--> Abstract: Time to Depth Conversion: Relating Seismic Data to the Real Earth, by M. Littman and A. Litvin; #90942 (1997).
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Abstract: Time to Depth Conversion: Relating Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Data to the Real Earth


There are two main depthing challenges: accurate Time to Depth conversion of interpreted time arrivals and interpretation of depth images in structurally complex areas where conventional time migration techniques fail to allow reliable interpretation. Both these goals can only be achieved by deriving a reliable velocity depth model. It will be shown how Previous HitseismicNext Hit velocities can be integrated with well velocity data to produce the robust Earth Model necessary for success in sub-surface prediction.

Previous HitSeismicNext Hit velocities and well velocities are complementary data types. Well velocity is reliable but sparsely and irregularly distributed, only sampling particular geological regimes. While Previous HitseismicNext Hit derived velocities tend to be less reliable but more dense and regularly distributed, filling in the gaps between well locations.

Using real data examples the main technologies for extracting Previous HitseismicNext Hit velocities will be described. It will be shown how cross plot interpretation can be used for extracting additional geological information as well as conditioning and calibration of the Previous HitseismicNext Hit velocity data.

Previous HitSeismicNext Hit velocities can be used to aid interpolation between well data. Due to Previous HitanisotropyNext Hit and other factors Previous HitseismicNext Hit velocities can differ from well velocities. However, Previous HitseismicNext Hit velocities show regional trends between well locations and these trends can then be calibrated to the available well information using cross plotting techniques.

Previous HitSeismicNext Hit velocities can be used for depth imaging in order to provide round for reliable interpretation when time imaging fails. To achieve well consistent depth results the depth images have to be re-scaled with a layer velocity field integrating well and Previous HitseismicTop data.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90942©1997 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria