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Abstract: Theoretical Premises of Remotely Sensed Data Application in Petroleum Exploration


For successful solution of the problem of petroleum structures revelation and prediction system approach should be used. It based on knowledge about geological/geochemical processes of origin and destruction of petroleum pools, formation of geophysical, geochemical and biochemical anomalies above the pools well as physical bases of remote sensing.

The changes of rocks covering petroleum pools such as changes of Previous HitmagneticTop susceptibility, density, electrical conductivity, dielectric permeability, increased contents of some chemical elements and minerals, which appear up to the surface, can be registered on remotely sensed data of different kinds and scales (photographical, digital multispectral, thermal, radar) as spectral anomalies. Combined interpretation of this data allows one to obtain additional information about these changes. However, relationships between anomalies on aerial and satellite images and geophysical/geochemical characteristics of rocks and soils above petroleum pools are complex and specific for different landscape condition. To study them it is necessary to use integrated analysis of remotely sensed, geological and geophysical data. It was successfully used for petroleum exploration at different regions of the former Soviet Union: Turkmenia, Uzbekistan, West Siberia, Precaspian region and others.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90942©1997 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria