Testing the Link Between
Seepage, Sea Level Stands, and Salt Diapirism in Deepwater
of Mexico,
P. Aharon
Structural Styles and Depositional History of North and South Padre Island, OCS Areas, Offshore South Texas,
A. M. Al-Ghamdi and J. S. Watkins
Pearsall (Aptian Cretaceous) Subsurface to Outcrop Sequence Stratigraphy, Central Texas,
D. L. Amsbury
Intraslope Basin Reservoirs Deposited by Gravity-Driven Processes: Ship Shoal and Ewing Banks Areas, Offshore Louisiana,
J. M. Armentrout, S. J. Malecek, V. R. Mathur, G. L. Neuder, and G. M. Ragan
Implementation of Geographic-Information-System Technology for Use in Coal Geology Investigations at the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey,
A. G. Axon and D. L. Crowell
New Ohio Oil and Gas Pools and Fields Map Series,
M. T. Baranoski, R. A. Riley, and L. H. Wickstrom
The Corbin Sandstone of Eastern Kentucky: Outcrop and Subsurface Analysis of a Pennsylvanian Age Big Braided River,
M. A. Barnhill
Environmental Reconstruction of a 19th Century Red River Raft Lake: Caddo Lake, Louisiana and Texas,
M. L. Barrett
Enhanced Subsalt Exploration Utilizing the Basal Salt Shear Model,
R. D. Baud and J. L. Haglund
Paleotopographic Vs Eustatic Controls on Deposition of the Smackover Formation, Appleton Field, Escambia County, Alabama,
D. J. Benson, L. M. Pultz, and D. D. Bruner
The Formation and Behavior of "Vapor Lock" Pressure Seals and Associated
Accumulations in Geologically Young Basins,
W. M. Benzing and G. M. Shook
Water Saturations in a Wilcox Shaly Reservoir Sandstone, Fordoche Field, Point Coupee Parish, Louisiana,
C. R. Berg and R. R. Berg
Rapid In-Situ Subsurface Characterization of a Petroleum- Contaminated Site Using Laser Induced Fluorescence and Cone Penetrometer Testing,
S. C. Boorse
Growth Faults and Growth-Fault Mechanisms Observed in the
of Mexico,
B. E. Bradshaw and J. S. Watkins
Depositional Facies and Environments of the Lower Mineral Wells Formation of the Pennsylvanian Strawn Group in North Central Texas,
S. E. Bradshaw and J. M. Mazzullo
Local Foraminiferal Faunas: The Key to Enhanced Stratigraphic Resolution in Expanded Cenozoic Sections of the
S. Q. Breard, A. D. Callender, and M. J. Nault
Salvaging Dipmeters Using an Oil Field "Dinosaur",
A. R. P. Breimayer and L. Bigley Puzio
Another Strike at Bee Bluff,
J. A. Breyer
Tampa Bay, Florida: A Carbonate Incised Valley System With Mixed Carbonate/Clastic Fill,
G. R. Brooks and L. J. Doyle
of Salt and Basin Architecture in the Northwestern
of Mexico,
W. R. Bryant
Holocene Sedimentary Framework of Transgressions and Regressions Along the Chenier Plain, Southwestern Louisiana,
M. R. Byrnes, R. A. Mcbride, M. J. Taylor, and R. R. Zenero
An Introduction to Gridding and Contouring Geologic Surfaces with a Computer,
M. A. Catanzano
Predicting Porosity
within Oolitic Tidal Bars,
L. J. Cavallo, J. Lew, and R. A. Smosna
Pressure Solution and Microfracturing in Primary Oil Migration, Upper Cretaceous Austin Chalk, Texas
J. Chanchani, R. R. Berg, and C-I. Lee
Petrophysical Properties and Geology of Selected Intervals in the Frio Formation, Stratton Field, South Texas for Modeling Interwell Seismic Logging Response,
H. A. Collier and J. O. Parra
San Antonio Relay Ramp: Area of Stratal Continuity between Large-Displacement Barrier Faults of the Edwards Aquifer and Balcones Fault Zone, Central Texas,
E. W. Collins
Subsurface Geology of Corpus Christi Bay, Nueces County, Texas,
J. W. Collins
of Mexico Petroleum Accumulations a Review of Recent Studies on Sources of the Oils, Modes of Source Rock Maturation and Oil Migration,
P. A. Comet
Subsurface Siluro-Devonian Carbonate Interval (Bass Islands-Columbus/Onondaga and Oriskany in Ohio,
A. H. Coogan
An Evaluation of the Minimum Required Sampling Density of Middle Pennsylvanian Interburdens at a Typical Southern West Virginia Surface Mine; A Preliminary Study,
T. P. Cook, J. J. Renton, R. R. McDowell, and M. Ed. Hohn
Bio- and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Upper Kincaid Formation, Frost Bluff, Milam County, Texas,
A. E. D'Agostino and T. E. Yancey
Austin Chalk (uppermost Santonian) Discontinuity Surface, North Central Texas,
W. C. Dawson and D. F. Reaser
The Cacapon River Fault, Morgan County, West Virginia,
S. L. Dean, P. Lessing, and B. R. Kulander
Bob West and Lopeno Fields: Structure and Stratigraphy of Two Significant Upper Wilcox Gas Fields in South Texas,
R. W. Debus
Evidence for Mississippian Structural Activity Above a Precambrian Rift System, South-Central Kentucky,
G. R. Dever, Jr.
Predicting Permeability with NMR Imaging in the Edwards Limestone/Stuart City Trend, Texas,
H. Dewitt, M. Globe, and R. Sorenson
New Structural and Stratigraphic Interpretation of Lake Superior Basin from
Exploration Geophysics and Geology,
A. B. Dickas
Differences in Structural Characteristics and Historical Development of the Rome Trough,
J. B. Dominic, K. A. Donaldson, T. H. Wilson, and R. C. Shumaker
Relative Age Dating Courseware,
K. Donaldson, P. Medury, and J. Donovan
A Study of Heavy Metal Partitioning in Bottom Sediments of Bayou Trepagnier, LA,
T. D. Dore and A. M. Bailey
Cambrian and Precambrian Rifting in Central and Western Kentucky: Evidence from Reflection-Seismic Data,
J. A. Drahovzal
Problems in Obtaining Hydrogeologic Information for a Rapidly Growing Suburban Region such as St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana,
T. W. Duex and E. M. Sprehe
Stable Isotopic Composition of a Late Eocene Archeocete Whale, Basilosaurus cetoides, from Wayne County, Mississippi,
E. W. Emmer and D. A. Dunn
Methods for Testing the Validity of Surface Geochemical Anomalies,
J. M. Fausnaugh
Survey Design and Data Integration When Using Surface Geochemistry,
J. M. Fausnaugh
Creating a Geographic Information System (GIS)-Based Inventory of Coal for West Virginia,
N. Fedorko, B. M. Blake, Jr., G. H. McColloch, and K. J. Timberlake
Post Mid-Cretaceous Depositional History,
of Mexico,
J. Feng and R. T. Buffler
Allochthonous Salt Surrounding Alaminos Canyon, Northwestern Deep
of Mexico,
J. C. Fiduk, B. D. Trudgill, M. G. Rowan, P. Weimer, P. E. Gale, B. E. Korn, R. L. Phair, W. T. Gafford, G. R. Roberts, S. W. Dobbs, and C. K. Guu
Systematic Investigation of the Compositional Variations in Solid Waste Products from Coal Combustion,
R. Finkelman, G. Breit, C. Eble, R. Affolter, H. Belkin, M. Brownfield, J. Cathcart, S. Crowley, J. Hower, J. Leventhal, J. McGee, C. Palmer, R. Reynolds, C. Rice, and R. Zielinski
Some Practical Aspects of Reservoir Management,
M. L. Fowler, M. A. Young, E. L. Cole, and M. P. Madden
Anomalously Radioactive Barite Chimneys and Crusts from
of Mexico Slope: Initial Report,
B. Fu, P. Aharon, D. L. Van Gent, and L. M. Scott
Macrofauna and Microfauna of the Pensacola Bay and Perdido Bay Area, Florida and Alabama,
T. Gangopadhyay, L. C. Anderson, M. H. Jones, and R. A. McBride
Comparative Palynology of Clastics and Lignites from the Manning Formation, Jackson Group, Upper Eocene, Grimes County, TX,
J. A. Gennett
Subsurface Middle Wilcox Correlation of Central Louisiana,
L. N. Glawe and J. B. Echols
Coal-Bench Architecture as a Means of Understanding Regional Changes in Coal Thickness and Quality,
S. F. Greb, C. F. Eble, and J. C. Hower
Mining Conditions and Deposition in the Amburgy (Westphalian B) Coal, Breathitt Group, Central Appalachian Basin,
S. F. Greb, C. F. Eble, J. C. Hower, and T. L. Phillips
Composition and Provenance of Volcanic Glass in Late Eocene Manning Formation, East-Central Texas,
R. N. Guillemette and T. E. Yancey
Origin and Early Development of the
of Mexico Basin Based on 15-Second Record Seismic in the Louisiana Shelf and Upper Slope,
D. J. Hall
Fractured Shale Reservoirs: Towards a Realistic Model,
T. Hamilton-Smith
The Tuscaloosa Formation Revisited,
P. L. Hansley
Major Transgressive Shales of the Wilcox, Northern Portion of South Texas,
R. N. Hargis
Gas Potential of the Rome Trough in Kentucky: Results of Recent Cambrian Exploration,
D. C. Harris and J. A. Drahovzal
Did Devonian Shale Wells Drilled During the 1980's and Early 1990's in West Virginia Measure Up to Expectations?,
M. Ed. Hohn, R. R. Mcdowell, D. L. Matchen, and T. J. Woods
High-Frequency Cyclicity during Eustatic Sea-Level Rise: Edwards Group of the Balcones Fault Zone,
S. D. Hovorka
Petrology, Geochemistry, and Palynology of Joggins Formation (Westphalian A) Coals, Cumberland Basin, Nova Scotia,
J. C. Hower, J. H. Calder, C. F. Eble, A. C. Scott, J. D. Robertson, and L. J. Blanchard
Regional Structure and Stratigraphy of the Texas Shelf,
of Mexico,
S. Huh, J. S. Watkins, B. E. Bradshaw, J. Xi, and R. Kasande
The Anatomy and Physiology of a
W. C. Isphording, R. B. Jackson, and F. D. Imsand
Regional Chronostratigraphic and Depositional
Trends in Offshore Louisiana State Waters,
C. J. John, B. L. Jones, and B. J. Harder
Sistersville, West Virginia: 1893 Oil Capital of the World,
P. J. Johns, L. D. Woodfork, D. G. Patchen, and K. Lee Avary
Stratigraphy, Facies, and Environment of Deposition of the Yates Formation, North Ward Estes Field, Ward County, Texas,
R. D. Johnson and J. M. Mazzullo
Late Pleistocene Sedimentation and Meltwater Influx in the Central
of Mexico: Stratigraphic Signals,
M. Jones and B. Sen Gupta
Truth or Dare: The Maquoketa-Trenton(!) Petroleum System,
C. B. Kiger and P. D. Howell
Sequence Stratigraphy of Upper Cretaceous Alluvial Plain Facies, Tuscaloosa Formation, Alabama,
D. T. King, Jr.
Proximal Impact-Generated Stratigraphy of the Cretaceous Tertiary Boundary, Belize, Central America,
D. T. King, Jr.
Determining Between-Well Reservoir Architecture in Deltaic Sandstones Using Only Well Data: Oligocene Frio Formation, Tijerina-Canales-Blucher Field, South Texas,
P. R. Knox
Predicting Seal Efficiency and Trapped
Type in
Systems: Lessons Learned From West Fulton Beach Field, Mid-Texas
P. R. Knox
Petrophysical Characteristics of the Subsurface Sauk Sequence (Cambro-Ordovician) of Western New York,
M. M. Kolkas and G. M. Friedman
Wet Bacterial Gas in the Northern
of Mexico Basin,
A. S. Kornacki, A. D. Allie, and W. E. Holman
Salt Dome Growth, Thrust Fault Growth, and Syndeformational Stratigraphy, La Popa Basin Northern Mexico,
R. C. Laudon
Availability of Coal in the Hackett 7.5-Minute Quadrangle, Washington County, Pennsylvania,
L. J. Lentz and J. C. Neubaum
Colored Paper--Geological Maps Through History,
P. Lessing
Xenolithic Inclusions Within the Salt at Weeks Island, Louisiana and Their Significance,
B. E. Lock and T. W. Duex
Paleotopography Association, Lithofacies Architecture, and Reservoir Quality of the Upper James Lime Reservoir (Pearsall Fm, Lower Cretaceous) in the Poplarville Field, Pearl River County, Mississippi,
R. Loucks and M. Ver Hoeve
Thermal and Time-Temperature Index (TTI) Patterns During Geologic Evolution of North and Central
of Mexico,
A. Lowrie, R. Hamiter, M. A. Fogarty, T. Orsi, and I. Lerche
Identification of Third-Order (Approx. 106 Yrs) and Fourth-Order (Approx. 105/104 Yrs) Stratigraphic Cycles in the South Addition, West Cameron Lease Area, Louisiana Offshore,
A. Lowrie, P. Meeks, and K. Hoffman
DeSoto Canyon Salt Basin: Tectonic Evolution and Salt Structural Styles,
G. Macrae and J. S. Watkins
Lateral Variations of Subsalt
Buildup in the
of Mexico,
S. Malloy, K. Petersen, I. Lerche, and A. Lowrie
Comparison of Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene Depositional Sequences in the Eastern
Coastal Plain,
E. A. Mancini, B. H. Tew, and T. M. Puckett
Antrim Shale Fractured Reservoirs: Their Potential Throughout the Michigan Basin,
K. C. Manger, T. J. Woods, J. B. Curtis, and M. D. Zuber
Subsurface Definition of the Allegheny Group Coalbed Methane Prospect Interval in Southwestern Pennsylvania and New Gas Content Results,
A. K. Markowski
Detailed Surface Structure Yields Clues to Deep Structure,
P. L. Martin
Shelf Sedimentary Facies Offshore Southwestern Alabama and Western Florida Panhandle: Northeastern
of Mexico,
R. A. Mcbride, M. R. Byrnes, and L. C. Anderson
Trace Element Concentration of Central Appalachian Coal Beds,
M. McClure and M. S. Miller
New Tools for Modeling Fracture Networks and Simulating Gas Flow in Low-Permeability Sand and Shale Reservoirs,
M. L. McKoy and W. N. Sams
Virginia's Coal Resources--An Update,
R. C. Milici and E. V. M. Campbell
In-situ Bioremediation of Groundwater Using a Horizontal Injection Well in Clay Soil, Madisonville, TN,
M. B. Miller, D. A. Clark, M. Handler, and Z-M. Huang
Historical Interval and Name Changes of the South Florida Sunniland Formation,
H. J. Mitchell-Tapping
Core Evidence for a Major Marine Transgression During the Holocene of Southwestern Florida,
H. J. Mitchell-Tapping, T. Lee, and A. M. Mitchell-Tapping
Anatomy of a Sequence Boundary-Lower Cretaceous Glen Rose/Fredericksburg, Central Texas Platform,
C. H. Moore
Crustal Scale Gravity and Magnetic Models Along a Transect Across the Central Appalachians of West Virginia,
J. F. Morgan and T. H. Wilson
Sedimentology, Diagenesis, and Trapping Style, Chesterian Tar Springs Sandstone at Inman Field, Gallatin County, Illinois,
D. G. Morse
Characteristics of Incised Valley Fills, Coastal Plain Rivers of Southeastern Texas,
R. A. Morton, M. D. Blum, and W. A. White
Geology and Log Responses of the Rose Run Sandstone in Randolph Township, Portage County, Ohio,
C. C. Moyer
The Chemical Characterization and Instability of Shale Derived Middle Distillate Fuels,
G. W. Mushrush and D. G. Mose
The West Virginia Mineral Lands Mapping Program: Statewide GIS Resource Evaluation and Assessment,
C. A. Neidig, N. Fedorko, E. Maki, and G. Elmes
South Texas Ingleside Barriers: Sediment Cycles and Vertebrate Fauna. Late Pleistocene Coastal Stratigraphy Revised,
E. G. Otvos and W. E. Howat
Area Balance and Strain in Coalbed Methane Reservoirs of the Black Warrior Basin,
J. C. Pashin and R. H. Groshong, Jr.
Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene Karst Features, Laguna Madre, South Texas: A Record of Climate Change,
J. S. Prouty
of Mexico Foraminiferal Size Data and Its Incorporation Into A Paleoecologic Zonation Using The Paleoecologic Expert System (PALEX),
J. M. Ragan, R. C. Becker, and T. D. Lee
The Conversion of 7.5 Quadrangles to DLG-3 Files for the State of Ohio: A Project Overview,
J. R. Ramirez and E. Cordle
Evidence of Thermogenic
in the Central Savannah River Area, South Carolina and Georgia,
D. M. Richers and D. E. Wyatt
Surface Amplitude Data: 3D-Seismic For Interpretation of Sea Floor Geology (Louisiana Slope),
H. H. Roberts
Surficial Geology of the Middle and Upper Continental Slope, Northern
of Mexico: The Important Role of Episodic Fluid Venting,
H. H. Roberts
Field Descriptions of Unconsolidated Clastic Sediments for Environmental Investigations,
G. A. Robertson
Presence of Stratigraphic Traps in the Back Arc Basins of the Southern Shelf of Cuba,
R. Rodriguez, R. Dominguez, and S. Touset
Analysis of Well Logging Methods in Volcanic and Volcano Sedimentary Rocks from Pina Petroleum Field,
N. Rodriquez
Risk Analysis of Prospects Versus Plays: The Play's the Thing!,
P. R. Rose
The U.S. Geological Survey's National Coal Resource Assessment: The Northern and Central Appalachian Basin,
L. Ruppert, L. Bragg, and S. Tewalt
Continuous-Type (Basin-Centered) Gas Accumulation in the Lower Silurian "Clinton" Sands, Medina Group, and Tuscarora Sandstone in the Appalachian Basin,
R. T. Ryder, J. R. Sanfilipo, R. D. Hettinger, C. W. Keighin, B. E. Law, V. F. Nuccio, W. J. Perry, Jr., and C. J. Wandrey
Improved Reservoir Characterization of the Rose Run Sandstone on the East Randolph Field, Portage County, Ohio,
E. L. Safley and J. B. Thomas
Water Rock Interaction and the
of Salinity in the Illinois Basin,
J. A. Sathaye and D. E. Grandstaff
Qualification of the Colorado River Alluvium as a Minor Aquifer in Texas,
G. P. Saunders
Integrated Gravity Modeling of Salt Features in the Mississippi Salt Basin,
R. L. Schenk, J. J. Morris, and S. A. Hall
Age of the Fort Polk Miocene Terrestrial Vertebrate Fossil Sites,
J. A. Schiebout, M. H. Jones, J. H. Wrenn, and P. R. Aharon
State Regulatory Oversight of a Pilot Horizontal Well for DNAPL Recovery: A Case Study,
W. H. Schramm and E. S. Broussard
Environmental Impact and Regulatory Concerns for the Protection of a Freshwater Aquifer Impacted by a Gas Well Blowout in Northwest Louisiana,
W. H. Schramm, D. T. McKenzie, and M. S. Kline
The Role of Geology in Wellhead Protection Programs: Case Studies from the Coastal Plain of Eastern Alabama,
C. C. Smith
Diagenesis of the Carrizo Sandstone at Butler Salt Dome, East Texas Basin: Implications for Paleofluid-Flow,
J. S. Smith
Detachments and Structures in the Cuban Overthrust Belt,
R. Socorro and S. Lopez
Models for the Development of Listric Normal Faults and Fault Seals,
J. H. Spang
Evolution of Salt and
Migration: Sweet Lake Area, Cameron Parish, Louisiana,
J. A. Spencer and C. L. Sharpe
Holocene Development of the Southeastern Texas
, Sabine Lake Area, from Foraminiferal Biofacies,
L. B. Stewart, R. A. Morton, and M. B. Lagoe
3-D Seismic Redevelopment of Louisiana's Tuscaloosa Trend, Port Hudson Field Case History,
C. Story
Trap Types vs. Productivity of Significant Wilcox Gas Fields in the South Texas, Listric Growth Fault Trend, and the Divergent Origin of Its Two Largest Producers,
F. L. Stricklin, Jr.
Integrated Use of Air Sparging, Soil Vapor Extraction and Pump and Treat Technologies to Remediate Chlorinated
Contaminated Water-Bearing Units at a HDPE Facility,
R. Sturdivant, Jr., W. H. Schramm, and F. E. Bains
Form/Process Relationships and Geomorphic Evolution of the Southwest Louisiana Chenier Plain,
M. J. Taylor, M. R. Byrnes, and R. A. McBride
Evolution and
Potential of Offshore Pinar del Rio Area, Southern
of Mexico,
R. Tenreyro-Perez, J. G. Lopez-Rivera, J. Fernandez-Carmona, and J. O. Lopez-Quintero
Development of a Statewide, GIS-Based Inventory of Coal Resources for Illinois,
C. G. Treworgy and C. A. Chenoweth
Springflow Augmentation Possibilities at Comal and San Marcos Springs, Edwards Aquifer,
M. M. Uliana and J. M. Sharp, Jr.
An Alternative Benthic Biofacies Model for the Plio-Pleistocene of the
of Mexico: Examples from the Green Canyon Area,
T. Villamil, C. Arango, P. Weimer, and M. Rowanart Waterman
Petroleum System Evolution in the Conecuh Embayment, Southwest Alabama, U.S.
W. J. Wade
Integration of Structural and Geobotanical Remote Sensing for
Microseep Identification--Preliminary Results,
T. Warner
Exploration Frontiers in the Eastern and Southern
of Mexico,
J. S. Watkins and R. T. Buffler
of Mexico Structural and Stratigraphic Structural Synthesis Project: Introduction and Overview,
J. S. Watkins, W. R. Bryant, and R. T. Buffler
Depocenter Formation and
on the Texas and Louisiana Shelves,
of Mexico,
J. S. Watkins, J. Xi, R. Li, S. Huh, J. Zhang, and F. Xue
Time-Structure Map of Shelf and Slope, Rio Grande River to Northwest Florida,
of Mexico,
J. S. Watkins, W. R. Bryant, J. Xi, and F. Xue
Integration of Photomosaics and Stratigraphy in the Western Appalachian Basin as an Aid to Identify Potential
M. D. Wegweiser
Applications of Fractals in the Characterization of Geologic Data in the Central Appalachians of West Virginia,
T. H. Wilson, J. Dominic, J. Halverson, A. Burns, and J. Holmes
Environmental Characterization of Shallow Channels, Joints and Faults in Unconsolidated Sediments Using Ground Penetrating Radar,
D. E. Wyatt and T. J. Temples
Structural and Stratigraphic Evolution of Louisiana Shelf,
of Mexico,
F. Xue, J. S. Watkins, and J. Xi
Depositional Units of the K-T Boundary Complex and Basal Paleocene Section, Brazos River Section, Texas,
T. E. Yancey
Concepts Relating Reservoir Mineralogy to Reservoir Interpretation, Completion and Economics,
R. J. Yedlosky
Neogene Comparative Sequence Stratigraphy, Offshore Louisiana and Mississippi,
of Mexico,
J. Zhang, J. S. Watkinssu, Y. Yang, and D. Sunwoo
Subsurface Structure of the North Summit Gas Field, Chestnut Ridge Anticline of the Appalachian Basin,
G. Zhou, R. C. Shumaker, and W. K. Staub
Synchronous Dynamic Stratigraphic and Structural Influences on
Maturation-Migration in Louisiana,
R. K. Zimmerman, Y. Shi, and J. B. Echols
Simulation and Modeling of the
Generation-Migration-Mixing Processes in Louisiana's Sedimentary Basins,
R. K. Zimmerman and Y. Shi