High Resolution Reservoir Architecture of Late Jurassic Haynesville Ramp Carbonates in the Gladewater Field, East Texas Salt Basin
R. K. Goldhammer and K. A. McDonald
The East Texas Salt Basin contains numerous gas fields within Upper Jurassic
a Haynesville ramp-complex reservoirs. A sequenced-keyed, high-resolution
zonation scheme was developed for the Haynesville Formation in Gladewater field
by integrating core description, well-log, seismic, porosity and permeability
data. The Haynesville at Gladewater represents a high-energy ramp system,
localized on paleotopographic highs induced by diapirism of Callovian Age Salt (Louann).
Ramp crest grainstones serve as reservoirs. We have mapped the distribution of
reservoir facies within a hierarchy of upward-shallowing parasequences
into low-frequency
. The vertical stacking patterns of
reflect the interplay of eustasy, sediment accumulation patterns,
and local subsidence (including salt movement and compaction). In this study we
draw on regional relations from analogous, Jurassic systems in Mexico to
constrain the stratigraphic architecture, age model, and facies model.
Additionally, salt-cored Holocene, grain-rich shoals from the Persian Gulf
provide excellent facies analogs. The result is a new high-resolution analysis
of reservoir architecture at a parasequence scale that links reservoir facies to
depositional facies. The new stratigraphy scheme demonstrates that different
geographic portions of the field have markedly distinct reservoir intervals,
both in terms of total pay and the sequence-stratigraphic interval within which
it occurs. Results from this study are used to evaluate infill drill well
potential, in well planning, for updating reservoir models, and in refining
field reserve estimates.
AAPG Search and Discover Article #91019©1996 AAPG Convention and Exhibition 19-22 May 1996, San Diego, California