--> ABSTRACT: PINSON: A Powerful Final Well Log Interpretation Platform Based on an Original Standard Lithology Process, by J. Chialvo and J.-C. Portalis; #91021 (2010)
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PINSON: A Powerful Final Well Log Previous HitInterpretationNext Hit Platform Based on an Original Previous HitStandardNext Hit Lithology Process


Over the last 10 years, Elf Aquitaine has developed a complete geological data platform from well site through the operations base to the centralised and permanent patrimonial database.

However, although the Pinson platform is very specific in some ways to Elf methods, it does contain modules that are unique on the market today.

Lithology - A lithology motor that allows the combination of a very small basic symbol library into millions of possible combinations. Huge specific symbol libraries can be done away with. Furthermore Pinson's algorithm allows the readable and coherent representation of lithological information entered at 1/500 or 1/200 scale at any scale from 1/200 to 1/20,000 and even the whole well on a single A4 sheet.

Final Well Log Previous HitInterpretationNext Hit Tool (module called Logfon) - Allows the easy matching of well site geological and mudlogging data to final wireline logs for the creation of the final well log using 3 scrollable windows. The final well log Previous HitinterpretationTop is carried out much more rapidly thanks to simple depth matching and lithology cut and paste facilities. The common database ensures that no transcription errors are introduced between the initial well site acquisition and the final patrimonial database content. 

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91021©1997 AAPG Annual Convention, Dallas, Texas.