and Interpretation of Seismic Reflection
from Ogaden Basin, Ethiopia
K. Tadesse, C. J. Ebinger, and R. A. Clark
The Ogaden basin is believed to be an extensional basin created during the
early rifting of Gondwana and the development of the western Indian Ocean.
Preliminary studies conducted by various oil companies and national
geoscientists suggest that the area is prospective for hydrocarbon accumulation.
Prior to these studies, however, very little was known of the surface geology in
this area and virtually nothing was known of the subsurface. The objectives of
the study were to implement state -of- the -art seismic and gravity
and interpretation techniques in order to identify structural and/or
stratigraphic trap sequences and indicate their significance in the hydrocarbon
exploration of the basin. In this study, high resolution multi-channel
reflection seismic ata, acquired in 1993 from the Ogaden Basin, are used. The
were acquired for Hunt Oil Company using Vibroseis as an energy source.
Various data
enhancement techniques were applied to these
in order to
produce an interpretable final seismic section for the identification of
possible hydrocarbon habitats. These included discrimination and filtering of
coherent noise from the signal, enhancing, focussing of the identified
reflectors and static corrections. Statics solutions from shallow wells and
automatic refraction statics were compared, with the best results obtained when
automatic refraction solutions were applied. Our study has revealed various
reflection horizons that can be potential stratigraphic traps at pinch outs and
may be porous strata which are terminated by lateral transitions or
interconnected lines of either clastic sediments or carbonates. We discuss these
results in the light of
model ing designed to estimate maximum sediment
thickness along the line.
AAPG Search and Discover Article #91019©1996 AAPG Convention and Exhibition 19-22 May 1996, San Diego, California