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Reactivation of Mesozoic Age Structures Near La Ceiba Field, NE Anzoategui, Eastern Venezuelan Basin


The structural style of this portion of the Eastern Venezuelan basin is dominated by reverse and low angle faults and their associated folded and faulted strata. Structural development is related to inversion of Mesozoic age extensional faults during the Miocene. La Ceiba field is located at the western termination of the Tala-Pirital thrust Previous HitfaultNext Hit system. Miocene structural reactivation was in response to oblique convergence between the Caribbean and South American plates. First order structural features effected by Miocene structuring include the NE-oriented Anaco Previous HitfaultNext Hit, the ENE-oriented Tala Previous HitfaultNext Hit, and the NW-oriented Urica Previous HitfaultNext Hit zone.

Using seismic data, three phases of Late Oligocene to Miocene age structuring have been identified. The first was extensional and involved reactivation of Mesozoic age normal faults. This resulted in both regional and local increased accommodation for late Oligocene and Lower Miocene sedimentation. Secondly, regional inversion along the Anaco and related structures followed extension in Middle to Upper Miocene time. Thirdly, breakthrough and emplacement of the Tala thrust system east of La Ceiba field took place.

Oil and gas production at La Ceiba field is localized by structure that developed at the western termination of the Tala thrust. There it is recognized to be at the juncture of the NE limit of the Anaco Previous HitfaultTop and NW oriented compressional splays of the Tala thrust.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91021©1997 AAPG Annual Convention, Dallas, Texas.