--> Abstract: Integration of Seismic, Geological, and Petrophysical Data to Improve Reservoir Characterization: Examples from the Kutai Basin, E. Kalimantan, by R. Koch, A. Wibowo, C. T. Siemers, and P. Lloyd; #90942 (1997).
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Abstract: Integration of Seismic, Geological, and Petrophysical Data to Improve Reservoir Characterization: Examples from the Kutai Basin, E. Kalimantan


The Mutiara oil and gas field, operated by VICO Indonesia, is located on the east coast of Borneo within the Kutai Basin of East Kalimantan, Indonesia. It is a significant hydrocarbon accumulation and is currently undergoing a major reevaluation of its recoverable reserves and remaining upside potential.

The reservoir section is a cyclical middle Miocene fluvial-deltaic sequence consisting of traps formed by pinchouts of channel sandstones crossing or abutting a northeast-plunging anticlinal structure. While shales and mudstones dominate the sequence, distributary channel and estuarine valley fill sandstones of 20ft to over 100ft thick are present in many different orientations and architectural variations. Coals and coaly shales ranging from 3ft to 20ft thick cap most depositional cycles, and also form considerable local lenses as abandoned channel fills. The fluvially dominated, tidally modified delta of the nearby Mahakam River forms a partial analogue for the depositional environment.

This paper describes a methodology for relating seismic attributes across a reservoir horizon to geological models developed from outcrop plus subsurface studies using extensive core and log data, especially Previous HitboreholeNext Hit imagery.

The technique has been successfully applied to increase the success ratio in development wells. A pilot study in 1994-1995 using high-resolution 2D seismic resulted in two successful offsets drilled into a target oil reservoir, each encountering sand thicknesses within 10% of prognosis. Following this success, a major 3D seismic survey was shot in 1996 and a complete integration made with outcrop, core, Previous HitboreholeTop imagery and log data.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90942©1997 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria