--> Abstract: Analysis of Well Logging Methods in Volcanic and Volcano Sedimentary Rocks from Pina Petroleum Field, by N. Rodriquez; #90950 (1996).
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Abstract: Analysis of Well Logging Methods in Volcanic and Volcano Sedimentary Rocks from Pina Petroleum Field

Norma Rodriquez

Petrophysical, petrological and Previous HitgeophysicalNext Hit methods have been applied to prospecting and well logging for several petroleum fields in Cuba. The most common reservoir in these fields are carbonate rocks. However, the Pina field, in the Central region of the island, distinguishes itself by the good quality of the oil and the volcano sedimentary and volcanic character of the reservoirs. These rocks have peculiar Previous HitgeophysicalNext Hit responses, which is why the study of these methods and the development of the interpretation methods is very important. Integrated geological and Previous HitgeophysicalTop information was necessary during the drilling of wells in the Pina field in order to evaluate the hydrocarbon potential. GEONUC code permits us to use different ways to solve questions about interpre ation of well logging in the volcanic sedimentary rocks. This code gives us the opportunity to analyze complex methods.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90950©1996 AAPG GCAGS 46th Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas