--> ABSTRACT: Regional Interbasinal Fourth-Order Sequence Stratigraphy, Late Mississippian, Illinois to Appalachian Basins, by Langhorne B. Smith, Aus A. Al-Tawil, J. Fred Read; #91020 (1995).
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Regional Interbasinal Fourth-Order Sequence Stratigraphy, Late Mississippian, Illinois to Appalachian Basins

Langhorne B. Smith, Aus A. Al-Tawil, J. Fred Read

Over 100 core and outcrop sections of Late Mississippian (Chesterian) units, supplemented by wireline logs, were used to construct a regional cross section linking the Illinois and Appalachian Basins from Illinois through Kentucky and Indiana to West Virginia. Although previous cross sections showing the major distribution of reservoir facies and seals have been published for individual states or local areas, this is the first detailed regional cross section based on Previous HitbedNext Hit-by-Previous HitbedTop lithologic logging of outcrops and continuous cores integrated with wireline logs. The interbasinal stratigraphic cross-section shows for the first time that fourth-order disconformity-bounded sequences (1-30 meters thick) can be correlated from the Illinois basin across the Cincinnati Arch and int the Appalachian basin. Up to 14 fourth-order sequences occur in the Ste. Genevieve to Glen Dean interval many of which pinch out locally over tectonic highs

The cross section shows the regional distribution of quartz sandstone, oolitic grainstone and dolomitic wackestone/mudstone reservoir facies and fine grained carbonate and siliciclastic seals as well as quartz-carbonate eolianites, peloidal and skeletal grainstone, packstone and wackestone. Disconformities between fourth-order sequences are marked by caliches, breccias, sinkholes and red and green paleosols.

The regional distribution of reservoir facies and partitioning of the reservoirs can be tied to 4th order, moderate amplitude eustasy, coupled with differential subsidence between the two basins and intervening arch. This cross-section also allows for more accurate determination of subsidence histories for higher resolution time slices defined by fourth-order sequences.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91020©1995 AAPG Annual Convention, Houston, Texas, May 5-8, 1995