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Abstract: Eastern Indonesia Megaregional Project-Principles and Results of a Regional Study

Nat G. Smith, Allen J. Bertagne, Luki Samuel, Purwoko, Joko Purnomo, Paul Gilleran

The International Megaregional Project is a worldwide project involving the compilation and interpretation of long regional seismic lines which cross several basins with the same transect. The goal of the project is to synthesize the current geologic knowledge of the areas traversed and to identify new areas of exploration interest. The international Megaregional framework which has been established serves as a focus for the geologic efforts and seismic data compilation. This project was conducted with the cooperation of a consortium of multinational oil companies as well as Pertamina and CGG.

Megaregional lines can provide new insights into: (1) what is and is not basement, (2) Previous HitmaturationTop history and migration pathways, (3) regional structure, and (4) regional stratigraphy. The lines can thereby lead to the development of new exploration concepts.

The project is based on 4900 km, of state-of-the-art marine seismic data acquired in 1993. The poster session includes examples of several Megaregional lines from three areas in Eastern Indonesia and another area east of Natuna Island. Key geologic features imaged by the transects include, subduction zones (Java Trench, Timor Trough) Island Arcs (Sumatra/Bali Arc), back arc basins (eg.. Bali Basin) and major wrench zones (Sorong Fault). The seismic expression of reef plays (Natuna Sea, Salawati Basin), deltaic plays (eg., Mahakam Delta), and other plays is well illustrated. These lines provide an unprecedented perspective on the petroleum setting of Eastern Indonesia.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90960©1995 AAPG Southwest Section Meeting, Dallas, Texas