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Using the Internet and On-Line Services: A Demonstration of Applications

Jeffery M. Yarus, Jay E. Leonard, and R. J. Coskey

This year the AAPG Annual meeting has offered a new format for presentations, the electronic poster session. This format provides a new dimension in disseminating information to the petroleum geologic community. In particular, this session provides petroleum geologists with an introduction to the Internet and other on-line data sources and practical applications which can be used to enhance typical day-to-day operations. These include:

-- Previous HitSelectingNext Hit appropriate equipment and getting started

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-- Previous HitSelectingNext Hit a search engine for navigating the World Wide Web

-- E-mail communicating with colleagues and friends

-- Finding, uploading and downloading on-line data

-- Improving on-line performance

-- Previous HitSelectingTop and joining news groups

-- Setting up a Web site, developing a Home Page

-- Methods for ensuring confidentiality and privacy.

The rapid expansion of Internet available HTTP WWW, Gopher and FTP data servers has dramatically increased the quantity of on-line data available to the explorationist. In fact, users and services are doubling every 30 days. While the Internet can provide a significant improvement in communications and data access, getting started may appear to some to be more difficult than it really is. This poster session will provide information on the services mentioned above as well as any new Internet services available at presentation time.

AAPG Search and Discover Article #91019©1996 AAPG Convention and Exhibition 19-22 May 1996, San Diego, California