incised-Valley Reservoirs: A New Look at an Old Kentucky Play,
T. M. Reed, K. Lyne, and P. D. Howell
Reduction of Risk in Exploration and Prospect Generation through a Multidisciplinary Basin Analysis Program in the South-Central Mid-Continent,
T. K. Reeves, M. Szpakiewicz, G. Guo, B. Sharma, L. Volk, S. Banerjee, E. Safley, J. Jordan, W. Johnson, J. Fite, S. George, C. Barker, R. Erickson, and R. Lindsey
True Pay Thickness Determination of Laminated Sand and Shale Sequences Using Borehole Resistivity Image Logs,
R. Reid and M. Enderlin
Ichnology and Sedimentology of the “Main” Interval Upper Cibulakan Formation, Offshore Northwest Java: Implication for Depositional Interpretation,
S. W. Reksalegora, A. Dorojatun, S. G. Pemberton, P. Lowry, and Y. Kusumanegara
Assessing Errors in a Multilayer Geological System,
D. Renard
Compaction, Sealing, and Pressure Compartmentation in Sedimentary Basins. Theory and Applications,
A. Revil and L. M. Cathles III
Three Dimensional Stratigraphic and Burial History Modelling,
A. J. Richards, G. D. Williams, and S. S. Egan
Jurassic Petroleum System of the Northern Qaidam Basin, NW China,
B. D. Ritts
An Example of the Use of 3D Geological Modelling in the Development of the Complex Dunbar Field, UK North Sea,
J. Ritchie, T. Coombes, and S. Hayes
The Technical Partner - A Catalyst for E&P Success,
W. Ritchie
Identifying the Origin of Clay within Faults to Determine Seal Capacity and/or Migration Pathways,
T. Rives, A. Meyer, and C. Lansigu
Curvature Analysis: ‘New' Attributes for the Delineation of Faults, Map Lineaments and Surface Shape,
A. Roberts
Variable Response to Third-Order Sea Level Change in Nonmarine Strata: Sedimentology of the Lower Two Medicine Formation, Upper Cretaceous, Montana,
E. M. Roberts
Evidence of Episodic Delivery of Fluids and Gases to the Seafloor and Impacts of Delivery Rate on Surficial Geology (Gulf of Mexico),
H. H. Roberts
Tracking Development of the New Mississippi River Delta Lobe: The Atchafalaya-Wax Lake Bayhead Deltas,
H. H. Roberts, R. Cunningham, P. Kemp, and N. Walker
3-D Geologic Maps,
M. A. Roberts, C. S. Chan, D. G. Howell, C. M. Wentwotrth, and R. C. Jachens
Structural, Sequence Stratigraphic and Geodynamic Modelling of the Western Black Sea: Early Mesozoic to Recent,
N. Robb, S. Egan, and G. Williams
Enhancement of In Situ Natural Bioremediation with Oxygen Release Compound®,
J. S. Roemmel and K. S. Burgess
Reservoir Identification and characterisation on 3D Seismic Data Using Geostatistics and Attribute Analyses, Gulf of Thailand,
S. Ronghe and B. Kongwung
Geophysical Characterization of the Cove Fort-Sulphurdale, Utah Geothermal System,
H. P. Ross, R. E. Blackett, and J. N. Moore
What They Never Told You about Oil and Gas Economics,
P. R. Rose
Salt Geometry and Evolution in the Vicinity the Mahogany Subsalt Discovery, Offshore Louisiana,
M. G. Rowan and B. D. Trudgill
Families and
Welds in the Northern Gulf of Mexico,
M. G. Rowan and B. D. Trudgill
Organic Geochemical Characterization of Key Source Facies in the Green River Petroleum System, Uinta Basin, Utah,
T. E. Ruble, R. P. Philp, M. D. Lewan, and E. Mueller
Fundamental Limitations in the Use of 87Sr/86Sr in Temporal Correlation of Paleozoic Rocks,
S. C. Ruppel
Subregional Development of Reservoir Porosity at a Major Permian Unconformity: San Andres Formation, West Texas,
S. C. Ruppel
A Fluvial Reservoir Model for Middle Jurassic Challaco Formation Reservoirs, Octogono Fiscal, Huincul Arch, Neuquen Basin, Argentina,
T. A. Ryer, C. Garcia, M. Sola, and E. Zardo
Sandstone Diagenesis and Reservoir Characteristics of the Eocene Tyee basin, Southern Oregon Coast Range: Viewed from Sequence Stratigraphic Framework,
I-C. Ryu and A. R. Niem
Regional Structural Trends and Their Association with Hydrocarbon Accumulations in the Off-Shore Southern Gulf of Suez Rift, Egypt,
H. Saad
Diatom Inferred Paleohydrology In Late Miocene Lacustrine Quillagua Formation (Central Andean Forearc, Northern Chile),
A. Saez, L. Cabrera, R. Bao, and S. Servant-Vildary
Analysis of Mechanisms of Relative Sea Level Change in the Western Interior basin Based on Study of Fine-Grained Basinal Facies,
B. B. Sageman
Reservoir Compartments and Their Relationship to Production, Dollarhide Devonian Field, West Texas, USA,
A. Saller, J. Gogas, B. McPherson, B. Ball, and S. Robertson
Reservoir Potential of Buried Valley Wall Stress-Release Fractures in Carbonate and Clastic Rocks,
I. D. Sasowsky
New Methods for Integrated Modeling of Deformation and Petroleum Generation in Fold and Thrust Belts,
W. Sassi, J-L. Rudkiewicz, and R. Divies
Evolution of the Lake Victoria Basin, East Africa,
C. A. Scholz
Tectonic Framework and Evolution of West Kazakhstan,
D. D. Schelling, V. Pilifosov, and B. Vasilyev
Reservoir Architecture and Porosity Distribution, Pegasus Field, West Texas — An Integrated Sequence Stratigraphic-Seismic Attribute Study Using Neural Networks,
J. S. Schuelke, J. A. Quirein, J. F. Sarg, D. A. Altany, and P. E. Hunt
Using NMR-Derived Effective Permeabilities To Predict Production Results in Tight Gas Sands, East Texas Basin,
K. W. Schmidt, R. T. Svor, R. S. Leonard, R. N. Walker, and N. V. Bolay
Burial History and Charge Model, Tengiz Field, Kazakhstan,
N. B. Schoelikopf and W. S. Hallager
Hydrocarbon Potential of the Sinu-San Jacinto Region of Northern Colombia,
S. Schamel, R. B. Allen, D. Schelling, D. Wavrek, F. Laverde, and C. I. Ballesteros
Optimization of Heavy-Oil Production by Steamflood from a Shallow Sandstone Reservoir, Midway-Sunset Field, Southern San Joaquin Basin, California,
S. Schamel, C. Forster, M. Deo, D. Sprinkel, K. Olson, M. Simmons, and C. Jenkins
Characterizing and Modeling Fractures and Faults in an Exhumed Petroleum Reservoir,
S. E. Schulz, C. B. Forster, J. P. Evans, D. L. Nielson, and K. Hestir
Exploration for Coalbed Methane in Frontier Regions Using Limited Data,
A. R. Scott, R. Tyler, and J. G. Clough
Quantitative Analysis of Architectural Components in Alluvial Successions of Varying Sandbody Amalgamation,
J. I. Scott, B. T. McLaurin, J. P. Crabaugh, and R. J. Steel
Constraints on Deformation of the Northern Rocky Mountain Fold-Thrust Belt in Montana from 39Ar/40Ar Geochronology of Andesitic Sills,
J. W. Sears, M. S. Hendrix, B. Webb, and D. Archibald
Block Movements in the Early Triassic Governing Fast Lateral Changes in Sand Body Geometry and Composition,
L. Seidler
Categories of Ethical Behavior in Geological Practice,
R. T. Sellars, Jr.
Testing the Global Nature of Neogene Sea Level Events, Using Sequence Stratigraphy and Computer Simulations,
A. Sen, C. G. St. C. Kendall, and A. Droxler
Strategies for Improved Oil Recovery from Aux Vases Reservoirs in Illinois,
B. Seyler, J. E. Crockett, B. G. Huff, H. E. Leetaru, and E. O. Udegbunam
Seismic Stimulation of Oil Production in Mature Reservoirs,
A. Sharma and P. M. Roberts
A High Resolution 3D Seismic Survey Using 55 x 55 Feet Bin Size in Osage County, OK to Delineate Details of of Structure, Stratigraphy and Subtle Lithologic Variations,
B. Sharma, T. K. Reeves, W. I. Johnson, S. Banerjee, S. George, and R. Lindsey
Tide-Dominated Estuarine Facies in the Hollin and Napo (“T” and “U”) Formations (Cretaceous), Sacha Field, Oriente Basin, Ecuador,
G. Shanmugan, M. Poffenberger, and J. T. Alava
Propagation, Linkage and Sequence Development in Extensional Settings. A Case Study from the ‘Rift Initiation' Nukhul Fm, Gulf of Suez Rift, Egypt,
I. R. Sharp, R. L. Gawthorpe, B. Armstrong, and J. R. Underhill
Imaging Analogue Sandbox Models,
D. H. Sherlock, J. A. McDonald, and B. J. Evans
Seismic Reflections Without an Acoustic Impedance Contrast,
D. H. Sherlock
Fracture Characterization of a Horizontal Core; Upper Spraberry Formation; DOE Class III Project,
T. Sheffield, W. Roberson, P. McDonald, J. Lorenz, and D. Schechter
Did Dust Do It?,
E. A. Shinn
Outcrop Analogues in Exploration: An Example from the Slope Carbonates of the Apulian Platform, S Italy,
P. Shiner
Landsat Expression of Lithosphere Block Margins in the Southern Williston Basin, USA,
G. W. Shurr
AFM Analysis of Growth Mechanisms of Authigenic Quartz and Dolomite,
D. Sibley
Successful Multiphase Geochemical Survey of a Producing Oil Field,
A. H. Silliman and P. A. Harrington
The Petroleum Systems of Offshore Southeast Vietnam,
B. Simon, M. L. Ten McVen, and C. Cramez
The Future of E&P and Trends in Cooperation Between Private and National Oil Companies,
J. W. Simpson
Biostratigraphy and Sequence Stratigraphy: Future Directions for Integration,
M. Simmons
Bioremediation of Petroleum in a Wetland,
M. A. Simon, J. S. Bonner, R. T. Townsend, T. J. McDonald, and R. L. Autenrieth
Late Mississippian Mixed Carbonate-Clastic Sedimentation in Southwestern New Mexico,
D. J. Sivils and D. B. Johnhson
Heterogeneity in Deposits of an Aggrading, Sandy Braided River: Implications for Fluvial Sandstone Reservoirs,
R. L. Skelly and F. G. Ethridge
Application of 3-D Seismic Coherency and Spectral Decomposition to Carbonate Environments,
C. Skirius, S. Nissen, N. Haskell, K. Marfurt, D. D'Amico, K. Michel, T. Romero, D. Ternes, I. Reglar, R. D'Angelo, B. Brown, F. Deliencourt, J. Ward, and H. Wacker
Incorporating Geological Information to Stabilize Neural-Network Pattern Recognition in Fluvial Deposits,
J. Skolnakorn, E. Von Lunen, J. L. Baldwin, C. Kilic, and R. E. Barba
Palynology and Palynofacies in a Holocene Incised Valley Fill: Mobile-Tensaw River Delta, Alabama,
J. C. Slone and R. A. Gastaldo
3D Modelling of Structural Restoration, Decompaction, Flexural Isostasy and Fluid Flow Modelling,
N. T. Smith, G. D. Williams, T. S. Buddin, S. J. Kane, A. J. Richards, and S. S. Egan
Seismic Guided Mapping of Effective Porosity, Grayburg/San Andres Shallow Shelf Carbonate Reservoir, Permian Basin, USA,
W. H. Smith, J. J. Reeves, and S. D. Bacon
Large Scale Synsedimentary Tectonic Control on Stratigraphic Sequences in Two Petroleum Provinces of Borneo,
J. W. Snedden and J. F. (Rick) Sarg
From Outcrop to Simulation in the Ferron Sandstone: Integrated Characterization of A Fluvial-Dominated Delta-Front Reservoir Analog,
S. H. Snelgrove, A. Mattson, C. B. Forster, M. Chan, and P. B. Anderson
Integrated 3-D Characterization and Flow Simulation
in a Fluvial Channel, Ferron Sandstone, East-Central Utah,
S. H. Snelgrove, G. McMechan, R. B. Szerbiak, D. Wang, R. Corbeanu, K. Soegaard, J. Thurmond, C. Forster, L. Crossey, and K. Roche
Oxygenation Cycles Observed in Middle Cambrian Deep-Water Carbonates, Marjum Formation, House Range, Western Utah,
A. Snider and M. Elrick
Preservation of Late Quaternary Sandy Fluvial-Deltaic Deposits on the Texas Shelf,
J. N. Snow and J. B. Anderson
New Constraints on Bedrock Channel Response to Varying Uplift, King Range, California,
N. P. Snyder and K. X. Whipple
Sequence Stratigraphy and Tectonics of the Pre-Uralian Foredeep of the Southern Ural Mountains A Preliminary Assessment,
W. S. Snyder, T. A. Schiappa, C. Spinosa, V. I. Davydov, D. M. Gallegos, and S. M. Ritter
Multiscale Characterization of a Marine Shelf Sandstone, the Cardium Formation in the Wapiti Field, Alberta Basin, Canada,
M. Socas-Bassons and C. P. North
Determining Amounts of Basin Inversion,
T. Song
Putting Together A Consulting Practice,
S. A. Sonnenberg
Pedogenically Enhanced Magnetic Susceptibility Variations as a Paleoclimatic Proxy in Paleozoic Loessite,
G. S. Soreghan, M. Cogoini, R. D. Elmore, B. Katz, and S. Banerjee
The Geosciences Summer Academy at the University of Oklahoma: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach for Engaging High-School Students in the Physical Sciences,
M. J. Soreghan, J. P. Hogan, T. H. Lee Williams, and D. N. Askey
Tectonic and Climatic Controls on Facies Development Within a Mesozoic Extensional Lake Basin (Bisbee Basin), Arizona,
M. J. Soreghan and M. Engel
Effect of Initial
Geometry on the Development of
-Propagation Folds with
-Cored Anticlines and Footwall Synclines,
J. H. Spang
Protracted Salt Deformation History of the Lower Congo and Kwanza Basins of Offshore Angola,
J. Spencer, P. Jeronimo, G. Tari, and B. Vendeville
Lower Permian Cisuralian Series in The Type Area: History, Current Status, Sedimentological and Biostratigraphic Characteristics, ans Perspectives For the Lower Permian Global Scale,
C. Spinosa, V. I. Davydov, B. Wardlaw, W. S. Snyder, and T. A. Schiappa
Origin and Distribution of “Beachrock”, Siesta Key, Florida,
D. L. Spurgeon and R. A. Davis, Jr.
The Use of Advanced Technology In Law,
J. M. Stafford, B. Connery, D. Filter, and P. Volkmann
Arbuckle Reservoirs in Central Kansas: Relative Importance of Depositional Facies, Early Diagenesis and Unconformity Karst Processes on Reservoir Properties,
D. M. Steinhauff, E. K. Franseen, and A. P. Byrnes
Facies Analysis and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Werra Anhydrite (Upper Permian of Germany),
I. Steinhoff and C. Stronmenger
Upper Carboniferous Mixed Carbonate and Siliciclastic Sedimentation, North Greenland,
L. Stemmerik
Diagenesis of Upper Carboniferous Shallow Marine Carbonates, North Greenland,
L. Stemmerik
Sequence Development and Sand-Shale Partitioning on Syn-Tectonic Tilted Blocks,
R. J. Steel and D. Mellere
Natural Attenuation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Following a Production Well Blowout — Trecate, Northern Italy,
S. A. Stout, K. J. McCarthy, and A. Porto
Tertiary Fluvial Hydrocarbon Reservoirs in the Kenai Peninsula Cook Inlet Basin, Alaska,
G. D. Stricker and R. M. Flores
Predicting Overpressure from Shale Porosity in Eugene Island 330, Offshore Louisiana,
B. B. Stump and P. B. Flemings
Carbon Isotope Compositions of Hydrocarbons in Terrestrial Oils,
R. E. Summons, A. P. Murray, D. Edwards, J. M. Hope, and J. B. Christopher
Late Cambrian to Early Ordovician Mixed Carbonate and Siliciclastic, Storm-Dominated Shelf Deposits, Eastern Warburton Basin, South Australia,
X. Sun and C. M. Griffiths
Unconventional Gas Traps in the Rocky Mountain Laramide Basins,
R. C. Surdam, Z. S. Jiao, J. E. Buggenhagen, and N. K. Boyd
The Interaction of Fluid Flow and the Oxidation of Organic Material: A New Method for Driving Carbonate Diagenesis,
P. K. Swart, L. Melim, and G. Eberli
On the Use of Multilayer Secondary Migration Modelling to Elucidate Complex Filling Patterns in Stacked Reservoirs,
O. Sylta
Migration as a Process to Create Abnormally High Gas Contents in the Ferron Sandstone Coal Beds, Central Utah,
D. E. Tabet
Quantitative Assessment of Hydrocarbon Generation in Qarun and Natrun Area, Western Desert, Egypt,
M. Tammam, M. Gad, and M. Tarafawi
Limited Reflux Dolomitization in Restricted Upper Devonian (Leduc and Nisku) Carbonate-Evaporite Shelves, Southeastern Alberta,
W. Tan and E. W. Mountjoy
Characteristics of a New Productive Cotton Valley Buildup Trend, East Texas Basin,
D. K. Tarkington, M. E. Podell, C. Clawson, and J. Svoboda
Sequence Stratigraphic Control on Regional Diagenesis in the Cretaceous Western Interior of Utah,
K. Taylor, R. Gawthorpe, J. Macquaker, and J. Van Wagoner
The Origin and Distribution of Quartz Cementation in the Jurassic Norphlet Sandstone in Mobile Bay: An Evaluation of Thermal Convection as a Mass-Transfer Mechanism,
T. R. Taylor, G. A. Wilson, R. J. Stancliffe, and J. F. McNutt
Syndepositional Marine Dolomitization in Shallow Subtidal Deposits, Northern Belize,
C. S. Teal, S. J. Mazzullo, and W. D. Bischoff
Regional Association of Petroleum Productive Breccias, Mississippi Valley Type Lead-Zinc Deposits and Sedex Deposits; Strategy for Exploration of Albion-Scipio (150 + Mmbbls) Type Deposits,
S. Tedesco
3D Modelling and Reservoir Characterisation of the Gryphon Oilfield, U.K. North Sea Basin,
G. Templeton, M. Adams, and A. Joy
Large-Scale Trends In Hydraulic Conductivity Of Glacial Facies,
K. D. Thompson
Geostatistical Analysis of Incised Paleovalley Reservoir Analogs, Wyoming,
R. W. Tillman
Bayhead-Delta and Estuary-Mouth Bars of Early Cenomanian Age in the Mid-Cretaceous Frontier Formation, Central Wyoming,
R. W. Tillman and E. A. Merewether
Sequence-Stratigraphy and 3-D Geologic Models of a Complex Clinoform Ramp-Crest Reservoir,
S. W. Tinker and D. M. Cox
Buying and Selling Royalties, an Untapped Resource to Greater Income,
D. F. Tobin
Ordovician Carbon Isotope Stratigraphy: Some Lessons from Detailed Unit Characterization,
K. J. Tobin and K. R. Walker
An Innovative Petrographic Method for Evaluating the Productive Potential of Sandstone Reservoirs in Bayo Field, Argentina,
R. C. Tobin and B. J. Schulein
Quantitative Predictions of Petroleum Charge System Risk From an Integrated, Multidisciplinary Team Approach,
R. C. Tobin, B. L. Claxton, G. D. Wood, and Z. Sofer
Reservoir Characterization of the Lower Misoa Formation, Maraven, S.A., VLA-6/9/21 Area, Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela,
R. H. Trevino, W. A. Ambrose, M. S. Akhter, R. E. Barba, and D. Parker
An Example of the Application of Borehole Image Logs in Constructing Three Dimensional Models of Producing Fracture Networks in the Apulian Platform, Southern Apennines,
R. Trice
Impact of Tectonic Variations on Sediment Yield and River Basin Morphology,
G. E. Tucker, K. X. Whipple, and R. Bras
Conditions Favoring Salt Migration and Reservoir Development,
K. Tuncay, P. Ortoleva, J. Golding, and K. Sundberg
Predicting Fractured Reservoir Location and Characteristics in the West Texas Permian Basin,
K. Tuncay, G. Ozkan, A. Park, P. Ortoleva, T. Hoak, and K. Sundberg
Developing Coalbed Methane Exploration Fairways along the North Slope of Rural Alaska,
R. Tyler, A. R. Scott, and J. G. Clough
Role of Propagating Normal Faults in Controlling Sequence Variability and Hangingwall Stratigraphic Play Formation,
J. R. Underhill, I. R. Sharp, S. Gupta, R. L. Gawthorpe, and N. Dawers
Sr-Isotope Stratigraphy of Miocene Carbonates, Luconia Province, Sarawak, Malaysia: Implications for Platform Growth and Demise and Regional Reservoir Behavior,
V. C. Vahrenkamp
Phanerozoic Seawater: 87Sr/86Sr, d18O and d13C Records,
J. Veizer, D. Ala, K. Azmy, P. Bruckschen, D. Buhl, F. Bruhn, G. A. F. Carden, A. Diener, S. Ebneth, T. Jasper, C. Korte, F. Pawellek, O. G. Podlaha, and H. Strauss
Improvement of Sand Bodies Pinch-Out Description by Integration of Sedimentological and Seismic Data,
R. Vially, A. Jardin, G. Desaubliaux, E. Leroy, G. Leclerc, and F. Verdier
Clays and Cements — Their Effect on Dakota Sandstone Pores, Sand Wash Basin, Colorado,
R. J. Vinopal and G. M. Grammer
Non-Marine and Marine Trace Fossil Assemblages- Indicators of Key Sequence Stratigraphic Surfaces Within the Cretaceous Blackhawk Formation, Eastern Utah,
G. D. Wach and K. W. Shanley
Pressure Trends in Lower Viosca Knoll and Mississippi Canyon, Gulf of Mexico Deep Water: Implications for Seals, Column Heights and Hydrocarbon Migration,
B. E. Wagner
A Systematic Reservoir Study of the Lower Cretaceous in Anan Oilfield, Erlian Basin, North China,
L. Wang and P. M. Wong
Climate-Controlled Dilution Cycles in the Demopolis Chalk (Campanian, Alabama): Evidence from Relationships among Carbonate and Organic Parameters,
J. D. Warren and C. E. Savrda
Characterisation of a Deepwater Submarine Fan Reservoir - A Step Change in the Deterministic Use of Data, the Macculloch Field, North Sea,
J. Warrender
Permian Lacustrine Paleogeography of the Junggar and Turpan-Hami Basins, Northwest China,
M. A. Wartes, T. J. Greene, and A. R. Carroll
Improved Modeling of a Shallow Shelf Carbonate Reservoir using 3-D Seismic Attributes, Welch Field, Permian Basin, Texas,
G. P. Watts, G. D. Hinterlong, and A. R. Taylor
Evolution of Extensive Salt Sheets in the Louisiana Shelf and Coast, Northern Gulf of Mexico,
J. S. Watkins and F. Xue
Forward and Inverse Modeling Methods for Determination of Kerogen Kinetic Input to Basin Modeling Programs: Case Study from the South Caspian Basin, Azerbaijan,
D. A. Wavrek, D. K. Curtiss, I. S. Guliyev, A. A. Feyzullayev, and D. M. Jarvie
Maikop/Diatom-Productive Series (!) Petroleum System, South Caspian Basin, Azerbaijan,
D. A. Wavrek, D. K. Curtiss, I. S. Guliyev, and A. A. Feyzullayev
Petroleum Systems of the Pricaspian basin: Kazakstan and Russia,
D. A. Wavrek, D. K. Curtiss, D. Shlygin, E. S. Votsalevsky, J. L. Smale, and O. Navrotskiy
Mudstone Facies of the Upper Brushy Canyon Formation and Getaway Limestone: Insights Into Depositional Processes and Stratigraphic Distribution,
M. Wegner, K. M. Bohacs, D. Pevear, J. A. (Toni) Simo, and A. Carroll
Differential Alteration of Silurian Brachiopod Shells and its Implications for the Interpretation of the Paleozoic d18O Record,
B. Wenzel
Quantifying Uncertainty of 2-D Fluid Flow Modeling Results by Using Methods of Experimental Design,
J. Wendebourg
Sequence Stratigraphy, Well Log Correlation, and Facies Evaluation of East Texas Cotton Valley Lime Reef Wells Using Well Cuttings,
E. H. Westergaard, L. Brinton, N. B Pollard, R. K. Goldhammer, R. R. Pharis, W. A. Tittle, and M. A. Edwards
Palcohydraulic Characteristics of Late Miocene-Early Pliocene Submarine Channels in the Nile Delta, Egypt,
W. A. Wescott and P. J. Boucher
Sedimentology and Ichnology of Quaternary Carbonate Eolianites,
B. White and H. A. Curran
Salt Tectonism in the East Texas Basin - Implications for Cotton Valley Reef Distribution,
G. W. White, S. D. Blanke, and M. E. Podell
A First Look at North American Paleolatitudinal 18O Gradients of Early Cretaceous Rainfall in the Western Interior Basin,
T. S. White, G. A. Ludvigson, L. A. Gonzalez, B. J. Witzke, R. L. Brenner, and D. A. Leckie
Tectonic Control of Foreland Basin Nested Sequence Architecture in the Sego Sandstone and Upper Castlegate Sandstone(Upper Cretaceous), Book Cliffs, Utah, U.S.A.,
A. Willis and A. D. Miall
Scalar Dependence of Deterministic and Random Variation in Peritidal Carbonates,
B. H. Wilkinson and C. N. Drummond
Architecture of a Tide-Influenced Delta in the Frontier Formation of Central Wyoming, USA,
B. J. Willis, J. P. Bhattacharya, S. L. Gabel, and C. D. White
Paleohydrology of the Delaware Basin, West Texas: Groundwater Flow, Hydrocarbon Migration, and Ore Genesis,
D. D. Williams and M-K. Lee
Relating Turbidite Elements to Expected Flow Character for Fluid Flow Numerical Simulation Purposes,
E. T. Williams and R. Slatt
Using Diagenesis to Track Reservoir Compartmentalisation during Burial: UK North Sea,
M. Wilkinson, R. S. Haszeldine, M. Parfitt, S. Larter, A. E. Fallick, and R. Ellam
Reservoir Characteristics of Tertiary Carbonates in Borneo: A Depositional and Diagenetic Evaluation,
M. E. J. Wilson, M. J. Evans, and D. S. Nas
Development in Interbedded Clastic Sedimentary Rock,
S. J. Wilkins, M. R. Gross, and M. A. Wacker
Directional Semivariograms: Kriging Anisotropy Without Anisotropy Factors,
W. L. Wingle and E. P. Poeter
Classes vs. Thresholds: A Modification to Traditional Indicator Simulation,
W. L. Wingle and E. P. Poeter
Ephemeral Mud Beaches on Oolitic Sand Flats, Southeast Margin of the Great Salt Lake, Utah,
D. Winston
Petroleum Migration in the Tarim Basin: Three-Dimensional Modelling Results,
C. N. Wold, M. Wangen, A. Holstad, J. Liu, and J. E. Leonard
3D-Modeling of Shoreface Deposits at the Reservoir Scale,
J. Wonham, O. Robbe, and O. Dubrule
The Lower Triassic Union Wash Formation: High Resolution Cyclostratigraphy Offers Insight into Pangean Climatic Oscillations,
A. D. Woods and D. J. Bottjer
History of Neogene Lake Idaho from Geologic Mapping of the NE Margin and Subsurface Data of the Western Snake River Plain,
S. H. Wood and E. Squires
International Geothermal Development,
P. M. Wright and K. Gawell
Sand Ridge: A Possible Incised Valley-Fill in the Hanna Formation (Paleocene) South-Central Wyoming, U.S.A.,
A. F. J. Wroblewski and R. J. Steel
A 21st Century Outlook of the Petroleum Industry of China,
C. Wu
Pre-Tertiary Fractured Reservoirs in the Western Bohai Bay Basin, PR China,
C. Wu
Petroleum Systems of the Nanpu Sag in the Bohai Bay Basin, PR China,
C. Wu
High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy of the Pearl River Mouth Basin, China,
S. Xu
Implication Examples of Compound Specific Isotopic Analysis in the Oil and Source-rock Correlation,
Y. Xu, W. Wanchun, and S. Ping
The Hydrocarbon Distribution for Different Tectonic Provinces in the Northern Gulf of Mexico,
F. Xue and J. S. Watkins
3D Simulation of Fluvial Facies Architecture in the Middle Frio Formation, Stratton Field, South Texas,
K. Yang and D. Kerr
Basin Analysis of Western China Within Paleogeographic Framework of Evolution of Asia,
P. O. Yilmaz and I. O. Norton
Lathom “A” Pool: An Example of a Lower Cretaceous Compound Incised-Valley Reservoir from Western Continental Interior,
B. A. Zaitlin, L. Griffith, H. Heubsch, S. Leggitt, D. Dufresne, D. Potocki, W. Cox, J. Squires, and I. Smith
Prospects of Hydrocarbon Exploration In Bohai Bay,
G. Zaishen, Z. Wellin, and J. Wenrong
Intrabasinal Structural Controls on the Hydraulics of Early Cretaceous Rivers and on the Connectivity and Geometry of Their Channel Deposits, Central Cordilleran Foreland Basin, Wyoming,
M. J. Zalena, L. J. Suttner, J. Nathan Way, and L. C. Furer
Gravity-Driven Compressional Structural Closures in Brazi1ian Deep-Waters - a New Frontier Play,
P. V. Zalan
Geofluidodynamic Monitoring - Environmental Principles for Exploration and Development of Oil and Gas Fields,
N. P. Zapivalov
Stratal Slicing and Seismic Facies Imaging,
H. Zeng and N. Tyler
Subsurface Dedolomitization in the Pinnacle Reefs of the Guelph Formation (Middle Silurian), Southwestern Ontario, Canada,
Q. Zheng and M. Coniglio
Paleolimnology and Hydrocarbon Potential of Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China Sea, China,
W. Zhu
The Cotton Valley Reef Trend, East Texas Basin: A Geological Exposure,
D. G. Ziegler and G. Wilson
Hydrocarbon System Evolution Mapping Assisted by 4-D Simulation and Modeling,
R. K. Zimmerman and Y. Shi
To 3-D or Not To 3-D...,
S. G. Zinke and S. A. Tedesco