--> Abstract: Geologic Framework for the Tengiz-8 Well, Tengiz Field, Kazakstan — Unconformities and Porosity Development, by P. M. (Mitch) Harris, R. A. Garber, A. Tyshkanbaeva, S. Birmanova, and M. E. Clark; #90937 (1998)
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Abstract: Geologic Framework for the Tengiz-8 Well, Tengiz Field, Kazakstan — Unconformities and Porosity Development

HARRIS, PAUL M. (MITCH) and RAYMOND A. GARBER, Chevron Petroleum Technology Company; AIGOUL TYSHKANBAEVA, SAULE BIRMANOVA, and Previous HitMICHAELTop E. CLARK, Tengizchevroil


Tengiz Field, a giant reservoir located in western Kazakstan, produces oil from a thick isolated carbonate platform. We describe depositional textures and diagenetic overprint from cores and thin sections of the Tengiz-8 well to document facies, stratigraphy, and porosity types for the upper main part of the reservoir. The core and downhole log data are combined to establish a stratigraphic framework that will be related to surrounding wells. The stratigraphy, especially the occurrence of major karst horizons, directly impacts the distribution of porosity and hydrocarbon production.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90937©1998 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Salt Lake City, Utah