--> Abstract: Applications of a 3D Multilithologic Stratigraphic Model to the Reservoir Appraisal, by P. Joseph, M. Bez, R. Eschard, M. Rabineau, D. Granjeon, and J-C. Navarre; #90942 (1997).
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Abstract: Applications of a 3D multilithologic stratigraphic model to the reservoir appraisal


A three dimensional stratigraphic forward model has been developed in IFP to simulate sedimentation processes in continental to marine environments (coastal plain, delta, shoreface and upper offshore). The model is based on an improved diffusion equation which simulates the average fluvial and marine transport of sand, shale and carbonate at a basin scale (tens to hundreds kilometers, hundreds of thousand to tens of million years).

The model predicts the geometry of depositional units and their internal facies distribution. It enables to quantify the evolution through time of the water depth, the thickness of the deposited and eroded sediments, and their relative content in basic lithologies (sand, shale and carbonate).

In subsurface field studies, a first estimation of the Previous HitmodelingNext Hit parameters (accommodation i.e. subsidence and eustasy, sediment supply, transport coefficients) is derived from a quantitative analysis of well logs and Previous HitseismicNext Hit data. Then an inverse method is used to calibrate precisely these parameters in order to fit the simulation to the available well logs and Previous HitseismicNext Hit maps. When this match is achieved, the Previous HitmodelingNext Hit provides a full 3D distribution of facies between two Previous HitseismicNext Hit markers, taking into account the high resolution stratigraphic information coming from the few available wells. In exploration and field appraisal, it helps to validate the geologist's correlation sketch and to predict the extension of reservoir units in areas far away from the wells.

The Previous HitmodelingTop methodology will be demonstrated on different field studies (Niger Delta, Paris and San Juan Basins).

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90942©1997 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria