--> Abstract: Modelling Percolation Through Complex Clustered Fault Networks: Implications for Reservoir Models, by E. McAllister, S. D. Harris, and R. J. Knipe; #90937 (1998).
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Abstract: Modelling Percolation Through Complex Clustered Previous HitFaultNext Hit Networks: Implications for Reservoir Models

MCALLISTER, E., S.D. HARRIS, & R.J. KNIPE(Rock Deformation Research, Leeds University, Leeds LS2 9JT U.K.)


Natural Previous HitfaultNext Hit zones are composed of clusters of sub-seismic scale faults (<30 m throw) adjacent to larger faults which together form a complex deformation volume or damage zone. The hydraulic properties of Previous HitfaultNext Hit zones are complex, with the connectivity of the sub-seismic faults dictating the effectiveness of this zone to act as a barrier (if the faults have reduced permeability) or as a conduit (if the faults/fractures are partially open). We will present a new Previous HitFaultNext Hit Zone Flow Model which uses the statistical properties of a population of faults (size-frequency, clustering and orientation distribution) and evaluates the efficiency of flow through the Previous HitfaultNext Hit networks. The assumptions of the model are that the faults are members of a fractal population, that all faults are elliptical (with a definable long:short axis ratio) and that all “large” faults have a damage zone of clustered smaller faults. We have determined the impact of Previous HitfaultNext Hit networks on percolation behaviour, determining the sensitivity of Previous HitfaultNext Hit orientation and the fractal gradient of the Previous HitfaultTop population on the resultant percolation pathways.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90937©1998 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Salt Lake City, Utah