--> Abstract: Eastern Shelf Exploration Yields to Multiple Techniques, by M. S. Verseckes and G. E. Wilson; #90960 (1995).
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Abstract: Eastern Shelf Exploration Yields to Multiple Techniques

Previous HitMichaelTop S. Verseckes, G. E. Wilson

Hydrocarbon exploration along the Eastern Shelf of Texas is challenging, particularly in multi-pay areas. One group of Eastern Shelf explorationists is improving their drilling results using an innovative multi-technique approach. They are combining seismic and near surface geochemical data with subsurface geologic information and dramatically increasing their commercial success. Using this method has yielded total success rates over 70 percent in an area that typically exhibits completion ratios of some 30 percent. Two case histories show this approach.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90960©1995 AAPG Southwest Section Meeting, Dallas, Texas