--> Abstract: Paleokarst and Sequence Boundaries in L.-M. Ordovician Dolomites South of the Las Vegas Valley Shear Zone, California and Nevada, by J. D. Cooper, M. Keller, and O. Lehnert; #90945 (1997).
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Abstract: Paleokarst and Previous HitSequenceNext Hit Boundaries in L.-M. Ordovician Dolomites South of the Las Vegas Valley Shear Zone, California and Nevada


Lithoclast breccias within the dolomitic Lower to Middle Ordovician Pogonip Group in the Nopah Range, eastern California, previously interpreted as Ordovician debris flows or as post-Ordovician colluvial or tectonic deposits, are reinterpreted as Ordovician karst breccias. These include solution collapse breccias, cave roof crackle breccias, and doline and cave-fill breccias, commonly with reddish quartz sand and detrital dolomite matrix. These breccias also occur in association with solution karren, terra rossa sediment, and quark sand-filled grike systems. As such they define a succession of exposure surfaces that are disconformities and thus Previous HitsequenceNext Hit boundaries. This is somewhat of a departure from conventional Previous HitsequenceNext Hit stratigraphic studies in platform carbonates where parasequence stacking patterns are employed in the search for subtle Previous HitsequenceNext Hit boundaries.

With the Nopah Range section serving as an anchor, these karst- and hardground-expressed Previous HitsequenceNext Hit boundaries/disconformities provide a high-resolution chronostratigraphic framework that can be correlated to craton-margin sections to the east in the Spring Mountains of southern Nevada, and more distal platform sections to the west. Systems tract and other Previous HitsequenceNext Hit architectural element

Previous HitanalysisNext Hit supports integrity of the defined sequences. Preliminary new as Previous HitwellNext Hit as reappraised conodont biostratigraphic Previous HitanalysisTop suggests encouraging verification for the coeval nature of several of the sequences between sections. Recognition and regional correlation of these surfaces have important implications for the paleogeography, paleotectonic setting, relative sea-level changes, and top of the Sauk Supersequence.

Search and Discovery Article #90945©1997 AAPG Pacific Section Meeting, Bakersfield, California