--> Abstract: Untitled, by C. Gastaldi and L. B. Brahim; #90956 (1995).
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Abstract: Untitled

C. Gastaldi, L. Ben Brahim

The present study quantifies the benefits of integrating, by means of geostatistics, Previous Hit3DNext Hit seismic attributes and well Previous HitdataNext Hit to predict reservoir properties and reduce volume uncertainties. Indeed, there is, on hydrocarbon fields, a clear complementarity between well Previous HitdataNext Hit (which are few, biased in location but accurate) and Previous Hit3DNext Hit seismic Previous HitdataNext Hit (which are dense, regularly sampled but noisy and ambiguously related to reservoir parameters).

The link between geological properties and Previous Hit3DNext Hit seismic attributes was optimised, after careful study of Previous HitdataNext Hit histograms and variograms, by filtering out the high frequency variations of the Previous Hit3DNext Hit seismic attributes. Previous HitDataNext Hit variograms contribute to the description of the reservoirs anisotropy. Geological predictions errors were quantified by some tests. Using Previous Hit3DNext Hit seismic attributes to guide the kriging of well Previous HitdataNext Hit values, brought a 50% reduction of predictions errors.

Similarly, conditional simulations results, summarised in expectation curves, showed a significant reduction of the exploration uncertainties. These uncertainties are quantitatively described by isoprobability maps.

An application of this methodology on a real case will be presented.

This study illustrates the benefit of integrating Previous Hit3DNext Hit seismic attributes with well Previous HitdataNext Hit to reduce field uncertainties. Geostatistics acts as the vector for Previous HitdataNext Hit integration. It provides the mathematical framework to quantify uncertainties, leading to a better assessment of the Exploration and Development risks. This Previous HitdataTop integration has great cost savings potential, in particular in the delineation phase of a field, and will play an important role in certification exercises.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90956©1995 AAPG International Convention and Exposition Meeting, Nice, France