--> ABSTRACT: Reservoir Characterization of the Fluvial T.A.G.I. Sandstones, Central Ghadames Basin, Algeria, by R. E. Drumheller, R. P. Daniels, and J. M. Yarus; #91021 (2010)
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Reservoir Characterization of the Fluvial T.A.G.I. Sandstones, Central Ghadames Basin, Algeria


The reservoir characterization of the Triassic Argileux Greseux Inferieur (T.A.G.I.) fluvial sandstones in the central Sahara region of Algeria presents the challenge commonly faced early in the development sequence of petroleum reservoirs: a significant lack of specific local reservoir data.

The essential description of the reservoir necessary for proper production planning includes log and core data from the first few wells, indistinct local Previous HitseismicNext Hit information, production test data, which are complemented by extensive regional studies of the T.A.G.I., and by analogy with apparently similar fields elsewhere. The data was incorporated into 3-D stochastic models as it became available, and numerous geostatistical realizations were constructed for use in mapping and reservoir simulation studies. The stochastic model has been able to reasonably well represent the sedimentologic environments and to capture a measure of the reservoir heterogeneities present in the T.A.G.I.

The output from the stochastic Previous HitmodelingNext Hit has proven very useful for all types of reservoir simulation, both 2-D and 3-D. The Previous HitmodelingTop products provided an important influence on initial sets of conventional deterministic geologic maps constructed for the benefit of production planning, and for an enhanced geological understanding to be applied to local field development and to further exploration in the region.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91021©1997 AAPG Annual Convention, Dallas, Texas.