--> ABSTRACT: Beyond Structure: Geophysics for Reservoir Management (Lithology, Fluids, and Fluid Movement), by W. D. Pennington; #91021 (2010)
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Beyond Structure: Geophysics for Reservoir Management (Lithology, Fluids, and Fluid Movement) 


It has always been recognized that there is more information in a typical Previous HitgeophysicalNext Hit survey than simply structure of the subsurface. Recent advances in geophysics and related fields have moved the industry toward an ability to predict rock types and fluid saturants and their temporal changes. This has freed the geophysicist from conventioin: instead of simply presenting a structural map to a geologist for interpretation, the geophysicist is now (or should be!) a part of a team including geologists and engineers, refining the interior of the volume described by the structural maps. The successful geophysicist may be an integral part of a reservoir management team, helping to site development wells and providing detailed input to reservoir simulators. This geophysicist also draws on many areas of expertise including wellbore measurements, laboratory studies, scaling relationships, engineering properties of fluids, and rock mechanics.

Three advances were required to occur in order to take advantage of geophysics for reservoir management: improved Previous HitgeophysicalNext Hit imaging; new wellbore measurements; and improved theories of rock physics.

The possibility of reducing ambiguity in seismic interpretation has led to the introduction of a new term: Seismic Petrophysics, defined here as the careful and purposeful use of rock physics data and theory in the interpretation of seismic observations. In order to make the fullest use of seismic petrophysics, we need to (a) develop appropriate-use scenarios for the Previous HitgeophysicalTop tools and theories, and (b) develop appropriate easy-to-use and understand techniques and services. Education, or technology transfer, will be a key to this advance, as will field testing of some of the competing tools and theories. 

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91021©1997 AAPG Annual Convention, Dallas, Texas.