--> ABSTRACT: Strategic Recovery Processes for Rindu Development, by M. Kumar, A. A. Reed, M. E. Smith, D. S. Mims, E. J. Hanzlik, and S. J. Gross; #91019 (1996)
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Strategic Recovery Processes for Rindu Development

Previous HitMNext Hit. Kumar, A. A. Reed, Previous HitMNext Hit. E. Smith, Previous HitDTop. S. Mims, E. J. Hanzlik, and S. J. Gross

Rindu sands are a large resource for Caltex Pacific Indonesia (CPI). Rindu sands overlay the Pertama and Kedua (P/K) sands, which are currently being steamflooded in the Duri field. Because of thin net pay, low oil saturation, and shallow depth (300 to 500 ft), technology beyond the current conventional processes are considered necessary to exploit this reservoir. A joint, multidisciplinary CPI, Chevron, and Texaco team was formed to develop a cost-effective method(s)/recovery process(es) to exploit Rindu sands. This paper describes this recovery processes screening effort.

The screening effort involved developing geologic models of the Rindu formation and high-grading a list of recovery processes. Eight geologic (geostatistically-derived) models capture the variability in Rindu geology. Numerical simulations of ten recovery processes/well configurations (ranked using strategic decision analysis concepts) were run for each reservoir model. Results show that steamflood recovery processes were almost always preferable to primary production and hot waterflood recovery processes. The low rankings of primary processes were driven by low recovery or high lifting costs.

AAPG Search and Discover Article #91019©1996 AAPG Convention and Exhibition 19-22 May 1996, San Diego, California