--> Abstract: Comparison of 2-D and 3-D Seismic Data in the Imaging of Nevada's Grant Canyon and Bacon Flat Fields, by D. W. Zwart and E. H. Johnson; #90959 (1995).
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Abstract: Comparison of 2-D and Previous Hit3-DNext Hit Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Previous HitDataNext Hit in the Imaging of Nevada's Grant Canyon and Bacon Flat Fields

David W. Zwart, Eric H. Johnson

In 1993, a state-of-the-art Previous Hit3-DNext Hit Previous HitseismicNext Hit survey was acquired by Apache Corporation and its partners over the Grant Canyon and Bacon Flat fields, Railroad Valley, Nevada. Prior to that time, only 2-D Previous HitseismicNext Hit Previous HitdataNext Hit had been recorded over these structurally complex fields. The 2-D grid consisted of numerous different vintages of Previous HitdataNext Hit shot in a wide range of orientations by a variety of operators. Some of these lines appeared to correctly image the structural picture derived from the subsurface Previous HitdataNext Hit in portions of the area. However, most of the lines tied poorly to the well control on the crest and east flank of Grant Canyon field.

Overall, the migrated Previous Hit3-DNext Hit Previous HitdataNext Hit set provided a much more accurate tie to the existing well control. Elimination of out-of-the-plane reflections and a reduction of multiple events are the primary reasons for the image improvement. Comparisons of 2-D lines with corresponding vertical slices through the Previous Hit3-DNext Hit volume will be shown to demonstrate the relationship of Previous HitseismicNext Hit events to the borehole Previous HitdataNext Hit. Previous HitSeismicNext Hit lines through the four new wells that were drilled on the basis of the Previous Hit3-DNext Hit survey will also be reviewed.

The Previous Hit3-DNext Hit Previous HitdataNext Hit volume is not able to properly resolve complex structural geology until it has been Previous Hit3-DNext Hit migrated. Migration of a 2-D stack line from the Previous Hit3-DNext Hit survey for preliminary Previous HitinterpretationNext Hit purposes may yield a surprisingly different section from the same line after true Previous Hit3-DTop migration, and thus could lead to erroneous conclusions.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90959©1995 AAPG Rocky Mountain Section Meeting, Reno, Nevada