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Abstract: 3D Simulation of Fluvial Facies Architecture in the Middle Frio Formation, Stratton Field, South Texas

YANG, KEXIAN and DENNIS KERR, Geosciences Department, University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK


A three-dimensional, process-based simulation Previous HitmodelNext Hit has been developed and is being used to predict fluvial facies architecture of the middle Frio Formation E and P reservoir units of Stratton field. Architectural and geological features and processes include: channel geometry and avulsion, floodplain geometry configuration, and aggradation, compaction with sediment loading, and growth-fault tectonism.

The simulated area is a segment of channel belt and floodplain crossing a segment of the Vicksburg growth fault zone. Periodic functions are used to Previous HitmodelNext Hit the process of varying aggradation rate. To simulate the subsidence of floodplain which is complicated by growth faulting and associated roll over structure, the total subsidence rate is separated into three elements - regional subsidence rate, growth faulting subsidence rate and roll over subsidence rate. Two types of avulsion, nodal and upstream avulsion, are incorporated to Previous HitmodelTop the avulsion mechanism.

All the input parameters are taken according to the quantitative geological characterization and earlier studies of the middle Frio Formation. Multiple realization, each having a different input parameter settings, are generated and compared to the subsurface data set.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90937©1998 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Salt Lake City, Utah