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Abstract: Application of an Acoustic Image Device to Obtain Full Structural Information in the Halite Section of a Salt Cavern Well


When planning salt caverns for gas storage purposes, the geological and tectonic conditions of the salt deposit must be investigated very carefully. In particular, Previous HitestimationTop of the intrasaliniferous texture in the salt section of the cavern well is of great importance for the final design of the cavern, based on interpretation of the salt-tectonic structures.

As application of a conventional electric dipmeter tool being unsuitable in high-resistant halite formations, in the past dips of the intrasaliniferous strata were only obtained by oriented cores.

This paper describes the ability of an acoustic televiewer to provide structural information in a highly deformed evaporite sequence and its potential to reduce the need for time-intensive and expensive coring.

Based on the acoustic images, both bedding features (formed by interbedded thin anhydrite and polyhalite layers) and diagenetic features such as recrystallization boundaries were identified. The subsequent structural analysis can separate the diagenetic features on the basis of their different acoustic character.

Research has shown that the acoustic televiewer service is a reliable means of acquiring accurate image data in structurally complex evaporite sequences and that it can provide a low-cost alternative to expensive conventional coring programs.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90942©1997 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria