--> ABSTRACT: Integrating Pressure into Fault Seal Analysis, US Gulf of Mexico, by James C. Niemann and Mark R. Krolow; #91019 (1996)
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Integrating Pressure into Previous HitFaultNext Hit Seal Analysis, US Gulf of Mexico

James C. Niemann and Mark R. Krolow

Pressure differences between Previous HitfaultNext Hit blocks can be an important indicator of Previous HitfaultNext Hit seal or leak. However, bottom hole pressure data for formations of interest, commonly is limited or unavailable. A method is. proposed for using shale porosity log-derived and calculated pressure gradient values to correlate and map pressure differences along Previous HitfaultNext Hit zones. These pressure differentials are integrated with more conventional "Allan Map" projection and Smear/Gouge calculation techniques to evaluate Previous HitfaultNext Hit seal in a number of moderate to highly overpressured Gulf of Mexico oil and gas fields. The results suggest this method can reveal a very detailed picture of fluid and pressure history to aid in the prediction of sealing and leaking relationships along Previous HitfaultTop zones.

AAPG Search and Discover Article #91019©1996 AAPG Convention and Exhibition 19-22 May 1996, San Diego, California