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Lacustrine Previous HitSequenceNext Hit Stratigraphy and Computer Modeling of the Erlian Fault Basin, North China

Changsong Lin, Li Sitian, Ren Jianye, and Zhang Yanmei

Erlian fault basin, a major oil prospecting and producing area in North China, comprises about 40 grabens and half- grabens. The basin was formed by extension from Jurassic to Early Cretaceous and filled with more than 3000m thick of clastic lacustrine deposits. Based on the integrated analysis of seismic profiles, logging and cores, 5 Previous HitsequenceNext Hit sets and 12 Previous HitsequencesNext Hit, bounded by discontinuous, have been identified. Three types of lacustrine Previous HitsequencesNext Hit have been identified: (1) deep lacustrine basin Previous HitsequencesNext Hit, mainly consisting of sublacustrine fan and fan delta systems; (2) shallow lacustrine basin Previous HitsequencesNext Hit, predominately composed of fan delta and braided delta systems and (3) shallow lacustrine and fluvial basin Previous HitsequencesNext Hit. The Previous HitsequenceNext Hit architecture and the basin filling e olution were controlled by the basin structural framework and lacustrine level changes. The computer modeling study by using the backstripping and forward modeling technique has shown that the major unconformities confining the Previous HitsequencesNext Hit may be generated by the variation in tectonic subsidence rate caused by episodic lithospheric stretching. The model have also be used to predict the Previous HitsequenceTop architecture and the facies distribution in the basin.

AAPG Search and Discover Article #91019©1996 AAPG Convention and Exhibition 19-22 May 1996, San Diego, California