[First Hit]

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Abstract: Sequence-Stratigraphy and Previous Hit3-DNext Hit Geologic Models of a Complex Clinoform Ramp-Crest Reservoir

TINKER, SCOTT W., and DENISE M. COX, Marathon Oil Company


To use a Previous Hit3-DNext Hit geologic model as an effective reservoir management tool, the Previous Hit3-DNext Hit model must be reasonably correct. This requires that all of the available wellbore and seismic data be normalized, integrated and distributed into a framework derived from an accurate stratigraphic and structural interpretation. Simple 1-D, 2-D, and Previous Hit3-DNext Hit sequence-stratigraphic interpretation tools can be used to derive an accurate and repeatable Previous Hit3-DTop stratigraphic framework in most carbonate reservoirs. The results of this work highlight useful tools for sequence-stratigraphic interpretation, and provide quantified data and results regarding the impact of stratigraphic framework and data distribution methods on reservoir management strategy and reservoir simulation.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90937©1998 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Salt Lake City, Utah