The Role of Grain-Coating Microquartz on Preservation of Reservoir Porosity,
Nils Einar Aase, Per Arne Bjorkum, and Paul H. Nadeau
Recognition of Miocene and Pliocene Sturzstrom Deposits in Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, California,
Patrick L. Abbott, David A. Rightmer, and Dennis R. Kerr
Diagenesis of Cambrian and Lower Carboniferous Sandstones, Southwest Sinai, Egypt,
Antar A. Abdel-Wahab, Earle F. McBride, and Alaa M. K. Salem
Glacioeustatic Fluctuation: The Mechanism Linking Stable Isotope Events and Sequence Stratigraphy From the Early Oligocene to Middle Miocene,
Vitor Abreu and Geoffrey Haddad
Geologic Evolution and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Offshore Pelotas Basin, Southeast Brazil,
Vitor S. Abreu
Outcrop Gamma Ray Spectrometry of the Sunnyside Member, Book Cliffs, East Central Utah,
Keith Adamson, John A. Howell, Stephen S. Flint, and Diane L. Kamola
Gravity and Magnetic Modeling of the Ames Structure, North Central Oklahoma,
Judson L. Ahern
3-D MONARCH Reservoir Modelling as a Development Tool: West Salym Field, Western Siberia, Russia,
R. B. Ainsworth, A. van Kuyk, J. van Lieshout, M. Nepveu I. Stulemeijer, J. van der Vorst, and J. A. Spilsbury-Schakel
Sequence Stratigraphic-Structural
of the East Midlands Carboniferous Oil Field, UK: Implications for Fluvial Reservoir Models,
John F. Aitken and David G. Quirk
Improved Reservoir Characterization and Delineation Using Acoustic Measurements on Cores,
Austin Ajufo, Dennis Chapman, Jerry Kier, and Ken Guest
Stratigraphic and Diagenetic Controls on the Distribution of Reservoir Properties in the Devonian Nisku Formation at Joffre Field, Alberta,
Abdul Al-Bastaki, John D. Humphrey, and Clyde H. Moore
Miocene Structural Features of North and South Padre Island and OCS Areas, Offshore South Texas,
Ali M. Al-Ghamdi and S. Joel Watkins
High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy of Late Mississippian Carbonates in the Appalachian Basin, Implications for Compartmentalization of Reservoir Facies,
Aus Al-Tawil and J. Fred Read
Coupling Geostatistics to Detailed Reservoir Description Allows Better Visualization and More Accurate Characterization/Simulation of Turbidite Reservoirs: Elk Hills Oil Field, California,
Malcolm E. Allan, Mark L. Wilson, and Jeff Wightman
Depositlonai Architecture of Lacustrine-Delta and Fluvlal Systems of the Permian EpsiIon and Toolachee Formations at Duilingari Field, Southeastern Cooper Basin, South Australia,
W. A. Ambrose, D. S. Hamilton, M. H. Holtz, D. P. Anthony, E. F. Tadiar, and M. E. Chamalaun
Characterization of Ichnofabrics within Lowstand Valley-Fill Systems Tracts: Outcrop Examples from the Upper Cretaceous Sego Sandstone, Western Interior, USA,
Brian G. Anderson, Mary L. Droser, and David J. Bottjer
Sequence Stratigraphy of An Extensional Basin, Horneien Basin (Devonian), Western Norway,
Donna S. Anderson and Timothy A. Cross
Cycles in Alluvial Fan Successions, Hornelen Basin (Devonian), Norway,
Donna S. Anderson and Timothy A. Cross
Applying High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphic Tools to the Texas Continental Margin to Fine-Tune Conventional Sequence Stratigraphic Models and Improve Reservoir Prediction,
John A. Anderson, Kenneth C. Abdulah, Laura A. Banfield, Brenda J. Eckles, and Martin B. Lagoe
Visualization of Hydrocarbon Drainage Using 4-D Seismic Techniques,
Roger N. Anderson, Albert Boulanger, Wei Xu, and Liqing He
4D Seismic Monitoring Technologies, and their Application to the Eugene Island 330 Field of Offshore Louisiana,
Roger N. Anderson, A. Boulanger, Wei He, and Liqing Xu
A Modified Graphic Correlation Method for the Plio-Pleistocene, Northern Gulf of Mexico: Implications for Sequence Stratigraphy,
Claudia Arango, Tomas Villamil, Paul Weimer, and Art Waterman
Sedimentary Facies Distribution of the Upper Cenozoic Fourth- Order Depositional Sequences and Basin-fill Process of the Niigata Back-Arc Sedimentary Basin, Central Japan,
Hiroyukl Arato and Koichi Hoyanagl
Anatomy of a Submarine Fan Complex, Exmouth Sub-basin, Western Australia,
Peter A. Arditto
Porosity Characterization with a 3-D, 3-C Seismic Survey at Joffre Field, Alberta, Canada,
John F. Arestad, Thomas L. Davis, and Robert D. Benson
Sugmut Field: A Forced Regression Deposit within the Neocomia Prograding Ciinoform Complex, West Siberian Basin, Russia,
John M. Armentrout and Oleg. M. Mkrtchyan
Tectonostratigraphic Sequences of a Forearc Basin: Western Oregon and Washington,
John M. Armentrout
Neogene Evolution of Northern Mahakam Delta, East Kalimantan, Indonesia,
R. A. Armin, R. Abdoerrlas, W. D. de Boer, H. L. Heitman, R. A. Leveque, C. J. Stuart, S. K. Wiman, and Y. Yusuf
An Integrated Approach to Investigating Thermal Histories in Fold and Thrust Belts - an Example from the Sverdrup Basin, Canada,
Dennis C. Arne, Marcos Zentllli, Alexander Grist, Michael Collins, and Ashton Embry
Questioning The Concept Of Relative Sea Level,
R. W. C. Arnott
Facies and Fracture Architecture of the Tensleep Sandstone, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming: Preiiminary Result of an Outcrop and Subsurface Study,
Arya Aviantara
Neogene Aliostratigraphy in the Gulf of Mexico-Caribbean Area: Integrated Biostratigraphic Evidence,
Marle-Pierre Aubry and William A. Berggren
The Venezuelan Foredeeps, Part II: Structure,
Felipe Audemard and Jairo Lugo
Case History--Reddell Oil Field, Evangeline Parish, Louisiana,
C. T. Austin
Anatomy of a Normal Fault with Shale Smear,
Atilla Aydin and Yehuda Eyal
Causes of Variable Production Rates of Pottsville Formation Coalbed Gas Well Virginia Mine Field, Black Warrior Basin, Alabama,
Walter B. Ayers Jr. and Paul A. Ferguson
Cyclostratigraphy and Stable Isotopes in the Oligocene- Miocene Succession of the Campos Basin, Brazil,
N. C. Azambuja Filho and R. L. M. Azevedo
Return to top
Aeromagnetic Interpretation of Southwestern Continental Shelf of Korea,
Czango Baag and Chang-Eob Baag
Regional-Scale Flow of Formation Waters and Terrestrial Heat in the Alberta Basin, Canada,
Stefan Bachu
The Quaternary Seismic Architecture of the Eastern Part of the Submarine Niger Delta: A Very Detailed Record of the Eustatic and Tectonic Interplay,
G. Badalini, B. Savoye, M. Dall'asta, and A.-M. Schwab
Fault Seal
: Methodology and Case Studies,
M. E. Badley, B. Freeman, D. T. Needham, and G. Yielding
Controls On Sequence Development and Preservation Offshore Namibia: Implications For Sequence Stratigraphic Models and Hydrocarbon Prediction,
Joanne G. Bagguley and Sarah Prosser
Horizontal Well Application in a Mature Field - Minas Field, Sumatra, Indonesia,
Agung Ign. Bagus and Timothy P. Whitacre
3-D Seismic Discontinuity for Faults and Stratigraphic Features: The Coherence Cube,
Mike B. Bahorich and Steven I. Farmer
Stratigraphic and Structural Interpretation with 3-D Seismic Coherence,
Mike Bahorich, John Lopez, Norm Haskell, Susan Nissen, and Alan Poole
Fracture Detection using Back-Scattered Shear Waves,
Kandiah Balachandran
Folded Belts of the Western Gulf of Mexico,
Albert W. Bally, Gorgonio Garcia Molina, and Guillermo Perez Cruz
Sequence Stratigraphic Model of the Rio Grande Delta, South West Texas: Potential Analog for the Niger Delta,
Laura A. Banfield, John B. Anderson, and Peter R. Vail
Seismically Inferred Fault Zone Properties and Fluid Migration along the Barbados Ridge Decollement,
Nathan L. Bangs, Tom H. Shipley, and Gregory F. Moore
Strategically Directed Drilling: New Opportunity in Rejuvenating Mature Fields in Eastern Venezuela,
Roberto Barbato, Hernan Betancourt, Rafael Rodriguez, and Pablo Oviedo
Thermochronological and Petroleum Generation Studies next to Dikes in the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous Strzelecki Group, Onshore Gippsland Basin, Australia,
Charles E. Barker, Michael D. Lewan, Yvonne Bone, and Susan J. Marshallsea
Stratigraphlc Hierarchy and Cycle Stacking, Facies Distribution, and Interwell-Scale Heterogenelty: Grayburg Formation, New Mexico,
Roger J. Barnaby and Bruce W. Ward
New Field Discoveries Using 3-D Seismic in Mature, Deeper Paleozoic Trends Beneath Permian Hugoton Gas Field, Southwest Kansas,
C. E. Bartberger, O. J. Morrison, V. L. Leighton, R. J. Gray, V. L. Riggert, and G. J. Sanza
Modern Analogs for the Importance of Seaward Migration of the Equilibrium Point and Bayline and Production of Subareal Accommodation Space and Widespread Fluvial Reservoirs and Stratigraphic Traps: Late Highstand Systems Tracts on the Broad Continental Margin of the East China Sea,
Louis R. Bartek and Robert Wellner
The Barrow Island Oilfield Development Plan, Western Australia,
Roger M. Bartlett
Fractal Scaling and Fluid Flow in Fracture Networks in Rock,
Christopher C. Barton
FRA--A Computer Program That Uses a Fractal Methodology to Calculate the Volume and Number of Undiscovered Hydrocarbon Accumulations,
Christopher C. Barton and Grigori L. Troussov
Seismic Shear Wave Investigations for Fracture Mapping in Bedrock Controlled Hydrology,
C. Richard Bates
An Emplacement Model for Allochthonous Salt Sheets with Implications Toward Subsalt Exploration,
R. D. Baud, J. L. Haglund, J. L. Hunt, R. L. Rocque, and A. P. Daigle
3-D Modelling of Subsidence Related Processes in the Northeast German Basin,
U. Bayer, M. Scheck, and M. Kohler
Milankovitch Forcing of Cambrian Cyclic Shallow Marine Carbonates of Malyi Karatau Range, Kazakhstan Republic: Preliminary Results of Advanced Time Series
Dmitry A. Bazykin and Linda A. Hinnov
Identification and Delineation of Low Resistivity, Low Permeability Reservoirs Using Qualitative Sidewall Sample Log k * S0 Relationships in the Western Shallow Oil Zone, Elk Hills Field, California,
E. Kevin Beacom and Ira S. Kornreich
Hydrocarbon Potential of a New Jurassic Play, Central Tunisia,
Arthur O. Beall and Carol Walsh Law
Spectacular Exposures of Thrusting in the Core of Concentric Anticlines as Models for Oil Exploration,
Jason J. Beall
of Porosity in Lower Ismay Phylloid Algal Packstone Using High-Resolution Computed X-Ray Tomography,
Jennifer L. Beall, Ian T. Gordon, Jonas P. Gournay, Brenda L. Kirkland, and James V. White
Stratigraphic Architecture of Deep - Water Leveed Channel Complexes of the Cerro Toro Formation, Upper Cretaceous, Southern Chile,
R. T. Beaubouef, R. M. Lindholm, P. P. McLaughlin, and M. B. DeVries
Structural Styles of the High Atlas Mountains, Morocco: Potential Hydrocarbon Traps in the Footwall of Thrusts Developed from the Reactivation of Syn-Rift Normal Faults,
Weldon Beauchamp, Richard W. Allmendinger, Muawia Barazangi, Ahmed Demnati, and Mohamed El Alji
Hydrocarbon Fate and Transport Predictions: When are One-Dimensional Solute Transport Calcuilations Valid?,
G. D. Beckett, David Huntley, and M. P. Wiedlin
Diffusion Limited Soil Vapor Extraction: Geologic and Bed Thickness Controls,
G. D. Beckett and D. A. Benson
3-D Marine Gravity Gradiometry: Examples of Exploration Applications in the Gulf of Mexico,
Robin E. Bell, Lincoln F. Pratson, Roger N. Anderson, Dan Dosch, John White, Clive Affleck, Ed K. Biegert, Bryant E. Korn, and Ronald L. Phair
Surface Water Paleotemperatures and Chemical Compositions from Fluid Inclusions in Permian Nippewalla Group Halite,
Kathleen Counter Benison
Depositional History of the Smackover Formation, Appleton Field, Escambia County, Alabama,
D. Joe Benson, Lisa M. Pultz, D. D. Bruner, and G. Lu
of Faulted Rollovers: Contrasting Styles of Extensional Growth Folding in the Gulf of Mexico and Offshore Trinidad,
Peter A. Bentham
Geological Evaluation of Radarsat Data: Plans and Preliminary Results,
Z. Berger, R. E. L. Irving, D. Hughes, and M. D. Thompson
Sand Remobilization Enhanced Complexity to Mounded Geometry, Early Tertiary Deep Water Sand Reservoirs, Balder Oil Field North Sea,
Dag Bergslien, Morten Rye-Larsen, and Arnt I. Jenssen
Increased Reserves through Horizontal Drilling in a Mature Waterflood, Long Beach Unit, Wilmington Oil Field, California,
Brigitte H. Berman
Application of Capillary Pressure and Hydrodynamic Flow to Quantify Downdip Extension of Shallow, Low-Gravity Oil Fields: An Example from South Texas,
Lee T. Billingsley
The Recognition of a Duplex with Imbricate Thrusting in the Furrial-Tejero Trend, North Monagas Area, Venezuela,
Richard E. Bischke, Miguel Morales, Beatriz A. Ascanio, David C. Metzner, and Peter Verrall
A Kineticaliy Controlled Fluid Pressure and Migration Model,
Per Arne Bjorkum and Paul H. Nadeau
Used to Optimize Ground Water Remediation at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Superfund Site,
Richard G. Blake
Variations in Eolian Architecture and the Relation of Ergs to Sequences and Sequence Boundaries, Colorado Plateau,
Ronald C. Blakey
Interaction of Salt Tectonics, Slumping and Channeling: Mid-Pliocene Reservoir System, Pompano Field, Gulf of Mexico,
C. L. Blankenship, D. A. Stauber, D. S. Epps, C. G. Guderjahn, and J. D. Oldroyd
An Application of Crosswell Tomography Using a Hydrophone Receiver Array and Airgun Source to Monitor Steam Migration in-an Unconsolidated, Heavy-oil Sandstone, West Coalinga Field, California,
Dale M. Blevens and John W. Fairborn
Definition of Basin Phases in the Petrel Sub-basin (Australia): Implications for the Development of Palaeozoic Petroleum Systems,
J. E. Blevin, J. B. Colwell, J. M. Kennard, D. S. Edwards, P. J. Jones, and R. S. Nicoll
Effect of Sandstone Detrital Composition on Reservoir Quality Assessment and Prediction,
Salman Bloch
Miocene Basin Development in the Far East, Sakhalin Island, Russia,
Joyce Blueford, Yuri Gladenkov, and Lisa D. White
Control of Lake Type on Physical and Geochemical Nature of Depositional Sequence Development: Examples from the Green River Formation, Wyoming,
K. M. Bohacs, B. Horsfield, D. J. Curry, and A. R. Carroll
Apache Wrench Fault Zone of West Texas,
G. Pat Bolden
Exploration of the Faroes Region: Seismic Images Beneath a Basalt Province,
Lars O. Boldreel, Judith Keser Neish, and Heri Ziska
Occurrence of Siderite in the Point Mcintyre Field North Slope Alaska: An Indicator of Paleo Aquifers,
James R. Boles, James J. Hickey, and Kevin Frank
Reservoir Characterization of Lacustrine Sediments from the Late Triassic, Beryl Field, UK North Sea,
Jaqueline Bond and Joann E. Welton
High-ResoIution Stratigraphy of the Green River Formation, NE Uinta Basin: Implications for Red Wash Reservoir Compartmentalization,
Jim M. Borer and Mary L. McPherson
Depositional Cycles as a Shelf-to-Basin correlation Tool, Capitan Reef Margin - Ideas from Stratigraphic Computer Modeling,
James M. Borer and Paul M. Harris
Sedimentology and Palaeoenvironmens of Holocene Coastal Lakes, Southeastern South Australia,
Alan J. Brenchley and Victor A. Gostin
Heterogeneities of a Low Permeability Exhumed Petroleum Reservoir, El Abra Formation, Sierra el Abra, NE Mexico,
Sean T. Brennan
Simulation of Mineral Diagenesis in Reservoirs. Application to Illite Formation in Feldspathic Sandstones,
Etienne Brosse, Brigitte Bazin, Yann Le Gallo, and Olivier Bildstein
Diapir Geometry as a Control Upon Drag Zone Profile and Deformation Style,
John P. Brown, Ian Davison, Ian G. Alsop, and Martin R. Gibling
An Experimental Study of the Physical and Chemical Property Changes Occurring during the Smectite to Illite Reaction,
Kevin M. Brown, Tina Fitts, Michael Tryon, and Barbara Ransom
Responsible Management of Environmental Risk,
Carolyn S. Browne
Salinity Gradients in Eocene Fossil Lake (Green River Formation),
H. Paul Buchheim
Fault Seal Behavior at Beryl Field, UK North Sea: Observations from 20 Years of Production, Drilling and Injection Data,
Steven Buck and Gary Robertson
Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of the East China Sea Basin, Offshore China: A Small Independant's View,
Martin L. Buckingham, G. Ming Wang, Alan Soulsby, Steve R. Lawrence, and Simon R. Tubbs
Three Dimensional Restoration of Hanging-wall Volumes: A Continuum Approach,
Tim S. Buddin, Stuart S. Egan, Steve J. Kane, and Graham D. Williams
Assessment of Chemical Disequilibria in Oil Reservoirs: Implications For Production- and Diagenetic- Timescale Geochemical Modelling,
J. R. Bunney, K. S. Sorbie, and M. M. Jordan
Well-Based Seismic Lithoiogy Inversion for Porosity and Pay Thickness,
David W. Burge, Dennis B. Neff, and Scott A. Runnestrand
Sequence Stratigraphy: An Integrated Technique for Exploration and Exploitation - Seismic Examples,
Winifred A. Burgis
4D Seismic
of the LF-sand, El-330 Field, Offshore Louisiana,
Tucker Burkhart, Andrew Hoover, Steven E. Nelson, and Peter B. Flemings
Stratigraphic Controls on Fluid Distribution: An Example from Prudhoe Bay, Alaska,
Beverly A. Burns, Douglas Knock, and Robert S. Tye
Fluvial Response To Cyclic Changes in Relative Sea Level and Sediment Supply: The Montserrat Conglomerate of Northeastern Spain,
Beverly A. Burns, Paul Heller, Chris Paola, and Marzo Mariano
Sequence Stratigraphic Division and Associated Cement Distribution: Upper Jurassic Fulmar Formation, Central North Sea, UKCS,
F. E. Burns, R. L. Gawthorpe, S. Burley, and J. Lasoki
K/Ar Dating of Authigenic Illite Constrains the Time of Diagenesis and Brine Migration in the Weber Sandstone of the Uinta-Piceance Basin, Colorado and Utah,
Roger L. Burtner and Lori Hathon
Facies and Diagenesis of Upper Tertiary-Pleistocene Platform Carbonates in a 300m Borehole, Southern Ambergris Caye, Belize,
Cynthia A. Burtnett
Return to top
Deformation Produced by Subsait Normal Fauitlng: An Experimental Study with Implications for Seismic Interpretation,
J. Sybil Callaway and Martha Oliver Withjack
Nitrogen Isotope Ratios in Sedimentary Organic Matter Track Changes in Nutrient Utilization and Inventories,
S. E. Calvert and T. F. Pedersen
Petrophysical Evidence for the Nature of Vertical Permeability Barriers: Temple Ave. Fault, Wilmington Oil Field, Long Beach, California,
H. Camacho and J. C. Sample
Sequence Stratigraphy in Active Tectonic Settings: Transverse Ranges, Southern California,
Kirt M. Campion and Morgan D. Sullivan
A Comparison of Different Turbidite Plays in the Yinggehai and Qiongdongnan Basins of the South China Sea,
Richard K. Cardwell and John W. Norris
New Insights into Fan Architecture from Turbidite Thickness Distributions,
J. Carlson, J. Grotzinger, and D. Rothman
Significance of High-Wax Oil Variability to Pacific Rim Exploration and Production,
Robert M. K. Carlson and Stephen R. Jacobson
High-Resolution Reservoir Characterization of Midcontinent Sandstones Using Wireline Resistivity Imaging, Boonsville (Bend Conglomerate) Gas Field, Fort Worth Basin, Texas,
David L. Carr, Robert Y. Elphlck, and Laura Stager Foulk
Surface-Bounded ReservoIr Compartmentalization in the Caddo Conglomerate, Boonsville (Bend Conglomerate) Gas Field, Fort Worth Basin, Texas,
David L. Carr and Kenneth L. Oliver
Enhanced Carbonate Reservoir Model for an Old Reservoir Utilizing New Techniques: The Schaben Field (Mississippian), Ness County, Kansas,
Timothy R. Carr, Willard J. Guy, Evan K. Franseen, and Saibal Bhattacharya
Lake Type Controls on Petroleum Source Facies, Jungger Basin, China,
Alan R. Carroll
Partitioning of Displacement and Vertical-Axis Rotation along the Northern Walker Lane, Northwestern Nevada,
P. H. Cashman, S. A. Fontalne, and R. F. Hardyman
Near-Field Stress and Pore Pressure Observations Along The Carrizo Plain Segment of the San Andreas Fault in California,
David A. Castillo and Stephen H. Hickman
Reciprocal Architecture of Cambrian-Paleocene Sequences, Southern Canadian-Northern U.S. Western Interior,
Octavian Catuneanu, Arthur R. Sweet, and Andrew D. Miall
Overpressure and Seals in the North Sea - A Model Approach,
Andrew G. Cavanagh, G. Couples, D. Darby, and R. S. Haszeldine
Petroleum Charge Yield Modelling in a Chinese Lacustrine Basin,
S. J. Cawley and M. E. Dunn
and Ground Penetrating Radar Interpretation in Support of Arctic Civil Construction and Design,
P. F. Cerveny, C. M. Laudon, S. F. Davies, and M. G. Schlegel
Hydrocarbon Prospects Offshore Southern West Greenland,
James A. Chalmers, Trine Dahl-Jensen, Kevin J. Bate, and Richard C. Whittaker
Digital Field Trip to the Central Nevada Thrust Belt,
Alan K. Chamberlain, S. C. Hook, and Kenneth R. Frost
Stochastic Modeling and Risk Assessment of Variations in Preserved Sandstone Abundance Along an Upper Morrowan Incised Valley Filling Sequence in the Southwestern Kansas Kinsler Field Area,
Richard L. Chambers, Van L. Leighton, and Patty F. Barron
Evolution of Natural Gas Composition: A Three Dimensional Modeling For Genesis, Expulsion, Migration and Trapping,
K. Alex Chang, Dorothy Payne, and Peter Ortoleva
3-D Architecture Modelng of Reservoir Compartments in a Shingled Turbidite Reservoir Using High-Resolution Seismic Data and Sparse Well Control, Example from Mars "Pink" Reservoir, Mississippi Canyon Area, Gulf of Mexico,
Mark A. Chapin, Michael J. Mahaffie, and Gottfried M. Tiller
Integrated 3-D Quality Control of Geological Interpretation Through the Use of Simple Methods and Programs,
Jean-Yves Chatellier, Gustavo Flores, Quintero Magaly, and Cecilia Gonzales
Geological and Reservoir Characterization of Shallow-Shelf Carbonate Fields, Southern Paradox Basin, Utah,
Thomas C. Chidsey Jr. and David E. Eby
Trap and Seal
in Carbonate Shelf Margin Stratigraphic Trap Exploration; Example from the Lower Miocene, Zhujiang Formation, Pearl River Mouth Basin, People's Republic of China,
P. J. Chimney, A. J. Lomando, and J. P. Popek
From Thule to Huli's: Use of Magnetotellurics in Difficult Acquisition Areas,
Karen Rae Christopherson
Growth Patterns of a Miocene Turbidite Complex in an Active-margin Basin, Yowlumne Field, San Joaquin Basin, California,
Michael S. Clark, John D. Melvin, and Marc Kamerling
Tertiary Development of Heavy Oil Sands through Thermal Stimulation in the Wilmington Oil Field, California: A Geological Perspective,
Donald D. Clarke, Christopher Phillips, Michael J. Henry, Richard W. Strehle, and Linji An
Gas and Condensate Composition in the Deep Tuscaloosa Trend, Southern Louisiana--Influence of Oil and Wet Gas Cracking,
George E. Claypool, Melodye A. Rooney, April K. Vuletich, Laurel C. Babcock, Jennifer J. Reber, and Marwin K. Kemp
Influence of Water Solubility, Phase Equilibria, and Capillary Pressure on Methane Occurence in Sediments,
George E. Claypool
Geological and Geochemical Controls on Oil Occurrence and Future Exploration Potential, Pripyat Basin, Byelarus,
J. L. Clayton, G. F. Ulmishek, S. Monk, P. G. Lillis, V. A. Bogino, Z. L. Pozniakevich, and M. B. Keller
Petrophysical Characterization of the Marlin Discovery, Deepwater Gulf of Mexico,
George R. Clemenceau and Fred C. Lockett
A New Geotechnical Ring-Shear Device for the Investigation of Fault Zone Permeability: Design and Preliminary Results,
M. Ben Clennell, Rob J. Knipe, and Alex J. Maltman
Devonian Shale Gas Resource Assessment, Illinois Basin,
Robert M. Cluff, Suzanne G. Cluff, and Catherine M. Murphy
Temperature, Pressure and Fluid Flow Modelling in Block 330, South Eugene Island Using 2D and 3D Finite Element Algorithms,
Dimas F. S. Coelho, Alex Erendi, and Lawrence M. Cathles
Characterization Study of Lower Lagunillas Member, Block IV, Lake Maracaibo. Application of Horizontal Well to Revive a Mature Oil Field,
C. Coll, H. Gamero, Z. Jimenez, K. Leon, A. Leon, L. Ochoa, R. Padron, L. Rondon, I. Bryant, B. Baygun, R. Ramamoorthy, R. Casco, S. Tariq, and L. Stewart
Tectonic Inheritance, Crustal Architecture and Contrasting Structural Styles along the Northern and Southern Andean Flanks, Venezuela,
Bernard Colletta, Francois Roure, Bruno de Toni, Daniel Loureiro, Herminio Passalacqua, and Yves Gou
On-Line Measurement System for Profiling Coal Quality to Power Plant Combustion,
Harrison R. Cooper
An Inorganic Thermal Maturity Indicator in the Gas-Condensate to Dry Gas Preservation Window: 40Ar/39Ar Feasibility Study,
Peter Copeland, Christine Skirius, and Brenda Claxton
An Integrated Interpretation of Magnetotelluric and Seismic Data: Mapping Hercynian Rift Clastics Below Acoustic Basement,
Jeffrey H. Copley, Thomas C. Connally, and Ian Stewart
An Investigation of Residual Hydrocarbon Dissolution by Micromodels,
M. Y. Corapcioglu, S. Chowdhury, S. Roosevelt, K. Bullock, R. Kukreja, and D. Hodko
Three-Dimensional Geometry and Kinematics of the Western Thrust Front of the Eastern Cordillera, Colombia,
Freddy O. Corredor
Thermal Modeling and Interpvetation of Thermal Indicator Data,
Jeff Corrigan and Steve Bergman
Organic Matter Alteration at Active and Relict Sedimentary Oxidation Fronts,
Gregory L. Cowie, Stephen E. Calvert, John I. Hedges, Richard G. Keil, Fredrick G. Prahl, Gert J. de Lange, and John Thomson
West Siberian Gas Accumulations - the Origin of Methane and Losses to the Atmosphere,
Bernhard Cramer, Ralf Littke, Alexander Braun, Harald S. Poelchau, Dietrich H. Welte, Ralf Gerling, and Nikolaj V. Lopatin
Heat Flow in Oklahoma,
Constantin Cranganu and David Deming
Sequence Stratigraphy of Miocene-Pliocene Deltaic Shelf Margin Sequences in a Tectonically Active Basin, Brunei, Southeast Asia,
Paul Crevello, Philip Rowell, Komut Maneechai, Fook Meng Foo, Le Nhat Vinh, and Kwong Wee Poh
Evaluating the Sedimentary Re/Mo Ratio as a Paleoindicator of Oxic, Suboxic and Anoxic Conditions,
J. Crusius, S. E. Calvert, T. F. Pedersen, and D. Sage
Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretations in a Continental Strike-Slip Basin - Southern Dead Sea, Israel,
Istvan Csato and Christopher G. St. C. Kendall
Depositionai Systems in a Forearc Basin -- Outcrop Examples from the Upper Jurassic Naknek Fm of Southern Alaska,
Maurice A. Cucci, William R. Morris, Joseph H. McGowen, Richard P. Curry, Scot W. Krueger, and David J. Doherty
Working with California Environmental Regulators on Pipeline Sites,
Don O. Culbertson, James M. Waldon, and Martin B. Bloes
Petroleum Systems of Jianghan Basin, Hubei Province, China,
A. E. Cunningham, Steven Schaps, Dan McGregor, Guo Dongrun, Wang Shizong, and Kenneth E. Peters
Petroleum System of the Shelf Rift BasIn, East China Sea,
Alan C. Cunningham, John M. Armentrout, Mark Prebish, Ronald J. Echols, Philip Braithwaite, and J. F. Sarg
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Sedimentary and Tectonic Controls on Oil Occurrences in the Traditional Producing Area, Barinas Subbasin, Western Venezuela,
Julieta Daal, G. Martinez, J. Salas, A. Marquez, M. Lopez, M. Prieto, C. Guerra, R. Aquino, A. Callejon, J. Dunham
Natural Gas Origins of the Large--Medium Sized Gas Fields in China,
Jinxing Dai, Xianqi Li, and Shengfei Qin
Valley Incision in a Tectonically Active Basin, Onshore West Greenland,
Gregers Dam, Lotte M. Larsen, Martin Sonderholm, and Asger K. Pedersen
Late Permian Age of Ammonium-Bearing Illite In Pennsylvania Anthracites: Temporal Constraints on Coalification in The Central Appalachians,
Eric J. Daniels
Late Secondary Porosity Associated with Overpressure Leak-Off: Evidence from the Fulmar Formation, Central North Sea,
David Darby, Mark Wilkinson, and Stuart Haszeldine
Mineralogy and Origin of Well-Bore Scales in an Active Steamflood: Tar Zone, Fault Block IIA, Wilmington Field, California,
David K. Davies, Richard K. Vessell, Robert Y. Fu, Julius J. Mondragon, David A. Stepp, and Omar J. Aguey
Flow Unit Modeling in Complex Reservoirs,
David K. Davies, Richard K. Vessell, and Maria Cristina Bernal G.
Prediction of In-Situ Permeability: Significance of Rock Type Identification in Resevoir Characterization of Tight Gas Sandstones,
John P. Davies
Regional and Reservoir-Scale
of Fault Systems and Structural Development of Pagerungan Gas Field, East Java Sea, Indonesia,
R. K. Davies, D. A. Medwedeff, G. P. O'Donnell, E. S. Soemantri, and W. J. Ebanks Jr.
Normal Fault Geometry and Associated Structure From Surface Exposure in S. Oregon as an Analogue to Subsurface Structure Maps,
R. K. Davies, M. F. Crawford, W. F. Dula, M. J. Cole, and G. A. Dorn
Novel Sand Consolidation Completion Technique Using Alkaline Steam Injection in the Tar Zone, Wilmington Field, California,
David K. Davies, P. Scott Hara, and Julius J. Mondragon III
The Integration of Horizon Attributes with 3D Visualization,
Craig S. Davis
Modeling Petroleum Generation and Migration in the Dongying Basin, China,
Richard W. Davis and Shenbiao Yang
Predicting the Occurrence of Open Natural Fractures in Shale Reservoirs,
A. D. Decker and Alan. L. Klawitter
Brookian Maturation and Erosion Framework of North Alaska,
John Decker, Jeff Corrigan, and Steve Bergman
Steamflood Modeling and Scale Up in a Hetrogeneous Reservoir,
K. Dehghani, W. M. Basham, L. J. Durlofsky, and K. E. Tucker
Relationships Between Parasequences and Microplankton in the Ferron Sandstone (Late Cretaceous) of Central Utah,
Christopher N. Denison
Applications of Graphic Correlation in Operational Activities,
Richard A. Denne
Quantifying One and Two Dimensional Lateral Heterogeneities in Fluvio- Deltaic Reservoirs Using 3-D Seismic Data,
Anil Deshpande, Peter B. Flemings, and Jie Huang
Method and Application of Horizontal Slice Volumetrics to Waterflood Management and Horizontal Drilling,
Harvey A. Deutsch, David E. Hamilton, and Robert Douglass
Historical Changes in U.S. Dollar Exchange Rate and Real Value of Oil,
William D. DeMis
of the Thickness and Emplacement of a Shallow Salt Sheet in the Northeastern East Breaks Area, Gulf of Mexico,
J. E. Desantis and P. F. Gabbard
Hydrocarbon Transport and Shearing Processes in the Antelope Shale, Monterey Formation, San Joaquin Valley, California,
S. K. Dholakia, A. Aydin, D. D. Pollard, and M. D. Zoback
Exploration of the Lower Permeability Reservoir in Sanzhao Area of Songliao Basin,
Guiming Ding and Yuxin Wang
Seismic Lithology
Using Acoustic Impedance Vs. Poisson Ratio Crossplots,
James P. Disiena, Fred J. Hilterman, and Richard W. Verm
Eolianite-Bearing Depositional Parasequences in the Ste. Genevieve Limestone of Indiana and Kentucky: Evidence for Mississippian Eustacy?,
J. Robert Dodd, Ralph E. Hunter, and Patricia A. Merkley
of Facies Distributions in a Buried-Valley Aquifer,
David F. Dominic and Robert W. Ritzi Jr.
Ar Systematics of Illite,
H. Dong, C. M. Hall, W. C. Elliott, D. R. Peacor, and A. N. Halliday
High Performance Seismic Trace Compression,
P. L. Donoho, R. A. Ergas, and J. D. Villasenor
Sequence Stratigraphic
of the Kuparuk River Field: Implications for Kemik Exploration on the North Slope of Alaska,
A. D. Donovan, D. J. Bouquet, P. E. Walker, L. M. Dobson, and M. D. Sullivan
Insights into the Origins of First- and Second-Order Depositional Sequences in the North Slope of Alaska,
A. D. Donovan, J. O. Byrd, C. J. Warrner, G. J. Nolet, and K. A. Knabe
Controls on Miocene Carbonate Platform Evolutlon around the South China Sea Region,
Steven L. Dorobek
Tectonic Controls on Carbonate Platform Stratigraphy: A Global Perspective,
Steve Dorobek and Paul Crevello
Tectonic Controls on Sedimentation in the Pliocene-Quaternary Loreto Basin, Baja California Sur, Mexico,
Rebecca J. Dorsey and Paul J. Umhoefer
Sequence Stratigraphy and Structural Evolution of the Pliocene Loreto Basin, Baja California Sur, Mexico,
Rebecca J. Dorsey and Paul J Umhoefer
Design Optimization for Subsurface Characterization and Management,
D. E. Dougherty and D. M. Rizzo
The Stability and Utility of Diagnostic Ratio Hydrocarbon Fingerprinting for Soils Contaminated With Petroleum Hydrocarbons,
Gregory S Douglas and Sara McMillen
Keys to Evaluating "Paleokarst" Reservoirs - Guidelines From Quaternary Carbonates and Enhanced Petrography,
Jeffrey J. Dravis
Active Turbiditic Sedimentation during Highstands of Sea-Level: The Large Mud-Rich Zaire Turbidite System (South-Eastern Atlantic Ocean),
L. Droz, F. Rigaut, P. Cochonat, and R. Tofani
and Shelfbreak Evolution of Two Mid-Cretaceous Carbonate Sequences (South-central Pyrenees, Spain),
Peter A. Drzewiecki and J. A. (Toni) Simo
Reservoir Geology Using 3D Modelling Tools,
Olivier Dubrule, Philippe Samson, and David Segonds
Manila Bay 1, 1A, 1A Sidetrack; Success Against All Odds,
Edward F. Durkee and Freddie G. Rillera
Portability of Outcrop Permeability Data to Subsurface Reservoirs: Diagenetic Complications,
Shirley P. Dutton, Brian J. Willis, I. N. Widya Dharmasamadhi, and Michael H. Gardner
Comparison of Resource Assessment Methods and Geologic Controls-- Deep Natural Gas Plays and Zones, United States and Russia,
T. S. Dyman, M. D. Belonin, and M. E. Henry
Return to top
Unfilled Accommodation Space - the Heel of Achilles of Cyclostratigraphy,
Gregor P. Eberli and G. Michael Grammer
Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation of an Interfluve -- A Model for the Exploration of Transgressive Sheet Sands?,
Brenda J. Eckles, John B. Anderson, and Peter R. Vail
of Potential-Field Data in the Studies of Basin Structure,
Darran J. Edwards, Henry V. Lyatsky, and R. James Brown
Influence of Depositional Sand Quality on Porosity and Permeability: Examples from Brent Group Reservoirs in the Northern North Sea,
S. N. Ehrenberg, P. A. Bjorkum, and P. H. Nadeau
Depositional Evolution of the Finnmark Carbonate Platform, Barents Sea,
S. N. Ehrenberg, E. B. Nielsen, T. A. Svana, and L. Stemmerik
Scale and Timing of Focused Fluid Flow along Faults in the Miocene Monterey Formation, California,
Peter Eichhubl and James R. Boles
Integrated Fault Seal
and Risk Assessment: Okan and Meren Fields, Nigeria,
Richard A. Eisenberg, Robert J. Brenneman, and Adepoju A. Adeogba
Late Quaternary High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy of an Active Rift, the Sperchios Basin, Greece: An Analogue for Subtle Stratigraphic Plays,
Pierre P. Eliet and Robert L. Gawthorpe
Thermal History of the Denver Basin "Hot Spot",
W. Crawford Elliott, Mary Rodentice, and Debra K. Higley
Hercynian Basement Faults Control and Hydrocarbon Habitat in Morocco,
A. Elouataoui, H. Jabour, and Ait Salem A.
Identification of Sequence Boundaries in Lower to Middle Devonian Platform-to-Basin Carbonates of the Eastern Great Basin,
Maya Elrick
Cenozoic Inversion Structures, East Java Sea, Indonesia: Can Tectonic and Eustatic Influences on Stratal Architecture be Distinguished?,
Peter A. Emmet and Peter R. Vail
Evolution of Cenozoic Inversion Structures, East Java Sea, Indonesia,
Peter A. Emmet and Albert W. Bally
New Frontiers in Old Producing Areas: Two West Texas Examples,
R. J. Erdlac Jr., J. J. Reeves, and D. B. Swift
Sedimentation in the Barinas Basin and Uplift of Merida Andes Venezuela, Constrained by New Temporal Data,
Johan P. Erikson, Shari A. Kelley, Matt Heizler, and Peter K. Zeitler
Using Information to Close the Gap Between Risk Assessment and Risk Tolerance; A Case Study Using a Gravimetric Survey in the North Sea,
Laura Kay Ethetton and Wm. D. Brumbaugh
Experimental Study of Deep-Sea Fan Evolution and Sedimentology,
Frank G. Ethridge and Gary A. Daub
Return to top
4-D Stratigraphic Architecture and 3-D Reservoir Zonation of the Mirador Formation, Cusiana Field, Colombia,
Andres A. Fajardo and Timothy A. Cross
Origin of Facies Architecture in Stacked Gilbert-Type Fan Deltas, Loreto Basin, Baja California Sur, Mexico,
Peter D. Falk, Paul J. Umhoefer, and Rebecca J. Dorsey
A Field Test of In-Situ NAPL Removal by Cosolvent Flooding,
R. W. Falta, C. M. Lee, J. T. Coates, and S. E. Brame
Dolomite Fluorescence and Its Exploration Significance in the Swan Hills Formation, Upper Devonian, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin,
Paul E. Fejer
Preservation of Primary Porosity in the Neogene Clastic Reservoirs of the Surma Basin, Bangladesh,
Hasan S. Ferdous and Robin W. Renaut
Exploration and Development Offshore Southern Vietnam,
Alastair M. Ferguson
Layer-Parallel Shear above Curved Normal Faults,
David A. Ferrill, Alan P. Morris, D. Brent Henderson, and Budhi Sagar
Sequence Stratigraphy of Cenozoic Deepwater Deposits in the Perdido Fold Belt, Northwestern Deep Gulf of Mexico,
Joseph C. Fiduk, Paul Weimer, Bruce D. Trudgill, Mark G. Rowan, Peter E. Gale, Bryant E. Korn, Ronald L. Phair, Geneva R. Roberts, William T. Gafford, James B. Dischinger, and Kevin L. Putney
Relationship Between In-Situ Stress and Fractures and Faults in the Monterey Formation, Santa Maria Basin, California,
Thomas Finkbeiner, Colleen A. Barton, and Mark D. Zoback
Permeability, Fluid Pressure, and Effective Stress in an Active Plate Boundary Fault Zone: Observations and Models,
Andrew T. Fisher and Gretchen Zwart
Development of Structural and Stratigraphic Frameworks in Subsurface Geological Models,
Thomas R. Fisher
Integration of Horizontal Well Geological Data into Reservoir Descriptions: Rotliegendes Sandstones, Lancelot Area, Southern North Sea,
William C. Fisher and David J. Went
Strike Variability of Carbonate Platform Margin Stratal Architecture and Cycle Stacking Patterns: Outcrop and Seismic Examples from Lower Permian Depositional Sequences of the Permian Basin, U.S.A.,
William M. Fitchen
Mature Field Development Using 3-D Seismic in Minas Field, Central Sumatra, Basin, Indonesia,
Faizil Fitris and Timothy P. Whitacre
Measurement of Porosity and Smectite Hydration State Under Deviatoric Stress Conditions: Implications for Water Partitioning Between Pores and Minerals in Sedimentary Basins,
Tina Fitts, Kevin M. Brown, Michael Tryon, and Barbara Ransom
Temperature Effect of Magmatic Underplating in the Gjallar Ridge, Mid-Norway,
W. Fjeldskaar, H. Johansen, T. Dodd, and M. Thompson
Shallow Gas Reservoir in a Pleistocene Transgressive Sand Sheet Developed During the Drowning of Retrograde Delta Lobes, Louisiana Continental Shelf,
Lillian G. Flakes and Richard H. Fillon
State of Stress in a Plio-Pleistocene Gulf Coast Growth Fault: Implications for Fracture Driven Fluid Flow,
Peter B. Flemings, Mark, D. Zoback, and Roger N. Anderson
Sedimentary Facies Recovered from Amazon Fan During ODP Leg 155: III. Site-Specific Interpretation of Sedimentary Patterns and Fan Processes,
R. D. Flood, C. Pirmez, P. L. Manley, and J. E. Damuth
ODP Drilling on the Amazon Fan: Initial Results on Growth Pattern and Timing of Fan Sedimentation,
R. D. Flood and D. J. W. Piper
70 Million Years of Coastal Upwelling in California; Source Rocks and Paleoceanography,
C. Fonseca
Cyclic Organic-Rich Sedimentation in the Marca Shale, Moreno Formation and the Onset of Late Cretaceous Upwelling along the California Margin,
C. Fonseca
On the Subject of Exploration Economic Analyses and Risk Assessments,
Robert G. Font
How to Rejuvenate Interest in Exploring An Old Production Area in Gabon,
J. M. Fontaine, M. Jones, M. L. Ombagho, S. Raillard, and Tran Van Nhieu D.
Application of Optical-Fibre Temperature Logging (DTS) in Monitoring Subsurface Transient Temperature Changes Resulting from Fluid Flow,
A. Forster, J. Schrotter, and D. F. Merriam
Problems and Potential of Industrial Temperature Data in Heat-Flow
Andrea Forster
New Zealand - An Attractive Place to Do Business,
Barrie J. Fowke
Diagenetic Clays as Pore-Lining Minerals in Coalbed Methane Reservoirs,
Kathleen S. Fowler and Kevin E. Nick
Using Log-Derived Bulk Volume Water and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Logs to Indicate Producible Fluids,
Mark H. Franklin and Terrilyn M. Olson
Integrated Reservoir Characterization and Flow Simulation for Well Targeting and Reservoir Management, Iagifu-Hedinia Field, Southern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea,
Stan P. Franklin, John E. Livingston, and Robert E. Fitzmorris
Structure, Stratigraphy and Petroleum Geology of the South East Nam Con Son Basin, Offshore Vietnam,
Alastair J. Fraser, Steve J. Matthews, Steve Lowe, Simon P. Todd, and Frank J. Peel
Lake Maracaibo Bachaquero Area, Bloque IV Field: A Sparse Logged Area with Additional Reserves?,
Manfred Frass, Carolina Coll, Helena Gamero, Luis Rondon, Seyd Tariq, and Ian Bryant
Sedimentary Rock Characteristics Are Determined By Twenty-One Depositional Medium/Process Associations,
A. Eugene Fritsche
Successive Illitization/Alteration Zones Identify with K-Ar Data,
Sylvie L. Furlan
Return to top
Generation Storage and Expulsion of Oil and Gas From Mesaverde Group Coals, Washakie Basin, Wyoming,
Mario Garcia-Gonzalez, Ronald C. Surdam, Milton L. Lee, and Charles R. Nelson
Integrated Geochemical and Basin Modeling Approach to Hydrocarbon Systems
, Bohai Basin, Peoples Republic of China,
Micah Gardemal, Zvi Sofer, Michael Womer, and Sun Xiao Hong
Worldwide Exploration Bid Round Practices: Incentives for Exploration,
Wayne B. Gardiner and George E. Kronman
Recognition Criteria for Establishing a High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphic Framework for High Net-to-Gross Slope Sandstones, Permian Brushy Canyon Formation, TX,
Michael H. Gardner and Mark D. Sonnenfeld
The Impact of Fold and Fault Development on Sequence Variability,
Rob L. Gawthorpe and Peter Talling
"Haswell Hole", A Previously Unknown Impact Structure in Southeast Colorado,
S. Parker Gay, Jr.
The Power of 3D Stereo Contour Mapping,
S. Parker Gay Jr., Ben Opfermann, and John C. Young
Three Dimensional Visualization of Reservoir Outcrop Analogues Using Ground Penetrating Radar,
G. C. Gaynor, G. A. McMechan, Jun Cai, and Xiaoxian Zeng
Optimising the Rewards of Appraisal Drilling,
John Gdula
The Structural Development of the Nam Conson Basin, Vietnam,
Henry Joseph Gerke, T. W. C. Hilde, and D. A. Fahlquist
Structural Development and Major Unconformities of the Nam Conson Basin, Vietnam,
Henry Joseph Gerke
Use of Micro-Resistivity Imaging Tools in Developing Lower Pennsylvanian Morrow Channel Sandstone Reservoirs, Cheyenne, Kiowa and Lincoln Counties, Colorado,
Mark P. Germinario
Compositional Limitations on Rock Types Contributing to Zones of Sealing Phyllosilicate-Rich Fault Gouge,
Richard G. Gibson
Petroleum Field Evidence for Fluid Migration across Faults in Abnormally Pressured Siliciclastic Systems,
Richard G. Gibson
Thick Nonmarine Carbonate Deposits: What You Need to Know about Clastic Carbonates,
E. H. Gierlowski-Kordesch
Control of CO2 and CH4 Contents in High-Heat Flow Sedimentary Basins,
Werner F. Giggenbach
Lithofacies Distribution and Reservoir Heterogeneity Within Pennsylvanian Phylloid Algal Mounds, Western Orogrande Basin, New Mexico,
Katherine A. Giles and Gerilyn S. Soreghan
The Barito River Depositional System of South and Central Kalimantan (Borneo): A Non-Deltaic Modern Day Analogue for the Upper Talang Akar Formation of the Sunda and Asri Basins of Indonesia,
H. L. Gilmore Jr. and Ichsan Sarkawi
Diagenesis of the Oseberg Sandstone Reservoir (North Sea): An Example of Integration of Core, Formation Fluid and Geochemical Modelling Studies,
Girard Jean-Pierre, Sanjuan Bernard, Czernichowski-Lauriol Isabelle, and Fouillac Christian
The Tale of Three Basins: Illite Age
, Shale Diagenesis, and Interpretation of Diagenetic History,
J. Reed Glasmann
National Coal Resource Assessment: A 21st Century Perspective,
Hal Gluskoter
High Resolution Reservoir Architecture of Late Jurassic Haynesville Ramp Carbonates in the Gladewater Field, East Texas Salt Basin,
R. K. Goldhammer and K. A. McDonald
Dolomite from Reflux of Moderate Salinity Brine, Enewetak Atoll,
Robert H. Goldstein
Sequence Stratigraphic Framework, Miocene Laguna Member, Lagunillas Formation, VLC-52/VLD-192 Reservoirs, Blocks III/IV, Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela,
Ernest Gomez, Helena Gamero de Villarroel, and Robert A. Ripple
Distribution of Oil and Gas Fields in China Offshore Basins,
Zaisheng Gong and Yang Jiaming
New Opportunities in Lower B Sands VLC-100/949 Reservoirs, Block III, Lake Maracaibo,
Gedi Gonzalez, Carolina Coll, Jose L. Mora, Miguel Araujo, Elvira Meza, and Luis Rondon
Quantitative, Three-dimensional
of Compartmentalisation in a Wave-dominated, Shallow Marine Reservoir Analogue,
Timothy R. Good, Malcolm J. Arnot, Jonathan J. M. Lewis, ans Christine Bishop
Improving Exploration with Geographical Information System (GIS) Techology,
P. B. Goodwin, M. R. Choiniere, F. W. Harris, and B. P. Dean
The Effect of Relative Sea Level Change on the Development of Phylloid Algal Bioherms, Laborcita Formation (Lower Permian), Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico,
Ian T. Gordon
Evolution and Diagenesis of Pennsylvanian Phylloid Algal Bioherms in the Paradox Basin of Southeastern Utah,
Jonas P. Gournay
Controls on Composition and Distribution of Lacustrine Organic-Rich Rocks of the Green River Formation, Wyoming,
George J. Grabowski Jr. and Kevin M. Bohacs
The Bazhenov-Neocomian Petroleum System of West Siberia,
John D. Grace and David B. Walsh
Constrained Gravity-Magnetic Interpretation. A New Way of Regional-Residual Separation of Potential Field Data. Venezuela Examples,
Victor Graterol
Sequence Stratigraphy and Graben Tectonics: Fennoscandian Border Zone and Central Graben, NW Europe,
Ole Graversen
Assessing Zircon Fission Track
as a Paleotemperature Tool for Sedimentary Basins,
Paul F. Green, Kerry A. Hegarty, Ian R. Duddy, and Sara A. Foland
Compositional Influences on Fission Track Annealing in Apatite and Improvements in Routine Application of AFTA®,
Paul F. Green, Kerry A. Hegarty, and Ian R. Duddy
Seismic Expression and Channel Morphology of a Recent Incised Valley Complex, Offshore Northwest Java, Indonesia,
Mark J. Gresko and Philip Lowry
Self-Sedimentation of Fossil Phytoplankton Blooms, Laminated Hemipelagic Sediments and the Oceanic Carbon Cycle,
Kurt A. Grimm and Carina B. Lange
Are Cross Section Validation Techniques Valid?: A Test on an Experimental Half-Graben System,
Richard H. Groshong Jr. and Baolong Chai
The Application of 3-D Seismic Data in Carbonate Reservoir Modelling,
Jurgen Grotsch and Andre van den Berg
Sequence Development over the Peripheral Bulge of a Foreland Basin: Stratigraphy of the 1.96 Ga Rifle Formation, Kilohigok Basin, Northwest Canada,
John P. Grotzinger
Stratigraphy and Diagenesis of the Mississippian Lodgepole Limestone, Williston Basin, North Dakota,
Paul W. Grover
Detailed Subsurface Descriptions Drive Record Breaking Wells in the Deep Water Gulf of Mexico,
C. Guderjahn, P. Hill, C. Blankenship, D. Epps, A. Meader, J. Oldroyd, and D. Stauber
Definition of Structural Patterns Using Dipmeter and Magnetism Data within the Poorly Seismic Imaged Field of Avocette, Presalt Gabonese Basin,
G. Guerin, H. Lecanu, J. C. Icart, C. Dumay, and M. Lescanne
AMolecular and Carbon Isotopic
of Specific Biological Markers: Evidence for Distinguishing between Marine and Lacustrine Depositional Environments in Sedimentary Basins of Brazil,
J. M. Guthrie, L. A. F. Trindade, C. B. Eckardt, and T. Takaki
Depositional Setting and Reservoir Quality of the Frome Clay Limestone Reservoir (Middle Jurassic), Witch Farm Field Southern England,
Peter Gutteridge and Peter Robinson
Reservoir Characterization Utilizing a Low Cost Resistivity-Porosity Crossplot and an Interactive Spreadsheet,
Willard J. Guy, John H. Doveton, W. Lynn Watney, Timothy R. Carr, and Saibal Bhattacharya
Return to top
Modern Carbonate Sediments and Environments of the La Paz Region, Baja California Sur, Mexico,
Jochen Halfar, James C. Ingle Jr., Rodolfo Cruz-Orozco, and Godinez-Orta
Tectonic Tilting and its Effect on Facies Stacking Patterns and Stratal Surface Formation: Sobrarbe Formation, Ainsa Basin, Spain,
M. Hall, R. Gawthorpe, T. Dreyer, and A. Taylor
Minimizing Liability Through Environmental Audits- Latin America Case Studies,
Walter E. Hamann
Application of Nonmarine Genetic Sequence Stratigraphic Concepts to Reservoir Characterization in the Fluvial-Lacustrine Westbourne Formation, Eromanga Basin, Australia,
Douglas S. Hamilton, Mark H. Holtz, Joseph Yeh, Tom Lonergan, Phillip Ryles, Michael Hillyer, and Tim O'Sullivan
Fluid Flow Histories in Permo-Triass Sediments of the Sydney Basin, SE Australia; Isotope and Fluid Inclusion Constraints,
P. Joe Hamilton, G. P. Bai, P. J. Eadington, and J. B. Keene
A Fracture-Orientation Comparison Between Core-Based and Borehole-Imaging Techniques: Paleomagnetic, Electronic Multishot, and FMI,
W. D. Hamilton, David R. Van Alstine, and Joseph E. Butterworth
Tritium Transport from a Solid Radioactive Waste Burial Ground Whose Heterogeneous Conductivity Field is Based on Site Lithologic Data,
L. L. Hamm, G. P. Flach, M. K Harris, P. A. Thayer, and J. S. Haselow
Sequence Stratigraphic Re-interpretation of "Stray" Sandstones in the Cretaceous Mancos Shale, Book Cliffs, Utah: Implications for Exploration Models,
Gary J. Hampson, John A. Howell, and Stephen S. Flint
Accommodation Cycles in Peritidal Carbonate and Continental to Shoreface Siliciclastic Facies, San Andres-Grayburg Formations, Eddy County, New Mexico,
C. Robertson Handford, Magell P. Candelaria, and Steve Lafollette
Sequence Stratigraphy and Stratigraphic Trap Potential of the Villeta Formation (Cretaceous), Putumayo Basin, Colombia,
C. Robertson Handford, Chajid Kairuz, Allen Cregg, and Gregory Cleveland
Diagenesis as Related to Burial History, Pressure Regimes, and Low-Permeability Zones in the Upper Cretaceous Lower Tuscaloosa Formation, Mississippi and Louisiana,
Paula L. Hansley
Sequence Stratigraphy and 3-D Seismic Imaging in Low-Accommodation Basins,
B. A. Hardage, D. L. Carr, D. S. Hamilton, and J. L. Simmons Jr.
A Petroliferous Transform-Margin Basin, Cote d'Ivoire, West Africa,
John C. Harms, J. M. Bruso Jr., R. L. Wallace, J. A. Canales, and N. Koffi
Episodic Hydrocarbon Migration during Deposition of the Frio Clastic Wedge, Gulf of Mexico: Its Expression and Causes,
Nicholas B. Harris
Origin of "Fall-in" Bed Geometry, Capitan Reef Margin - Ideas from Stratigraphic Computer Modeling,
Paul M. Harris and James M. Borer
A Delta Submarine Ramp Alternative to the Canyon-Fed Depositional Model of the Stevens Submarine Fan System, Southeastern San Joaquin Basin, Kern County, California,
Cristy P. Harrison
Shear and Compressional Velocities of Overpressured Shales, Louisiana Offshore: Effects of Lithology and Effective Stress,
Bruce S. Hart
Open Fracture Prediction and Detection at the Bluebell - Altamont Field, Uinta Basin, Utah,
Norman Harthill and C. Richard Bates
Understanding through Seeing - The role of Seismic in an Integrated Study of a Mature Nigerian Field,
M. Hartung
Siderite in the Ivishak Sandstone, Prudhoe Bay, Alaska: Is It an Indicator of an Early Burial Environment?,
N. T. Harun
The Secondary Porosity Trick: Arkose to Quartzite in the North Sea,
Stuart Haszeldine, M. Wilkinson, D. Darby, O. McLaughlin, R. Stewart, G. McAulay, G. Couples, and A. E. Fallick
Diagenetic Mineral Assemblage Prediction of Reservoir Burial History,
Lori A. Hathon and David W. Houseknecht
Paleoenvironmental Controls on the Abundance of 13C in Sedimentary Organic Carbon,
J. M. Hayes, D. J. Hollander, S. G. Wakeham, and T. Pease
Perspective of Gas Exploration in Ying-Qiong Basin,
Hanyi He and Zhongtiang Hu
3-D Finite Element Seismic Modeling of Hydrocarbon Drainage in a Gulf Coast Mini-Basin: The Role of Seismic Modeling in 4-D Seismic Technologies,
Wei He, Roger N. Anderson, Xuefen Wang, and Yu-Chiung Teng
Stratigraphy and Ages of Two 33 m Long, Bank-margin Cores From the Exuma Cays, Bahamas,
Paul J. Hearty, Don F. McNeill, Lynton S. Land, and Robert F. Dill
Integration of Geostatistical Techniques and Intuitive Geology in the 3-D Modeling Process,
Christian J. Heine and D. H. Cooper
A Method to Improve Oil Saturation Precision When Monitoring Steam or Water Floods,
James L. Hemingway and Thomas A. Zalan
3D Structural
and Visualization of Oblique-Ramp Accommodation Structures in Thrust Sheets,
Peter H. Hennings, Bruce H. Prine, and John S. Wickham
Geological Aspects Of Model Construction for Well Placement Optimization in a Mixed Fluvio-Aeolian Reservoir,
Caroline Y. Hern, Jonathan J. M. Lewis, Dirk Seifert, and Nicholas C. T. Steel
Pitfalls of Illite Geothermometry: Probable Smectite Precursor Minerals in the Mississippian Chainman Shale of Nevada,
Donna M. Herring and Regina N. Tempel
Comparison of Tarim and Central Asian FSU Basins, I: Phanerozoic Paleogeography,
Christoph Heubeck and Shangyou Nie
Integration of Various Subsuface Exploration Techniques to Solve Problems at Sites Contaminated with Petroleum Hydrocarbons,
James C. Hickey, Mark H. Hathway, and Andrew C. Tingley
Tectonics and Hydrocarbons in Bass Strait, SE Australia,
Kathy A. Hill, Kevin C. Hill, and Mark A. Smith
Hydrocarbons in New Guinea, Controlled by Basement Fabric, Mesozoic Extension and Tertiary Convergent Margin Tectonics,
Kevin C. Hill, Richard D. Kendrick, and Peter V. Crowhurst
The Sea of Environmental Risk assessment: A Navigational Guide for Hydrocarbon Contamination,
David L. Hippensteel
Microbial Reservoir Characterization: An Integration of Surface Geochemistry and Developmental Geology Data,
Daniel Hitzman, James Tucker, and Brooks Rountree
Structural Compartmentalization in a Decapitated Anticline: The example of the Divide Creek Fractured Reservoir, Piceance Basin,
T. E. Hoak and A. L. Klawitter
Using Equilibrium Based Fugacity
to Predict Site-Specific Risk-Based Target Levels for Low Permeability Soils,
Gregory D. Hoffman, Clint L. Thompson, and Richard C. Sims
Geospatial Modeling: A Breakthrough 3-D Technology for Understanding Complexly Faulted Geologic Structures,
Karen S. Hoffman and Robert Belcher
Visualizing Heterogeneous Clastic Reservoirs: Price Formation (Early Mississippian) Oil Fields in West Virginia,
Michael E. Hohn, Ronald R. McDowell, and David L. Matchen
Stochastic Modeling of Dakota Sandstone (Rocktown Channel Member) in Central Kansas Using Architectural-Element
John Holbrook, Timothy Ray, Yuzhi Cui, and M. D. Raghunath
Evolution of the Deseado Massif in Argentina, and its relationship with San Julian Offshore Area in the South Atlantic Ocean,
Juan F. Homovc, Luis A. Constantini, Rudy F. Ferreira, and Aloisio Pellon de Miranda
Economic Potential and Optimum Steamflood Strategies for Trough Reservoirs of San Joaquin Valley, California,
K. C. Hong and David J. Use
The Influence of Relative Sea Level on Nearshore Sedimentary Processes in a Transform Margin Basin: The Miocene Cuyama Basin, California,
Bryce W. Hoppie
Genetic Stratigraphy and Reservoir Characterization of the Spiro Sandstone, Red Oak Field, Arkoma Basin, Southeastern Oklahoma,
Brian W. Horn
Reduction in Natural Hydrocarbon Seepage from the Offshore South Ellwood Field near Coal Oil Point, California, Due to Oil Production,
J. S. Hornafius, B. P. Luyendyk, D. Quigley, A. Trial, L. Washburn, R. D. Francis, P. Fischer, G. Ouellette, and M. Geneau
Indonesian Petroleum Systems and Exploration Efficiency,
J. V. C. Howes and Suherman Tisnawijaya
Depositional Sequence Model of the Backarc Basins in the Northwest Pacific Rim, Japan,
Koichi Hoyanagi, Daisuke Watanabe, and Hiroyuki Arato
Physical Properties of Reservoirs Using an Artificial Neural Network Approach: Example from the Jeanne d'Arc Basin, Eastern Offshore Canada,
Zehui Huang and Mark A. Williamson
Sabellariid Honeycomb Worm Communities: Reef-Forming Hosts to Diagnostic Nanofloras from Passing Water Masses,
J. Hubbard
Site Closure: Environmentally Acceptable Endpoints for Petroleum Hydrocarbon Impacted Soils,
Robert L. Huddleston and Jeffery D. Meyers
Fault Relay Structures and Their Impact on Production Behavior,
Michael R. Hudec
Return to top
Timing and Style of Subduction-Related Deformation, Central Great Valley, California,
Douglas P. Imperato
Subsidence of Neogene Basins in the Southern Gulf of California,
James C. Ingle Jr.
Organic-Carbon-Rich Rocks: Fast or Slow Organic-Carbon Accumulation?,
Caroline M. Isaacs, David Z. Piper, and Margaret A. Keller
A Prograding Margin Model for the Monterey Formation, California,
Caroline M. Isaacs, Timothy R. Baumgartner, Marilyn E. Tennyson, David Z. Piper, and James C. Ingle Jr.
Reconstruction of Pre-Glacial Topography using a Post-Glacial Flooding Surface: Upper Paleozoic Glacial Deposits, Central Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica,
John L. Isbell, Greg A. Gelhar, and Gina M. Seegers
Return to top
New Concepts in Exploring Subsalt Paleozoic Hydrocarbon Systems in Mature and Near Producing Areas of Morocco,
H. Jabour, A. Demnati, M. Hcaine, and M. El Alji
Post-Paleozoic Deformation in the Triassic Basin, North Africa,
J. S. Jackson, S. R. Moore, A. I. Quarles, and J. Bellis
Organic Carbon Preservation in the Present-Day Ocean,
Richard A. Jahnke
The Lioness, Bonaparte's Tongue and Cool-water Carbonates on the South Australian Continental Margin,
Noel P. James, Yvonne Bone, Steven J. Hageman, Victor A. Gostin, and David. A Feary
Regional Salt Distribution from 3-D Data Across the South Additions, Offshore Louisiana,
George A. Jamieson
Calculated Geologic Oil Generation Temperatures of the Miocene Monterey Formation,
Daniel M. Jarvie and Leeland L. Lundell
Examples and New Applications in Applying Organic Geochemistry for Detection and Qualitative Assessment of Overlooked Petroleum Reservoirs,
Daniel M. Jarvie, Robert J. Elsinger, Joe T. Sentfle, William B. Huges, and James J. Emme
Influence of Relative Sea Level on Facies, Stacking Patterns and Reservoir Heterogeneity: Middle Jurassic Brent Group, UK North Sea,
David C. Jennette
Characterizing and Modeling the Heterogeneity of Fluvial Reservoirs: A Case Study From Gypsy Outcrop Site, Pawnee County, Oklahoma,
Renqi Jiang, James M. Forgotson Jr., and Daniel J. O'Meara Jr.
Anomalously Pressured Gas Accumulations in the Laramide Basins, North America,
Zung S. Jiao and Ronald C. Surdam
Occurrence and Significance of Clay Drapes in a Large Point Bar: Jilt Quarry, Pliocene, Romania,
Dan Jipa
The Significance of Salt Reconstruction for Basin Modeling Results,
H. Johansen, L. Bonnell, A. Andersen, and V. Blomvik
Borehole Micro-Imaging Applied to Siliceous Shale Reservoir Characterization,
Scott J. Johnson and Maged Y. Fam
Response of a Nonmarine Coastal Plain/Fluvial Depositional System to High Frequency Relative Sea Level Fluctuations: The Judith River Formation, Wyoming, USA,
Stephen Johnson
The En Echelon Arrangement Of Two Basement Involved, Low-Angle Thrust Faults In The Owl Creek Mountains, Wyoming,
John Jostes
Return to top
Map Restoration of an Early Pliocene Horizon Along the Hosgri-Purisima-Lompoc Fault System, Central California Margin,
Christopher C. Sorlien, Marc J. Kamerling, and Drew Mayerson
Lowstand Submarine Bypass Surfaces and their Implication for Detached Lowstand Deposition, Mancos Shale, Book Cliffs, Utah,
Diane L. Kamola and Steven M. Holland
The Model of the Oil-Gas Bearing Molasse Reservoirs in the Peri-Adriatic Depression, Albania,
Kapedani Nazif Hysen and Toto Gezim Skender
Volcanics Oil Bearing In Indonesia,
A. Lukman Kartanegara, R. Nyak Baik, and M. Anditya Ibrahim
Pematang-Sihapas Petroleum System of Central Sumatra,
B. J. Katz and WM. C. Dawson
The Golden Beach-Latrobe Petroleum System, Gippsland Basin, Australia,
Jon M. Keall and Mark A. Smith
Structure of Continental Rifts: Role of Older Features and Magmatism,
G. Randy Keller
Highlights of the U.S. Geological Survey's Santa Maria Province Project,
Margaret A. Keller
The "Forgotten Dolomites" of Southern Nevada and Southeastern California: Vital Clue to Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation of the Lower-Middle Ordovician Succession, Southern Great Basin,
Martin Keller and John D. Cooper
Electromagnetic Imaging in Basalt and Carbonate Covered Basins,
George V. Keller, John M. (Jack) Jordan, and M. Tahsin Tasci
Stable Isotope Stratigraphy of Regional Environmental Dynamics from Lacustrine Archives,
Kerry K. Kelts and Antje Schwalb
Permeability Heterogeneity of the Palm Spring Formation, Mecca Hills, California: Implications for Fluvial-Deltaic Reservoir Characterization,
Thomas K. Kelty
Using 3-D Visualization and Seismic Attributes to Improve Structural and Stratigraphic Resolution of Reservoirs,
John Kerr and Gary L. Jones
The Time Slice Versus the Statistical Slice: A Comparison of Their Uses for 3-D Seismic Interpretation,
John Kerr and Gary L. Jones
Neogene Record of Rifting and Breakup in the Salton Trough, SE California: Limits on Sequence
Susan M. Kidwell
Indications about Subvolcanic Rocks from a VSP Survey and Hydrocarbon Geochemistry of the Lopra-1 Well, Faeroe Islands, North Atlantic,
Liselotte Kiorboe and Troels Laier
Pekisko and Lake Valley Waulsortian Mounds: Origin, Growth, and Implications for Lower Carboniferous Seas,
Kent C. Kirkby, Dave Hunt, and J. A. Toni Simo
Effects of Carbon Dioxide on Sandstone Reservoir Quality,
T. R. Klett, W. J. Harrison, and R. F. Wendlandt
When is a Turbidity Current not a Turbidity Current? A Question of Mobility,
Ben Kneller
The Internal Structure and Properties of Fault Damage Zones and the Impact on Sealing and Reservoir Behaviour,
R. J. Knipe, G. Jones, Q. J. Fisher, A. F. Farmer, E. Mcallister, J. R. Porter, M. B. Clennell, B. Kidd, and E. White
Accommodation-Based Controls on Fluvial-Deltaic Reservoir Compartmentalization: Examples from the Oligocene Frio Formation, South Texas,
Paul R. Knox
Remediation by 2-PHASETM Extraction--A 2-Year Success Story,
Chris Koerner, James Siegfried, James Baxter, and Scott Huber
"Rejuvenation" of a Very Mature Productive Area: Application of Sequence Stratigraphy, Depositional Facies and Reservoir Architectural Studies in Inactive Old Fields - Dorsal De Huincul - Neuquen Basin, Argentina,
D. A. Kokogian and J. R. Vasquez
Claymore Field, North Sea: Integrated Seismic Stratigraphy, Depositional Models and Reservoir Mapping,
Venkatarat Kolla, Andrew F. Gordon, and Robert Cooper
Exploration in the Ombilin Intermontane Basin, West Sumatra,
Tako Koning
Chemistry and Origin of Miocene and Eocene Oils and Tars in the Onshore and Offshore Santa Cruz Basins, California,
Alan S. Kornacki and Robert I. McNeil
C7 Chemistry of Biodegraded Monterey Oils from the Southwestern Margin of the Los Angeles Basin, California,
Alan S. Kornacki and Frank D. Mango
Point McIntyre Field, Alaska: An Integrated Reservoir Study,
Deborah F. Kosich, Kevin J. Frank, and Robert B. Hunter
Origin, Accumulation and Production of Natural Gases in the Carpathian Foredeep, Poland,
Maciej J. Kotarba
Coalbed Gases and Hydrocarbon Source Rock Potential of Upper Carboniferous Coal-Bearing Strata in Upper Silesian Coal Basin, Poland,
Maciej J. Kotarba, Jerry L. Clayton, and Dudley D. Rice
A Quantitative Method for Relating Structural Map Patterns, Strains, and Fault Offsets in Strike-Slip Zones,
Bob W. Krantz
Tectonostratigraphic and Paleogeographic Evolution of the Northwest Australian Margin,
Jeffrey U. Kraus
From Strike-Slip Depositional Setting to Fold and Thrust Belt: Tertiary to Recent Structural and Sedimentary Development of a Forearc Basin (Terraba Basin, Southern Costa Rica),
Hannelore E. Krawinkel and Justus J. Krawinkel
Calculation of Resistivity of Irreducible Water for Reserves Estimation,
Frank W. Krieger, Peter J. Eadington, and Mark Lisk
High-Resolution Ground-Penetrating Radar: An Aid to Reservoir Analog Outcrop Studies,
Joseph M. Kruger, Alex Martinez, Howard R. Feldman, and D. Scott Beaty
Sequence Stratigraphic and Synsedimentary Tectonic Controls on Reservoir Compartmentalization in a Transgressive Sequence Set: Almond Formation, Southwest Wyoming,
Lee F. Krystinik and Richard H. Mead
Strategic Recovery Processes for Rindu Development,
M. Kumar, A. A. Reed, M. E. Smith, D. S. Mims, E. J. Hanzlik, and S. J. Gross
Tidal Rhythmites; Why We Should Be Looking For Them,
Erik P. Kvale and Allen W. Archer
Return to top
Mixing of Methane and Sulphate due to Fluids Flow in the Barbados Accretionary Prism,
Troels Laier
Drunkard's Wash Project: Coalbed Methane Production From Ferron Coals in East-Central Utah,
Robert A. Lamarre and Terry D. Burns
Permeability Structure of a Highly Heterogeneous Transgressive-Marine Complex: Tocito Sandstone, New Mexico,
M. L. Lambert, P. S. Mozley, and G. W. Riley
Complete Suite of Geochemical Values Computed using Wireline Logs,
James R. Lancaster and Asher Atkinson
Lowstand Fan Model, Basal Complex, Barbados: Utility as a Predictor of Reservoir Geometry and Continuity,
D. K Larue, R. M. Lindholm, A. R. G. Sprague, and C. R. Bissell
A Practical Approach to Reconstructing Burial and Temperature Histories: An Example from the Mobil O'Connell Well, Piceance Basin, Colorado,
Matthew M. Laughland
Basin-Centered Gas Accumulation in the Timan-Pechora Basin, Russia,
B. E. Law, V. Bogatsky, S. Danileksky, L. Galkina, G. F. Ulmishek, and C. W. Spencer
A Shallow Bedded Chert In The Gulf of California,
J. Ledesma-Vazquez, C. E. Amaro-Franco, R. Berry, and M. E. Johnson
Sequence Stratigraphy and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Phu Khanh Basin Offshore Central Vietnam, South China Sea,
Gwang H. Lee and Joel S. Watkins
K/Ar Dating of Illite in Understanding Fault-Related Diagenesis,
Mingchou Lee
Improved Reservoir Management of Heavy Oil Assets Using Biomarker Variability in Sidewall Cores and Produced Oils: An Example From the Cymric Field, Kern County, California,
Henry A. Legarre, Mark A. McCaffrey, and Scott J. Johnson
Development of Strike-Slip Faults Above Irregular Basement in the California Continental Borderland,
Mark R. Legg
Testing Global Synchroneity of Lower Cretaceous (Albian) Depositional Sequences: The Coahulia Carbonate Ramp, NE Mexico and the Gavrovo Platform, NW Greece,
Christoph Lehmann, Jurgen Grotsch, Isabel P. Montanez, and David A. Osleger
Paleosols and Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy, Carboniferous, South Kazakstan,
P. J. Lehmann, H. E. Cook, W. G. Zempolich, V. G. Zhemchuzhnikov, V. YA. Zhaimina, A. Ye. Zorin, M. Bowman, Giovannelli, M. Viaggi, D. Hunt, N. Fretwell, and D. Craik
Impact of Integrated 3-D Reservoir Modeling/Flow Simulation on Development of Deepwater Sands, Mars Field, Gulf of Mexico,
Christopher S. Lerch, James R. Johnston, Mark E. Juedeman, Robert S. Barnard, Arne J. De Kock, Justin J. Freeman, Gottfried M. Tiller, and Johan C. Nieuwoudt
Structural Evolution and Hydrocarbon Accumulation of Luxi Depression,
Hongliang Li, Qian Hua Xiao, and Angui Lei
Petroleum Geology and Exploration of Tarim Basin, China,
Di-Gang Liang and Cheng-Zao Jia
Lacustrine Sequence Stratigraphy and Computer Modeling of the Erlian Fault Basin, North China,
Changsong Lin, Li Sitian, Ren Jianye, and Zhang Yanmei
Sedimentological Study of Sandstone Units in Gutingkeng Formation: A Massive Mudstone Sequence in Southern Taiwan,
Tsung-Yi Lin and Peter B. Yuan
Subsalt AVO,
Richard O. Lindsay and Davis W. Ratcliff
Recognition of Eustatic Versus Tectonic Signatures in the Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphic Record,
R. F. Lindsay
Sequence Stratigraphy: A Practitioner's Point of View,
Louis M. Liro
Quantitative Evaluation of Oil-Leg Potential in Gas Reservoirs,
Mark Lisk, Geoffrey W. O'Brien, Peter J. Eadington, and Frank W. Krieger
Fracture Prediction using Gaussian Curvature
Richard J. Lisle and Julian M. Robinson
A Quantitative Study of the Petroleum Generation and Migration Development in The Tarim Basin, Northwest of China,
Jianchang Liu, China Leonard, Song Cao, and Jie Tang
The Monterey Formation of the Santa Ynez Unit, Part II: Fractures, Borehole Images, and Production,
D. F. Lockman and J. R. Schwalbach
Exploration Models for Tertiary Lacustrine Carbonates, Liaodong Bay, People's Republic of China,
A. J. Lomando
Paleohydrology and Early Diagenesis within the Late Cretaceous Point Lookout Sandstone, San Juan basin, New Mexico and Colorado,
J. L. Loomis, L. J. Crossey, and C. J. Yapp
Utilization of the PHOSterTM Process to improve In Situ Bioremediation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons,
B. B. Looney, S. Eaton, J. Haselow, and D. Klemm
Geological and Geochemical Controls on the Formation and Distribution of Supergiant Gas Fields in the Russian Sedimentary Basins,
N. Lopatin
3D Seismic Coherence Mapping: A Technological Breakthrough,
John A. Lopez, Mike Bahorich, Norm Haskell, and Susan Nissen
Heartburn in Predicting Natural Fracture Orientations: The Effects of the Different Fracture Susceptibilities in Heterogeneous Lithologies,
John C. Lorenz
The Evolution of Cave Systems from the Surface to Subsurface,
Robert G. Loucks and C. R. Handford
Architecture of Collapsed-Paleocave Reservoirs,
R. G. Loucks and Paul Mescher
Australian Petroleum Geoscience Research: Its Influence on Exploration and Production in Australasia,
Tom S. Loutit
Subaqueous Sediment Flows And Their Deposits: Current Events,
Donald R. Lowe
Geometric and Sedimentologic Characteristics of Mid-Miocene Lowstand Reservoir Sandstones, Offshore Northwest Java, Indonesia,
Philip Lowry, Sena Warman, and Yohan Kusumanegara
The Venezuelan Foredeeps, Part I: Stratigraphy,
Jairo Lugo and Felipe Audemard
4-D Seismic Monitoring of an Active Steamflood,
David E. Lumely, Michel Bee, Steve Jenkins, and Zhijing Wang
Dual-Porosity Reservoir Modeling of the Fractured Hanifa Reservoir, Abqaiq Field, Saudi Arabia,
Stephen T. Luthy
Return to top
A Multifaceted Approach To The
Of Aquifer/Aquitard Unit Distribution In The Dakota Aquifer Of Kansas,
P. Allen MacFarlane, J. H. Doveton, R. Olea, Howard Feldman, J. M. Holbrook, and T. Ray
Facies Architecture of a Nonmarine Half Graben: the Plio-Pleistocene Palomas Basin, southern Rio Grande Rift,
Greg H. Mack and Mike R. Leeder
Frontal Wedge Structures in the Flathead Creek Area, Northeast British Columbia,
Paul A. MacKay and Oscar Jansen
The Utilization of Sequence Stratigraphy in Reservoir Geology,
D. Bradford Macurda Jr.
Thermal and Density Stratification in a Seafloor Brine Pool, Northern Gulf of Mexico,
Ian R. MacDonald
How to Estimate your Tolerance for Risk,
James A. MacKay
Foinaven Development - Breaking the Mould,
Colin H. J. MacLean, J. Douglas Boyd, and Peter J. Smith
Characterization of Gas Fields by Petroleum System, Sacramento Basin California,
Leslie B. Magoon, Zenon C. Valin, and Robert A. Reid
Determination of Thermal and Cementation Histories from 40Ar/39Ar and Ion Microprobe Stable Isotope Analyses: A San Joaquin Basin Example,
K. I. Mahon, T. M. Harrison, M. Grove, and O. M. Lovera
An Integrated Approach for Characterization of Fractured Reservoirs,
E. L. Majer, J. E. Peterson, T. M. Daley, A. Datta-Gupta, D. W. Vasco, J. C. S. Long, J. H. Queen, W. D. Rlzer, and P. S. D'Onfro
Subthrust Seismic Mapping with the WARP Method,
Jannis Makris and Richard G. Boyce
Dynamic Permeability, Consolidation and Deformation Structures in Accretionary Prism Sediments,
Alex J. Maltman and Alistair J. Bolton
Paleontologic Characteristics of Systems Tracts in Upper Cretaceous Depositional Sequences in the Eastern Gulf Coastal Plain,
Ernest A. Mancini, T. Markham Puckett, and Berry H. Tew
The Antrim Shale, Fractured Gas Reservoirs with Immense Potential,
Katherine C. Manger, Thomas J. Woods, John B. Curtis, Michael D. Zuber, and Lynn McLarty
Using Decision
to Estimate 3-D Seismic Value - Minas Field, Sumatra, Indonesia,
Kent M. Mangold, Timothy P. Whitacre, and Seffibudianti
Steamflood Efficiency Improvement Through Use of Hydraulic Fracturing Technology - A Simulation Approach,
J. F. Manrique, H. E. Cole, and A. F. Frederick
Suppression of the Acquisition Footprint for Seismic Sequence Attribute Mapping,
Kurt J. Marfurt, Ron M. Sheet, John A. Sharp, Jim C. Ward, Gordon J. Cain, and Mark G. Harper
Characterizing Fluvial Sandstone Reservoir Compartmentalization through Stratigraphic Interpretation of 3-D Seismic Data, Sorrento Field, Colorado,
Sandra McDonald Mark, David C. Rampton, and Roger M. Slatt
Sequence Stratigraphic-Based Reservoir Architecture in Late Jurassic Outer-Ramp Carbonates, Hanifa Formation, Saudi Arabia,
J. R. Markello, M. McGuire, M. L. Stockton, M. J. Al'Shammery, and M. O. Al'Amoudi
Rift Units and Related Sedimentary Facies, Northern Gulf Extensional Province, Baja California,
Arturo Martin-Barajas
Three-Dimensional Characterization of a Fluvial Sandstone Reservoir Analog in Northeast Kansas Using High-Resolution Ground-Penetrating Radar,
Alex Martinez, Howard R. Feldman, Joseph M. Kruger, and D. Scott Beaty
The Buenavista-San Jose Del Cabo Basin: A Classical Extensional Basin associated with the Proto-Gulf of California,
Genaro Martinez-Gutierrez
Foraminiferal Biostratigaphy and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Cenozoic Lower Magdalena Valley, Colombia,
Ignacio Martinez and Martha Beltran
Geochemical Constraints on Microbial Methanogenesis in an Unconventional Gas Reservoir: Devonian Antrim Shale, MI,
A. M. Martini, J. M. Budai, L. M. Walter, T. Ku, and M. Schoell
Classification of and Criteria for Recognition of Slumps, Slides and Water Escape Features in Subaqueous Settings,
Ole J. Martinsen
Facies, Faults and Potential Sweet Spots in a Tight Gas Reservoir: Almond Formation, Wyoming,
Randi Martinsen, William Iverson, and Ronald Surdam
The Relationship between Vitrinite Reflectance and Transformation Ratio in Basin Modeling,
Roger W. Marzi and Douglas W. Waples
Third-Order Underfilling-Overfilling Foreland Basin Sequences,
M. Marzo, J. Verges, M. Lopez-Blanco, J. A. Munoz, T. Santaeularia, and D. W. Burbank
The Recovery of Ground Water in Reclaimed Surface Coal Mines,
Christopher C. Mathewson and Kelley H. Peace
Predicting Reservoir Distribution From High Frequency Cyclic Events, Green Canyon 18 Field, Gulf of Mexico,
Vinod R. Mathur
Intracontinental strike-slip faults as indicators for changing stress fields (Late Paleozoic of the Bohemian Massif, Germany),
Frank Mattern
Pressure and Fluid-Flow Response to Production from Reservoirs Bounded by Faults with Relay Structures,
S. K. Matthai, A. Aydin, and D. D. Pollard
Facies Relationships and Statistical Measures for Reservoir Heterogeneities in the Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone, Central Utah,
Ann Mattson and Marjorie A. Chan
Identification of a Pressure Compartment Boundary with Seismic Reflection Data in the Alberta Basin, Alberta, Canada,
D. T. Maucione and R. C. Surdam
Gas-In-Place Determination for Coal Gas Reservoirs,
Matthew J. Mavor, Timothy J. Pratt, Charles R. Nelson, and Tom-Ann Casey
Three Dimensional Basin Modeling of Overpressuring, Megacompartments, Fracturing, and Episodic Fluid Release,
J. M. Maxwell and Peter J. Ortoleva
Sand-rich Submarine Fans, Mio-Pliocene of Santa Monica Basin Offshore California: Untapped Exploration Targets,
Jeffrey A. May and Kenneth J. McMillen
Development of a Carbonate Platform with Potential for Large Discoveries - An Example from Vietnam,
M. Mayall, A. Bent, B. Dale, J. Evans, C. Reddick, D. Roberts, G. Seljeskog, and M. Vincent
Sequence Stratigraphic
of Permian (Wolfcampian), Cyclic Ramp Strata (Chase Group) in the Midcontinent USA, and Comparison to Classic Pennsylvanian Cyclothems,
S. J. Mazzullo, C. S. Teal, and C. A. Burtnett
Headless Submarine Canyons and Fluid Flow: Cascadia Accretionary Prism, Offshore Oregon,
Brian G. McAdoo, Daniel Orange, Elizabeth Screaton, Robert Kayen, and Homa Lee
Diagenesis in Deeply Buried Arkosic Sandstones, Central San Joaquin Basin, California,
Patrick T. McCullough and Robert A. Horton Jr.
Carbonate Productivity and Population Dynamics: Redefining Carbonate Sediment Supply in Terms of Ecologic Life-Adaption Strategies,
Katie Joe McDonough
Late Neogene marine incursions and the ancestral Gulf of California,
Kristin McDougall
Verification of the Use of Completion-Location
for Initial Assessment of Reservoir Heterogeneity,
Ronald R. McDowell, Katherine Lee Avary, Michael E. Hohn, and David L. Matchen
Ames Hole Oklahoma: Impact-Formed Petroleum Reservoirs,
John F. McHone
Mass-Transport Deposits of the New Jersey Continental Margin and Their Correlation to Slope Morphology and Sequence Boundaries,
C. M. G. McHugh, J. E. Damuth, and G. S. Mountain
Deep to Shallow Kaolinite Relocation Generates Porosity,
Orla M. McLaughlin, Gavin E. Mc Aulay, R. Stuart Haszeldine, and Rogers Graeme
Neogene Sequence Stratigraphy, Nam Con Son Basin, Offshore Vietnam,
Kenneth J. McMillen, Lee E.-K. Do Van Luu, and Pedco Hong S. S.
Depositional Architecture and Stacking Patterns in Active Extensional Settings,
Lesley S. McMurray and Rob L. Gawthorpe
Tukau Field: Finding New Oil in Matured And Complex Field After 20 Years of Production,
Mohd Ridza MD Shariff, Peter Majid, and Samsudin Mohd Yusoff
Application of 87Sr/86Sr, ^dgr18O and ^dgr13C Isotopes To Diagenesis, Correlation And Connectivity of a Fractured Chalk Reservoir, The Sidi El Kilani Field, Tunisia,
Euan W. Mearns, Mark Bramwell, and John J. McBride
Strike-Slip Structural Styles and Petroleum System Evolution, Northeast Sakhalin Island,
Kristian E. Meisling and John B. Wagner
Neogene Rift Basins of the Gulf of California: Insights from Holocene Sediments and Molluscan Faunas of Bahia Concepcion, Baja California Sur,
K. H. Meldahl, O. Gonzalez-Yajimovich., G. Avila-Serrano., C. Empedocles, C. Gustafson, M. Motolinea-Hidalgo., and T. Reardon
Hydrocarbon Source Potential of Lacustrine Rift-Stage Successions of South American Sedimentary Basins,
M. R. Mello, T. Takaki, and J. M. Guthrie
for 2D Modelling, Duntroon Basin, South Australia,
Barry E. Messent and Bjorn Wyralia
Sources and Accumulation of Sedimentary Organic Matter in a Closed Lake System: Pyramid Lake, Nevada,
Philip A. Meyers, Gabrielle E. Tenzer, and Martin E. Lebo
Organic Matter Accumulation, Sulfate Reduction, and Methane Generation in a Turbidite Sequence on the Iberia Abyssal Plain,
Philip A. Meyers, James E. Silliman, and Timothy J. Shaw
Sequence Stratigraphy in Bohal Rift Basin Lacustrine Environments,
Lijun Mi, Cao Wenxian, and Percy Chen
Geophysical Evidence for Late-Middle Proterozoic Extension in the Precambrian Basement of the Permian Basin Region,
K. C. Miller and G. R. Keller
Joint Venture Terms that Hasten Production in the Black Sea Region,
Martin Miller and David Robson
Deformation Bands Formed by Interrelated Cementation and Brittle Fracture in Porous Sandstones, Hickory Formation, Central Texas: Synkinematic Diagenesis Revealed by Cathodoluminescence Imaging,
K. L. Milliken
Reservoir Compartmentalization Caused by Mass Transport Deposition, Northwest Stevens Pool, Elk Hills Naval Petroleum Reserves, California,
Mark D. Milliken, David W. Shiflett, Harvey A. Deutsch, and George S. McJannet
The Calvin Impact Crater and Its Associated Oil Production, Cass County, Michigan,
Randall L. Milstein
Geology of the Undeveloped Oil and Gas Fields of Central Offshore Santa Maria Basin, California,
Jeff D. Milton, Edwin B. Edwards, Ronald G. Heck, Burdette A. Ogle, and E. Allan Shareghi
New Exploration Strategy for the Vlaming Sub-basin of the Perth Basin, Australia,
Shige Miyazaki and Steve J. Cadman
Sequence Stratifigraphic
of Stratigraphic Oil Traps in the West Siberian Neocomian,
Oleg M. Mkrtchyan and John M. Armentrout
Applied Sequence Stratigraphy to a Lacustrine Rift Basin--The Paleogene of the Nanpu Depression, Bohai Basin, China,
Yong Mo and Fuping Zhu
Experimental Calibration of a Coupled Reaction-Flow Simulator,
U. Mok, F. J. Longstaffe, C. H. Moore, J. S. Dudley, W. D. Gunter, and B. Wiwchar
Automatic Picking and Attribute Mapping for a Quick Evaluation of the Potential of Turbiditic Sands and Stratigraphic Traps in Frontier Areas: An Example from the Deep Offshore of the Niger Delta,
P. Montagnier, P., T. Rossi, B. Clergeat, M. Dall'Asta, and F. Weisgerber
The Deep Madden Field, a Super-Deep Madison Gas Reservoir, Wind River Basin, Wyoming,
Clyde H. Moore and Connie Hawkins
The Evolving Exploration of the Subsalt Play in the Offshore Gulf of Mexico,
Dwight "Clint" Moore and Robert Brooks
of a Transpressional System, El Biod Arch, Ghadames Basin, Algeria,
Steven R. Moore, Robert W. Krantz, Kaci Akkache, and Mohamed Messaoudi
Assessment of Coal Bed Gas Prospects,
Thomas R. Moore
Acoustic Logging through Casing to Detect Hydrocarbons and Determine Porosity in the Wilmington Field, CA,
Daniel Moos, Andrew Hooks, and Scott Walker
3D Modeling and Visualization Applied to the Characterization of Brazilian Sandstone Reservoirs,
Marco A. S. Moraes, Yeda Backheuser, and Rosane T. Faria
Sequence Stratigraphic Framework And Exploration Potential of Lower Permian (Wolfcampian) Gravity-Flow Deposits, Eastern Midland Basin, Texas,
William A. Morgan, George F. Kokkoros, Bruce H. Wiley, and William W. Clopine
and Isogon-Controlled Sections improve 3-D Seismic,
James D. Morse, C. A. Bengtson, and Duane Dopkin
A Major Sea-Level Fall at End of Frasnian (Upper Devonian) and Rapid Filling of the Jasper Basin, Sassenach Formation, Alberta Rocky Mountains,
Eric Mountjoy and Sherry Becker
Using the Spatial Distribution of Calcite Cements to Infer Paleoflow in Fault Zones: Examples from the Albuquerque Basin, New Mexico,
Peter S. Mozley, Laurel B. Goodwin, Michiel Heynekamp, and William C. Haneberg
Inverting Multiple Suites of Thermal Indicator Data to Constrain the Heat Flow History: A Case Study from East Kalimantan, Indonesia,
Brett S. Mudford
Permo-Carboniferous Coal: A Major Target for Coalbed Methane Exploration in China,
D. Keith Murray
Pavayacu Field, Peru - A Case History for Production Improvement through Reservoir Characterization,
Roger Murray, Riaz Ahmad, Radmilo Gregovic, and William Sanchez
Marine Source Rocks of New Zealand,
Andrew P. Murray, C. Norgate, R. E. Summons, and Francis D. A.
Return to top
Dating of Igneous Intrusives and Burial/Thermal History by Illite Geochronology of Clay Diagenesis in Shales,
Paul H. Nadeau and Per Emil Eliassen
Fluctuations in Fluvial Style in the Wasatch Formation, Piceance Basin, Colorado: Climatic, Tectonic, or Sediment Driven?,
Gregory C. Nadon, John C. Lorenz, and Lorraine Lafreniere
The Low Vitrinite Reflectance Observed in the Miocene Formations in S.E. Asia- Suppressed or Cooler Thermal History?,
Kazuo Nakayama
Average Fracture Spacing in Subsurface Rock,
Wayne Narr
Modern Fan Deltas of the West Margin of the Gulf of California, Mexico,
Enrique H. Nava-Sanchez and Donn S. Gorsline
Anoxic Sediments In Slope Basins and Open Slope of the Western Side of the Gulf of California,
Enrique H. Nava-Sanchez and Donn S. Gorsline
A Wrench and Inversion Model for Structures in the Timor Sea Region, Northwest Australia,
Andrew W. Nelson
Interfingering Sand-Rich Aprons and Var Fan Lobe Deposits off Corsica: Analog for Thick and Laterally Extensive Turbidite Petroleum Reservoirs,
C. H. Nelson, B. Savoye, J. P. Rehault, and C. Escutia
Generation and Accumulation of Nitrogen-Rich Natural Gases in Deeply Buried Permian Reservoirs of Northern Germany,
Gregor H. Neunzert, Ralf Littke, and Bernd M. Krooss
The ASTM Risk-Based Corrective Action (RBCA) Program,
Charles J. Newell and John A. Connor
The Goodwyn Field - An Integrated Approach to Optimal Field Development,
Steve H. Newman and Neil C. Taylor
The Importance of Deformation Models for Calculating Reserves and Locating Wells in Overthrust Belts: Examples from the Mississippian Gas Fields of the NE British Columbia Foothills, Canada,
Andrew C. Newson
New Exploration Targets in Malaysia: Deep Sandstone Reservoirs in Malay Basin and Turbidites in Sabah Basin,
Khalid B. Ngah
Stylolite Formation in a Tertiary Limestone (Clifton Formation), Australia,
Stelios Nicolaides and Malcolm W. Wallace
Comparison of Tarim and Central Asian FSU Basins, II: Differences in Hydrocarbon Systems and Possible Explanations,
Shangyou Nie and Christoph Heubeck
Integrating Pressure into Fault Seal
, US Gulf of Mexico,
James C. Niemann and Mark R. Krolow
3-D Seismic Coherency Techniques Applied to the Identification and Delineation of Slump Features,
S. E. Nissen, N. L. Haskell, J. A. Lopez, T. J. Donlon, and M. S. Bahorich
Fluvial/Lacustrine Diagenesis: Significance for Hydrocarbon Production and Entrapment in the Carboniferous Albert Formation, Moncton Basin,
J. P. A. Noble, A. H. Chowdhury, and H. Yu
of the Upper Cauca Basin, Colombia,
James A. Noel and Sidney Sers
Physical and Chemical Controls on Microfabric of Recent Ooids from the Great Salt Lake, Utah,
Carl Norgauer and Vicki A. Pedone
Sedimentary Facies Recovered from Amazon Fan during ODP Leg 155: I. Implications for Depositional Processes and Sand-Body Distribution,
W. R. Normark, J. E. Damuth, and R. D. Flood
Sedimentary Facies Recovered from Amazon Fan during ODP Leg 155: II. Synthesis of Depositional Processes from Core and Wire-Line Log Data,
W. R. Normark, J. E. Damuth, C. Pirmez, and R. D. Flood
A Depositional Model for Late Jurassic Reef Building in the East Texas Basin,
Edward M. Norwood and Lise Brinton
Thermal Buffering by Basement Rocks in Numerical Simulations of Basin-Scale Heat Flow,
Jeffrey A. Nunn, Guichang Lin, and David Deming
Fluid Migration in the Eugene Island Block 330 Area, Offshore Louisiana,
Jeffrey A. Nunn, Sheila J. Roberts, Lawrence M. Cathles III, and Roger N. Anderson
Lithofacies Prediction and Reservoir Quality Evaluation Using Laboratory-Measured Physical Properties in the Pennsylvanian Mixed System of the Paradox Basin, SE Utah,
Christophe D. Nussbaumer, Eric Davaud, Gregor P. Eberli, G. Michael Grammer, and Marie-Claire Bernet-Rollande
Hydrocarbon Potential of the Lamu Basin of South-East Kenya,
K. Nyagah, J. J. Cloeter, A. Maende, D. G. Mburu, J. T. Schulenberg, F. Otts, S. W. Karanja, and C. Sewe
Application of Human Health Risk Assessment to Petroleum Hydrocarbon Impacted Soil: A Case Study,
Alan C. Nye, Glenn C. Millner, Philip T. Goad, Gerald W. Knudsen, and Greg Shepherd
Return to top
A Hybrid Hard- and Soft-Linked Fault Model for the Development of Australian Extensional Basin Systems: Reconciling Observations from Seismic, Aeromagnetic and Analogue Modelling Data,
Geoffrey W. O'Brien, Philip Symonds, Jane Blevin, and Richard Higgins
Hydrocarbon-Related Diagenesis: The Key to Understanding Trap Integrity and Hydrocarbon Charge History in Australia's Timor Sea?,
Geoffrey W. O'Brien, E. P. Woods, M. Lisk, and Melissa Fellows
Cusiana Trend Exploration, Llanos Foothills Thrustbelt, Colombia: The Opening of a New Hydrocarbon Province,
John O'Leary, Tony Hayward, Fergus Addison, and German Espinosa
Simonette Beaverhill Lake Oil Pool: Discovery History, Reservoir Characterization and Depletion Strategy,
Les R. Ollenberger and Tony L. Cortis
Impact and Future of Heavy Oil Production,
David K. Olsen
Using New Reservoir Characterization Technologies on a Giant Old Gas Field (Hugoton Field, Kansas),
Terrilyn M. Olson, Keith Thompson, Kvk Prasad, and Steve Boughton
Modeling of Diagenesis in Relation to Coupled Mass and Heat Transport,
Robert Ondrak
ROV Observations of Fluid Expulsion in Monterey Bay, California,
Daniel L. Orange, J. Barry, N. Maher, D. Stakes, J. Paduan, H. G. Greene, J. B. Martin, B. McAdoo, and J. Yun
Successful Reservoir Prediction through Integration of 3-D Seismic Coherency and Sequence Stratigraphy, East Mayaro Giant Gas Field, Offshore Eastern Trinidad,
K. A. Ortmann and L. J. Wood
Regional Sea-Level History of the Southern Cordilleran Passive Margin during Middle to Early Late Cambrian Time: Combined Sequence Stratigraphy and Subsidence
David A. Osleger, Javier Martin-Chivelet, and Isabel P. Montanez
Deep-Basin Groundwater Recharge in Southwest Indian Wells Valley, Kern County, CA,
James R. Ostdick
Compaction Controls on Porosity in Thamama Group. Carbonate Reservoirs in Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.,
Erik J. Oswald, D. F. Goff, H. W. Mueller, H. Al-Habshi, and S. Al Matroushi
Lake Bonneville Marl Chemistry and Lake Dynamics,
Charles G. Oviatt
Return to top
A Composite Model for Assessing Subsurface Transport of Oily Wastes: Verification and Site Application,
S. Panday, Y. S. Wu, P. S. Huyakorn, S. C. Wade, and Z. A. Saleem
F.A.R.M: (Foinaven Active Reservoir Monitoring): Planning and Progress Towards 4-D Seismic,
Ronnie S. Parr, Dave J. Howe, Mike T. Currie, Ron Masters, and Pal Kristiansen
Understanding Jurassic Salt Tectonics: An Integrated Approach Utilizing Visualization,
Doug R. Paul
of High-Impedance Sandstone Reservoirs,
Carolyn P. Peddy and Mrinal K. Sengupta
Using GIS Technology to Integrate Remote Sensing and Field Work Data with Templates,
G. Perez, J. M. Ellis, and H. H. Davis
Quantitative Modeling and Three-Dimensional Visualization of the Petroleum Hydrogeology of the Cooper and Eromanga Basins, Australia,
Mark Person, Paul Morin, Denah Toupin, and Peter Eadington
Unusual Strike-Slip Related Structures within the Obliquely Transpressive Australia-Pacific Plate Boundary Zone, NE South Island, New Zealand,
J. Pettinga, J. Campbell, N. Litchfield, H. Cowan, and A. Nicol
Using the Illite/Smectite Paleo-Thermo-Chronometer,
D. R. Pevear and P. J. Vrolijk
Sequence Stratigraphy, Tectonics and Hydrocarbon Trap Geometries of Middle Tertiary Strata in the Southern San Joaquin Basin, California,
Sandra Phillips, James S. Hewlett, and W. J. M. Bazeley
Integration of Geology and Reservoir Engineering to Produce Reservoir Simulation Model at Cabin Creek Field, Cedar Creek Anticline, Montana,
Ron Pieterson, Michael J. Dimarco, and Sandra S. Sodersten
A Plankton-Residue Model to Explain Trace-Element Enrichments in Oil-Source Rocks,
D. Z. Piper and C. M. Isaacs
Bed Thickness Patterns and Facies of Amazon Fan Turbidite Successions from Electrical Resistivity Images Calibrated to Cores,
Carlos Pirmez and Richard N. Hiscott
Growth Processes of a Channel-Levee System on Amazon Fan,
Carlos Pirmez and Patricia L. Manley
Effects of Water-residence Time on the Isotopic Evolution of an Eocene Closed- Basin Lake Complex,
Pitman J. K., R. D. Norris, L. S. Jones, and Corfield R. M.
A Sequence Stratigraphical Approach to Ice-Marginal Deltas formed during hundred years, Swedish West Coast,
Piret Plink and Lars Ronnert
Meteoritical Micropaleontology: An Example From the Late Eocene of Virginia,
C. Wylie Poag
Thermal Conductivity Contrast Due to Gas Saturated Pore Space -- Application in Basin Simulation,
H. S. Poelchau, C. Zwach, D. H. Welte, and TH. Hantschel
Application of Data Fusion Modeling (DFM) to Site Characterization,
D. W. Porter, B. P. Gibbs, W. F. Jones, J. R. Fairbanks, L. L. Hamm, and G. P. Flach
Controls on Forced Regression Stratal Architecture,
Henry W. Posamentier and William R. Morris
Incorporating Geologic and Data Uncertainties Into Hugoton Field Pore Volume Estimates,
Kvk Prasad, Terri M. Olson, and Steve D. Boughton
Isotopic Biogeochemical Records of Large Closed-Basin Lakes Compared to the Ocean,
Lisa M. Pratt
Reservoir Development in the Shuaiba Formation (Lower Cretaceous) at Al Barakah and Safah Fields, Oman - Similarities,
D. R. Prezbindowski and W. C. Benmore
The Fate of Organic Carbon in the Gulf of California,
Carol J. Pride, Robert C. Thunell, and Eric J. Tappa
Geologic Input to Work Processes at Duri Field, Indonesia,
H. Primadi, W. D. Jackson, G. J. McNaboe, L. Bamahry, H. Semimbar, A. Desman, B. Setiyadi, H. Dedi, M. Djamaludin, and I. Z. Batubara
Caprocks as Real Seals, or Selective Sieves for Hydrocarbons?,
A. Prinzhofer, F. Lorant, E. Pernaton, F. Schneider, A. Y. Huc, A. Barre, and C. J. Allegre
of Allochthonous Salt and Salt Welds in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Utilizing 3D Seismic Data,
John A. Pritchett and William M. House
Issues in Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Modeling, and Numerical Simulation,
John W. Pritchett
Sequence Stratigraphy and Stratigraphic Simulation of the Brent Group, Norwegian North Sea,
Robert E. Prueser, Phillip A. Levine, Gerald R. Baum, Christopher and G. St. C. Kendall
Reservoir Performance of Late Eocene Incised Valley Fills, Cusiana Field, Llanos Foothills, Eastern Colombia.,
Andy Pulham, Edward Warren, and Jeff App
Modeling High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy in the Cusiana Field, Eastern Colombia; Static Builds to Dynamic Simulation,
Andy Pulham, David MacDonald, and Colin Daly
Return to top
The Role of Diagenesis in the Formation of Compartments: A Fully Coupled 3D Reaction-Transport-Mechanical (RTM) Modeling Approach,
Changxing Qin, Faical Tounsi, Khaireddine Sakrani, Walid Sibo, Judy Lunardini, Miles J. Maxwell, and Peter J. Ortoleva
Predicting Naturally Fractured Reservoir Location and Characteristics in the Piceance Basin,
Changxing Qin, Faical Tounsi, Khaireddine Sakrani, Walid Sibo, Dorothy F. Payne, Miles J. Maxwell, Peter J. Ortoleva, and John Comer
Enigmatic Compressional Structures In An Extensional Province: Eku Field, OML 67, Offshore Nigeria,
Marisa Quinones, Robert Evans, Kola Alofe, and Ben Onyeise
A Rational View of Alluvial Sequence Stratigraphy,
Dave G. Quirk
Return to top
Porphyrin Distributions in Lacustrine and Marine Shales as Indicators of Paleodepositional Environments,
Janina K. Rafalska and Geoffrey Eglinton
Sequence Stratigraphic Controls on Reservoir Compartmentalization, Hydrocarbon Distribution and Optimization of Field Development Process: Vicksburg Trend, South Texas, U.S.A.,
Victor D. Rahmanian, Martin L. Thering, and Patrick B. Ely
Eustatic Control of Gravity Tectonics: Concept, Mechanism and Limits,
S. Raillard, P. Allix, G. Guerin, T. Mauduit, H. Lecanu, and J. P. Brun
Depositional and Diagenetic Control on Porosity and Permeability in Deeply-Buried Sandstone Reservoirs as Exemplified by North Sea Data,
Mogens Ramm
Oil Geochemistry of the Northern Llanos Basin, Colombia. A Model for Migration,
Juan C. Ramon and Leon Dzou
Stratigraphic Controls on the Source Rock Distribution, Llanos Orientales Basin, Colombia,
Juan C. Ramon, Andres Fajardo, Jorge Rubiano, and Andres Reyes
Geophysical Imaging of Subsalt Geology,
Davis W. Ratcliff and David J. Weber
New Data Exposes Complexities of Mahogany Salt Deformation,
Davis W. Ratcliff and Richard O. Lindsay
Variations in Sour Gas Concentrations in the NSB 'A' Field Offshore North Sumatra,
Christopher M. Reaves
Basinwide Fold Evolution and Geometric Development of Cratonic - Foreland Basin Interaction,
Pal Redly and Zoltan Hajnal
Characteristics of the C Shale and D Shale Reservoirs, Monterey Formation, Elk Hills Field, Kern County, California,
S. A. Reid, Jana L. McIntyre, and George S. McJannet
Application of Turbidite Facies of the Stevens Oil Zone for Reservoir Management, Elk Hills Field, California,
S. A. Reid, Terry W. Thompson, and George S. McJannet
Exploration for Stratigraphic Traps in a Foreland Basin Using a Sequence Stratigraphic Simulation: Examples from the Eocene/Oligocene of the Apure-Llanos Basin, Venezuela,
John Reistroffer, Phillip A. Levine, Christopher G. St. C. Kendall, and Anahy Finno
Sublacustrine Fan Systems of Bohai Rift Basin, China,
Robert R. Remy, Dag Nummedal, Ming Pang, Fuping Zhu, and Yong Mo
Pore Geometry Controls on Porosity and Permeability in the Tirrawarra Sandstone Reservoir, Cooper Basin, South Australia,
Mohammad R. Rezaee and Cedric M. Griffiths
New Concepts from Experimental Models of Strike-slip Tectonics,
Pascal D. Richard and Mike A. Naylor
Simulations of Advective Transport and Importance of High Permeability Facies in an Outwash Deposit,
Peter E. Riemersma, Jean M. Bahr, and Mary P. Anderson
Characterization of Coal-Bed Methane Reservoirs, Ignacio- Blanco Fruitland Field, LaPlata County, Colorado,
W. C. Riese and Walter W. Ring
Exploration beneath Tertiary Flood Basalts in the North Faeroe-Shetland and More Basins; Offshore UK,
J. Derek Ritchie, Robert W. Gatliff, and Peter Broad
Biomarker Characteristics of Crude Oils from the Qaidam Basin, NW China,
Bradley D. Ritts, Andrew D. Hanson, J. Michael Moldowan, and Andrew Ekuan
Old Fields and New Plays in the Rioni Foreland Basin, Republic of Georgia,
Andrew G. Robinson, Eric T. Griffith, and J. Sargeant
Soro West: A Non-Seismically Defined, Fault Cut-Off Prospect in the Papuan Fold and Thrust Belt, Papua New Guinea,
William F. Robinson and Charles M. Swift Jr.
Transgressive Shelf Sand Bodies of the East Texas Continental Shelf,
Antonio B. Rodriguez, John B. Anderson, and Fernando P. Siringan
Three Dimensional Visualization Of Geostatistical Models In The McElroy Field Of West Texas,
Leon M. Roe
Tectonic Events, Sequence Stratigraphy and Prediction of Petroleum Play Elements in the Cretaceous and Tertiary of the Northern Carnarvon Basin, North West Shelf, Australia,
K. K. Romine and J. D. Durrant
Development Strategy for a Mature Oil Field In Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela-An Integrated Study in Petroleum Engineering,
L. Rondon, C. Coll, P. Cordova, H. Gamero, L. Hernandez, Z. Jimenez, K. Leon, I. Bryant, B. Baygun, M. M. Herron, A. Matesson, R. Ramamoorthy, S. Tariq, and I. Stewart
Contrasting Styles of Diagenesis and Porosity Evolution Recorded by Depositional Sequences of Fault-bounded Isolated Carbonate Platforms (Albian of Northern Spain),
Idoia Rosales and Isabel P. Montanez
Making Better Estimates of Prospect Reserves,
Peter R. Rose
Punctuated Equilibria Plate Tectonics and Exploration Strategies: Examples from Australia and South America,
Malcolm I. Ross, Vitor Abreu, and Peter R. Vail
Four-Dimensional Evolution of a Salt-Related Fault Network: Eugene Island Block 330 Field, Offshore Louisiana,
Mark G. Rowan, Bruce S. Hart, Steve Nelson, and Peter B. Flemings
Interactions between Allochthonous Salt Deformation, Minibasin Geometry, and Stratigraphic Fill along the Louisiana Upper Slope,
Mark G. Rowan and Paul Weimer
Gases in Reservoirs: A Balance between Generation and Migration, Part I: Compositional Modelling,
Jean-Luc Rudkiewicz, Sylvie Wolf, Francoise Behar, Mireille Vandenbroucke, and Johannes Wendebourg
Monterey Source Rock Facies and Petroleum Formation - A Synthesis of Results of the Cooperative Monterey Organic Geochemistry Study,
Jurgen Rullkotter and Caroline M. Isaacs
Diagenetic Overprint of Original Depositional Architecture in a Shallow Water Carbonate Reservoir, Permian Basin, Texas,
Stephen C. Ruppel and F. J. Lucia
Return to top
New Gas Discoveries in the Ordovician Sandstone, Risha Area, Northeast Jordan,
Ahed A. Sabbah and Hazem M. Ramini
Oil Exploration in Central Arabian Arch Using Landsat Images,
Floyd F. Sabins
Controls Exerted by Tectonics and Sediment Supply on Development of a Third-Order Sequence in a Fore-Arc Basin: The Plio-pleistocene Kakegawa Group, Central Japan,
Sakai Tetsuya and Masuda Fujio
Evaluation of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Technology to Define Carbonate Pore Networks,
Shinichi Sakurai, R. G. Loucks, and John Gardner
Update on Petroleum Exploration Activities in the Philippines,
B.-H. C. Salcedo, Griselda J. G. Bausa, Ismael U. Ocampo, and Arlene Armonio-Magbanua
The Fluid and Tectonic Evolution of Convergent Margins as Preserved in the Chemistry of Authigenic Carbonates,
James C. Sample
Offshore Exploration in Australia: Is It a Good Business? A Five Year Look Back,
Paul N. Samson
Use of the Hydrogen and Carbon Stable Isotopes in the Characterization of Oils from the Potiguar Basin (Onshore), Northeastern Brazil,
E. V. Santos Neto, J. M. Hayes, and L. A. Trindade
Role of Faults and Layer Interfaces on the Spatial Variation Stress Regime in Basins: Inference from Numerical Modelling,
W. Sassi and J.-L. Faure
Late Quaternary Turbidity Current Activity on the Var Deep-Sea Fan (Northwestern Mediterranean),
B. Savoye, P. Cochonat, D. J. W. Piper, and H. Nelson
Overflow Turbidity Currents and Levee Growth on the Var Deep-Sea Fan (NW Mediterranean): Facts and Modelling,
B. Savoye, P. Cochonat, M. Naaim, and D. J. W. Piper
Remote Sensing Study of Historical Changes in Natural Oil Slick Volumes in the Santa Barbara Channel,
J. Scepan, J. Estes, and J. S. Hornafius
Integrated, Multidisciplinary Reservoir Characterization, Modeling and Engineering Leading to Enhanced Oil Recovery from the Midway-Sunset Field, California,
Steven Schamel, Craig Forster, Milind Deo, Robert Swain, Michael Simmons, Douglas Sprinkel, and Roy Adams
Holocene Systems Tracts on Carbonate Platforms,
Wolfgang Schlager and Paul Enos
Habitat of Natural Gases in Papua New Guinea,
M. Schoell, M. A. Beeunas, D. K. Baskin, F. Monnier, L. I. Eisenberg, and G. L. Valenti
Episodic Migration of Natural Gas: A Worldwide Phenomenon of Dynamic Filling of Oil and Gas Fields,
M. Schoell and M. A. Beeunas
Significance of Ether Lipids Derived from Methanogens in Sediments from Modern and Ancient Basins,
Schouten Stefan, Jaap S. Sinninghe Damste, Marcel J. L. Hoefs, and Jan W. De Leeuw
A Comparative Study of the Sedimentary Organic Matter of the Monterey Formation in Two Different Basins by Compound-Specific Isotope
Schouten Stefan, Jaap S. Sinninghe Damste, W. Irene C. Rijpstra, Jan W. De Leeuw, and Martin Schoell
Experiments on Faulting in Zones of Oblique Shortening,
Guido Schreurs
Composition and Morphology of Late Quaternary Carbonate Deposits, Outer Continental Shelf, Northeast Gulf of Mexico,
W. W. Schroeder, D. J. Benson, P. J. Pearce, K. M. Hancock, W. W. Sager, R. O. Howard, and A. W. Shultz
Cratering Reservoir Potential by Impact Cratering,
Peter H. Schultz
The Monterey Formation of the Santa Ynez Unit, Part I: Stratigraphy, Outcrop Gamma-Rays, and Cyclicity,
J. R. Schwalbach, D. F. Lockman, and K. M. Bohacs
Fluid Inclusion Evidence for the Migration of Anomalously Hot Fluids in the Silurian/Devonian Hunton Group below the Pre-Mississippian Unconformity Surface, Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma,
Albrecht J. Schwalm and Robert C. Burruss
Coal and Coal Gas Resources in the Piceance Basin, Colorado,
Andrew R. Scott, Roger Tyler, W. R. Kaiser, Ronald G. McMurry, and H. S. Nance
Exploration Strategies Based on a Coalbed Methane Producibility Model,
Andrew R. Scott, W. R. Kaiser, Douglas S. Hamilton, Roger Tyler, and Robert J. Finley
Applicability of Refined K-Ar Age
of Ultrafine Illitic Material from Mudrocks for Constraining Burial History,
S. Kelly Sears, Reinhard Hesse, Hojatollah Vali, W. Crawford Elliott, and James L. Aronson
Significant Structural Reinterpretation of the Giant October Field, Gulf of Suez, Egypt using SCAT, Isogon Based Sections and 3D Seismic,
William J. Sercombe, Granville W. Smith, and James D. Morse
Three Dimensional Visualization of Earthquake Epicenters and Focal Mechanism Solutions,
William J. Sercombe, John L. Futch, and Karen Hoffman
Scale-Independence, Uniformitarianism and the Genetic Relationship between Strike-Slip and Thrust Tectonics,
William J. Sercombe, Wayne P. Wilson, David A. Pivnik, and Richard A. Beck
Recognition of Estuarine Deposits within Incised Valleys - A Key for Exploration,
Keith W. Shanley, Peter J. McCabe, and J. Michael Boyles
Perception vs. Reality in Deep-Water Exploration,
G. Shanmugam
Core-Based Evidence for Sandy Slump and Sandy Debris Flow Facies in the Pliocene and Pleistocene of the Gulf of Mexico: Implications for Submarine Fan Models,
G. Shanmugam and Grant Zimbrick
Mechanisms of Formation Damage & Permeability Impairment Associated with Drilling, Completion & Production of Low API Gravity Oil Reservoirs,
R. David Shaw, Rod Doane, Brant Bennion, Mimi Reichenbach, and Alan Gordon
CO2 Pilot Design in the Naturally Fractured Spraberry Trend: Project update and Upper Spraberry Rock Model,
Thomas D. Sheffield, Paul McDonald, David S. Schechter, Richard Baker, and Lawrence Teufel
Capillary Exit Pressure as a Basin Sealing Mechanism,
Jennifer Shosa and Lawrence Cathles
Inter-Well Interpolation Scheme for Automatic Reconstruction of Basin Sediment History,
Sibo Walid, Dorothy F. Payne, and Peter J. Ortoleva
Differentiating Oil Reservoir Compartments by Mass Spectral
of Producing Fluids,
Alan H. Silliman and Paul A. Harrington
Studies of Fluid Flow Indicators, Pacific Margin of Costa Rica,
Eli Silver, Brian McAdoo, Marcus Langseth, and Daniel Orange
Thickness- and Facies-Incomplete Parasequences; Pennsylvanian Ice-House of the Paradox Basin, Utah,
Simo J. A. Toni and Gary L. Gianniny
Sequence Stratigraphy in Frontier Regions: An Example from the Rebi Block, Arafura Sea, Eastern Indonesia,
Parvita H. Siregar, Gerald R. Baum, and Christopher G. St. C. Kendall
Mesozoic Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, and Provenance of Western Mongolia as a Record of the Tectonic Amalgamation of Central Asia,
Derek J. Sjostrom
Base Level Rise, Aggradation and Facies Architecture of a Sandy Braided River: the Niobrara River, Nebraska,
Raymond L. Skelly and Frank G. Ethridge
Risking Fault Seal in the Gulf Coast: A Joint Industry Study,
Grant M. Skerlec
Developing a Marginal Field Using New Techniques - South Monagas Unit, Venezuela,
Thomas M. Skirvin, E. Sven Hagen, Rick A. McGee, Paul D. Hinrichs, and Pedro A. Medina
Geological Factors Controlling Gas Volumes in Miocene Carbonate Buildups - Offshore Sarawak,
Lawrence R. Smith
Regional Correlations and Gas Well Recovery -Vs- Depth Studies in the Anadarko Basin Area of Western Oklahoma,
Paul W. Smith, Walter J. Hendrickson, Craig M. Williams, and Thomas J. Woods
A Template for Enhanced 3-D Geological Modelling of Wave-Dominated Deltaic Reservoirs from the Tertiary Niger Delta,
Simon A. Smith
Impact of Lithofacies Architecture and Distribution on Fluid Flow: Examples from the Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone, East-Central Utah,
Stephen H. Snelgrove, Craig B. Forster, Ann Mattson, and Marjorie A. Chan
Teak - Testing a Subsalt Hydrocarbon Trap Geometry, South Timbalier Block 260, Gulf of Mexico,
F. C. Snyder and J. A. Nugent
Challenge for Mesozoic Hydrocarbon Exploration in the Eastern Indonesia,
Abdullah Sodik, M. G. Rukmiati, and Nelson Sitompul
3-D Visualisation and Interpretation of Seismic Attributes Extracted from Large 3-D Seismic Datasets: Subregional and Prospect Evaluation, Deepwater Nigeria,
Morten Sola, Lars Haakon Nordby, Dale V. Dailey, and Edward A. Duncan
Walther's Law Caveats in Clinoformal Settings: An Example from the San Andres Formation, Last Chance Canyon, Guadalupe Mountains, NM,
Mark D. Sonnenfeld and Alan J. Scott
Slope Discordance Cycles--Key to Erecting a Stratigraphic Hierarchy in Slope Systems: Middle Permian Brushy Canyon Formation, Guadalupe Mountains, TX,
Mark D. Sonnenfeld and Michael H. Gardner
Stochastic Modelling of Turbidite Reservoirs Constrained by Seismic Informations (Campos Basin, Offshore Brazil),
Olinto G. Souza Jr., Remi Eschard, Paulo R. S. Johann, Frederique Fournier, and Lin Y. Hu
Extensional Tectonics, Halokinesis, Eustacy in the Norwegian Central Graben, North Sea: A Testing Ground for Sequence and Seismic Stratigraphic Principles,
P. A. Spencer and S. D. Prosser
Evidence for an Oil-bearing Sedimentary Basin of Probable Miocene Age beneath "Silicon Valley," California,
Richard G. Stanley, Robert C. Jachens, Keith A. Kvenvolden, Frances D. Hostettler, Leslie B. Magoon, and Paul G. Lillis
A Simple and Quick Way to Estimate the Numbers of Undiscovered Hydrocarbon Accumulations in Sparsely Drilled Areas,
Richard G. Stanley
Upper Carboniferous cyclic shelf sedimentation, North Greenland and the Barents Sea,
Lars Stemmerik
Palaeogeography and Petroleum Potential of the Beagle Sub-Basin, Carnarvon Basin, Australia,
A. E. Stephenson and J. E. Blevin
Sequence Stratigraphy of a Pliocene Delta Complex Deposited in an Active Margin Setting, Etchegoin and San Joaquin Gas Sands, San Joaquin Basin, California,
Daniel C.Steward
Commercial Assessment of Petroleum Systems,
Peter J. Stickland
Diagenetic Signatures in Incised Valley Fills: Differentiation of Sequence Boundaries from Diastems and Implications for Potential Reservoir Quality,
Sharon A. Stonecipher
Miocene Fluvial-Tidal Sedimentation in a Residual Forearc Basin of the Northeast Pacific Rim: Cook Inlet, Alaska Case Study,
Gary D. Stricker and Romeo M. Flores
Evolution of Miocene Pre-Mahakam Delta, East Kalimantan, Indonesia,
Charles J. Stuart, Richard A. Leveque, R. Abdoerrias, Hal L. Heitman, Achmad Nurhono, Hans F. Schwing, Benny Sidik, and Suta Vijaya
"2-Step" Log
of the Spellacy Reservoir in the Giant Midway-Sunset Field, Kern County, California,
David H. Sturm
Application of a Multiphase Compositional Model for Design of DNAPL Remediation Strategies,
E. A. Sudicky, P. A. Forsyth, and A. J. A. UNGER
Sequence Stratigraphic and Tectonic Controls on Shannon Incised-Valley Distribution, Hartzog Draw, Wyoming,
M. D. Sullivan, J. C. Van Wagoner, D. C. Jennette, R. W. LOVELL, M. E. Foster, and R. M. Stuart
Early Tertiary Sequences in the Southwestern Sacramento Basin,
Raymond Sullivan and William E. Steinkraus
C-Isotopic Fractionation During Methylotrophic Methanogenesis,
Roger E. Summons, Peter D. Nichols, and Peter D. Franzmann
Application of Sequence Stratigraphy to Carbonate Reservoir Prediction, Early Palaeozoic Eastern Warburton Basin, South Australia,
Xiaowen Sun and William J. Stuart
Talang Akar-Cibulakan(!) Petroleum Systems, Arjuna Basin, Offshore Northwest Java, Indonesia,
Chanda Suria, S. W. Sinclair, A. R. Livsey, and M. J. Gresko
The Nature and Diversity of Pressure Transition Zones,
Richard E. Swarbrick and Mark J. Osborne
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Geology Of The Ferron Sandstone Coalbed Gas "Fairway," Central Utah,
David E. Tabet, Briditte P. Hucka, and Steven N. Sommer
Processing and Interpretation of Seismic Reflection data from Ogaden Basin, Ethiopia,
K. Tadesse, C. J. Ebinger, and R. A. Clark
Red Sea Hydrocarbon System Focus On The Source Rock and Hydrocarbon Generation,
Tammam Mohamed Tammam
Diagenesis and Secondary Porosity Enhancement from Dissolution of Analcime Cement in Reservoir Sandstones: the Upper Permian Pingdiquan Formation, Junggar Basin, Northwest China,
Zhaohui Tang, John Parnell, and Fred J. Longstaffe
Nuussuaq Basin of West Greenland: Subsidence and Structural Inversion in an Albian - Early Tertiary Pull-Apart Basin,
Anthony Tankard, Tai Ng, and Ted Renner
Cimmeride (Middle and Late Triassic) Structures Beneath the Moesian Platform of Romania and Bulgaria,
Gabor Tari, Georgi Georgiev, Mihai Stefanescu, and Gary Weir
Utilizing Magnetic Resonance Imaging Logs, Openhole Logs, and Sidewall Core Analyses to Evaluate Shaly Sands for Water-Free Production,
Dennis A. Taylor, John K. Morganti, Howard J. White, Bruce R. Noblett, and Craig E. Phillips
Lithologic and Diagenetic Controls on Intergranular Porosity of the Ivishak Sandstone, Northstar Unit, Beaufort Sea, Alaska,
Thomas R. Taylor
Origin of Sediment in a Holocene Carbonate Mud Mound, Cangrejo Shoals, Northern Belize,
C. S. Teal
Small Displacement Normal Faults as Barriers to Fluid Flow in the Complexly Faulted Anticline of the Wilmington Field,
P. A. Teas and J. Thornburg
Comparison and Evaluation of Surface Geochemical Methods with Respect to Several Actual Case Histories,
Steven A. Tedesco
Authigenic Muscovite and Stylolitization Timing, Jurassic Norphlet Formation, Offshore Alabama,
Andrew R. Thomas, William M. Dahl, C. M. Hall, and D. York
Lowstand/Transgressive Upper Cretaceous (Coniacian) Gravelly Deltaic Complexes of the Cardium Formation, West Central Alberta, Canada,
David V. Thomas
Geometry and Fluid Flow Mechanisms of the Bituminous Sandstone Intrusion at Yellow Bank Creek, Northern Santa Cruz County, California,
Brian J. Thompson
Use of Artificial Neural Nets to Predict Permeability in Hugoton Field,
Keith A. Thompson, Mark H. Franklin, and Terrilyn M. Olson
Recent Developments on the North West Shelf - an Operator's perspective,
Neil B. Thompson
Wytch Farm Oil Field, England: Quantifying the Benefit of 3D Seismic for a Mature Field,
Stephen D. Thompson and Rodney P. Bligh
Chemical Reaction and Solute Transport Rates as Constraints on Diagenetic Models,
Geoffrey Thyne, Knut Bjorlykke, and Wendy Harrison
Estuarine Tidal-Accretion Bar Subfacies Recognition and Geometries,
Roderick W. Tillman
3-D Reservoir Characterization: Worldwide Examples and Economics,
Scott W. Tinker, Donald H. Caldwell, and Michael J. Uland
The Role of Sequence Stratigraphy in 3-D Characterization of Carbonate Reservoirs,
Scott W. Tinker, Michael D. Brondos, and Lise Brinton
Using Core Properties and Seismic Reflectivity to Estimate Pore Pressure in an Active Decollement Fault,
Harold J. Tobin and J. Casey Moore
Petroleum Charge Systems in the Tertiary of SE Asia - A Review,
Simon P. Todd, M. Edward Dunn, and Anthony Barwise
Andrew Integrated Reservoir Description,
Simon P. Todd
Petroleum Geology and Hydrocarbon Exploration in the Continent of China,
Xiaoguang Tong
Proactive Investigation of Hydrocarbons Released Into a Linked Groundwater-Surfacewater Hydrologic System: Chevron Estero Marine Terminal,
Daniel Tormey, James Waldron, and Don Culbertson
Predicting Salt Tectonic Morphologies and Associated Reservoir Characteristics Using a Basin Evolution/Sedimentation/Geochemical Simulator,
Faical Tounsi, Julie Boyd, Changxing Qin, and Peter J. Ortoleva
The Effect of an Outcrop Joint Pattern on Sandstone Reservoir Models,
Chris Townsend
Lower Cisco Formation (Pennsylvanian- Virgilian) Paleokarst, Wolf Flat Field, Palo Duro Basin, Texas,
R. C. Trentham, R. F. Lindsay, R. C. Price, and D. D. Pack
Geochemical and Biostratigraphic Characterization of an Upper Cretaceous Organic-Rich Condensed Section in the Santos Basin, Brazil,
L. A. F. Trindade, E. Porsche, H. L. B. Penteado, J. Botelho Neto, C. V. Araujo, M. C. Viviers, and L. C. V. Oliveira
Modeling Giant Structural Traps in the Perdido Fold Belt, Gulf of Mexico,
Bruce D. Trudgill, Mark G. Rowan, Joseph C. Fiduk, Paul Weimer, Peter E. Gale, Bryant E. Korn, Ronald L. Phair, William T. Gafford, Geneva R. Roberts, James B. Dischinger, and Kevin Putney
Gravity Investigation of Deep Crustal Structures by Linsser-Filtering,
Robert Trzebski and Jan Svancara
Reservoir Delineation Using High Resolution Seismic Data in the South China Sea,
David L. J. Tsay
Geomorphology: A Key to Filling Gaps and Increasing Realism in Reservoir Descriptions,
R. S. Tye
Geologic and Hydrologic Controls on Coalbed Methane Producibility, Williams Fork Formation, Piceance Basin, Colorado,
Roger Tyler, A. R. Scott, W. R. Kaiser, H. S. Nance, and R. G. McMurry
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Are the Oligocene-Middle Miocene Global Stages Depositional Sequences? A Correlation Study from the Pannonian Basin, Hungary,
Gabor A. Vakarcs, Vitor Abreau, and Peter R. Vail
The Importance of the Major Variables in Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation - Examples from the Upper Miocene - Early Pliocene of the Pannonian Basin, Hungary,
Gabor A. Vakarcs
Improved Reservoir Description of the Heidrun Field, Norway, using a Combination of Sedimentological, Geochemical and Pressure Data,
Ger W. Van Graas, Wenche Odden, and Knud Egil Svela
New Models for Fluvial Architecture and Nonmarine Sequence Stratigraphy,
John C. Van Wagoner
Magnetic Stratigraphy of the Late Middle Eocene Coldwater Formation, Central Ventura County California: Implications for Sequence Stratigraphy,
Edward Vance and Donald R. Prothero
Clay Reaction Kinetics; Bentonites, Shales and K-Ar ages,
B. Velde
From the Pore Scale to Reservoir Scale: Lithohydraulic Flow Unit Characterization of a Shallow Shelf Carbonate Reservoir, North Robertson Unit, West Texas,
Richard K. Vessell and David K. Davies
A Plate Tectonic-Paleoceanographic Hypothesis for Cretaceous Source Rocks and Cherts of Northern South America,
Tomas Villamil and Claudia Arango
Mapping Benthic Biofacies at Biostratigraphic Tops, an Alternative Method to Evaluate Sediment Delivery: Examples from Northern Gulf of Mexico,
Tomas Villamil, Claudia Arango, Paul Weimer, Mark Rowan, and Art Waterman
Record of Source-Generated Overpressures, Venezuela,
Peter J. Vrolijk, Robert J. Pottorf, and William B. Maze
Neocomian Sequence Stratigraphy, Yarsomov Trough, West Siberian Basin, Russia,
Vladimir N. Vyssotski, Steve F. Barret, and Gerald R. Baum
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Deepwater Extension of Bacterial Methane Production, Northern Gulf of Mexico,
Bruce E. Wagner and Zvi Sofer
Madre De Dios Basin, Bolivia; An Example of the Complex Interplay Between Tectonics, Eustacy, Climate, Sediment Supply and Basin Configuration in a Foreland Basin,
John B. Wagner, Richard J. Moiola, Larry B. Fearn, and Kirby Rodgers
Exploration of the Mesozoic in the Eastern Part of Indonesia: Its Reward and Risk,
Abdul Wahab, Luki Samuel, Nandang Heriyanto, and Pudji Astono
Large-scale Application of Seismic Steamflood Monitoring in Duri Field, Central Sumatra - Progress Report,
M. Waite, B. Setyiadi, H. Primadi, and S. Gross
The San Gabriel Faults, Newhall Area, Los Angles County, California,
Henry Walrond
Attenuation in Railroad Valley, Nye County, Eastern Nevada, and its Significance for Petroleum Exploration in the Eastern Great Basin,
Charles T. Walker and Robert D. Francis
Visualizing Petroleum Systems with a Combination of GIS and Multimedia Technologies: An Example from the West Siberia Basin,
David B. Walsh and John D. Grace
Integrated Reservoir Characterization of a Tulare Steamflood Finds Bypassed Oil - South Belridge Field, Kern County, California,
D. R. Walter, A. S. Wylie Jr., and K. A. Broussard
Aspects of Rock Physics in 4-D Seismology,
Zhijing Wang, Steve Jenkins, Michel Bee, Michael Waite, Michael Cates, and Robert Langan
A Link between Sediment Fabric, Mineralizing Processes, and Hydrologic Properties: Evidence from Vanadium Ores in the Morrison Formation, Utah,
Richard B. Wanty, Neil S. Fishman, and Eileen Poeter
Diagenetic Exaggeration of Primary Texural Variations in Incised Valley Fills, Cusiana Field, Colombia,
Edward Warren and Andy Pulham
Depositional Sequences and Correlations within the Fort Union Formation, Williston Basin, North Dakota and Montana,
Peter D. Warwick, Romeo M. Flores, Douglas J. Nichols, and Edward C. Murphy
Seismic Estimation of Porosity in the Permian San Andres Carbonate Reservoir, Welch Field, Dawson, County, Texas,
George P. Watts and Gregory D. Hinterlong
Application of Quantitative HTGC and HTGC-MS to Paraffin-Based Production Problems,
D. A. Wavrek and N. F. Dahdah
The Stratigraphic Hierarchy: Framework for Integrated Basin
at the Exploration and Production Scales- Paradox Basin Case Study,
James L. Weber, J. F. Sarg, and J. M. Armentrout
Reservoir Quality
of a Mature Play: The Brent Group, North Sea,
F. L. Wehr, S. T. Paxton, C. M. Tenney, T. R. Nardin, B. A. Proett, and G. T. Cayley
The Use of Sequence Stratigraphy in Evaluating the Prospectivity of Neogene Turbidite Systems, Northern Green Canyon and Ewing Bank, Northern Gulf of Mexico,
Paul Weimer, Peter Varnai, Jennifer Crews, Fadjar Budhijanto, Zurilma Acosta, Rafael Martinez, Alonso Navarro, Mark Rowan, Andrew Pulham, Tomas Villamil, and Claudia Arango
Improving the Quality of Our Information Resource,
Barrie Wells and Paul Duller
Predicting Deep Reservoir Quality, Offshore Norway,
Joann E. Welton
Managing Exploration Risk Using Basin Modeling,
Johannes Wendebourg
Gases in Reservoirs: A Balance between Generation and Migration, Part II: Application to GOR Predictions in the North Sea,
Johannes Wendebourg and Stephan Duppenbecker
Tectonic and Sedimentological Significance of Miocene Brackish Water and Lacustrine Deposition in the Suez Rift,
W. A. Wescott, W. N. Krebs, P. A. Bentham, D. T. Pocknall, G. Azazi, and S. A. Karamat
A Reappraisal of the Petroleum Prospectivity of the Torquay Sub-basin, Offshore Southern Victoria, Australia,
Barry G. West and Geoff Collins
Rhaetian (Uppermost Triassic) Radiolarians from the Sandstone Member, San Hipolito Formation, Baja California Sur,
Patricia A. Whalen and Elizabeth S. Carter
Oligocene and Miocene Siliceous Units of Sakhalin Island, Russia: Diatom Biostratigraphy and Correlation With the Monterey Formation of California,
Lisa D. White, Joyce R. Blueford, and Yuri B. Gladenkov
Organic Matter Preservation: A Proxy for Turonian Climatic Shifts Recorded during Relative Sea-Level Stillstands,
Timothy S. White, Michael A. Arthur, and Walter Dean
Basin Developement and Structure of the Area Covered by Tertiary Basalts, Offshore Central West Greenland - Implications For Subvolcanic Plays,
Richard C. Whittaker, Kevin J. Bate, James A. Chalmers, Christian Marcussen, Flemming G. Christiansen, and T. C. R. Pulvertaft
Petroleum Geology of the Timor Gap Zone of Co-Operation (Area A),
David B. Whittam
Structural Patterns in a Rifted Thrust Belt: Jianghan Basin, China,
R. W. Wiener, J. A. Helwig, Jiang Rongpei, and Myra Keep
Integrated Geophysical and Geomicrobial Surveys, Chapare Region, Sub-Andean Bolivia,
David Widdoes, Nicholas De Verteuil, James Tucker, and Daniel Hitzman
Resolution of Water Influx Patterns Through Application of Multidisciplinary 3D Reservoir Modeling,
Paula L. Wigley, David Masson, Jerry Hadwin, and Richard W. A. Keech
Shoaling Cyclicity in Peritidal Carbonate Sequences,
Bruce H. Wilkinson, Carl N. Drummond, and Nathaniel Diedrich
Sealing Potential of Normal Faults: Comparison between Simple Models and Outcrop Analogs,
E. J. M. Willemse, D. D. Pollard, and A. Aydin
Seismic Techniques for imaging Complex Geology,
W. P. Wilson and A. P. Longo
Identifying Structural Styles in Colombia,
Wayne P. Wilson, Robert E. Van Nieuwenhuise, Mark R. Steuer, and German Ojeada
Site Characterization, Visualization, and Uncertainty Assessment Using Zonal Kriging and Conditional Simulation,
William L. Wingle
Global Play Evaluation Tool (GPETO) Assists Mobil Explorationists with Play Evaluation and Ranking,
K. D. Withers, P. J. Brown, R. C. Clary, T. M. Levy, G. R. Pekarek, and D. A. Walker
Cadre Field: A Recent Discovery in the Mature Vicksburg Trend of South Texas,
D. N. Witter, R. L. Mathis, and T. N. Diggs
Lessons from Mars on Exploring for Giants,
Keith R. Woidneck, R. Keith, Jackie C. Mutschler, and Rob K. Kasten
Sequence Stratigraphic Evolution of Upper Frasnian Platform to Basin Transitions; Front Ranges, Alberta, Canada,
P. K. Wong, J. A. W. Weissenberger, K. Potma, and G. Gilhooly
Tectonic Influence on Depositional Sequence Development, Columbus Basin, Eastern Offshore Trinidad and Tobago,
L. J. Wood
Tengiz Oil Field, Kazakstan: A Carbonate Platform and Supergiant Field,
William R. Wood and Raymond A. Garber
Anoxia along the Western Margin of North America During the Early Triassic,
Adam D. Woods and David J. Bottjer
Well-Log Seismic Sequence Biostratigraphic
In The Subsalt Trend,
Walter W. Wornardt
The Importance of Applying "Intuition Factors" to Reservoir Volume Calculations: A Case Study in Wilburton Field, Arkoma Basin, Southeastern Oklahoma,
Laura L. Wray
Present Status and Future of Geothermal Energy Development,
Phillip Michael Wright
Clastic Reservoir Description from Pre and Post-Stack Seismic Data,
Keith Wrolstad and Frederic Lefeuvre
Exploration and Production in Papua New Guinea,
Keiran Wulff and David Hobson
Surface Geology of the Northern Midway-Sunset Field and Adjacent Temblor Range, Kern County, California,
A. S. Wylie Jr., D. H. Sturm, R. L. Gardiner, M. F. Mercer, T. H. Nilsen, and G. J. Gregory
Multi-Well Subsurface Study of the Stratigraphic Sequence of the Potter Formation in the Midway-Sunset Field, Kern County, California,
A. S. Wylie Jr., L. S. Foulk, and T. H. Nilsen
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Neogene Structural Characteristics of Louisiana Shelf with Emphasis on Growth-fault Interplay with Salt Tectonics,
Xue Fangjian and Jiebo Xi
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Cleanup Guidebook, a Comprehensive Guide to Feasible Cleanup Strategy,
Hank H. Yacoub and James E. Ross
Coalbed Methane Potential of the Pechora Coalfield, Timan-Pechora Basin, Russia,
V. P. Yakutseni, Y. E. Petrova, B. E. Law, and G. F. Ulmishek
The Tectonic Implication of Stratigraphy Architecture in the Foreland Basin, Western Taiwan,
Kenn-Ming Yang, Jong-Chang Wu, Wen-Rong Chi, and Hsin-Hsiu Ting
Application of Sequence Stratigraphy to Exploration and Development in Eastern Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China Sea,
Shaokun Yang, Huang Lifen, and Xu Shice
Quantitative Assessment of Causal Mechanisms for Cyclicity of the Cisco Group, Eastern Shelf, Midland Basin,
Wan Yang and Michelle A. Kominz
Using the Internet and On-Line Services: A Demonstration of Applications,
Jeffery M. Yarus, Jay E. Leonard, and R. J. Coskey
Forward Stratigraphic Modeling of the Permian of the Delaware Basin,
Qiucheng Ye, Charles Kerans, W. M. Fitchen, M. H. Gardner, M. D. Sonnenfeld, and S. Bowman
Records of Late Permian Surface Temperatures in Continental Gondwana in Isotope Geochemistry of Upper Permian Early Diagenetic Calcite Concretions,
Keddy Yemane and Kerry Kelts
Modeling Paleobathymetric and Relative Sea Level Curves from
, Palynomorphs Paleoecology and Lithofacies
Oscar Yepes, Carlos Jaramillo, and Francisca Oboh
Velocity-Depth Model Estimation for a Subsalt Target from the Southern Gas Basin of the North Sea,
Oz Yilmaz, Jeff Rutledge, Ottar Sandvin, and Bob Godfrey
Paleotectonic and Paleogeographic Evolution of Greater China,
P. O. Yilmaz and I. O. Norton
The Effects of Diagenesis on the Petrophysical Properties of Tight Gas Sands,
Peigui Yin and Ronald C. Surdam
Tectonic Control of Nested Sequence Architecture in the Castlegate Sandstone (Upper Cretaceous), Utah,
S. Yoshida, A. Willis, and A. D. Miall
3-D Imaging Beneath Water-Bottom Channels in the Gippsland Basin: A Case Study,
K. T. Jerry Young, William A. Schneider Jr., Becky G. Houston, Roy E. Clark Jr., and John R. Moore
Effects of Geological Parameters on Temperature Histories of Basins,
Arif M. Yukler and Tufan L. Erdogan
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Facies Distribution within Upper Albian Carbonate Ramp Sequences defined by a time-significant correlative horizon, West Texas,
Laura C. Zahm
Missa Keswal Oil Field Potwar, Pakistan, a Failure Turned into Success,
Agha Sher Hamid Zaman and Shahid Aziz Zahidi
TPH Detection in Groundwater: Identification And Elimination of Positive Interferences,
Dawn A. Zemo and Karen A. Synowiec
Tectonics and Prospects of Oil and Gas in Tarim Basin,
Kang Zhang and Darui Wang
Coal--Type Gas Provinces in China and Their Geochemical Characteristics,
Zhang Xiaobao, Xu Yonghang, and Shen Ping
Formation and Distribution of Coal Measure-Derived Hydrocarbon Accumulation in NW China,
Wenxhi Zhao, Yan Zhang, Dafeng Xu, and Changyi Zhao
Characteristics and Genesis of Immature Oil in Jiyang Depression,
Hong Zhihua
Systems Tract
of a Lacustrine Rift Basin--The Shahejie Formation of the Liaodong Bay, Bohai Basin, China,
Fuping Zhu, Dag Nummedal, Robert R. Remy, Ming Pang, and Yong Mo
Petroleum Systems of Zhu III Depression in Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China Sea,
Weilin Zhu, Li Mingbi, and Wu Peikang
A Subsalt Prospect in Offshore Louisiana - Evolution of a Prospect from Lease Sale to Present,
Alan D. Zick, Daniel J. Addis, and Andy W. Pieprzak
Critically-Stressed Faults, in Situ Stress and Fluid Flow - Contrasting the Gulf of Mexico with Other Regions of Active Faulting,
Mark D. Zoback
Silurian Shale Origin for Light Oil, Condensate, and Gas in Algeria and the Middle East,
John E. Zumberge, Steve Macko, Mike Engel, Folke Johansson, Craig Schiefelbein, and Stephen Brown
Integrated Geochemical Workstation on the PC: Data Base, GIS Mapping, and Multivariate Statistical Predictions,
John E. Zumberge, John Alexander, Brian Rohrback, Craig Schiefelbein, and Stephen Brown
40Ar/39Ar Dating of Illite-to-Mica Minerals in Diagenetic-to-Hydrothermal Conditions: Potentials and Limits,
Horst Zwingmann and Norbert Clauer