Abstract: Unconformity Detection and Characterization Using 3-D
, 3-C
Seismic Data, Joffre Field, Alberta Canada
GRAU, ANNE and LUCA DURANTI, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO
Joffre Field is located in south-central Alberta, Canada,
between Calgary and Edmonton, and produces oil from Devonian
carbonates in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. A 3-D
three-component (3-C) seismic survey was originally acquired over
the Joffre Field area as a part of a study characterizing reservoir
properties of Devonian Nisku and Leduc reefs. For this study,
however, the seismic volumes were utilized in an attempt to
identify and characterize the top of the regional Paleozoic
unconformity that has long limited exploration efforts in this
stratigraphic interval. The unconformity at the top of the
Paleozoic was found to be well imaged in the compressional (P)-wave
data. Additionally, amplitude anomalies and velocity ratios
(Vp/Vs) support the presence of the
unconformity as defined on the P-wave volume.
The detection of the unconformity on seismic has great implications for defining elusive oil and gas targets that potentially exist in association with the unconformity. Seismic interpretation allows for detailed understanding of geologic systems and their distributions above and below the unconformity surface. Considerable evidence for stratigraphic and structural settings suitable for potential hydrocarbon entrapment were also interpreted form the seismic in close association with the unconformity. These potential reservoirs include Manville valley fill sequences above the unconformity surface, and Mississipian carbonate erosional remnants and shoaling environments below the unconformity.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90937©1998 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Salt Lake City, Utah