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Abstract: Exploration of the Haute Mer Block, Offshore Congo


The block covers 2275 km2 in the southeast part of the coastal Congolese basin. Bathymetry ranges from 100m to 1100m, 60% being deeper than 500m. Since 1983, 12 exploration wells have been drilled leading to 2 major discoveries: Nkossa where production started in June 1996 and Moho which is still under appraisal.

The geological setting is controlled by the opening of the South Atlantic ocean; three phases are classically recognized: (1) a rift Previous HitphaseNext Hit of Neocomian age characterized by lacustrine organic rich sedimentation and tilted blocks tectonics; (2) a post-rift Previous HitphaseNext Hit characterized at the base by Aptian salt deposits followed by a mixed clastics and carbonates sedimentation from Albian to Cenomanian; structuration during this Previous HitphaseNext Hit is related to the gravity sliding of Albian carbonates on ductile salt deposits; and (3) the margin Previous HitphaseTop beginning in Senonian-Turonian is marked during the Neogene by a western tilt of 3 to 4 degrees, erosion of the African craton and deposition of a thick prism of deep sea terrigenous series.

Two petroleum systems are recognized: in the north, a presalt source rock generating hydrocarbons trapped in pre and post salt reservoirs; in the south source rocks and reservoirs are post-salt deposits. The exploration is focused on 3 main plays: presalt sandstones of the gres de base formation around the Likouala high, postsalt mixed platforms carbonates of Albo-Cenomanien age (Nkossa and Moho) and slope and basin sandstones deposits of Tertiary age. The two last plays are considered to have the best potential.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90942©1997 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria