Structural Development of the Southern Basin, Onshore Trinidad: Implications for Hydrocarbon Entrapment,
L. J. Aden and R. E. Bierley
Geochemical and Geological Control on Filling History of Eocene Reservoirs, Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela,
M. Alberdi, J. Maguregui, C. Toro, and M. Marquina
Tipos de Trampas y Sellos Existentes en Cuba,
J. Alvarez-Castro and S. Valladares-Amaro
Optimal Oil Recovery Strategies in Miocene Transgressive-Barrier, Coastal-Plain, and Mixed-Load Fluvial Systems in the Mioceno Norte Area, Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela,
W. A. Ambrose, F. P. Wang, M. S. Akhter, J. Skolnakorn, M. Mendez, and R. Alvarez
Construction of a Transversal Section Through the Wells MUC-1E, CRC-7, CRC-6, and CRC-3, El Carito Field,
A. Aponte and O. Gonzalez
3D Geometry and Controls on Fracturing in a Natural Fault-Bend Fold: Rosario Field, Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela,
T. G. Apotria, M. S. Wilkerson, and S. L. Knewtson
The Dolomitized "O" Limestone in the Barinas Basin: A Hydrocarbon Reservoir in Carbonates Rocks,
R. Aquino and M. Boujana
Numeric Stratigraphic Modeling: Testing Sequence Stratigraphic Concepts Using High Resolution Geologic Examples,
J. M. Armentrout, L. S. Smith-Rouch, and S. A. Bowman
The Inverted Lamar Sub-basin, Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela: Tectonic Evolution and Hydrocarbon Habitat,
J. F Arminio and A. M. Growcott
Paleoenvironment Profile and Age of the Paguey Formation; Barinas and Portuguesa States, Western Venezuela,
R. Arnstein, S. Osuna, and O. Macsotay
Multidata Remote Sensing Approach to Regional Geologic Mapping in Venezuela,
M-P. Aubry, W. A. Berggren, A. Sinha, and L. Stott
Folded-Belts--Petroleum Systems of Northern South America,
F. Audemard
Tectono-Stratigraphic Evolution of the Eastern Maturin Foreland Basin (Eastern Venezuela),
A. Azavache, J. Flinch, G. Giffuni, R. Martinez, S. Mata, V. Mitacchione, and J. G. Pereira
Analisis de Presion de Poros a Nivel de la Zona de Alta Conductividad en la Formacion Carapita,
L. Azocar, R. D'Elia, and A. D. Octavio
Consideraciones Geologicas para el Asentamiento del Revestidor de 13-3/8^Prime en el Area Norte de Monagas,
L. Azocar, J. Gil, and F. Rodriguez
Integrated Reservoir Characterization to Define a Hydrodynamic Model in the Misoa Formation, Eocene, Center Lake Field, Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela,
V. Azuaje and J. Gil
Three-Stage Slope Reversal in Northern and Central Trinidad and Its Effect on Megasequences in Cretaceous-Cenozoic Basins,
S. Babb, P. Mann, and R. T. Buffler
Multidata Remote Sensing Approach to Regional Geologic Mapping in Venezuela,
R. N. Baker
Facies and Log Signatures of Sequence Boundaries in Sembakung Area, Tarakan Basin, East Kalimantan, Indonesia,
P. Bambang, M. Hardjono, and P. T. Silalahi Landong
Geology and Geochemistry of the La Luna Formation Type Sections in the Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela,
N. Baptista and W. Scherer
3-D Seismic and Offset VSP Data for Delineation of a Horizontal Well Trajectory: Bloque IV, Lake Maracaibo,
C. Barrientos, S. Johnston, K. Leon, L. Stewart, and I. D. Bryant
Hydrocarbon Potential of Central Monagas, Eastern Venezuela Basin, Venezuela,
F. Barrios, J. Daza, and G. Iusco
The East Falcon Basin: Its Caribbean Roots,
P. Bartok and T. Boesi
Reconnaissance Amplitude Versus Offset Techniques in the Niger Delta,
J. Barton and K. Gullette
Architecturally Constrained Spatial Modeling of Permeability within a Fluvial Sandstone Body, Cretaceous Acu Formation, Brazil,
M. D. Barton, J. Yeh, E. S. Angle, B. N. Carrasco, and M. R. Becker
Multiple Data Integration: A Case Study From Ecuador,
R. H. Barton
Visualisation with Quantification: New Approaches to Reservoir Petrophysics,
P. B. Basan, B. D. Lowden, and J. J. Attard
Sedimentary Sequence Evolution in a Foredeep Basin: Eastern Venezuela,
C. Bejarano, D. Funes, S. Sarzalho, F. Audemard, and G. Flores
Evidencias Neotectonicas de Movimiento Transcurrente Dextral de la Falla de El Pilar, Nororiente Venezolano,
C. Beltran, A. Singer, and J. A. Rodriguez
Predicting Oil Quality from Sidewall Cores Using PFID, TEC, and NIR Analytical Techniques in Sandstone Reservoirs, Offshore Cameroon,
W. O. Bement, R. I. McNeil, and R. G. Lippincott
Estudio Integrado del Yacimiento B-Superior, Formacion Misoa, Campo Motatn, Domo Norte,
R. Benitez, T. Kabbabe, J. Orribo, F. Chacartegui, and F. Yoris
Exploration Application of High Resolution Aeromagnetic Surveys in the Gulf Of Mexico, USA,
Z. Berger and G. Reudavey
of High Resolution Aeromagnetic And Satellite Imagery Data for Hydrocarbon Exploration in Frontier and Mature Basins,
Z. Berger, C. Nash, C. Ellis, and B. Witham
A Revised Cenozoic Geochronology: Template for Global Stratigraphic Correlations and Petroleum Exploration in the 1990s,
W. A. Berggren and M-P. Aubry
Integrated Use of Remotely Sensed Imagery and Other Data Sets to Infer the Tectonics, Structural Style, and Hydrocarbon Habitats of the Basins of the Tien Shan Orogenic Belt, Western China: A Case Study,
J. L. Berry and T. Nishidai
Megaregional Seismic Lines as Indicators of Oil and Gas,
A. J. Bertagne and N. G. Smith
The Application of Quantitative Biostratigraphy in Complex Tectonic Settings, Eastern Venezuela and Trinidad,
G. H. Blake
of Three Pull-Apart Basins: Los Angeles Basin, Onshore California, Tanner Basin, Offshore California, and Cariaco Basin, Offshore Venezuela,
B. Blanco
Searching for Stratigraphic Traps In the Neuquen Basin of Argentina,
J. P. Blangy, M. Follis, G. Tavella, and C. Wright
Chemostratigraphy: Applications in the Tachira Depression, Tachira State, Venezuela,
H. Briceno, A. Callejon, R. Lander, F. Galea, M. Ostos, and F. Yoris
Increasing Reserves Through Improved Evaluation of Low Contrast Pay Sands: Lower Lagunilias, Bloque IV, Lake Maracaibo,
I. D. Bryant, M. Herron, A. Matteson, R. Ramamoorthy, C. Coll, H. Gamero, M. Frass, and R. Casco
Reservoir Vizualization for Geosteering of Horizontal Wells,
I. D. Bryant, B. Baygun, M. Frass, R. Casco, C. Wood, W. Walter, J. Lovell, M. Poitzsch, R. Rosthal, C. Coll, H. Gamero, A. Leon, K. Leon, R. Padron, L. Rondon, L. Ochoa, J. De Mena, and J. Ferrer
Well-Based Seismic Lithology Inversion for Porosity and Pay Thickness,
D. W. Burge, D. B. Neff, and S. A. Runnestrand
Coastal Angola and Zaire: A Geochemical Contrast of the Lower Congo and Kwanza Basin Hydrocarbon Habitats,
R. Burwood and B. Mycke
Benefits and Limitations of 3-D Poststack Depth Imaging in Complex Geological Settings,
J. Cabrera
Application of an Integrated Technique for Analysing Naturally Fractured Reservoirs,
M. C. Cacas, J. Letouzey, and M. Badsi
Caracterizacion Sedimentologica y Petrofisica del Miembro Bachaquero en las Areas Perifericas del Campo Bachaquero,
M. T. Cantisano, F. Chacartegui, and A. Rodriguez
Upper Cretaceous Bioturbated Fine-to-Medium Sands: a Problem for Deep-Water Exploration in Campos Basin, Offshore Brazil,
M. Carminatti, L. Zimmermann, R. Jahnert, and C. Pontes
Petrophysical and Sedimentological Evaluation of the Tertiary Sandstones of Barua-Motatan, Eastern Zulia,
R. Carmona and S. Mederos
in the Learning Organization,
P. D. Carragher
Sequence Stratigraphy and Facies Associations of Falher Units C and D, Lower Cretaceous, Alberta Basin, Canada,
J. E. Casas and R. G. Walker
Procedencia de los Clasticos Paleogenos de la Cuenca de Maracaibo Oriental en el Contexto de la Tectonica Caribe y Andina,
M. V. Castillo, J. Lugo, and M. Ostos
Climatic Controls on Pennsylvanian Sequences, United States,
C. B. Cecil, F. T. Dulong, and N. T. Edgar
Seismic Data Processing in Anisotropic Media,
V. Celis
Evolucion de la Perforacion Horizontal Profunda,
X. Chacin
Tectonica Del Transecto El Pilar-Delta Amacuro Cuenca Oriental De Venezuela,
Y. Chevalier and F. Spano
Spaceborne Radar (ERS-1 and RADARSAT-1) Tests for Hydrocarbon Exploration in Venezuela,
N. Chigne, Dr. F. Dekker, D. Nazarenko, R. G. Duncan, P. Welgan, and F. Corvo
Petroleum Systems at the Triple Point Between the Merida Andes, the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia and the Guayana Shield: The Petroleum Geology of the Colombian-Venezuelan Border,
N. Chigne, D. Loureiro, L. Rojas, H. Sanchez, and C. Urbina
Tectonostratigraphic Evolution and Petroleum Systems of the Barinas-Apure Basin and Surrounding Areas,
N. Chigne, D. Loureiro, E. Cabrera, and S. Osuna
The Value of Uncertainty: An Explorationist Looks at Option
M. D. Cochran
Regional Evaluation of the Hydrocarbon Potential for the South American Thrust Belts and Adjacent Foreland Basins,
J. Coleman, J. Cook, M. Davis, L. Eggers, S. Spencer, and S. Toadvine
Accurate Reservoir Evaluation from Borehole Imaging Techniques and Thin Bed Log
: Case Studies in Shaly Sands and Complex Lithologies in Lower Eocene Sands, Block III, Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela,
C. Coll and L. Rondon
Improvement on the Evaluation of Thinly Bedded Reservoirs Using Borehole Images in Horizontal Wells,
C. Coll, H. Gamero, T. Lozada, F. Chacartegui, and O. Suarez
Effect of Vertical Heterogeneities in a Petrophysical Evaluation of Low Resistivity Pay Zones, B Sands, Upper Eocene, Block III, Lake Maracaibo,
C. Coll, B. Cortiula, G. Gonzalez, E. Meza, and L. Rondon
A Successful Development of Subtle Traps: Chihuido de la Sierra Negra, Neuquen Basin,
R. Comeron and M. E. Valenzuela
3-D Design with DMO Modelling,
D. L. Connelly and J. M. Galbraith
Achieving Consistency in Exploration Risk Assessment--A Key to Improving Exploration Success,
A. M. Conway and M. O. Strickland
Structural Trend
by Axial Surface Mapping of the Northeastern Thrust Front of the Eastern Cordillera, Colombia,
F. Corredor
Enhancement of a Hybrid Petroleum System by Raft Tectonics: Example of Onshore Angola,
C. Cramez, G. Choppin De Janvry, B. C. Duval, and J. L. Pittion
Chronostratigraphy and Biofacies of the Middle Eocene Paguey Formation: An Invaluable Tool for Hydrocarbon Exploration in the Barinas Basin, Western Venezuela,
S. Crespo De Cabrera, N. Di Gianni, R. Arnstein, Z. De Gonzalez, Z. De Monroy, C. De Guerra, and M. Rengel
Timing of Sequence Deposition Related to the Development of the Eastern Venezuela Foreland Basin,
J. Crux, S. Sarzalejo, F. Audemard, C. Bejarano, S. De Cabrera, and D. Funes
Structural Framework Evolution and Timing of Oil Accumulations, Traditional Areas, Barinas Subbasin, Western Venezuela,
J. Daal, J. Salas, M. Lopez, G. Martinez, A. Marquez, and J. B. Dunham
Marcelina Formation Study--Maracaibo Basin,
C. D'Arlach, J. Peralta, and R. Murillo
Chronostratigraphy and Regional Distribution of the Cretaceous-Tertiary and Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian-Campanian) Unconformities, Barinas Basin, Southwestern Venezuela,
C. De Guerra, Z. De Monroy, R. Aquino, and L. Figueroa
Sedimentological and Stratigraphic Controls on Hydrocarbon Accumulation and Production, Pauji Formation, Maracaibo Lake, Venezuela,
M. Delgado and F. Chacartegui
Estudlo Integrado para la Caracterizacion y Desarrollo del Yacimientos MFB-53 Hamaca Nort-Faja Del Orinoco, Venezuela,
M. De Mirabal, R. Gordillo, M. Fuenmayor, M. Uzcategui, H. Rodriguez, R. Silva, R. Sanchez, and M. Ramirez
Structural Synthesis and Tectonic Evolution of the Maracaibo and Barinas-Apure Basins, Western Venezuela,
B. De Toni, D. Loureiro, B. Colletta, and F. Roure
North Atlantic Neogene Dinoflagellate Cyst Chronostratigraphy: True Business Horizons,
L. De Verteuil, M. J. Head, and G. Norris
Geophysical Modeling of the Shale Ridges in the Eastern Venezuelan Basin,
G. M. Diaz and A. Armenio
Utilizacion de Criterios Hidrogeoquimicos e Hidrogeologicos en los Trabajos de Exploracion y Desarrollo Gasopetroliferos Cubanos,
A. Diaz-Sanabria, O. Castro-Castineira, Olga Pascual-Fernandez, C. Sosa-Meizoso, M. Rodriguez-Viera, B. Villavicencio-Garcia, and B. Padrino-Villar
Sequence Stratigraphy of the Eastern Venezuela Basin,
J. Di Croce
Albian to Cenomanian Foraminiferal Zones of Angola (Cabinda), West Africa: Relationships to Chronostratigraphy, Facies, and Morphogroups,
T. W. Dignes
Thin-Skinned Deformation of the Cretaceous and Tertiary Sedimentary Section of Eastern Offshore Trinidad,
J. Dunham, M. Frankforter, D. Kramer, and J. Weihe
The Quest for Better Seismic Imaging in the Sub-Andean Thrust Belt of Southern Bolivia,
J. F. Dunn and K. J. Nelson
Geology and Petrophysics of the Ozouri Group, Central Gabon,
L. A. Dunne, P. R. Johnson, and S. B. DeSantis
Nannofacies: A New Tool In Environmental Interpretations,
I. Duran
The Overthrusted Zaza Terrane of Middle Cretaceous Over the North American Continental Carbonate Rocks of Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous Age--Relationships to Oil Generation,
G. Echevarria Rodriguez, J. Alvarez Castro, and S. Valladares Amaro
Tecto-Sedimentary Setting of the Upper Misoa-B Sandstone East of the Maracaibo Lake (Eocene, Western Venezuela),
H. Eichenseer, J. M. Ugolini, and J. F. Ballard
Fractured Reservoirs in Ciastic Rocks: Differences Between a Basement- Cored Structure and a Detached Fold Belt,
T. Engelder, M. R. Gross, and A. Younes
Paleogeography of the Late Cretaceous of Western Venezuela,
R. N. Erlich, O. Macsotay, S. Hall, C. Yeidling, A. J. Nederbragt, D. T. Pocknall, and M. T. Steinbis
Tectonic Synthesis of Northwestern Venezuela and the Development of the Maracaibo Basin,
J. R. Everett, R. J. Staskowski, S. P. Loyd, and V. M. Tabbutt
Solving the Fault Shadow Problem in the Wilcox Trend of South Texas,
S. W. Fagin
Exploration and Development of the Fluvial Deposits in the Potrerillos Formation, Cuyana Basin, Mendoza, Argentina,
C. Fernandez and P. Agraz
Familias Cadosinidae y Stomiosphaeridae: Nueva Utilizacion de la Micropaleontologia Aplicada en la Exploracion Petrolera,
J. Fernandez-Carmona and M. Pendas-Amador
Gas Play Opportunities in Deeper Jurassic Sequences of the Neuquen Basin Embayment, Argentina,
F. Fernandez-Seveso, D. E. Figueroa, and H. Rodriguez
Neocomian Half Graben in the Western San Jorge Basin, Argentina: Petroleum Systems, Origin and Tectonic Inversion,
E. Figari, M. C. de la Paz, and G. Laffitte
Neogene Extensional Tectonics of the Gulf of Paria (Eastern Venezuela-Western Trinidad),
J. F. Flinch and V. Rambaran
Applied Geointegration to Hydrocarbon Exploration in the San Pedro-Machango Area, Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela,
A. Fonseca, A. Navarro, R. Osorio, F. Corvo, and J. Arismendi
On the Subject of Technical Data Capture and Cataloging Procedures Related to Geological Data Management,
R. G. Font and B. D. McDermed
Rejuvenation of a Giant Oil Field--Quiriquire Field, Venezuela: A Team Approach,
H. Friestad, R. Hull, and D. Miller
Structure and Facies Development in the Niger Delta Resulting from Hydrocarbon Maturation,
B. R. Frost
Petroleum Systems of the Southeast Tertiary Basins and Marbella Area, Southeast Mexico,
F. Fuentes and J. Team
Metodologia en la Exploracion de Acumulaciones Estratigraficas en la Cuenca Oriental de Venezuela,
D. Funes, C. Bejarano, F. Audemard, and S. Sarzalejo
Facies, Age and Sedimentary Environment of the El Cantil, Chimana and Ouerecual Formations, Pertigalete, Northeastern Anzoategui, Venezuela,
F. A. Galea-Alvarez, M. Coriano, and A. Aponte
Oil in the Malvinas Basin,
J. S. Galeazzi
Revitalizing Mature Miocene Reservoirs in NE Anzoategui: A Sequence Stratigraphic Perspective in the Quiamare and La Celba Oil Fields,
S. Galeazzi, S. Paredes, D. Dellape, and G. Moroder
Application of Sequence Stratigraphy in an Integrated Reservoir Characterization of the Miocene Lower Lagunillas Member in the Further Development of Blocks III/IV, Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela,
H. Gamero De Vlllarroel, C. M. Coll, Z. Jimenez, T. Lozada, K. Leon, R. Brandt, R. Padron, L. Rondon, E. Gomez, M. A. Munoz, R. A. Ripple, and B. A. Luneau
Geochemical Study of the Organic Matter from Querecual Formation, Anzoategui State, Venezuela,
G. Garban, L. Lopez, S. Lo Monaco, and A. Lira
Aplicacion de la Geoestadistica en la Definicion del Esquema Optimo de Explotacion de un Yacimiento, Caso de Campo: Eoceno C/VLG-3676, Area 2 Sur, Ceuta, Venezuela,
I. Garcia and W. Poquioma
Innovative Application of 3D Reservoir Modelling Technology,
D. Gawith and P. Gutteridge
Evolution of Mobil's Methods to Evaluate Exploration and Producing Opportunities,
C. B. Gaynor and D. M. Cook Jr.
Porosity Enhancements at Unconformities and Their Implications,
S. K. Ghosh
Precambrian Tidal Facies Sequence: Roraima Group, Venezuela,
S. K. Ghosh
The Eocene Turbidites of the Trujillo Formation, Venezuelan Andes,
S. K. Ghosh and E. Zambrano
Biostratigraphic Sequence
of Oligocene-Lower Miocene Sections in the Orocual Field, Eastern Venezuela Basin,
G. Giffuni and M. Castro-Mora
Pedernales Oilfield, Eastern Venezuela: The First 100 Years,
J. Gluyas, J. Oliver, W. Wilson, and M. Tineo
Seismic Indicators for Porous Fluid-Saturated Layer,
G. M. Goloshubin
Sistemas Depositacionales de los Miembros C-6-X y C-7-X, Formacion Misoa, Campo Bachaquero Suroeste, Lago de Maracaibo, Venezuela,
R. Gomez and N. Tyler
Diseno de un Sistema Informatico para Petroleo--INFOPET.GIS,
J. E. Gomez-Herrera, O. Rodriguez-Moran, and V. Cintas-Sanchez
Formalizacion Multidimensional de las Descripciones Petrograficas de las Rocas,
J. E. Gomez-Herrera, O. Rodriguez-Moran, B. Hernandez-Lopez, and S. Valdes-Lopez
Sequence Stratigraphy of the Maturin Sub-Basin (Eastern Venezuela),
G. Gonzales, S. Mata, and N. Santiago
Chronostratigraphic Charts of the Eastern Venezuela Basin,
G. Gonzales, S. Mata, M. Odehnal, and M. Escandon
Reservoir Characterization of the Lower B Sands VLC 100/949 Reservoirs, Block III, Lake Maracaibo,
G. Gonzalez, C. Coll, J. L. Mora, E. Meza, H. Gamero, M. Araujo, and L. Rondon
Evolucion de la Perforacion del Bloque Aloctono en el Campo Pirital del Area Norte de Monagas,
M. Gonzalez
Re-Entries: New Strategies in Development Zones at the Orinoco Oil Belt,
R. Gonzalez, M. Briceno, J. Figueroa, and C. Bolanos
Tectonic Domains of Northern South America and the Southern Caribbean,
E. D. Goodman, A. R. Green, T. J. Chisholm, C. J. Ando, and I. O. Norton
Paleogeographic Evolution of Foldbelts Adjacent to Petroleum Basins of Venezuela and Trinidad,
E. D. Goodman, A. R. Green, D. A. Yurewicz, G. C. Stone, P. E. Walker, I. O. Norton, P. S. Koch, and L. L. Summa
Improving Exploration with Geographical Information System (GIS) Technology,
P. B. Goodwin, M. R. Choiniere, F. W. Harris, and B. P. Dean
The Evolution of the Piedemonte Llanero Petroleum System, Cordillera Oriental, Colombia: (1) Structural Evolution and Play Definition,
R. Graham, S. Howe, J. O'Leary, A. J. Pulham, N. Piggott, A. Vear, and E. A. Warren
Constrained Gravity-Magnetic Interpretation: A New Way of Regional-Residual Separation of Potential Field Data--Venezuela Examples,
V. Graterol
Loma La Lata Giant Gas Field from a Petroleum Paleosystem, Neuquen Basin, Argentina,
A. Jalfin Guillermo and A. Laffitte Guillermo
Hydrocarbons Related to Early Cretaceous Source Rocks, Reservoirs and Seals, Trapped In Northeastern Neuqun Basin, Argentina,
C. Gulisano, S. Minniti, G. Rossi, and H. Villar
Reservoir Characterization of Thinly Laminated Heterolithic Facies Within Shallow-Marine Sand Bodies,
R. Gupta, H. Johnson, and B. Myking
Geochemical Features of Oils from Western and Southern Gulf of Mexico: Reconstruction of the Depositional Environment of Their Source Rocks,
M. Guzman, M. Mello, and N. Holguin
Perforacion de Pozos Inyectores do Gas a Alta Presion en el Norte de Monagas,
M. Guzman and P. Yanez
Integrated Geologic and Engineering Reservoir Characterization of the Hutton Sandstone, Jackson Region, Australia,
D. S. Hamilton, M. H. Holtz, J. Yeh, T. Lonergan, P. Ryles, M. Hlllyer, and T. O'Sullivan
The Mahogany Subsalt Discovery: A Unique Hydrocarbon Play, Gulf of Mexico,
H. Harrison, D. (Clint) Moore, J. Fox, and R. Garcia
The Oil and Gas Potential of Southern Bolivia: Contributions from a Dual Source Rock System,
K. G. Hartshorn
Evaluation and Management of Vertically Drained Reservoirs: Castilla and Chichimene Fields, Llanos Basin, Colombia,
K. G. Hartshorn
Cusiana Trend Exploration, Llanos Foothills, Colombia--The Opening of a New Hydrocarbon Province,
A. B. Hayward, F. T. Addison, J. O'Leary, and C. Espinosa
South Atlantic Sag Basins: New Petroleum System Components,
S. G. Henry, W. U. Mohriak, and M. R. Mello
El Furrial Field Miscible Gas and Water Injection Enhanced Oil Recovery Project,
P. J. Herbas, L. Diamond, T. Pedroza, M. Todd, R. Smith, and I. Roberts
Significance of the Pelecypod Shell Beds in the Guasare Formation, Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela,
E. Hernandez, A. Oldershaw, and F. Krause
The Guasare Formation (Paleocene), Maracaibo Basin: A Carbonate or a Terrigenous Play?,
E. Hernandez, A. Oldershaw, and F. Krause
Uso de la Geoestadistica para la Descripcion de un Yacimiento a ser Sometido a Proceso de Recuperacion Secundaria, Caso de Campo: Eoceno B-Inferior/VLG-3659, Area 7, Ceuta, Venezuela,
T. Hernandez and W. Poquloma
Aguardiente and Escandalosa Formations, Potential Cretaceous Reservoirs in the Southwestern Tachira Area, Venezuela,
A. A. Hevia, F. V. Yoris, A. D'G. Perez, J. Perez, O. Contreras, E. Ascanio, C. A. Eig Litos, M. A. Vivas, and R. Lander
A Facies
of the Misoa Formation (Eocene) of Venezuela,
R. Higgs
Case History Evaluation of a Producing Property and Its Impact on Evolving Evaluations and Sales,
G. C. Hite
Structural Inversion and the Development of the Serrania del Interior, Eastern Venezuela,
R. J. Hooper, J. W. Granath, D. C. Foley, J. H. Ballard, K. C. Abdulah, and M. J. Lee
: A Strategic Tool for Managing Investments and Growth in the International Petroleum Arena,
J. I. Howell, G. M. Larberg, and P. D. Ching
Nannofossil and Sequence Chronostratigraphy of a Marine Flooding Surface in the Turonian of Trinidad,
T-C. Huang
Integration of Natural Gases in Hydrocarbon Systems of the Northern Gulf of Mexico Basin,
A. T. James, K. C. Hood, L. M. Wenger, S. C. Harrison, and O. P. Gross
The Hydrocarbon Habitat of Northern South America: Colombia-Venezuela-Trinidad,
K. H. James
Modeling Paleobathymetric and Relative Sea Level Curves from
and Palynomorphs Paleoecology,
C. Jaramillo, O. Yepes, and F. Oboh
Comparison of the Timing of Hydrocarbon Generation for Major Petroleum Source Rocks in North and South America,
D. M. Jarvie and D. Wavrek
Palaeomagnetism and Basin
of the Serrania del Interior,
S. Jones, P. Turner, and J. Turner
Sequence Stratigraphy and Unconformities of the Mesozoic: Implication for Hydrocarbon Exploration in the Eastern Part of Indonesia,
L. Kartanegara and S. Riadhy
The Petroleum Systems of the Ogooue Delta, Offshore Gabon,
B. J. Katz, William C. Dawson, L. M. Liro, V. D. Robison, and J. D. Stonebraker
Evaluating Oil Quality and Monitoring Production from Heavy Oil Reservoirs Using Geochemical Methods: Application to the Boscan Field, Venezuela,
R. L. Kaufman, V. H. Noguera, D. M. Bantz, and R. Rodriguez
Practical Examples of the Use of Seismic Amplitudes for Predicting Lithology,
A. C. Kemp, J. W. Gallagher, and A. K. Jorstad
Structural Styles of the Foldbelt Associated to the Maranon-Oriete-Putumayo (MOP) Foreland Basins,
J. J. Kendall, A. M. Aleman, and J. Guerra
Cretaceous Cogollo Group Study--District Zulia Occidental,
R. Lagazzi, G. D'Antonio, O. Hung, and A. Avila
An Integrated Sequence Stratigraphy-Organic Geochemistry Study of the Vaca Muerta Petroleum Systems, Neuquen Basin, Argentina,
M. E. Lara, D. A. Wavrek, R. Vines, G. A. Laffitte, and S. Del Vo
Technology Management--An Effective Tool to Add Competitiveness to the Business,
I. Layrisse and A. Izquierdo
Petroleum Systems Characterization and Ages in the Neuquen Basin (Triassic-to-Tertiary), West-Central Andes, Argentina,
L. Legarreta, C. A. Gulisano, I. Orchuela, and S. A. Minnti
Prospecting and Developing Carbonate Reservoirs Under Excessive Pressures in Fields of PreCaspian Depression Taken as an Example,
R. Leonard, V. Perepelichenko, and A. Shilin
Caracterizacion de Lutitas Altamente Resistivas en Area Exploratoria Las Piedritas/Cano Colorado, Maturin, Estado Monagas,
A. Lezama, J. Castro, and R. Lambertini
Oyo--First Field Deepwater Nigeria?,
R. Lilletveit, L. Nelson, and G. Osahon
Geophysical Data Managment in PDVSA, Progress Report,
A. Lilliu
A New Petroleum System in Offshore Campeche, Mexico,
M. Limon
The La Pica Formation--New Ideas and More Questions,
L. M. Linares
Variations in Structural Style and Kinematics of the Medina Block of Colombia,
R. Linares, M. Rowan, and T. Villamil
Las Manifestaciones Superficiales de Hidrocarburos en Cuba: Sus Relaciones con las Unidades Tectono-Estratigraficas (UTE) y Yacimientos Gasopetroliferos,
E. Linares Cala
V/Ni Ratio in Crude Oil Fractions from the West Venezuelan Basin: Correlation Studies,
S. Lo Monaco, L. Lopez, A. Rojas, and A. Lira
Exploration for Lacustrine Carbonate Reservoirs: Insights from West Africa,
A. J. Lomando
Primary Migration Within the Querecual Formation: Distribution of Biomarkers,
L. Lopez, Z. Sequera, and F. Galarraga
Petroleos de Cuba Noroccidental y sus Posibles Equivalentes en Cuba Central y Oriental,
J. O. Lopez Quintero, L. E. Navarrete, and P. G. Campos
Yacimientos de Crudos Ligeros en Cuba, Presente y Futuro,
J. G. Lopez Rivera and J. O. Lopez Quintero
Late Cretaceous in Western Venezuela--A New Biostratigraphical Approach,
M. A. Lorente, I. Duran, and M. Ruiz
Petroleum Systems In the Sacramento Basin, California, USA,
L. B. Magoon, Z. C. Valin, and P. G. Lillis
A New Paleogeographic Interpretation of Barinas Basin, Western Venezuela, During Eocene,
M. Mahmoudi, L. Figueroa, C. De Guerra, and Z. De Monroy
Seismic Properties of a Venezuelan Heavy Oil in Water Emulsion,
F. Maldonado, Y. Liu, G. Mavko, and T. Mukerji
Tectonothermal Modeling of Hydrocarbon Maturation, Central Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela,
M. C. Manske
2-D Modeling of Generation, Migration, Oil Mixture and Biodegradation in Ceuta, South-East of the Maracaibo Basin,
F. Marcano, C. Leonard, C. Dominguez, and F. Cassani
Petroleum System of the South-Eastern Portion of the Maracaibo Basin: Ceuta-North Andean Flank,
F. Marcano, T. Boesi, B. Pirela, L. Alcala, and R. Violino
Petroleum Systems Along the Foldbelt Associated to the Maranon-Oriente-Putomayo Foreland Basins,
R. Marksteiner and A. M. Aleman
Estudio Sedimentologico de la Formacion Misoa en la Serrania de Trujillo, Estado Zulia,
F. Marquez, G. Bertorelli, E. Zapata, R. Falcsn, V. Padrsn, and O. Rey
Reservoir Potential of Dolomites in the Western Part of the Maracaibo Basin,
X. M. Marquez and C. Romulo
Microfractures Due to Overpressures Caused by Thermal Cracking in Well-Sealed Devonian Reservoirs, Deep Alberta Basin, Canada,
X. M. Marquez and E. W. Mountjoy
Oil Prospects of Cuba,
M. Marrero-Faz and G. Hernandez-Perez
Successful Drilling of the First Horizontal Well in a Mature Field,
I. Marruffo and C. Achong
Georeferencing of Satellite Imagery,
R. Martin
Seismic Data in the Southern Maturin Sub-Basin in Eastern Venezuela Reveals the Structure and Strata I Patterns of the Lower Miocene Sediments,
R. E. Martinez
The Petroleum Geology of the Sub-Andean Basins,
J. M. P. Mathalone
The Application of High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy to Reservoir Zonation and Management of the Beryl Field, UKCS,
G. Maxwell, A. Hartley, and J. Crane
Sedimentology and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Sturgeon Lake Field, Alberta,
S. M. Mederos and T. F. Moslow
Petroleum Systems of the Brazilian South Atlantic Margin,
M. R. Mello, E. A. M. Koutsoukos, W. U. Mohriak, and G. Bacoccoli
The Petroleum System Concept in the Sergipe Basin, Northeasthern Brazil,
M. R. Mello, E. A. M. Koutsoukos, W. U. Mohriak, G. Bacoccoli, A. S. T. Netto, and F. T. T. Goncalves
Metodologia Integrada Aplicada en la Caracterizacion del Yacimiento San Juan, Campo Orocual Edo. Monagas, Venezuela,
M. Mendez, P. Marquez, C. Uroza, and R. Alvarez
Discordancias en un Sistema Deposicional de Frente de Costa a Planicie Costera: Miembros Virgelle y Deadhorse Coulee de la Formacion Milk River, Campaniense Inferior, Alberta, Canada,
R. Meyer and F. F. Krause
The f(^DgrGr) Fundamental Role in the Modeling of Coupled Reaction-Fluid Flow,
J. L. Mogollon, E. Manrique, and A. C. Lasaga
Petroleum System of the Cano Limon Field, Llanos Basin, Colombia,
J. Molina
The Cretaceous Petroleum System in the Northwest of Argentina,
C. Mombru, R. Gomez Omil, and M. Patricio
Petroleum Systems of the Middle Magdalena Valley, Colombia,
C. Mora, F. Cordoba, O. Luna, L. F. Sarmiento, A. Rangel, B. N. Giraldo, H. M. Bartels, J. P. Reyes, and L. B. Magoon
The Bolivian Source Rocks: Sub Andean Zone--Madre de Dios--Chaco,
I. Moretti, G. Montemurro, E. Aguilera, M. Perez, and E. Diaz Martinez
Aspectos Geologicos Relacionados con la Presencia de Cuerpos Limoliticos a Nivel del Tope de la Formacion Carapita. Campo Mulata- Area Norte de Monagas,
C. Moronta, D. Cedeno, and C. Porras
Application of Oil Gas-Chromatography in Reservoir Compartmentalization in a Mature Venezuelan Oil Field,
N. G. Munoz, L. Mompart, and S. C. Talukdar
The Importance of High Resolution Calcareous Nannofossil Biostratigraphy for the Eocene Misoa C Sands Studies, Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela,
J. Munoz, G. Nicolas, and W. W. Wornardt
Average Fracture Spacing in Subsurface Rock,
W. Narr
Petroleum System of the Barua and Motatan Fields and the San Pedro--Machango Area,
A. Navarro, F. Diaz, and I. Rodriguez
Petrographic and Reservoir Features of Hauterivian (Lower Cretaceous) Shatlyk Horizon in the Malay Gas Field, Amu-Darya basin, East Turkmenia,
H. Naz and A. Ersan
Seismic Detection of Juvenile Reservoir Character Under Fluid Cushions (Including Mobile Salt and Geopressuring),
N. S. Neidell, R. P. Mullin, and M. Smith
Structurally Controlled Porosity Evolution and Production, La Paz Field, Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela,
R. A. Nelson, E. P. Moldovanyl, C. C. Matcek, I. Azpiritxag, and E. Bueno
Seismic and Gravity
, Upper Cauca Basin, Colombia,
J. A. Noel and T. Baldwin
Focusing Stochastic Simulation for Effective Problem-Solving in Reservoir Engineering,
R. J. Norris
Mesozoic and Cenozoic Plate Tectonic Setting of the Foldbelts of Northwestern South America,
I. O. Norton, E. D. Goodman, and A. R. Green
Ocurrencia de Intervalos Turbiditicos en la Formacion Carapita,
A. D. Octavio, G. Gonzalez, and L. Ortega
Geochemistry and Organic Facies of La Luna-Tres Esquinas Cycle: Maturity, Biomarkers and
C. Olivares, M. A. Lorente, and F. Cassani
Preliminary Evaluation of a Proposed Injection Site in Mellones,
N. V. Ortiz and H. M. Rada
Petroleum Systems of the Northwestern Tachira Depression, Venezuelan Andes,
M. Ostos, A. Callejon, S. Talukdar, F. Yoris, R. Lander, M. A. Vivas, J. Oldow, and H. Ave Lallemant
Petroleum Systems of the Burgua Depression, Tachira and Apure States, Venezuelan Andes,
M. Ostos, A. Callejon, S. Talukdar, F. Yoris, R. Lander, A. Gonzalez, H. Ave Lallemant, and J. Oldow
A Five Year Look-Back at Exploration Value-Added,
R. M. Otis
A New Model for the Role of Salt in the Salina Basin of Southeast Mexico,
A. Oviedo, G. Mora, and R. Herbert
of 3D and 2D Seismic Data to Delineate Porous Carbonate Debris Flows--Northwestern Midland Basin, West Texas,
J. A. Pacht, L. Brooks, and F. Messa
Sequence Stratigraphic Framework of Neogene Strata in Offshore Nigeria,
J. A. Pacht, B. E. Bowen, D. J. Hall, and A. Chowdhury
Incised Valley Fills and Their Implications for Production and Exploration, Belida Field, Indonesia,
R. Pascoe
Petroleum Systems of Western Venezuela,
H. Passalacqua, O. Gallango, M. A. Capello, B. De Toni, R. Tocco, I. Truskowski, and D. Loureiro
Complex Reservoir Geochemistry of the Sleipner Area, Southern Viking Graben, NOCS,
R. Patience, G. Van Graas, and G. Isaksen
Oil Geochemistry Study; Blocks III and IV Bachaquero Field, Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela,
B. A. Patterson, H. G. De Villarroel, and L. Rondon
Caracterizacion Sismica de Yaciminientos en las Areniscas del Eoceno, en el Area de Lagunillas, Costa Oriental del Lago de Maracaibo,
A. Peinado and H. Silva
Analisis Integrado de Atributos Sismicos y Datos De Pozos Para La Caracterizacion de Yacimientos--Area Centro Lago,
A. Pena and H. Silva
Upgrading and Integrating Field Work Data with Templates, Remote Sensing, and Associated Technologies,
G. Perez and J. M. Ellis
Geochronologic Constraints for the Serrania del Interior Foreland Fold and Thrust Belt, North-Central Venezuela,
J. Perez De Armas and H. A. Lallemant
Regional Porosity Distribution in Sandstones of the Maracaibo Basin,
P. J. Pestman
Geochemistry, Palynology, and Regional Geology of Worldclass Upper Devonian Source Rocks in the Madre de Dios Basin, Bolivia,
K. E. Peters, K. T. Conrad, D. G. Carpenter, J. B. Wagner, J. C. Cooke, M. M. Laughland, R. J. Enrico, L. B. Fearn, C. C. Walters, J. M. Moldowan, J. A. Ekuan, and P. E. Isaacson
The Evolution of the Piedemonte Llanero Petroleum System, Cordillera Oriental, Colombia: (2) Reservoir Petrography & Petroleum Geochemistry,
N. Piggott, A. Vear, E. A. Warren, R. Graham, S. Howe, J. O'Leary, and A. J. Pulham
Stratigraphic and Tectonic Definition of the Northeastern Margin of the Maracaibo Basin,
A. Pilloud, F. Audemard, M. Canache, J. Crux, and B. De Toni
Management of a Giant Deep Field: El Furrial Field, Eastern Venezuela,
N. Pinto, R. Mengual, J. Anz, and C. Rodney
Foraminiferal Record of Miocene-Pliocene Sections as a Tool for Paleoenvironment and Sequence Stratigraphy Interpretation in the Piedritas and San Vicente Fields, Eastern Venezuela Basin,
R. Pittelli and G. F. Giffuni
Ages and Depositional Environments of Paleogene Rocks in the Southern Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela,
D. T. Pocknall and R. N. Erlich
Petrophysical Characterization of the Carito Norte, Mulata and Carito Fields, Norte de Monagas, Eastern Venezuela,
J. C. Porras and M. De J. Valle
Authigenic Chlorite as a Controlling Factor in the Exploration of Turonian/Coniacian Turbidites in the Santos Basin,
E. Porsche and E. L. De Freitas
El Baul Arch: Has It Divided the Oriental and Barinas-Apure Basins?,
A. Portilla
Applications of Remote Sensing Methods for Oil Exploration and Environmental Assessment,
A. E. Prelat, J. N. Diggens, and T. L. Burnett
Low Porosity/High Permeability, Deeply-Buried Reservoirs of the Cusiana Field, Llanos Foothills, Eastern Colombia: Controls on Reservoir Quality,
A. Pulham, E. Warren, and J. Naar
Paleogene Thrust Tectonics In Northwestern Venezuela: Petroleum System Implications,
E. Quijada and S. Oropeza
Resultados de la Perforacion Interespaciada en el Yacimiento C-2/VLE-305. Bloque V Lamar Lago de Maracaibo,
O. Quijada, F. Escorcia, N. Pina, and N. Hall
Computer Aided Graphics Simulation Modelling Using Seismo-Geologic Approach in Sequence Stratigraphy of Early Cretaceous Punjab Platform, Central Indus Basin, Pakistan,
T. M. Qureshi and K. A. Khan
Applications of Planktonic Foraminifera in the Paleogene of the Eastern Venezuela-Trinidad Basin,
S. Radford
Reconstruccion de los Procesos de Generacion y Migracion en el Sector Norte de los Llanos Orientales, Colombia,
J. C. Ramon and L. Dzou
Evaluacion Geoquimica de Roca Fuente y Crudos en la Cordillera Oriental, Colombia: Implicaciones Sobre el Modelo de Evolucion Geologica,
J. C. Ramon and L. Dzou
Geophysical Imaging of Subsalt Geology,
D. W. Ratcliff and D. J. Weber
A New Approach to Fracture Modelling in Reservoirs Using Deterministic, Genetic and Statistical Models of Fracture Growth,
K. Rawnsley and P. Swaby
Fracture and Lithology Delineation Using Mode Converted P-SV Reflections,
M. Reinaldo, E. Ata, M. Gonzalez, J. Sierra, and J. Perez
Exploration for Stratigraphic Traps in a Foreland Basin Using a Sequence Stratigraphic Simulation: Examples from the Eocene/Oligocene of the Apure-Llanos Basin, Venezuela,
J. Reistroffer, P. A. Levine, C. G. St. C Kendall, and A. Finno
From Surface to Pseudo Borehole Data Interpretation,
A. Riaz and C. P. A. Wapenaar
Problemas de lnyeccion en el Campo Mulata Norte,
J. Rivas, L. Brito, C. Principal, E. Sifontes, L. Santander, and J. Sierra
Geology of the Reservoirs from Interval I of the Oficina Formation, Greater Oficina Area, Eastern Venezuela Basin,
C. A. Rivero and W. Scherer
Petrolem Systems in the Austral Basin,
J. Robbiano and H. Arbe
Miocene Example of a Meandering Submarine Channel-levee System From 3-D Seismic Reflection Data, Gulf of Mexico Basin,
M. T. Roberts and B. Compani
Petroleum in the Caribbean Basin: Further Exploration Justified?,
E. Robinson
Aplicacion del Levantamiento Gravimetrico de Alta Precision para la Zonacion Tectonica y el Modelaje de la Region Pina, en la Cuenca Central,
M. Rodriguez
Geology Reinterpretation of an Inactive Old Field-Mata 3, Venezuelan East Basin--Using Computer Methods,
O. Rodriguez, C. Rivero, and J. Abud
Principales Resultados del Estudio de los Sellos en los Yacimientos de Petroleo en la Republica de Cuba,
N. Rodriguez Martinez, R. Garcia Sanchez, and E. Montero Cabrera
, Sequences and Sediment Sources in the Central Part of the Eastern Venezuela Basin (Anzoategui State Area),
P. Rodriguez and L. Oswaldo
Evaluacion de las Rocas Vulcanogeno-Sedimentarias en la Republica de Cuba,
M. Rodriguez-Viera
Caracterizacion de Trampas Para la Costa Oriental del Lago de Maracaibo,
A. Rojas and J. Lugo
How to Revitalize a Mature Reservoir: New Development Strategy--An Integrated Study in Petroleum Engineering,
L. Rondon, C. Coll, P. Cordova, H. Gamero, L. Hernandez, Z. Jimenez, K. Leon, I. Bryant, B. Baygun, M. Herron, A. Matesson, R. Ramamoorthy, S. Tario, and I. Stewart
Applied to the Delimiting of a Gas Reservoir,
G. Ronquillo, M. Navarro, M. Lozada, and C. Tafolla
of Exploration Plays,
P. R. Rose
Data and Information Handling,
R. Ross
Geologic Model for Tengiz Field, Kazakstan,
C. Rubins, J. Anthony, K. Suyesinov, and M. Musagaliev
High Resolution Biostratigraphy of the Trujillo Formation, and Its Implications on Exploration in the Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela,
M. C. Ruiz and S. K. Ghosh
Influence of Mesozoic Age Structure on Miocene Tectonic Development in NE Anzoategui, Eastern Venezuela Basin,
P. Sadler and S. White
Evolucion Estratigrafica y Marco Estructural del Campo Sur del Lago, Cuenca de Maracaibo, Venezuela,
M. Salazar, B. Gonzalez, C. Camposano, and J. Lugo
Sedimentary Evolution of the Upper Cretaceous and Late Oligocene Sequences, and Its Relation to Oil Production, North Monagas Area, Eastern Venezuela,
J. Sambrano, B. Rojas, J. Rendon, R. Chigne, and J. Maguregui
Bogi and Capiron fields, Oriente Basin, Ecuador: Similar Reservoirs but Contrasting Drive Mechanisms and Recoveries,
H. Sanchez, M. Morales, R. Young, and H. Zambrano
Reactivating of a Mature Oil Field in the Finca-Yopales Area, Venezuel, Using 3-D Seismic,
M. Sanchez and H. Betancourt
Modelo Geologico del Yacimiento MFB-53, Trampa 15, Campo Bare, Faja del Orinoco, Venezuela,
R. Sanchez, M. Ramirez, M. Fuenmayor, and M. Uzcategui
Paleogene Geological Evolution of Eastern Onshore Maracaibo Basin,
S. Sarzalejo, B. De Toni, F. Leon, A. Navarro, and I. Rodriguez
Timing of Hydrocarbon Maturation and Trap Formation in the Cordillera Oriental and Adjacent Petroleum Provinces of Colombia,
S. Schamel, A. Richardson, and A. A. P. Carlos
Reevaluation of the Pre-Salt Petroleum System of Cabinda, Angola,
J. R. Scheevel, P. Jeronimo, P. Orsolini, and V. Barleua
Hydrocarbon Distribution in the Maracaibo Basin,
W. Scherer
Exploration in the Sub Andean Thrust/Fold Belt of North West Argentina,
A. Schulz, M. Alarcon, F. Aramayo, M. Santiago, and W. J. Ashby
Petroleum Exploration Plays of the Onshore Doula//Kribi-Campo of Cameroon, West Africa,
R. Seme Abomo
Analisis Estratigrafico Secuencial del Eoceno, en el Area de Bachaquero, Cuenca de Maracaibo,
M. Serrano, D. Boscan, and J. Lugo
Sandy Slump and Sandy Debris Flow Facies in the Pliocene and Pleistocene of the Gulf of Mexico: Implications for Submarine Fan Models,
G. Shanmugam and G. Zimbrick
Analisis de Criticidad Geologica. Area Norte de Monagas,
E. Sifontes, C. Porras, and J. Rivas
Uso de Acustico Dipolar en el Area Norte de Monagas,
E. Sifontes, A. Dimassimo, and C. Principal
Distinguishing Between Two Reservoir Oil Types Using Surface Geochemical Modeling Methods,
A. H. Silliman and P. A. Harrington
The Subthrust Trap beneath the Western Foothills of the Eastern Cordillera, Colombia,
M. A. Silva, M. Osorio, and A. Sharp
Future of Exploration and Production Business,
J. W. Simpson
Automation of Storage, Retrieval and Drafting of Petroleum Systems Data, With Examples from the Subandean Basins of South America,
D. G. Smith, J. Green, and K. Chew
Stratigraphic Evaluation of Petroleum Migration and Seals Using Fluid Inclusion and Rock Pyrolysis Volatiles: Application to Three Deep Wells, Onshore Trinidad,
M. P. Smith, R. J. Pottorf, and M. A. Sykes
Low Resistivity, Low Contrast Pays,
R. M. Sneider and J. T. Kulha
3-D Visualisation and Interpretation of Seismic Attributes Extracted from Large 3-D Seismic Datasets: Sub-regional and Prospect Evaluation, Deepwater Nigeria,
M. Sola, L. H. Nordby, D. V. Dailey, and E. A. Duncan
Caracterizacion Simica de las Sales en Cuba Central,
A. Sora, E. Martinez, and J. Alvarez
Exxon's Approach to Improving Exploration Results,
W. E. Sparks Jr.
Sequence Stratigraphy, Facies Architecture and Reservoir Distribution, Cretaceous Lowstand Fan Reservoirs, Southern Basin, Onshore Trinidad,
A. R. Sprague, D. K. Larue, B. L. Faulkner, M. A. Sykes, and L. J. Aden
Opon Gas Renews Interest in the Hydrocarbon Prolific Middle Magdalena Basin, Colombia,
D. M. Stone, R. Elliott, G. Latimer, and M. Steuer
Organic Carbon and Phosphate Distributions in the La Luna Formation, Western Venezuela,
P. S. Stoufer and W. Scherer
Comparison of the Petroleum Systems of East Venezuela in Their Tectonostratigraphic Context,
N. J. Stronach, H. M. Kerr, J. Scotchmer, and V. Hunter
Source Potential of the Zairlan Onshore Pre-Salt Sub-basins of the West African Aptian Salt Basin,
K. Swirydczuk, D. Tshiband, M. Nyimi, I. Musombo, and K. Mbalambala
Taking a New Look at an Old Field: A Revised Structural/Stratigraphic Framework of the SVS-40 Area,
C. Taylor, R. Carrizales, W. Acosta, J. Cova, M. Garrido, and A. N. Rossetti
Historia Geologica de Cuba y Venezuela: Un Aporte Para la Evaluacion Comparativa del Potencial de Hidrocarburos,
R. Tenreyro Perez
Seismic Acquisition and Processing Methodologies in Overthrust Areas: Some Examples from Latin America,
N. G. Tilander and R. G. Mitchel
Geochemical Modelling of the Principal Source Rocks of the Barinas and Maracaibo Basins, Western Venezuela,
R. Tocco, O. Gallango, and F. Parnaud
Sedimentological and Petrographical Data of Cretaceous Evaporites in Barinas Subbasin (Venezuela) and their Relation to Petroleum Occurrence,
M. Toro, D. Van Berkel, I. Berrios, A. Ruggiero, R. Aquino, M. Mahmoudi, and C. Bejarano
Late Cretaceous Biostratigraphy of the La Luna Formation, Maracaibo Basin,
I. Truskowski, F. Galea-Alvarez, and W. V. Sliter
Integrated Stochastic Modeling and Reservoir Technique for Project Evaluation and Risk Assessment,
K. J. Tyler, C. Sandsdalen, L. M'Land, J. O. Aasen, E. Siring, and M. Barbieri
The Basins on the Argentine Continental Margin,
C. M. Urien
Cretaceous Sequence Stratigraphy of the Maranon-Oriente-Putumayo Basins, Northeastern Peru, Eastern Ecuador and Southeastern Colombia,
D. Valasek, A. M. Aleman, and R. Marksteiner
Reservorios Arrecifales en Cuencas Cubanas,
S. Valladares-Amaro, M. Rodriguez-Viera, R. Segura-Soto, and J. Alvarez-Castro
Las Ofiolitas de Cuba, un Caso Interesante en la Produccion Petrolera Mundial,
S. Valladares-Amaro, G. Echevarria-Rodriguez, J. Gomez-Herrera, and J. Alvarez-Castro
Using Seismic Derived Lithology Parameters for Hydrocarbon Indication,
P. Van Riel and M. Sisk
Coal bed Methane Potential In Venezuela--The Forgotten Resource,
A. R. Vasquez-Herrera, S. R. Bereskin, and J. D. McLennan
Modelo Sedimentologico y Petrofisico Para Caracterizar los Intervalos Productivos en un Reservorio Clastico Naturalmente Fracturado en la Costa Este de la Cuenca del Lago de Maracaibo, Arenas Basales de la Formacion Pauji del Eoceno, Estado Zulia, Venezuela,
X. Verenzuela and M. Delgado
Implementacion de un Plan para Gerenciar el Desarrollo de un Yacimiento en el Norte de Monagas,
L. Vidllegas and A. Di Massimo
Application of Azimuthal Resistivity Images to Identify Pay Zones in Highly Shale Laminated Sands of the Upper C Eocene Reservoir of Ceuta Field in Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela,
M. Vivas and O. Suarez
Surface Exploration Geochemistry: Numerical Data Processing of Near Surface Hydrocarbon Gases and Application in the Llanos Basin, Venezuela,
H. von Der Dick, A. Callejon-Gimenez, and D. Bosman
Overpressure History of Fractures, West Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela,
P. J. Vrolijk, R. J. Pottorf, and W. B. Maze
The Relationship Between Mud Volcanoes, Petroleum Migration and Accretionary Prisms; Lessons from the Caucasus, the Australian Margin and Venezuela,
P. Ware
Petroleum Systems Charged by the Vaca Muerta (Tithonian) Formation: Neuquen Basin, Argentina,
D. A. Wavrek, M. E. Lara, G. A. Laffitte, S. Del Vo, J. W. Collister, J. C. Quick, R. B. Allen, D. M. Jarvie, and H. E. Hollowell
Sequence Stratigraphic Setting of Turbidite-Related Petroleum Fields, Green Canyon and Ewing Bank Lease Areas, Northern Gulf of Mexico,
P. Weimer and A. J. Pulham
Hydrocarbon Systems of the Northern Gulf of Mexico Basin - Delineation through Integration of Geochemical and Geophysical Approaches,
L. M. Wenger, K. C. Hood, S. C. Harrison, O. P. Gross, and A. T. James
Mahogany: Seismic Technology Leading to the First Economic Subsalt Field,
M. E. Westcott, M. C. Leach, P. A. Valasek, K. D. Wyatt, and K. Branham
An Integrated Approach to the Exploitation of Post-Miocene Cruse Deltaic Reservoirs in the Vessigny/Guapo/Parrylands Fields, Trinidad,
S. R. Wharton
Thermal History and Timing of Hydrocarbon Expulsion in the Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela,
C. White and L. Mompart
High-Resolution Seismic
Greatly Improves Petroleum Economics,
C. R. Willingham
Identifying Structural Styles in Colombia,
W. P. Wilson, R. E. Van Nieuwenhuise, M. R. Steuer, and G. Ojeda
Reservoir Sequence
: A New Technology for the 90's and Its Application to Oil and Gas Fields,
W. W. Wornardt
Detailed Lithostratigraphy and Age Determinations of La Luna Formation in Two Sections of SW Tachira State (Venezuela),
F. G. Yoris, M. Ostos, M. Boujana, J. Perez, G. Booth, S. Packer, F. Galea, and R. Lander
Mirador Formation in SW Tachira State, Venezuela: Potential Reservoir for the Paleogene Sequence,
F. Yoris, M. Ostos, M. Boujana, O. Conteras, and R. Lander
Hydrocarbon Systems in the Southwest Maracaibo Basin, Colombia,
D. A. Yurewicz, D. M. Advocate, J. J. Sequeira, V. J. Mcdermott, R. H. Young, P. C. Wellman, and E. Hernandez
Fracturamiento Hidraulico del Pozo PIC-9,
A. Zabala, E. Rojas, and R. Marcano
Canales de Porosidad en Mulata Norte,
A. Zabala, L. Brito, and R. Marcano
Determination of Porosity and Facies Trends in a Complex Carbonate Reservoir, by Using 3-D Seismic, Borehole Tools, and Outcrop Geology,
T. G. Zacharakis Jr., J. Navarro Comet, A. A. Murillo, and M. Esteban
Eocene Sequence Stratigraphy and Paleoenvironments, Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela,
E. Zambrano, L. Melendiiez, S. Ghosh, P. J. Pestman, and M. A. Lorente
Paleogene Turbidite System in the Maracaibo Basin: A New Exploration Frontier,
E. Zambrano, L. Melendiez, and S. Ghosh