--> Abstract: Petroleum Potential and Results of Exploration in the Offshore Petrel Sub-Basin, Bonaparte Basin, Northwestern Australia, by T. U. Maung; #90937 (1998).
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Abstract: Petroleum Potential and Results of Exploration in the Offshore Petrel Sub-Basin, Bonaparte Basin, Northwestern Australia

MAUNG, TUN U, Petroleum Resources Branch, Bureau of Resource Sciences,Box E11, Kingston, ACT Australia 2604

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The Petrel Sub-basin is a Paleozoic rift. Some 45 wells have been drilled and several oil and gas discoveries were recorded. Gas occurs in Upper Permian reservoirs while oil occurs in Upper Carboniferous reservoirs. All the oil and gas discoveries are observed to be aligned along the central northwest-southeast basinal axis indicating that hydrocarbons may have migrated outwards from this area. The presence of oil and gas in the sub-basin confirm that not only are Paleozoic source rocks present, but that petroleum generation and migration had occurred.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90937©1998 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Salt Lake City, Utah