--> ABSTRACT: Cyclostratigraphy of Rupelian Clays, Belgium, by N. Vandenberghe; #91021 (2010)
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Cyclostratigraphy of Rupelian Clays, Belgium


The clay deposits along the Rupel river in Belgium were originally designed as the stratotype of the Rupelian.

The cyclic nature of the clay deposits is its most remarkable field aspect.

Grain size, bed thickness, organic matter and carbonates are the varying components. Grain size and organic matter, covary slightly out of Previous HitphaseNext Hit, but the carbonate levels, are unrelated to the grain-size properties.

It can be demonstrated that the grain-size and organic-matter cycles correspond to Milankovitch cyclicity in which the 100000 year Previous HitcycleNext Hit is dominant. Grain-size, organic matter-properties, clay minerals and both organic and inorganic geochemical data allow to propose a model of climatically controlled Previous HitseaNext Hit-Previous HitlevelNext Hit fluctuations for these cycles.

The envelope of the high frequency Milankovitch orbital cycles shows two lower frequency cycles in grain size which are interpreted as 3th order eustatic Previous HitseaNext Hit Previous HitlevelNext Hit variations. The lateral continuity of the two sequences and local tectonics can be shown on subsurface logging data.

An even lower frequency Previous HitcycleNext Hit exists in the thickness distribution of the grain size cycles which is interpreted as a sediment supply-Previous HitcycleTop and therefore as an indicator of tectonic activity in the area.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91021©1997 AAPG Annual Convention, Dallas, Texas.