--> Abstract: Automatic Reconstruction of 3D Multi-Valued Surface Models from Interpreted Seisimic Data, by T. Chang, L. Canales, and C-C. Shih; #90937 (1998)
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Abstract: Automatic Reconstruction of Previous Hit3DNext Hit Multi-Valued Surface Models from Interpreted Seisimic Previous HitDataNext Hit



We will introduce a new approach to automatically construct a Previous Hit3DNext Hit multi-valued surface model from interpreted seismic Previous HitdataNext Hit. The main contribution of this work is the rapid and precise computation of the Previous Hit3DNext Hit model, which might be given by a set of digitized Previous HitdataNext Hit from a seismic section with a multi-valued surface. Our motivation comes from the major problem in most of the methods of CAD (computer aided design) models based on an unorganized collection of points in space. The generated Previous Hit3DNext Hit model can not be corrected if the digitized Previous HitdataNext Hit are extremely complex. Even if the generated model is corrected, such meshes are notoriously expensive to store, transmit, and render. On the contrary, our algorithm to generate a Previous Hit3DNext Hit model, does not need the digitized Previous HitdataNext Hit to be fine enough to represent the Previous Hit3DNext Hit surface. Compared to other methods, ours has the advantages of simplicity, efficiency and uniformity. The first step of our approach is to generate a convex hull by applying 2D Delaunay triangulation. The second step is to shrink the convex hull to a Previous Hit3DTop object by the implementation of 2D local triangulation, constrained by the given set of polylines. The algorithms are illustrated step by step by a mushroom model with a closed surface, and then are tested with two complex geologic models with an open surface.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90937©1998 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Salt Lake City, Utah