--> ABSTRACT: Integrated Stratigraphic Correlation - A Valuable Tool to Increase Stratigraphic Resolution, by G. A. Vakaros, V. Abreu, and P. R. Vail; #91021 (2010)
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Integrated Stratigraphic Correlation - A Valuable Tool to Increase Stratigraphic Resolution


The establishment of an age model for sedimentary sections is a crucial task for stratigraphers. Current methods aiming to improve resolution and stratigraphic correlation are based on the integration of all available age data, such as biostratigraphy, chemostratigraphy, magnetostratigraphy and cyclostratigraphy, also known as high resolution stratigraphy. We propose a method to improve stratigraphic correlation and age resolution in sedimentary sections through the integrate Previous HitanalysisNext Hit of all methodologies described above within a Previous HitsequenceNext Hit stratigraphic framework.

During the interpretation process, relative chronostratigraphy derived from detailed Previous HitsequenceNext Hit-stratigraphy of seismic sections and Previous HitwellNext Hit-logs is compared with all available age data. Iterative interpretation develops a chronostratigraphy which recalibrates the data sets. The results can dramatically increase the stratigraphic resolution from millions of years to hundreds of thousands of years. This method develops a more precise chronostratigraphy and can also increase the stratigraphic resolution of basins where traditional methods are difficult to apply (e.g., lacustrine and brackish basins).

Based on Previous HitsequenceNext Hit stratigraphic Previous HitanalysisNext Hit of 2D reflection seismic profiles and Previous HitwellTop-logs, the method was successfully tested in the Pannonian Basin, Hungary and in the South Atlantic region within a sedimentary succession from middle Eocene through Pliocene.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91021©1997 AAPG Annual Convention, Dallas, Texas.